I am having anf issue with cocoon's cache. (cocoon 1.8.2, xerces 1.4 and
xalan -j2 and weblogic 6.0).

set up details:

The request is handled by a custom producer which has hasChanged to return
true always and isCacheable to return false always. This producer decides
what document (xsp) to load depending on the uri ( from uri/document
config). The cocoon.properties' cache parameters are set as follows:

# the default cache
cache = org.apache.cocoon.cache.CocoonCache

#uncomment this to disable ALL page caching
#cache = org.apache.cocoon.cache.NoCache

#Change this to false to disable all Last-Modified headers
#This will also disable client-side and proxy caching, but not Cocoon
#internal caching.
#Content that is not cached by Cocoon will not have a Last-Modified header.
lastmodified = false

Now the issue is that if the document in the uri/document config is changed
to a particular uri, the change is not recognized by the producer. ie.
producer delivers the old document. However when all the xsl files are
updated with the current timestamp the changes are recognized by cocoon. It
is not clear why producer behaves this way. I would appreciate any
suggestions to resolve this issue.

Are there any good documents on how cocoon invokes producers?


Please check that your question has not already been answered in the
FAQ before posting. <http://xml.apache.org/cocoon/faqs.html>

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