Hi Gianugo, hi all,

Gianugo wrote about a pseudo-protocol handler for XML:DB. I would like to
this approach for "connecting" Cocoon2 with Xindice. I am still new to the
involved tools and technologies. Please be patient with me.

I will post this Mail also to mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]. I guess
the better place is their.

a) I got the latest sources via CVS

b) I found the two generators

    org.apache.cocoon.generation.XMLDBCollectionGenerator.java and

Are this the right generators?

c) I compiled this two files and placed the class files under
WEB-INF/classes/org/... I guess a better place would be in some jar in the
lib directory.

d) The documentation said to configure the Generator like that:

       (a valid DB:XML compliant driver)

I guess this should be done in the sitemap inside the <map:generator> tag.

e) Next set up a pipeline like this:

    <map:match pattern="test">
        <map:generate type="xmldb" src="/test"/>
        <map:transform src="stylesheets/default.xsl"/>
        <map:serialize type="html"/>

I requested /test but did not get any document. The cocoon.log looks fine
for me.

I have no idea how to use the generator. As I understand, their should be
some XPath query to identify the XML Documents. The client could provide the
query as a request parameter. How to configure the pipeline in this case?


----- Original Message -----
From: "Gianugo Rabellino" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, January 03, 2002 7:23 PM
Subject: Re: How to use xindice with cocoon2?

> Thomas Sempf wrote:
>  > i try to use xindice with cocoon2, so every xml-file is delivered
> > through xindice. How to realize that?
> > Do i have to write some XSP files or a producer?
> > I am new to xml databases and cocoon2, so every hint would be fine.
> You have to use the CVS version of Cocoon which provides a
> pseudo-protocol handler for XML:DB compliant databases. You will be able
> then to include in your sitemap or include directives XML:DB URIs
> straight away and Cocoon will take care of the rest. Someone was also
> writing an XSP taglib but I don't know if it's already usable or not
> Beware: the CVS contains also a couple of Generators which are related
> to XML:DB. Most probably they won't make into any release and they will
> disappear shortly in favor of the pseudo protocol, so I would advice you
> against using them.
> Ciao,
> --
> Gianugo Rabellino

Please check that your question has not already been answered in the
FAQ before posting. <http://xml.apache.org/cocoon/faqs.html>

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