On Tuesday 09 April 2002 15:04, you wrote:
> When running FOP without turning off the debug information written to
> the standard out, text such as this is printed when FOP finishes
> rendering a PDF page:
> Parsing of document complete, stopping renderer
> Initial heap size: 111343Kb
> Current heap size: 107377Kb
> Total memory used: -3966Kb
>   Memory use is indicative; no GC was performed
>   These figures should not be used comparatively
> Total time used: 5562ms
> Pages rendererd: 10
> Avg render time: 556ms/page
> Most of the info, like total time, average time, etc is
> self-explanatory. But could somebody please explain the meanings of
> the heap and memory size lines?

.. snip ..

Are you asking what a heap is ? or just what the values relate to ?

I use Fop from Cocoon and for my 600k input file C2 uses up over 300Mb 
some times. When I run the same XSL style sheets from a simple (perl) 
driver script, memory usage does not exceed 50Mb.

My C2 machine is a Mandrake 8.0 K6-2 500MHz with 512Mb real memory.
When I was running Cocoon 2.0 with only 256Mb the box died on older 
versions of the stylesheets. I will move to servlets from C2 only if 
this does not get better. 

Anyone else feel that

Please check that your question has not already been answered in the
FAQ before posting. <http://xml.apache.org/cocoon/faqs.html>

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