Another role filled by pearl millet turns out to be as a food source for
bees and other pollinators. This according to recent research in Georgia
that is summarized in this piece:

"Pearl millet wins approval from honey bees and other pollinators," Morning
Ag Clips, 20 June 2024

The research picks up on work on pearl millet and pollinators last done 6
decades ago, and fits into a larger line of thinking about the sometimes
dismissed value of grasses for pollinators.

This project was undertaken by researchers from USDA Agricultural Research
Service (ARS) and University of Georgia College of Agricultural and
Environmental Sciences. "[T]he research team focused on bees and other
pollinators of grasses, especially centipede grass and sorghum. The
researchers took an interest in pearl millet because of its ability to
thrive in areas characterized by drought, low soil fertility and high
temperatures. These traits make pearl millet, which is grown primarily in
the Southeastern U.S., a low-input crop with great benefits for pollinators
and farmers looking for a good field border plant."

I've previously noted the use of pearl millet in crop rotation to combat
nematodes, and experiments with it in a swath grazing system - both also in
North America. Pearl millet is already established as a forage crop in the
US. It will be good to see more work with it as a food crop.

The original research article referenced by the Morning Ag Clips feature
linked above is::
Karen R. Harris-Shultz, Jonathan S. O’Hearn, Joseph Knoll, C. Scott Clem.
"Insects Foraging on Pearl Millet, *Cenchrus americanus*, Pollen." *Journal
of Entomological Science* 2024; doi:

For general information on pearl millet, see the USDA Plant Guide
publication on it at

Don Osborn, PhD
(East Lansing, MI, US)
North American Millets Alliance

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