> From: gv [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Hi,
> We have a bunch of old Perl CGI scripts that we would
> like to wrap Cocoon around. We plan to change the CGI
> output to XML, and have Cocoon XSLT-transform it on
> the way out of the pipeline, something like this:
> <map:match pattern="app/*">
>   <map:act type="request">
>     <map:parameter name="parameters" value="true" />
>     <map:generate
> src="http://www.our-site.com/cgi-bin/{../1}{requestQuery}";
> />
>   </map:act>
>   <map:transform ... />
>   <map:serialize />
> </map:match>
> However, we'd rather not use HTTP to get the script
> output, since the request would have to go through the
> web server again -- we'd rather run the script
> directly. I'm gathering that we may be able to use a
> ScriptAction and run the script using the
> BeanScriptingFramework. Can anyone please point me to
> more information or a sitemap example of such a
> ScriptAction? Or suggest a better way to do this?

First, you have to find (Java) Perl interpreter to plug it into BSF. Let
me know if you find one, I would love to see such dinosaur.

There are samples of ScriptGenerator, it works similarly to


> Thanks,
> John

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