Please excuse the cross-post:
We are considering the migration of our LAMP-based ResourceSpace digital asset 
management system to the cloud, with the possible interim step of using a 
clustering technology like GlusterFS to move some data into the cloud while 
still running the system locally. We are interested in recommendations for 
consultants with experience assisting in this type of migration.
On a related project, we are considering moving to JPEG 2000 for storage of our 
master images, and may be interested in locating a consultant to help with this 
process as well. (I already have a few ideas where to start on this.)
If you have previously worked with an outside consultant on either type of 
project and could provide recommendations, I'd appreciate it.
I'd also welcome feedback if you've previously completed projects like those 
outlined above and have any wise words to offer.
Thanks in advance,
David Dwiggins
David Dwiggins
Systems Librarian/Archivist, Historic New England
141 Cambridge Street, Boston, MA 02114
(617) 994-5948

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