
Does anyone know where I can get a little more info on the browser
categories implementation for cocoon2?  We're using media types to
write different stylesheets to various "media" types with no issues,
but I'm looking for a scalable way to "filter" the number of bytes
sent to a particular device (particularly in the wap realm).  

I was looking at the rdf in
org.apache.cocoon.components.browser.BrowserImpl.xml, and found the
following particularly interesting line in the phone.com browser


Anyone know if this should actually limit the deck size for a
response to a phone.com user-agent (I don't think it will, but that'd
be cool!) Or- is it just a parameter available so that we can write
code to limit based on the device.  If the latter is the case, how do
we access this parameter from an xsp page, and how do we add
additional parameters?

According the dtd for the sitemap, it doesn't look like we can add
anything in that.  If anyone has any info on these or links to info,
it'd be greatly appreciated.

I've cc'd the author on this message in case he/she (sorry, not sure
if ovidiu is feminine/masculine) does not check this list (apologies
in advance if itis not appropriate to cc authors).

thanks in advance,

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