Those in the NYC-metro area may find this of interest:

Register Now for the 2015 LACUNY Institute!

Privacy and Surveillance: Library Advocacy for the 21st Century

Friday, May 8 from 8:30 AM – 4:30 PM
John Jay College of Criminal Justice

The LACUNY Institute is an annual, one-day conference open to LIS 
professionals, students, and the general public. It is organized by the Library 
Association of the City University of New York (LACUNY), and although geared to 
academic librarians, it strives to have broad relevance to the profession.

This year's Institute features:

  *   Practical and theoretical perspectives on privacy and surveillance, 
covering topics such as e-books, Tor and web browsing, library privacy 
policies, privacy in the academic classroom, privacy instruction to students, 
and more!
  *   Keynote by Rainey Reitman, Activism Director for the Electronic Frontier 
Foundation and COO and Co-Founder of the Freedom of the Press Foundation
  *   Closing talk by Alison Macrina of the Library Freedom Project

Event Program:


Registration fees include continental breakfast and lunch.

We hope to see you there!

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