> -----Original Message-----
> From: Lajos Moczar [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: mercoledė 18 luglio 2001 3.10
> Subject: Re: C1 to C2
> I always point directly to mod_jk.conf-auto in httpd.conf because it
> will always be up to date. It is created each time Tomcat starts to
> reflect that latest context information for each webapp. If I have
> things that I want to add, I just put them in httpd.conf after the
> include for mod_jk. Thus:
> Include /usr/local/jakarta-tomcat/conf/mod_jk.conf-auto
> JkMount /*.xml ajp13


        you're way makes. On the other hand, you'll have to look in two places in
order to understand the complete Tomcat configuration.

> Is that a problem that mod_jk.conf-auto gets overwritten every time? If I
> get rid of it, isn't it always newly created?


        yes. it is created every time, but if you tell Apache not to load it (and
load mod_jk.conf, instead) it will be simply ignored... 


        anyway, my point was in suggesting Andre to modify mod_jk.conf to make
Cocoon work properly, and this couldn't be done whith mod_jk.conf-auto,
since your changes will be written on water... unless you use Lajos's way
(see above).

Best regards,

               Luca Morandini
               GIS Consultant
            [EMAIL PROTECTED]
          +39 0744 59  85  1 Office
          +39 0335 681 02 12 Mobile

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