> From: Olivier Rossel [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> I have several XSL files in a jar.
> I call the main one via the pseudo protocol resource:/path/to/main.xsl
> The problem is that main.xsl has several xsl:include.
> How can I handle them?
> Can i have relative URIs in my foobar.xsl?
> Will Cocoon automagically understands that the protocol should be
> resource: / ?

See cocoon.xconf:
          <parameter name="prefix" value="xscript"/>
          <parameter name="uri"
          <parameter name="href"

See xscript.xsl:
  <xsl:include href="xscript-lib.xsl"/>

Answering your question: yes, Cocoon have enough magic to allow relative
xsl:includes. There is one caveat though: packed WAR deployment (i.e.
like under Tomcat unpackWARs=false) on some containers (Borland app
server comes to mind) will not work with this at the moment.


Please check that your question has not already been answered in the
FAQ before posting. <http://xml.apache.org/cocoon/faqs.html>

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