Im trying to understand how to acquire and what is passed on
to cocoon by the RequestGenerator.

Scenario:  http://localhost:8080/cocoon/mount/mypage?logic=7
 sitemap has:  <map:generate type="request"/>

assuming here the default
org.apache.cocoon.generation.RequestGenerator.  What is
generated here? I have a little idea of what is generated but
unsure how to parse it on the stylesheet. I have seen the
stylesheet like:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0"

  <xsl:template match="/">

WHY the need to qualify select with req: on the xpath?  why it
does not work with just
/request/requestParameters/parameter/value"  ? I looked at the
intermediate xml generated and the element tags does not have
req: in front.

Also there is an element on the intermediate xml
<configurationParameters>,  where is this coming from? It has
blank body right now but wanted to know where it came from and
what would normally be put on it or what can be inserted on it?

e nio

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