Join your colleagues from the convenience of your desk for a free two-day 
symposium on sustainable open source practices from the perspective of the 
software project communities and from the software project adopters.  There is 
no cost for participating in the open symposium.  The costs are funded by a 
grant from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.  Registration links and other 
details are on this page:

Successful open source projects have support structures where bugs are 
reported, code enhancements are created and reviewed, documentation provided, 
and user questions answered. In mainstream open source projects, the core 
people in those support structures usually come from companies with a vested 
interest in the ongoing health of the software. (At times, one company will be 
the primary driver of ongoing support for a project. At other times, a 
consortium of cooperating companies will provide ongoing support.) In projects 
from the cultural heritage community -- libraries, archives, museums -- the 
source of ongoing support varies widely: grant subsidized funding, in-kind 
donations of staff time to work on a project's community-focused needs, 
voluntary monetary donations or memberships to non-profit stewards of a 
project, sales of services by non-profit stewards to cross-subsidize community 
needs, and often a combination of all of these possibilities.

The purpose of the symposium is to provide managers of open source software 
projects and organization leaders with details about support practices in use 
in the field and to further the cooperation of cultural heritage organizations 
towards common interests in sustainable open source. 

The symposium runs from 12:30pm to 3:30pm EDT on September 24 and 25, 2014, and 
includes two or three 20-minute prepared talks from community leaders and panel 
question/answer. Colleagues are encouraged to use the public discussion site on 
FOSS4Lib to ask questions of each other and the panel. Find links to topics on 
the community discussion site at:


If you build it, will they come? The structure for encouraging and valuing the 
contributions of those that adopt the code is of equal importance to the 
functionality of the code itself. Adopters of an open source project come to 
rely on the software to varying degrees. In the same way, projects rely on 
adopters to keep the project moving forward. This session looks at what 
projects can do to encourage community participation.

Prepared Talks
        • Jennie Rose Halperin, Mozilla Foundation
        • Megan Forbes, CollectionSpace Organizational Home
        • Evviva Weinraub Lajoie, Oregon State University Libraries

Seed Questions
        • What is the most important thing a project can do to attract or 
retain community members? What is the most important thing it not do?
        • If you had a chance to sit down with an organization considering the 
adoption of a package you are leading, what would you want them to understand 
about your community? What would you ask of them if they did decide to adopt 
the software?
        • How has your institution participated in open source development? 
Describe an experience where you were turned off from contributing to an open 
source project.
        • What role should commercial support providers of open source play in 
encouraging their customers to join the project's community?


So, whether on your own or through a service provider you've decided to use an 
open source package to meet an automation need in your organization. You paid 
nothing for the right to run the software (although you may be paying a service 
provider for their support of the software), so you have no obligation to the 
software itself, right? Arguably not. Healthy open source software is supported 
by a community of users, and the other participants in the open source project 
are counting on your support -- financial and talent -- to keep the project 
growing. This session outlines expectations that open source adopters should 
have when implementing an OSS project.

Prepared Talks
        • John Brice, Meadville Public Library
        • Stuart Miller, Univ of Chicago

Seed Questions
        • How do you overcome the situation where the software doesn't have a 
helpdesk to call upon for issues?
        • How does the needs of the project affect decisions to adopt by 
        • What does an adopter look for in an open source community?
        • What does an adopter look for in a company or organization that 
provides support for an open source project?
        • What is your role and responsibility for making the software 
Peter Murray
Assistant Director, Technology Services Development
+1 678-235-2955
800.999.8558 x2955

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