Hello, I'm trying to have an XMLForm app with dynamic listbox. The values of the listbox come from an XML file.
The navigation app is like this: Start->Form1->Form2->Confirm->End In the Form1 view I have a listbox. The content (the different choices) of this listbox comes from an XML file. The code is: <xf:selectOne ref="/workstationType"> <xf:caption>Workstation Type</xf:caption> <xf:itemset nodeset="select/document/typeOfWorkstation/item"> <xf:caption ref="description"/> <xf:value ref="@id"/> </xf:itemset> <xf:violations class="error"/> </xf:selectOne> This code seems to be OK. The XPath code is also OK. I load the XML file in a DOM Node property (called "select"). This property is located in the Bean file (with getter and setter methods for this property). I load the XML file in this Node property also in the Bean file, in the constructor. Here the Bean file: public class AddWorkstationBean { private String workstationName; private String workstationType; ... private Node select; //values from the XML file public AddWorkstationBean() { initSelect(); } public Node initSelect() { ... //Here I load values into select property form XML file ... } .. getter an setter methods.. .. } My problem is when I start the app (with the Start view) and then display the Form1 there is NOTHING in the listbox (the list isn't empty but it's like the caption and value properties are null)!! Then I go to the next view (Form2). Then if I press the Preview button and go back to the Form1, the listbox is OK!! It's crazy and I really don't understand why! Someone could help me? Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated! Thank you Sylvain --------------------------------------------------------------------- Please check that your question has not already been answered in the FAQ before posting. <http://xml.apache.org/cocoon/faq/index.html> To unsubscribe, e-mail: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> For additional commands, e-mail: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>