User Experience and Web Content Strategy Coordinator
University of Houston

**Responsibilities: **Reporting to the Head of Web Services, the User 
Experience and Web Content Strategy Coordinator leads the exploration of user 
behaviors and expectations in research and information environments. He or she 
works independently and collaboratively with other library personnel to 
understand the user experience (UX), conduct user research, make 
recommendations on the evolution of our services, and facilitate the 
enhancement of user success by improving the overall user experience.  
The Coordinator plans and conducts usability tests to ensure that services and
interfaces are usable and resources are discoverable. He or she reports on the
results of user research and usability studies and assists the appropriate
staff in understanding and applying the results. He or she provides experience
design expertise on web and digital projects throughout the agile development
project lifecycle. The Coordinator promotes and advocates for the
implementation of user experience design principles and practices in the
creation and assessment of library services.

This position plays a key role in overseeing the content strategy for the
Libraries' website. In addition to understanding the needs of library content
owners and users, the Coordinator conducts content inventories, gap and
current-state analysis, site audits, competitive assessments, and user tests
to guide content management decisions. He or she establishes content
lifecycles to create an intuitive presentation of content supporting the
Libraries' mission and meeting user needs. The Coordinator understands the
role of content in the Libraries' various channels and mediums, and works with
the Communications department on establishing content governance workflows and
editorial standards for the website.

**Experience Design 30%**  

  * Creates concept sketches, task flows, wireframes, mockups, and interactive 
prototypes to support the design process
  * Provides interaction design services to web, digital, and technology-based 
projects throughout the Libraries
  * Applies universal design principles ensuring accessibility of digital 
content and applications
  * Conducts ongoing research to identify new user-centered design trends and 
UX strategies
  * Coordinates with developers on all web projects
**User Research 30%**  

  * Gathers requirements by consulting stakeholders, investigating user needs, 
analyzing web analytics, and assessing current interfaces
  * Conducts user research using formal and informal methods including 
usability testing, online surveys, focus groups, card sorting, interviews, 
contextual inquiries, cognitive task analysis, heuristic evaluations, and focus 
  * Synthesizes key research findings to create personas, use cases, and user 
  * Collaborates with the Web Projects Manager to translate user needs, 
stakeholder objectives, and technology capabilities into content and design 
  * Works closely with the Libraries' assessment and data librarians on 
analysis of web or resource usage statistics
**Content Strategy 30%**  

  * Helps support web content projects by auditing, assessing, and improving 
existing content, identifying new content needs, and designing content workflow 
and governance structures
  * Aligns content strategy initiatives with UX project plans
  * Conducts ongoing research to identify new content management and 
information architecture best practices
**Other Duties 10%**  

  * Serves as the library expert and coordinator for the integration of user 
research into web projects and for the improvement of the overall user 
  * Contributes to departmental project planning, management, and documentation
  * Disseminates findings from user research and other UX or content 
deliverables to the Libraries
  * Works closely with the Libraries' Communications department on content, 
branding, and SEO
  * Conducts training on the Libraries' web applications and content guidelines
  * Participates as a Web Services representative on interdepartmental teams
The User Experience and Web Content Strategy Coordinator is a librarian
position. Librarians hold academic rank pursuant to the University of Houston
Librarians' Bylaws Document. They are expected to develop a record of service,
scholarship, and professional involvement. The UH Libraries support the
ongoing professional development of librarians and our goal is to recruit
librarians committed to continuous learning.

_**Required -**_

  * Master's degree from an ALA accredited program
  * Coursework or significant work experience in UX design, information design, 
interaction design, interface design, or human computer interaction
  * Has a solid understanding of how content, design, and information 
architecture work together to create an optimal user experience in the context 
of higher education
  * Experience in conducting user research and usability tests to understand 
user behaviors and expectations, and then using the results as a primary driver 
of service design and assessment
  * Experience in managing, organizing, and assessing web content
  * Excellent collaboration, communication, presentation, and interpersonal 
  * Self-motivated with the ability to prioritize, and solve problems 
creatively and proactively
_**Preferred -**_

  * Ability to develop and manage projects in response to the needs of various 
library groups or users
  * Ability to initiate, track, and manage complex projects to completion and 
assess their success
  * Proficient with at least one major graphics or prototyping application: 
Photoshop, Illustrator, Axure, Omnigraffle, Visio, Balsamiq
  * Familiarity with accessibility standards
  * Experience with HTML5 and CSS; familiarity with PHP and JavaScript
  * Experience with responsive design
  * Familiarity with agile software development methodologies such as Scrum
**Salary**: $61,000 to $65,000 expected hiring range, depending on 
qualifications. Comprehensive benefits package; choice of retirement programs 
including TIAA-CREF; tax-deferred annuity program available; release time to 
take a class up to 3 hours/week; no state or local income tax.  
**Department Information:** The Web Services Department is a group of 
librarians and professional staff that develops, designs, integrates, and 
maintains many of the Libraries' web sites, applications, and digital asset 
management systems. Web Services values accessible services, collaboration, 
evidence-based decision making, innovation, openness and transparency, and 
clean system integration.  
**Library Information:** The [UH Libraries]( are a 
member of the Association of Research Libraries, the Greater Western Library 
Alliance, the Hathi Trust, the Council on Library and Information Resources, 
the Digital Library Federation, and the Texas Digital Library. The campus 
libraries provide access to over 3.1 million volumes. The University Libraries' 
total staff is 160, including 62 professionals.  
The UH Libraries' [_Strategic Directions_](
/strategic-directions) document focuses on targeting services to specific user
groups, reimagining library spaces, promoting outreach, and increasing
national recognition. The _Strategic Directions_ support an ambitious set of
goals adopted by the University and further the drive for flagship status ([ht
tp://]( We 
seek to recruit librarians who can relate their work to
these strategies and understand their role in advancing these strategic

**General Information:** The University of Houston campus comprises 13 colleges 
offering close to 80 degree programs with an enrollment of about 40,000 
students, 7,200 of whom are enrolled in graduate studies. Reflecting the 
multicultural community of metropolitan Houston, UH is one of the most 
ethnically diverse research university campuses in the nation.  
Houston, the fourth largest city in the United States, offers all the cultural
and recreational opportunities of a great city and is within easy reach of the
Gulf of Mexico. It enjoys a very reasonable cost of living and was [selected
by Forbes](
our-list-of-americas-coolest-cities-to-live/) as topping the list of America's
coolest cities.

For additional information, read about [Houston's flourishing arts scene and
entertainment offerings]( and about [housing
and living in Houston](

**Application Deadline**: Applications will be accepted until the position is 
filled. Applications should be submitted at: 
Please also visit the University of Houston Libraries [Employment
page]( for more information.

All positions at the University of Houston are security sensitive and will
require a criminal history check.

Potential applicants seeking further information should contact John Lehner,
Associate Dean for Personnel, Planning, and Systems, at 713-743-9801 or [jlehn](


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