Hi everyone,

A status update from the previous threads that we saw earlier this week -
under the How To Plan a Code4LibCon page [1] I have posted a link to a
template for conference planners to use as their main conference page on
the code4lib.org site. [2] This page is only accessible to those who have a
code4lib.org account. [3] For those of you who don't want to look at the
gory details, it is a minimally formatted outline of headings, guiding
planners as to what at least needs to be on the conference page. I'll leave
fancier formatting to the individual committees as well as adding
additional information beyond the template prompts. If I missed something
on the master template, feel free to edit. :c) Again, the goal of this
template is to aid in the communication of conference information from the
planning committee to conference attendees.

For the other thing that I decided "Yeah, I need to finally get around to
doing that (but what did I get myself into?!)" aka the code4libcon planning
docs review ... as one would expect, there are a lot of moving parts
regarding conference documentation and communication given the
decentralized nature of code4lib and the unique challenges faced by each
year's hosts. I have given myself the *deadline of March 2nd 2015 (EOD CST)*
to deliver a documentation project proposal and other fluffy things to you
all. If things get really complicated the deadline might move a couple
days, but the hard deadline will be the end of the first week of March 2015.

Thank you to those who have contacted me off list with offers to help - I
will contact you next week with further information. If you still want to
help with a possible major documentation project, ping me *off list*. Check
the to: field if you're just going to say that you'll help ;c) Save
everyone else's inboxes!

Please let me know if there are any concerns or questions. I am cross
posting this message to the public code4libcon Google Group [4] and it
might be that the bulk of the future conversation might migrate over there.
We'll cross that bridge when we get there, though.

Have a good weekend, folks. Stay warm and dry.

[2] http://code4lib.org/content/template-code4lib-20xx - only accessible to
those logged into their code4lib.org account
[3] http://code4lib.org/user/register
[4] https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/code4libcon


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