Hi Carsten,

sorry when my question isn't clear enough!

I meant, that I force to switch pages in my portal application.
I invoke them, by setting the "auth-protect"-action" an new application value!

e.g. the problem happens, by saving and reading the userprofile-x.xml file.

the desired functionality is, that I can save and read various userprofile-x.xml
files for every page I invoke!

for the first page (first active page) the functionality is pretty good, but
when I switch the page and I like to save the user specific information for this
page, the application will save them to the previous userprofile-x.xml file!
there is no switch on the relevant resources.

so my english is not pretty good, sorry for them, but I hope you will understand
my problem!

I'm not sure what you exactly mean. You say above that you have
separate load/save pipelines for each application. ok. But how
do you invoke them? And what happens? Do you get an exception
or does simply nothing happen?
It might be that your problem is related to some serialization
bugs in the used Xerces Version 2.0.2 - so updating to the latest
cvs version of Xerces might help (in this case you get some
java serialization exceptions in the logs).

> also, it isn't possible to give the configuration tag an other name than
> "portal"!
True. The name "portal" is required for the portal framework to get the
Why do you want to change this name?

BASF IT Services GmbH
Hartmut Zimmermann
Tel.: +49 621 60-58632

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