
i´ve got a problem connecting to SQLBase with JDBC and i hope someone here
can give me a hint:

When transforming an xml document with the sql-transformer i get an error:
The url cannot be null.

This is the result:

<rowset xmlns="http://apache.org/cocoon/SQL/2.0";><error>The url cannot be

I can see that jdbc driver connects to the database, so classes are found
and loaded correctly. The dburl is correct to, the jdbc driver can connect
with this url, username an password from within other applications without

This is my xml file called user.xml:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<page xmlns:sql="http://apache.org/cocoon/SQL/2.0";>
     <para>This is my first Cocoon2 page filled with sql data!</para>
     <execute-query xmlns="http://apache.org/cocoon/SQL/2.0";>
       <query>select vorname,nachname from kickuser</query>

This is my transformer:

       <map:transformer logger="sitemap.transformer.sql" name="sql" src="
       <map:parameter name="use-connection" value="mydb"/>

This is my  sitemap match:
       <map:match pattern="user">
          <map:generate src="user.xml"/>
          <map:transform type="sql"/>
          <map:serialize type="xml"/>

This is my datasource in cocoon.xconf:

     <jdbc name="mydb">
       <pool-controller max="5" min="2"/>


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