We use Serials Solutions to manage our databases on the backend. For our website A-Z and category browse, custom PHP scripts use the XML API to generate HTML pages for individual entries and the various lists -- a cron job refreshes the content daily. Our university used to offer a Google search appliance that would regularly index the directory for search, but they discontinued it, so we purchased a subscription to Google site search. Here's our A-Z databases list <http://www.usc.edu/libraries/databases/list_az.php?nav=0-9>.


On 2/16/2011 1:18 PM, Michele DeSilva wrote:
Hi Code4Lib-ers,

I want to chime in and say that I, too, enjoyed the streaming archive from the 

I also have a question: my library has a horribly antiquated A to Z list of 
databases and online resources (it's based in Access). We'd like to do something 
that looks more modern and is far more user friendly. I found a great article in 
the Code4Lib journal (issue 12, by Danielle Rosenthal&  Mario Bernado) about 
building a searchable A to Z list using Drupal. I'm also wondering what other 
institutions have done as far as in-house solutions. I know there're products we 
could buy, but, like everyone else, we don't have much money at the moment.

Thanks for any info or advice!

Michele DeSilva
Central Oregon Community College Library
Emerging Technologies Librarian


* * * * *
Joyce Ouchida
Senior Web Developer
USC Libraries
phone: 213-821-2298
e-mail: jouch...@usc.edu

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