Okay thanks for the tip in removing web3. Anyhow here is what
I have done to get cocoon2.1 partially working on Orion2.

Built cocoon2.1-dev with:

./build.sh -Dinclude.webapp.libs=yes
-Dinclude.webapp.samples=yes -Dexclude.webapp.documenation=yes
-Dexclude.webapp.javadocs=yes -Dinclude.scratchpad=yes
-Dexclude.webapp.scratchpadwar=yes -Dexclude.webapp.idldocs=yes

on local.blocks.properties uncommented:

29 exclude.block.hsqldb=true   or knock off orions
41 exclude.block.web3=true

on local.build.properties uncommented: 

15 exclude.webapp.scratchpad=true
21 exclude.deprecated=true
22 exclude.javadocs=true
23 exclude.idldocs=true

reconfigured orion2 with:

on application.xml

7  <web-module id="defaultWebApp" path="../default-web-app" />
8 <!-- this i added, points to dir were expanded cocoon.war is 
9  <web-module id="cocoon" path="/u01/srcocoon/c21/build/webapp"

on orion2/config/default-web-site.xml I added this line:

<web-app application="default" name="cocoon" root="/cocoon" /> 

replaced the orion's xalan.jar, xerces.jar, jaxp.jar with 
xalan-2.4.1.jar, xercesImpl-2.1.0.jar, and xml-apis.jar
respectively from c21/lib/.

Also moved $java_home/lib/tools.jar to orion/

http://localhost:8080/cocoon       !!!worked 

but some links like the i18n sample did not work, from the log:

1306 DEBUG   (2003-04-03) 17:17.01:132   [sitemap]
ApplicationServerThread/ExcaliburComponentSelector: matchers:
ComponentSelector could not find the component for hint

I did not disable any of orion2's xsl processor if there are
any. I wonder if orin's jsp engine is causing problems with

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