Cross-posted; apologies for duplication.

Hello friends,

The September 2011 issue of /Information Technology and Libraries/ (ITAL), LITA's peer-reviewed quarterly journal, is online and accessible to all LITA members. Issues older than six months are open to all. ITAL's main page is at <>.

ITALica <>, the weblog discussion area for
ITAL, has been updated with information about the latest issue. ITALica
features supplementary materials not included with the regular print and
electronic versions of /Information Technology and Libraries/, such as
"letters to the editor", updates to articles, and other materials we
can't work into the journal. One of the most important features of
ITALica is a forum for readers' conversations with our authors, wherein
authors host and monitor discussion for a period of time after
publication of their articles, so that you then have a chance to
interact with them.

ITALica offers you the opportunity to discuss with the following ITAL authors their papers in the latest issue:

"Editorial and Technological Workflow Tools to Promote Website Quality" / Emily G. Morton-Owens

"Factors Affecting University Library Website Design" /
Yong-Mi Kim

"Adoption of E-Book Readers among College Students: A Survey" /
Nancy M. Foasberg

"Librarians and Technology Skill Acquisition: Issues and Perspective" /
Debra A. Riley-Huff and Julia M. Rholes

"Click Analytics: Visualizing Website Use Data" /
Tabatha A. Farney

No membership is required to view or participate in ITALica. We hope to see you there!

Andy Boze
Web site Manager, ITAL, for the Editorial Board

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