When I press Ctrl+F5 in IE6 then I think cocoon should give me a fresh page,
without anythin from the cache.
Does cocoon check for the Request-Header: Pragma: no-cache? Is it
implemented or would it be in the next version?
Does anybody know about this?

thanks in andvance

P.S.: Squid for example looks for this in the Request-Header.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Christoph Gaffga" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, January 12, 2003 2:57 AM
Subject: "no-cache" Pragma in HTTP Request

> Hi,
> does anybody know if cocoon brings a page from the cache even if I sent a
> "no-cache" Header field in my request (see
> http://www.w3.org/Protocols/HTTP/HTRQ_Headers.html#pragma), for Example
> I press Ctrl-F5 in IE6?
> And, if not, would it be implemented in the next version?
> thanks in advance
> Christoph
> MfG
> Ihr Urlaubstage.de-Team
> Christoph Gaffga
> -------------------------------------------------------------
> Urlaubstage.de - Unterkünfte weltweit
> Web: http://www.urlaubstage.de
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