I don't know why the other links aren't working, although the
dewey.library.nd.edu server doesn't seem to be setup.

You can find the list archive and other stuff here:

It was pretty easy to find, just go to listserv.nd.edu (the domain of where
these emails are going to), click on Online Mailing List Archives, and then

Matthew Ballard
Otis College of Art and Design

On 3/31/07 6:19 AM, "K.G. Schneider" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>> On Fri, Mar 30, 2007 at 10:49:22AM -0700, Robin Speer wrote:
>>> Please remove my email from your mailing list. Thanks.
>>> Robin Speer
>>> Oregon State Library
>>> phone: 503-378-2464, fax: 503-585-8059
>> Look what y'all did, arguing about munging email headers.  Robin was
>> disgusted enough to ask to leave, and rightly so.
>> Gabe (who replies to the list with "L")
> I was going to say, good grief, can't people read the tag line on each
> message reminding them where the list website is?
> Oh... ok, never mind. So I'll be snarky and google Code4Lib. I get the C4L
> website. I click the link called email:
> "The requested URL /mailing-lists/code4lib/ was not found on this server."
> So, ok, my snark is rapidly eroding, but I'll Google "code4lib mailing
> list." I get http://dewey.library.nd.edu/mailing-lists/code4lib/
> I click, I get:
> "The requested URL /mailing-lists/code4lib/ was not found on this server."
> Poor, poor hungry fleabitten kitten... call the ASPCA, *STAT!*
> Karen S.

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