Ed wrote:

On Mar 7, 2007, at 7:32 PM, David J. Fiander wrote:
> How about sending it to the Internet Archive?



And now I say: Pretty much what I said a couple of weeks ago ;-)

From: Darci Hanning [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, February 25, 2007 1:36 PM
To: Code for Libraries
Subject: Re: [CODE4LIB] Videos of presentations?

Another hosting option to consider is the Internet Archive 
(http://www.archive.org/create/) -- the Plone Conference last fall had two of 
the four tracks professionally taped and then volunteers encoded and uploaded 
them all to the archive. It was great even for conference attendees because 
there was just too much good stuff going on ;-)

Darci (geeklibrarian)

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