diff --git a/proxy/src/main/python/ b/proxy/src/main/python/
index 87a977d..69269bc 100644
--- a/proxy/src/main/python/
+++ b/proxy/src/main/python/
@@ -13,3355 +13,3143 @@
 # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 # limitations under the License.
-# Autogenerated by Thrift Compiler (0.9.3)
+# Autogenerated by Thrift Compiler (0.10.0)
 #  options string: py
-from thrift.Thrift import TType, TMessageType, TException, 
+from thrift.Thrift import TType, TMessageType, TFrozenDict, TException, 
+from thrift.protocol.TProtocol import TProtocolException
+import sys
 from thrift.transport import TTransport
-from thrift.protocol import TBinaryProtocol, TProtocol
-  from thrift.protocol import fastbinary
-  fastbinary = None
-class PartialKey:
-  ROW = 0
-    0: "ROW",
-    1: "ROW_COLFAM",
-  }
-    "ROW": 0,
-    "ROW_COLFAM": 1,
-  }
-class TablePermission:
-  READ = 2
-  WRITE = 3
-  GRANT = 6
-    2: "READ",
-    3: "WRITE",
-    4: "BULK_IMPORT",
-    5: "ALTER_TABLE",
-    6: "GRANT",
-    7: "DROP_TABLE",
-  }
-    "READ": 2,
-    "WRITE": 3,
-    "BULK_IMPORT": 4,
-    "ALTER_TABLE": 5,
-    "GRANT": 6,
-    "DROP_TABLE": 7,
-  }
-class SystemPermission:
-  GRANT = 0
-  DROP_USER = 5
-  SYSTEM = 7
-    0: "GRANT",
-    1: "CREATE_TABLE",
-    2: "DROP_TABLE",
-    3: "ALTER_TABLE",
-    4: "CREATE_USER",
-    5: "DROP_USER",
-    6: "ALTER_USER",
-    7: "SYSTEM",
-  }
-    "GRANT": 0,
-    "CREATE_TABLE": 1,
-    "DROP_TABLE": 2,
-    "ALTER_TABLE": 3,
-    "CREATE_USER": 4,
-    "DROP_USER": 5,
-    "ALTER_USER": 6,
-    "SYSTEM": 7,
-  }
-class NamespacePermission:
-  READ = 0
-  WRITE = 1
-  GRANT = 3
-    0: "READ",
-    1: "WRITE",
-    3: "GRANT",
-    4: "ALTER_TABLE",
-    5: "CREATE_TABLE",
-    6: "DROP_TABLE",
-    7: "BULK_IMPORT",
-  }
-    "READ": 0,
-    "WRITE": 1,
-    "GRANT": 3,
-    "ALTER_TABLE": 4,
-    "CREATE_TABLE": 5,
-    "DROP_TABLE": 6,
-    "BULK_IMPORT": 7,
-  }
-class ScanType:
-  SINGLE = 0
-  BATCH = 1
-    0: "SINGLE",
-    1: "BATCH",
-  }
-    "SINGLE": 0,
-    "BATCH": 1,
-  }
-class ScanState:
-  IDLE = 0
-  RUNNING = 1
-  QUEUED = 2
-    0: "IDLE",
-    1: "RUNNING",
-    2: "QUEUED",
-  }
-    "IDLE": 0,
-    "RUNNING": 1,
-    "QUEUED": 2,
-  }
-class ConditionalStatus:
-  UNKNOWN = 3
-    0: "ACCEPTED",
-    1: "REJECTED",
-    2: "VIOLATED",
-    3: "UNKNOWN",
-  }
-    "ACCEPTED": 0,
-    "REJECTED": 1,
-    "VIOLATED": 2,
-    "UNKNOWN": 3,
-  }
-class Durability:
-  DEFAULT = 0
-  NONE = 1
-  LOG = 2
-  FLUSH = 3
-  SYNC = 4
-    0: "DEFAULT",
-    1: "NONE",
-    2: "LOG",
-    3: "FLUSH",
-    4: "SYNC",
-  }
-    "DEFAULT": 0,
-    "NONE": 1,
-    "LOG": 2,
-    "FLUSH": 3,
-    "SYNC": 4,
-  }
-class CompactionType:
-  MINOR = 0
-  MERGE = 1
-  MAJOR = 2
-  FULL = 3
-    0: "MINOR",
-    1: "MERGE",
-    2: "MAJOR",
-    3: "FULL",
-  }
-    "MINOR": 0,
-    "MERGE": 1,
-    "MAJOR": 2,
-    "FULL": 3,
-  }
-class CompactionReason:
-  USER = 0
-  SYSTEM = 1
-  CHOP = 2
-  IDLE = 3
-  CLOSE = 4
-    0: "USER",
-    1: "SYSTEM",
-    2: "CHOP",
-    3: "IDLE",
-    4: "CLOSE",
-  }
-    "USER": 0,
-    "SYSTEM": 1,
-    "CHOP": 2,
-    "IDLE": 3,
-    "CLOSE": 4,
-  }
-class IteratorScope:
-  MINC = 0
-  MAJC = 1
-  SCAN = 2
-    0: "MINC",
-    1: "MAJC",
-    2: "SCAN",
-  }
-    "MINC": 0,
-    "MAJC": 1,
-    "SCAN": 2,
-  }
-class TimeType:
-  LOGICAL = 0
-  MILLIS = 1
-    0: "LOGICAL",
-    1: "MILLIS",
-  }
-    "LOGICAL": 0,
-    "MILLIS": 1,
-  }
-class Key:
-  """
-  Attributes:
-   - row
-   - colFamily
-   - colQualifier
-   - colVisibility
-   - timestamp
-  """
-  thrift_spec = (
-    None, # 0
-    (1, TType.STRING, 'row', None, None, ), # 1
-    (2, TType.STRING, 'colFamily', None, None, ), # 2
-    (3, TType.STRING, 'colQualifier', None, None, ), # 3
-    (4, TType.STRING, 'colVisibility', None, None, ), # 4
-    (5, TType.I64, 'timestamp', None, 9223372036854775807, ), # 5
-  )
-  def __init__(self, row=None, colFamily=None, colQualifier=None, 
colVisibility=None, timestamp=thrift_spec[5][4],):
-    self.row = row
-    self.colFamily = colFamily
-    self.colQualifier = colQualifier
-    self.colVisibility = colVisibility
-    self.timestamp = timestamp
-  def read(self, iprot):
-    if iprot.__class__ == TBinaryProtocol.TBinaryProtocolAccelerated and 
isinstance(iprot.trans, TTransport.CReadableTransport) and self.thrift_spec is 
not None and fastbinary is not None:
-      fastbinary.decode_binary(self, iprot.trans, (self.__class__, 
-      return
-    iprot.readStructBegin()
-    while True:
-      (fname, ftype, fid) = iprot.readFieldBegin()
-      if ftype == TType.STOP:
-        break
-      if fid == 1:
-        if ftype == TType.STRING:
-          self.row = iprot.readString()
-        else:
-          iprot.skip(ftype)
-      elif fid == 2:
-        if ftype == TType.STRING:
-          self.colFamily = iprot.readString()
-        else:
-          iprot.skip(ftype)
-      elif fid == 3:
-        if ftype == TType.STRING:
-          self.colQualifier = iprot.readString()
-        else:
-          iprot.skip(ftype)
-      elif fid == 4:
-        if ftype == TType.STRING:
-          self.colVisibility = iprot.readString()
-        else:
-          iprot.skip(ftype)
-      elif fid == 5:
-        if ftype == TType.I64:
-          self.timestamp = iprot.readI64()
-        else:
-          iprot.skip(ftype)
-      else:
-        iprot.skip(ftype)
-      iprot.readFieldEnd()
-    iprot.readStructEnd()
-  def write(self, oprot):
-    if oprot.__class__ == TBinaryProtocol.TBinaryProtocolAccelerated and 
self.thrift_spec is not None and fastbinary is not None:
-      oprot.trans.write(fastbinary.encode_binary(self, (self.__class__, 
-      return
-    oprot.writeStructBegin('Key')
-    if self.row is not None:
-      oprot.writeFieldBegin('row', TType.STRING, 1)
-      oprot.writeString(self.row)
-      oprot.writeFieldEnd()
-    if self.colFamily is not None:
-      oprot.writeFieldBegin('colFamily', TType.STRING, 2)
-      oprot.writeString(self.colFamily)
-      oprot.writeFieldEnd()
-    if self.colQualifier is not None:
-      oprot.writeFieldBegin('colQualifier', TType.STRING, 3)
-      oprot.writeString(self.colQualifier)
-      oprot.writeFieldEnd()
-    if self.colVisibility is not None:
-      oprot.writeFieldBegin('colVisibility', TType.STRING, 4)
-      oprot.writeString(self.colVisibility)
-      oprot.writeFieldEnd()
-    if self.timestamp is not None:
-      oprot.writeFieldBegin('timestamp', TType.I64, 5)
-      oprot.writeI64(self.timestamp)
-      oprot.writeFieldEnd()
-    oprot.writeFieldStop()
-    oprot.writeStructEnd()
-  def validate(self):
-    return
-  def __hash__(self):
-    value = 17
-    value = (value * 31) ^ hash(self.row)
-    value = (value * 31) ^ hash(self.colFamily)
-    value = (value * 31) ^ hash(self.colQualifier)
-    value = (value * 31) ^ hash(self.colVisibility)
-    value = (value * 31) ^ hash(self.timestamp)
-    return value
-  def __repr__(self):
-    L = ['%s=%r' % (key, value)
-      for key, value in self.__dict__.iteritems()]
-    return '%s(%s)' % (self.__class__.__name__, ', '.join(L))
-  def __eq__(self, other):
-    return isinstance(other, self.__class__) and self.__dict__ == 
-  def __ne__(self, other):
-    return not (self == other)
-class ColumnUpdate:
-  """
-  Attributes:
-   - colFamily
-   - colQualifier
-   - colVisibility
-   - timestamp
-   - value
-   - deleteCell
-  """
-  thrift_spec = (
-    None, # 0
-    (1, TType.STRING, 'colFamily', None, None, ), # 1
-    (2, TType.STRING, 'colQualifier', None, None, ), # 2
-    (3, TType.STRING, 'colVisibility', None, None, ), # 3
-    (4, TType.I64, 'timestamp', None, None, ), # 4
-    (5, TType.STRING, 'value', None, None, ), # 5
-    (6, TType.BOOL, 'deleteCell', None, None, ), # 6
-  )
-  def __init__(self, colFamily=None, colQualifier=None, colVisibility=None, 
timestamp=None, value=None, deleteCell=None,):
-    self.colFamily = colFamily
-    self.colQualifier = colQualifier
-    self.colVisibility = colVisibility
-    self.timestamp = timestamp
-    self.value = value
-    self.deleteCell = deleteCell
-  def read(self, iprot):
-    if iprot.__class__ == TBinaryProtocol.TBinaryProtocolAccelerated and 
isinstance(iprot.trans, TTransport.CReadableTransport) and self.thrift_spec is 
not None and fastbinary is not None:
-      fastbinary.decode_binary(self, iprot.trans, (self.__class__, 
-      return
-    iprot.readStructBegin()
-    while True:
-      (fname, ftype, fid) = iprot.readFieldBegin()
-      if ftype == TType.STOP:
-        break
-      if fid == 1:
-        if ftype == TType.STRING:
-          self.colFamily = iprot.readString()
-        else:
-          iprot.skip(ftype)
-      elif fid == 2:
-        if ftype == TType.STRING:
-          self.colQualifier = iprot.readString()
-        else:
-          iprot.skip(ftype)
-      elif fid == 3:
-        if ftype == TType.STRING:
-          self.colVisibility = iprot.readString()
-        else:
-          iprot.skip(ftype)
-      elif fid == 4:
-        if ftype == TType.I64:
-          self.timestamp = iprot.readI64()
-        else:
-          iprot.skip(ftype)
-      elif fid == 5:
-        if ftype == TType.STRING:
-          self.value = iprot.readString()
-        else:
-          iprot.skip(ftype)
-      elif fid == 6:
-        if ftype == TType.BOOL:
-          self.deleteCell = iprot.readBool()
-        else:
-          iprot.skip(ftype)
-      else:
-        iprot.skip(ftype)
-      iprot.readFieldEnd()
-    iprot.readStructEnd()
-  def write(self, oprot):
-    if oprot.__class__ == TBinaryProtocol.TBinaryProtocolAccelerated and 
self.thrift_spec is not None and fastbinary is not None:
-      oprot.trans.write(fastbinary.encode_binary(self, (self.__class__, 
-      return
-    oprot.writeStructBegin('ColumnUpdate')
-    if self.colFamily is not None:
-      oprot.writeFieldBegin('colFamily', TType.STRING, 1)
-      oprot.writeString(self.colFamily)
-      oprot.writeFieldEnd()
-    if self.colQualifier is not None:
-      oprot.writeFieldBegin('colQualifier', TType.STRING, 2)
-      oprot.writeString(self.colQualifier)
-      oprot.writeFieldEnd()
-    if self.colVisibility is not None:
-      oprot.writeFieldBegin('colVisibility', TType.STRING, 3)
-      oprot.writeString(self.colVisibility)
-      oprot.writeFieldEnd()
-    if self.timestamp is not None:
-      oprot.writeFieldBegin('timestamp', TType.I64, 4)
-      oprot.writeI64(self.timestamp)
-      oprot.writeFieldEnd()
-    if self.value is not None:
-      oprot.writeFieldBegin('value', TType.STRING, 5)
-      oprot.writeString(self.value)
-      oprot.writeFieldEnd()
-    if self.deleteCell is not None:
-      oprot.writeFieldBegin('deleteCell', TType.BOOL, 6)
-      oprot.writeBool(self.deleteCell)
-      oprot.writeFieldEnd()
-    oprot.writeFieldStop()
-    oprot.writeStructEnd()
-  def validate(self):
-    return
-  def __hash__(self):
-    value = 17
-    value = (value * 31) ^ hash(self.colFamily)
-    value = (value * 31) ^ hash(self.colQualifier)
-    value = (value * 31) ^ hash(self.colVisibility)
-    value = (value * 31) ^ hash(self.timestamp)
-    value = (value * 31) ^ hash(self.value)
-    value = (value * 31) ^ hash(self.deleteCell)
-    return value
-  def __repr__(self):
-    L = ['%s=%r' % (key, value)
-      for key, value in self.__dict__.iteritems()]
-    return '%s(%s)' % (self.__class__.__name__, ', '.join(L))
-  def __eq__(self, other):
-    return isinstance(other, self.__class__) and self.__dict__ == 
-  def __ne__(self, other):
-    return not (self == other)
-class DiskUsage:
-  """
-  Attributes:
-   - tables
-   - usage
-  """
-  thrift_spec = (
-    None, # 0
-    (1, TType.LIST, 'tables', (TType.STRING,None), None, ), # 1
-    (2, TType.I64, 'usage', None, None, ), # 2
-  )
-  def __init__(self, tables=None, usage=None,):
-    self.tables = tables
-    self.usage = usage
-  def read(self, iprot):
-    if iprot.__class__ == TBinaryProtocol.TBinaryProtocolAccelerated and 
isinstance(iprot.trans, TTransport.CReadableTransport) and self.thrift_spec is 
not None and fastbinary is not None:
-      fastbinary.decode_binary(self, iprot.trans, (self.__class__, 
-      return
-    iprot.readStructBegin()
-    while True:
-      (fname, ftype, fid) = iprot.readFieldBegin()
-      if ftype == TType.STOP:
-        break
-      if fid == 1:
-        if ftype == TType.LIST:
-          self.tables = []
-          (_etype3, _size0) = iprot.readListBegin()
-          for _i4 in xrange(_size0):
-            _elem5 = iprot.readString()
-            self.tables.append(_elem5)
-          iprot.readListEnd()
-        else:
-          iprot.skip(ftype)
-      elif fid == 2:
-        if ftype == TType.I64:
-          self.usage = iprot.readI64()
-        else:
-          iprot.skip(ftype)
-      else:
-        iprot.skip(ftype)
-      iprot.readFieldEnd()
-    iprot.readStructEnd()
-  def write(self, oprot):
-    if oprot.__class__ == TBinaryProtocol.TBinaryProtocolAccelerated and 
self.thrift_spec is not None and fastbinary is not None:
-      oprot.trans.write(fastbinary.encode_binary(self, (self.__class__, 
-      return
-    oprot.writeStructBegin('DiskUsage')
-    if self.tables is not None:
-      oprot.writeFieldBegin('tables', TType.LIST, 1)
-      oprot.writeListBegin(TType.STRING, len(self.tables))
-      for iter6 in self.tables:
-        oprot.writeString(iter6)
-      oprot.writeListEnd()
-      oprot.writeFieldEnd()
-    if self.usage is not None:
-      oprot.writeFieldBegin('usage', TType.I64, 2)
-      oprot.writeI64(self.usage)
-      oprot.writeFieldEnd()
-    oprot.writeFieldStop()
-    oprot.writeStructEnd()
-  def validate(self):
-    return
-  def __hash__(self):
-    value = 17
-    value = (value * 31) ^ hash(self.tables)
-    value = (value * 31) ^ hash(self.usage)
-    return value
-  def __repr__(self):
-    L = ['%s=%r' % (key, value)
-      for key, value in self.__dict__.iteritems()]
-    return '%s(%s)' % (self.__class__.__name__, ', '.join(L))
-  def __eq__(self, other):
-    return isinstance(other, self.__class__) and self.__dict__ == 
-  def __ne__(self, other):
-    return not (self == other)
-class KeyValue:
-  """
-  Attributes:
-   - key
-   - value
-  """
-  thrift_spec = (
-    None, # 0
-    (1, TType.STRUCT, 'key', (Key, Key.thrift_spec), None, ), # 1
-    (2, TType.STRING, 'value', None, None, ), # 2
-  )
-  def __init__(self, key=None, value=None,):
-    self.key = key
-    self.value = value
-  def read(self, iprot):
-    if iprot.__class__ == TBinaryProtocol.TBinaryProtocolAccelerated and 
isinstance(iprot.trans, TTransport.CReadableTransport) and self.thrift_spec is 
not None and fastbinary is not None:
-      fastbinary.decode_binary(self, iprot.trans, (self.__class__, 
-      return
-    iprot.readStructBegin()
-    while True:
-      (fname, ftype, fid) = iprot.readFieldBegin()
-      if ftype == TType.STOP:
-        break
-      if fid == 1:
-        if ftype == TType.STRUCT:
-          self.key = Key()
-        else:
-          iprot.skip(ftype)
-      elif fid == 2:
-        if ftype == TType.STRING:
-          self.value = iprot.readString()
-        else:
-          iprot.skip(ftype)
-      else:
-        iprot.skip(ftype)
-      iprot.readFieldEnd()
-    iprot.readStructEnd()
-  def write(self, oprot):
-    if oprot.__class__ == TBinaryProtocol.TBinaryProtocolAccelerated and 
self.thrift_spec is not None and fastbinary is not None:
-      oprot.trans.write(fastbinary.encode_binary(self, (self.__class__, 
-      return
-    oprot.writeStructBegin('KeyValue')
-    if self.key is not None:
-      oprot.writeFieldBegin('key', TType.STRUCT, 1)
-      self.key.write(oprot)
-      oprot.writeFieldEnd()
-    if self.value is not None:
-      oprot.writeFieldBegin('value', TType.STRING, 2)
-      oprot.writeString(self.value)
-      oprot.writeFieldEnd()
-    oprot.writeFieldStop()
-    oprot.writeStructEnd()
-  def validate(self):
-    return
-  def __hash__(self):
-    value = 17
-    value = (value * 31) ^ hash(self.key)
-    value = (value * 31) ^ hash(self.value)
-    return value
-  def __repr__(self):
-    L = ['%s=%r' % (key, value)
-      for key, value in self.__dict__.iteritems()]
-    return '%s(%s)' % (self.__class__.__name__, ', '.join(L))
-  def __eq__(self, other):
-    return isinstance(other, self.__class__) and self.__dict__ == 
-  def __ne__(self, other):
-    return not (self == other)
-class ScanResult:
-  """
-  Attributes:
-   - results
-   - more
-  """
-  thrift_spec = (
-    None, # 0
-    (1, TType.LIST, 'results', (TType.STRUCT,(KeyValue, 
KeyValue.thrift_spec)), None, ), # 1
-    (2, TType.BOOL, 'more', None, None, ), # 2
-  )
-  def __init__(self, results=None, more=None,):
-    self.results = results
-    self.more = more
-  def read(self, iprot):
-    if iprot.__class__ == TBinaryProtocol.TBinaryProtocolAccelerated and 
isinstance(iprot.trans, TTransport.CReadableTransport) and self.thrift_spec is 
not None and fastbinary is not None:
-      fastbinary.decode_binary(self, iprot.trans, (self.__class__, 
-      return
-    iprot.readStructBegin()
-    while True:
-      (fname, ftype, fid) = iprot.readFieldBegin()
-      if ftype == TType.STOP:
-        break
-      if fid == 1:
-        if ftype == TType.LIST:
-          self.results = []
-          (_etype10, _size7) = iprot.readListBegin()
-          for _i11 in xrange(_size7):
-            _elem12 = KeyValue()
-            self.results.append(_elem12)
-          iprot.readListEnd()
-        else:
-          iprot.skip(ftype)
-      elif fid == 2:
-        if ftype == TType.BOOL:
-          self.more = iprot.readBool()
-        else:
-          iprot.skip(ftype)
-      else:
-        iprot.skip(ftype)
-      iprot.readFieldEnd()
-    iprot.readStructEnd()
-  def write(self, oprot):
-    if oprot.__class__ == TBinaryProtocol.TBinaryProtocolAccelerated and 
self.thrift_spec is not None and fastbinary is not None:
-      oprot.trans.write(fastbinary.encode_binary(self, (self.__class__, 
-      return
-    oprot.writeStructBegin('ScanResult')
-    if self.results is not None:
-      oprot.writeFieldBegin('results', TType.LIST, 1)
-      oprot.writeListBegin(TType.STRUCT, len(self.results))
-      for iter13 in self.results:
-        iter13.write(oprot)
-      oprot.writeListEnd()
-      oprot.writeFieldEnd()
-    if self.more is not None:
-      oprot.writeFieldBegin('more', TType.BOOL, 2)
-      oprot.writeBool(self.more)
-      oprot.writeFieldEnd()
-    oprot.writeFieldStop()
-    oprot.writeStructEnd()
-  def validate(self):
-    return
-  def __hash__(self):
-    value = 17
-    value = (value * 31) ^ hash(self.results)
-    value = (value * 31) ^ hash(self.more)
-    return value
-  def __repr__(self):
-    L = ['%s=%r' % (key, value)
-      for key, value in self.__dict__.iteritems()]
-    return '%s(%s)' % (self.__class__.__name__, ', '.join(L))
-  def __eq__(self, other):
-    return isinstance(other, self.__class__) and self.__dict__ == 
-  def __ne__(self, other):
-    return not (self == other)
-class Range:
-  """
-  Attributes:
-   - start
-   - startInclusive
-   - stop
-   - stopInclusive
-  """
-  thrift_spec = (
-    None, # 0
-    (1, TType.STRUCT, 'start', (Key, Key.thrift_spec), None, ), # 1
-    (2, TType.BOOL, 'startInclusive', None, None, ), # 2
-    (3, TType.STRUCT, 'stop', (Key, Key.thrift_spec), None, ), # 3
-    (4, TType.BOOL, 'stopInclusive', None, None, ), # 4
-  )
-  def __init__(self, start=None, startInclusive=None, stop=None, 
-    self.start = start
-    self.startInclusive = startInclusive
-    self.stop = stop
-    self.stopInclusive = stopInclusive
-  def read(self, iprot):
-    if iprot.__class__ == TBinaryProtocol.TBinaryProtocolAccelerated and 
isinstance(iprot.trans, TTransport.CReadableTransport) and self.thrift_spec is 
not None and fastbinary is not None:
-      fastbinary.decode_binary(self, iprot.trans, (self.__class__, 
-      return
-    iprot.readStructBegin()
-    while True:
-      (fname, ftype, fid) = iprot.readFieldBegin()
-      if ftype == TType.STOP:
-        break
-      if fid == 1:
-        if ftype == TType.STRUCT:
-          self.start = Key()
-        else:
-          iprot.skip(ftype)
-      elif fid == 2:
-        if ftype == TType.BOOL:
-          self.startInclusive = iprot.readBool()
-        else:
-          iprot.skip(ftype)
-      elif fid == 3:
-        if ftype == TType.STRUCT:
-          self.stop = Key()
-        else:
-          iprot.skip(ftype)
-      elif fid == 4:
-        if ftype == TType.BOOL:
-          self.stopInclusive = iprot.readBool()
-        else:
-          iprot.skip(ftype)
-      else:
-        iprot.skip(ftype)
-      iprot.readFieldEnd()
-    iprot.readStructEnd()
-  def write(self, oprot):
-    if oprot.__class__ == TBinaryProtocol.TBinaryProtocolAccelerated and 
self.thrift_spec is not None and fastbinary is not None:
-      oprot.trans.write(fastbinary.encode_binary(self, (self.__class__, 
-      return
-    oprot.writeStructBegin('Range')
-    if self.start is not None:
-      oprot.writeFieldBegin('start', TType.STRUCT, 1)
-      self.start.write(oprot)
-      oprot.writeFieldEnd()
-    if self.startInclusive is not None:
-      oprot.writeFieldBegin('startInclusive', TType.BOOL, 2)
-      oprot.writeBool(self.startInclusive)
-      oprot.writeFieldEnd()
-    if self.stop is not None:
-      oprot.writeFieldBegin('stop', TType.STRUCT, 3)
-      self.stop.write(oprot)
-      oprot.writeFieldEnd()
-    if self.stopInclusive is not None:
-      oprot.writeFieldBegin('stopInclusive', TType.BOOL, 4)
-      oprot.writeBool(self.stopInclusive)
-      oprot.writeFieldEnd()
-    oprot.writeFieldStop()
-    oprot.writeStructEnd()
-  def validate(self):
-    return
-  def __hash__(self):
-    value = 17
-    value = (value * 31) ^ hash(self.start)
-    value = (value * 31) ^ hash(self.startInclusive)
-    value = (value * 31) ^ hash(self.stop)
-    value = (value * 31) ^ hash(self.stopInclusive)
-    return value
-  def __repr__(self):
-    L = ['%s=%r' % (key, value)
-      for key, value in self.__dict__.iteritems()]
-    return '%s(%s)' % (self.__class__.__name__, ', '.join(L))
-  def __eq__(self, other):
-    return isinstance(other, self.__class__) and self.__dict__ == 
-  def __ne__(self, other):
-    return not (self == other)
-class ScanColumn:
-  """
-  Attributes:
-   - colFamily
-   - colQualifier
-  """
-  thrift_spec = (
-    None, # 0
-    (1, TType.STRING, 'colFamily', None, None, ), # 1
-    (2, TType.STRING, 'colQualifier', None, None, ), # 2
-  )
-  def __init__(self, colFamily=None, colQualifier=None,):
-    self.colFamily = colFamily
-    self.colQualifier = colQualifier
-  def read(self, iprot):
-    if iprot.__class__ == TBinaryProtocol.TBinaryProtocolAccelerated and 
isinstance(iprot.trans, TTransport.CReadableTransport) and self.thrift_spec is 
not None and fastbinary is not None:
-      fastbinary.decode_binary(self, iprot.trans, (self.__class__, 
-      return
-    iprot.readStructBegin()
-    while True:
-      (fname, ftype, fid) = iprot.readFieldBegin()
-      if ftype == TType.STOP:
-        break
-      if fid == 1:
-        if ftype == TType.STRING:
-          self.colFamily = iprot.readString()
-        else:
-          iprot.skip(ftype)
-      elif fid == 2:
-        if ftype == TType.STRING:
-          self.colQualifier = iprot.readString()
-        else:
-          iprot.skip(ftype)
-      else:
-        iprot.skip(ftype)
-      iprot.readFieldEnd()
-    iprot.readStructEnd()
-  def write(self, oprot):
-    if oprot.__class__ == TBinaryProtocol.TBinaryProtocolAccelerated and 
self.thrift_spec is not None and fastbinary is not None:
-      oprot.trans.write(fastbinary.encode_binary(self, (self.__class__, 
-      return
-    oprot.writeStructBegin('ScanColumn')
-    if self.colFamily is not None:
-      oprot.writeFieldBegin('colFamily', TType.STRING, 1)
-      oprot.writeString(self.colFamily)
-      oprot.writeFieldEnd()
-    if self.colQualifier is not None:
-      oprot.writeFieldBegin('colQualifier', TType.STRING, 2)
-      oprot.writeString(self.colQualifier)
-      oprot.writeFieldEnd()
-    oprot.writeFieldStop()
-    oprot.writeStructEnd()
-  def validate(self):
-    return
-  def __hash__(self):
-    value = 17
-    value = (value * 31) ^ hash(self.colFamily)
-    value = (value * 31) ^ hash(self.colQualifier)
-    return value
-  def __repr__(self):
-    L = ['%s=%r' % (key, value)
-      for key, value in self.__dict__.iteritems()]
-    return '%s(%s)' % (self.__class__.__name__, ', '.join(L))
-  def __eq__(self, other):
-    return isinstance(other, self.__class__) and self.__dict__ == 
-  def __ne__(self, other):
-    return not (self == other)
-class IteratorSetting:
-  """
-  Attributes:
-   - priority
-   - name
-   - iteratorClass
-   - properties
-  """
-  thrift_spec = (
-    None, # 0
-    (1, TType.I32, 'priority', None, None, ), # 1
-    (2, TType.STRING, 'name', None, None, ), # 2
-    (3, TType.STRING, 'iteratorClass', None, None, ), # 3
-    (4, TType.MAP, 'properties', (TType.STRING,None,TType.STRING,None), None, 
), # 4
-  )
-  def __init__(self, priority=None, name=None, iteratorClass=None, 
-    self.priority = priority
- = name
-    self.iteratorClass = iteratorClass
- = properties
-  def read(self, iprot):
-    if iprot.__class__ == TBinaryProtocol.TBinaryProtocolAccelerated and 
isinstance(iprot.trans, TTransport.CReadableTransport) and self.thrift_spec is 
not None and fastbinary is not None:
-      fastbinary.decode_binary(self, iprot.trans, (self.__class__, 
-      return
-    iprot.readStructBegin()
-    while True:
-      (fname, ftype, fid) = iprot.readFieldBegin()
-      if ftype == TType.STOP:
-        break
-      if fid == 1:
-        if ftype == TType.I32:
-          self.priority = iprot.readI32()
-        else:
-          iprot.skip(ftype)
-      elif fid == 2:
-        if ftype == TType.STRING:
- = iprot.readString()
-        else:
-          iprot.skip(ftype)
-      elif fid == 3:
-        if ftype == TType.STRING:
-          self.iteratorClass = iprot.readString()
-        else:
-          iprot.skip(ftype)
-      elif fid == 4:
-        if ftype == TType.MAP:
- = {}
-          (_ktype15, _vtype16, _size14 ) = iprot.readMapBegin()
-          for _i18 in xrange(_size14):
-            _key19 = iprot.readString()
-            _val20 = iprot.readString()
-  [_key19] = _val20
-          iprot.readMapEnd()
-        else:
-          iprot.skip(ftype)
-      else:
-        iprot.skip(ftype)
-      iprot.readFieldEnd()
-    iprot.readStructEnd()
-  def write(self, oprot):
-    if oprot.__class__ == TBinaryProtocol.TBinaryProtocolAccelerated and 
self.thrift_spec is not None and fastbinary is not None:
-      oprot.trans.write(fastbinary.encode_binary(self, (self.__class__, 
-      return
-    oprot.writeStructBegin('IteratorSetting')
-    if self.priority is not None:
-      oprot.writeFieldBegin('priority', TType.I32, 1)
-      oprot.writeI32(self.priority)
-      oprot.writeFieldEnd()
-    if is not None:
-      oprot.writeFieldBegin('name', TType.STRING, 2)
-      oprot.writeString(
-      oprot.writeFieldEnd()
-    if self.iteratorClass is not None:
-      oprot.writeFieldBegin('iteratorClass', TType.STRING, 3)
-      oprot.writeString(self.iteratorClass)
-      oprot.writeFieldEnd()
-    if is not None:
-      oprot.writeFieldBegin('properties', TType.MAP, 4)
-      oprot.writeMapBegin(TType.STRING, TType.STRING, len(
-      for kiter21,viter22 in
-        oprot.writeString(kiter21)
-        oprot.writeString(viter22)
-      oprot.writeMapEnd()
-      oprot.writeFieldEnd()
-    oprot.writeFieldStop()
-    oprot.writeStructEnd()
-  def validate(self):
-    return
-  def __hash__(self):
-    value = 17
-    value = (value * 31) ^ hash(self.priority)
-    value = (value * 31) ^ hash(
-    value = (value * 31) ^ hash(self.iteratorClass)
-    value = (value * 31) ^ hash(
-    return value
-  def __repr__(self):
-    L = ['%s=%r' % (key, value)
-      for key, value in self.__dict__.iteritems()]
-    return '%s(%s)' % (self.__class__.__name__, ', '.join(L))
-  def __eq__(self, other):
-    return isinstance(other, self.__class__) and self.__dict__ == 
-  def __ne__(self, other):
-    return not (self == other)
-class ScanOptions:
-  """
-  Attributes:
-   - authorizations
-   - range
-   - columns
-   - iterators
-   - bufferSize
-  """
-  thrift_spec = (
-    None, # 0
-    (1, TType.SET, 'authorizations', (TType.STRING,None), None, ), # 1
-    (2, TType.STRUCT, 'range', (Range, Range.thrift_spec), None, ), # 2
-    (3, TType.LIST, 'columns', (TType.STRUCT,(ScanColumn, 
ScanColumn.thrift_spec)), None, ), # 3
-    (4, TType.LIST, 'iterators', (TType.STRUCT,(IteratorSetting, 
IteratorSetting.thrift_spec)), None, ), # 4
-    (5, TType.I32, 'bufferSize', None, None, ), # 5
-  )
-  def __init__(self, authorizations=None, range=None, columns=None, 
iterators=None, bufferSize=None,):
-    self.authorizations = authorizations
-    self.range = range
-    self.columns = columns
-    self.iterators = iterators
-    self.bufferSize = bufferSize
-  def read(self, iprot):
-    if iprot.__class__ == TBinaryProtocol.TBinaryProtocolAccelerated and 
isinstance(iprot.trans, TTransport.CReadableTransport) and self.thrift_spec is 
not None and fastbinary is not None:
-      fastbinary.decode_binary(self, iprot.trans, (self.__class__, 
-      return
-    iprot.readStructBegin()
-    while True:
-      (fname, ftype, fid) = iprot.readFieldBegin()
-      if ftype == TType.STOP:
-        break
-      if fid == 1:
-        if ftype == TType.SET:
-          self.authorizations = set()
-          (_etype26, _size23) = iprot.readSetBegin()
-          for _i27 in xrange(_size23):
-            _elem28 = iprot.readString()
-            self.authorizations.add(_elem28)
-          iprot.readSetEnd()
-        else:
-          iprot.skip(ftype)
-      elif fid == 2:
-        if ftype == TType.STRUCT:
-          self.range = Range()
-        else:
-          iprot.skip(ftype)
-      elif fid == 3:
-        if ftype == TType.LIST:
-          self.columns = []
-          (_etype32, _size29) = iprot.readListBegin()
-          for _i33 in xrange(_size29):
-            _elem34 = ScanColumn()
-            self.columns.append(_elem34)
-          iprot.readListEnd()
-        else:
-          iprot.skip(ftype)
-      elif fid == 4:
-        if ftype == TType.LIST:
-          self.iterators = []
-          (_etype38, _size35) = iprot.readListBegin()
-          for _i39 in xrange(_size35):
-            _elem40 = IteratorSetting()
-            self.iterators.append(_elem40)
-          iprot.readListEnd()
-        else:
-          iprot.skip(ftype)
-      elif fid == 5:
-        if ftype == TType.I32:
-          self.bufferSize = iprot.readI32()
-        else:
-          iprot.skip(ftype)
-      else:
-        iprot.skip(ftype)
-      iprot.readFieldEnd()
-    iprot.readStructEnd()
-  def write(self, oprot):
-    if oprot.__class__ == TBinaryProtocol.TBinaryProtocolAccelerated and 
self.thrift_spec is not None and fastbinary is not None:
-      oprot.trans.write(fastbinary.encode_binary(self, (self.__class__, 
-      return
-    oprot.writeStructBegin('ScanOptions')
-    if self.authorizations is not None:
-      oprot.writeFieldBegin('authorizations', TType.SET, 1)
-      oprot.writeSetBegin(TType.STRING, len(self.authorizations))
-      for iter41 in self.authorizations:
-        oprot.writeString(iter41)
-      oprot.writeSetEnd()
-      oprot.writeFieldEnd()
-    if self.range is not None:
-      oprot.writeFieldBegin('range', TType.STRUCT, 2)
-      self.range.write(oprot)
-      oprot.writeFieldEnd()
-    if self.columns is not None:
-      oprot.writeFieldBegin('columns', TType.LIST, 3)
-      oprot.writeListBegin(TType.STRUCT, len(self.columns))
-      for iter42 in self.columns:
-        iter42.write(oprot)
-      oprot.writeListEnd()
-      oprot.writeFieldEnd()
-    if self.iterators is not None:
-      oprot.writeFieldBegin('iterators', TType.LIST, 4)
-      oprot.writeListBegin(TType.STRUCT, len(self.iterators))
-      for iter43 in self.iterators:
-        iter43.write(oprot)
-      oprot.writeListEnd()
-      oprot.writeFieldEnd()
-    if self.bufferSize is not None:
-      oprot.writeFieldBegin('bufferSize', TType.I32, 5)
-      oprot.writeI32(self.bufferSize)
-      oprot.writeFieldEnd()
-    oprot.writeFieldStop()
-    oprot.writeStructEnd()
-  def validate(self):
-    return
-  def __hash__(self):
-    value = 17
-    value = (value * 31) ^ hash(self.authorizations)
-    value = (value * 31) ^ hash(self.range)
-    value = (value * 31) ^ hash(self.columns)
-    value = (value * 31) ^ hash(self.iterators)
-    value = (value * 31) ^ hash(self.bufferSize)
-    return value
-  def __repr__(self):
-    L = ['%s=%r' % (key, value)
-      for key, value in self.__dict__.iteritems()]
-    return '%s(%s)' % (self.__class__.__name__, ', '.join(L))
-  def __eq__(self, other):
-    return isinstance(other, self.__class__) and self.__dict__ == 
-  def __ne__(self, other):
-    return not (self == other)
-class BatchScanOptions:
-  """
-  Attributes:
-   - authorizations
-   - ranges
-   - columns
-   - iterators
-   - threads
-  """
-  thrift_spec = (
-    None, # 0
-    (1, TType.SET, 'authorizations', (TType.STRING,None), None, ), # 1
-    (2, TType.LIST, 'ranges', (TType.STRUCT,(Range, Range.thrift_spec)), None, 
), # 2
-    (3, TType.LIST, 'columns', (TType.STRUCT,(ScanColumn, 
ScanColumn.thrift_spec)), None, ), # 3
-    (4, TType.LIST, 'iterators', (TType.STRUCT,(IteratorSetting, 
IteratorSetting.thrift_spec)), None, ), # 4
-    (5, TType.I32, 'threads', None, None, ), # 5
-  )
-  def __init__(self, authorizations=None, ranges=None, columns=None, 
iterators=None, threads=None,):
-    self.authorizations = authorizations
-    self.ranges = ranges
-    self.columns = columns
-    self.iterators = iterators
-    self.threads = threads
-  def read(self, iprot):
-    if iprot.__class__ == TBinaryProtocol.TBinaryProtocolAccelerated and 
isinstance(iprot.trans, TTransport.CReadableTransport) and self.thrift_spec is 
not None and fastbinary is not None:
-      fastbinary.decode_binary(self, iprot.trans, (self.__class__, 
-      return
-    iprot.readStructBegin()
-    while True:
-      (fname, ftype, fid) = iprot.readFieldBegin()
-      if ftype == TType.STOP:
-        break
-      if fid == 1:
-        if ftype == TType.SET:
-          self.authorizations = set()
-          (_etype47, _size44) = iprot.readSetBegin()
-          for _i48 in xrange(_size44):
-            _elem49 = iprot.readString()
-            self.authorizations.add(_elem49)
-          iprot.readSetEnd()
-        else:
-          iprot.skip(ftype)
-      elif fid == 2:
-        if ftype == TType.LIST:
-          self.ranges = []
-          (_etype53, _size50) = iprot.readListBegin()
-          for _i54 in xrange(_size50):
-            _elem55 = Range()
-            self.ranges.append(_elem55)
-          iprot.readListEnd()
-        else:
-          iprot.skip(ftype)
-      elif fid == 3:
-        if ftype == TType.LIST:
-          self.columns = []
-          (_etype59, _size56) = iprot.readListBegin()
-          for _i60 in xrange(_size56):
-            _elem61 = ScanColumn()
-            self.columns.append(_elem61)
-          iprot.readListEnd()
-        else:
-          iprot.skip(ftype)
-      elif fid == 4:
-        if ftype == TType.LIST:
-          self.iterators = []
-          (_etype65, _size62) = iprot.readListBegin()
-          for _i66 in xrange(_size62):
-            _elem67 = IteratorSetting()
-            self.iterators.append(_elem67)
-          iprot.readListEnd()
-        else:
-          iprot.skip(ftype)
-      elif fid == 5:
-        if ftype == TType.I32:
-          self.threads = iprot.readI32()
-        else:
-          iprot.skip(ftype)
-      else:
-        iprot.skip(ftype)
-      iprot.readFieldEnd()
-    iprot.readStructEnd()
-  def write(self, oprot):
-    if oprot.__class__ == TBinaryProtocol.TBinaryProtocolAccelerated and 
self.thrift_spec is not None and fastbinary is not None:
-      oprot.trans.write(fastbinary.encode_binary(self, (self.__class__, 
-      return
-    oprot.writeStructBegin('BatchScanOptions')
-    if self.authorizations is not None:
-      oprot.writeFieldBegin('authorizations', TType.SET, 1)
-      oprot.writeSetBegin(TType.STRING, len(self.authorizations))
-      for iter68 in self.authorizations:
-        oprot.writeString(iter68)
-      oprot.writeSetEnd()
-      oprot.writeFieldEnd()
-    if self.ranges is not None:
-      oprot.writeFieldBegin('ranges', TType.LIST, 2)
-      oprot.writeListBegin(TType.STRUCT, len(self.ranges))
-      for iter69 in self.ranges:
-        iter69.write(oprot)
-      oprot.writeListEnd()
-      oprot.writeFieldEnd()
-    if self.columns is not None:
-      oprot.writeFieldBegin('columns', TType.LIST, 3)
-      oprot.writeListBegin(TType.STRUCT, len(self.columns))
-      for iter70 in self.columns:
-        iter70.write(oprot)
-      oprot.writeListEnd()
-      oprot.writeFieldEnd()
-    if self.iterators is not None:
-      oprot.writeFieldBegin('iterators', TType.LIST, 4)
-      oprot.writeListBegin(TType.STRUCT, len(self.iterators))
-      for iter71 in self.iterators:
-        iter71.write(oprot)
-      oprot.writeListEnd()
-      oprot.writeFieldEnd()
-    if self.threads is not None:
-      oprot.writeFieldBegin('threads', TType.I32, 5)
-      oprot.writeI32(self.threads)
-      oprot.writeFieldEnd()
-    oprot.writeFieldStop()
-    oprot.writeStructEnd()
-  def validate(self):
-    return
-  def __hash__(self):
-    value = 17
-    value = (value * 31) ^ hash(self.authorizations)
-    value = (value * 31) ^ hash(self.ranges)
-    value = (value * 31) ^ hash(self.columns)
-    value = (value * 31) ^ hash(self.iterators)
-    value = (value * 31) ^ hash(self.threads)
-    return value
-  def __repr__(self):
-    L = ['%s=%r' % (key, value)
-      for key, value in self.__dict__.iteritems()]
-    return '%s(%s)' % (self.__class__.__name__, ', '.join(L))
-  def __eq__(self, other):
-    return isinstance(other, self.__class__) and self.__dict__ == 
-  def __ne__(self, other):
-    return not (self == other)
-class KeyValueAndPeek:
-  """
-  Attributes:
-   - keyValue
-   - hasNext
-  """
-  thrift_spec = (
-    None, # 0
-    (1, TType.STRUCT, 'keyValue', (KeyValue, KeyValue.thrift_spec), None, ), # 
-    (2, TType.BOOL, 'hasNext', None, None, ), # 2
-  )
-  def __init__(self, keyValue=None, hasNext=None,):
-    self.keyValue = keyValue
-    self.hasNext = hasNext
-  def read(self, iprot):
-    if iprot.__class__ == TBinaryProtocol.TBinaryProtocolAccelerated and 
isinstance(iprot.trans, TTransport.CReadableTransport) and self.thrift_spec is 
not None and fastbinary is not None:
-      fastbinary.decode_binary(self, iprot.trans, (self.__class__, 
-      return
-    iprot.readStructBegin()
-    while True:
-      (fname, ftype, fid) = iprot.readFieldBegin()
-      if ftype == TType.STOP:
-        break
-      if fid == 1:
-        if ftype == TType.STRUCT:
-          self.keyValue = KeyValue()
-        else:
-          iprot.skip(ftype)
-      elif fid == 2:
-        if ftype == TType.BOOL:
-          self.hasNext = iprot.readBool()
-        else:
-          iprot.skip(ftype)
-      else:
-        iprot.skip(ftype)
-      iprot.readFieldEnd()
-    iprot.readStructEnd()
-  def write(self, oprot):
-    if oprot.__class__ == TBinaryProtocol.TBinaryProtocolAccelerated and 
self.thrift_spec is not None and fastbinary is not None:
-      oprot.trans.write(fastbinary.encode_binary(self, (self.__class__, 
-      return
-    oprot.writeStructBegin('KeyValueAndPeek')
-    if self.keyValue is not None:
-      oprot.writeFieldBegin('keyValue', TType.STRUCT, 1)
-      self.keyValue.write(oprot)
-      oprot.writeFieldEnd()
-    if self.hasNext is not None:
-      oprot.writeFieldBegin('hasNext', TType.BOOL, 2)
-      oprot.writeBool(self.hasNext)
-      oprot.writeFieldEnd()
-    oprot.writeFieldStop()
-    oprot.writeStructEnd()
-  def validate(self):
-    return
-  def __hash__(self):
-    value = 17
-    value = (value * 31) ^ hash(self.keyValue)
-    value = (value * 31) ^ hash(self.hasNext)
-    return value
-  def __repr__(self):
-    L = ['%s=%r' % (key, value)
-      for key, value in self.__dict__.iteritems()]
-    return '%s(%s)' % (self.__class__.__name__, ', '.join(L))
-  def __eq__(self, other):
-    return isinstance(other, self.__class__) and self.__dict__ == 
-  def __ne__(self, other):
-    return not (self == other)
-class KeyExtent:
-  """
-  Attributes:
-   - tableId
-   - endRow
-   - prevEndRow
-  """
-  thrift_spec = (
-    None, # 0
-    (1, TType.STRING, 'tableId', None, None, ), # 1
-    (2, TType.STRING, 'endRow', None, None, ), # 2
-    (3, TType.STRING, 'prevEndRow', None, None, ), # 3
-  )
-  def __init__(self, tableId=None, endRow=None, prevEndRow=None,):
-    self.tableId = tableId
-    self.endRow = endRow
-    self.prevEndRow = prevEndRow
-  def read(self, iprot):
-    if iprot.__class__ == TBinaryProtocol.TBinaryProtocolAccelerated and 
isinstance(iprot.trans, TTransport.CReadableTransport) and self.thrift_spec is 
not None and fastbinary is not None:
-      fastbinary.decode_binary(self, iprot.trans, (self.__class__, 
-      return
-    iprot.readStructBegin()
-    while True:
-      (fname, ftype, fid) = iprot.readFieldBegin()
-      if ftype == TType.STOP:
-        break
-      if fid == 1:
-        if ftype == TType.STRING:
-          self.tableId = iprot.readString()
-        else:
-          iprot.skip(ftype)
-      elif fid == 2:
-        if ftype == TType.STRING:
-          self.endRow = iprot.readString()
-        else:
-          iprot.skip(ftype)
-      elif fid == 3:
-        if ftype == TType.STRING:
-          self.prevEndRow = iprot.readString()
-        else:
-          iprot.skip(ftype)
-      else:
-        iprot.skip(ftype)
-      iprot.readFieldEnd()
-    iprot.readStructEnd()
-  def write(self, oprot):
-    if oprot.__class__ == TBinaryProtocol.TBinaryProtocolAccelerated and 
self.thrift_spec is not None and fastbinary is not None:
-      oprot.trans.write(fastbinary.encode_binary(self, (self.__class__, 
-      return
-    oprot.writeStructBegin('KeyExtent')
-    if self.tableId is not None:
-      oprot.writeFieldBegin('tableId', TType.STRING, 1)
-      oprot.writeString(self.tableId)
-      oprot.writeFieldEnd()
-    if self.endRow is not None:
-      oprot.writeFieldBegin('endRow', TType.STRING, 2)
-      oprot.writeString(self.endRow)
-      oprot.writeFieldEnd()
-    if self.prevEndRow is not None:
-      oprot.writeFieldBegin('prevEndRow', TType.STRING, 3)
-      oprot.writeString(self.prevEndRow)
-      oprot.writeFieldEnd()
-    oprot.writeFieldStop()
-    oprot.writeStructEnd()
-  def validate(self):
-    return
-  def __hash__(self):
-    value = 17
-    value = (value * 31) ^ hash(self.tableId)
-    value = (value * 31) ^ hash(self.endRow)
-    value = (value * 31) ^ hash(self.prevEndRow)
-    return value
-  def __repr__(self):
-    L = ['%s=%r' % (key, value)
-      for key, value in self.__dict__.iteritems()]
-    return '%s(%s)' % (self.__class__.__name__, ', '.join(L))
-  def __eq__(self, other):
-    return isinstance(other, self.__class__) and self.__dict__ == 
-  def __ne__(self, other):
-    return not (self == other)
-class Column:
-  """
-  Attributes:
-   - colFamily
-   - colQualifier
-   - colVisibility
-  """
-  thrift_spec = (
-    None, # 0
-    (1, TType.STRING, 'colFamily', None, None, ), # 1
-    (2, TType.STRING, 'colQualifier', None, None, ), # 2
-    (3, TType.STRING, 'colVisibility', None, None, ), # 3
-  )
-  def __init__(self, colFamily=None, colQualifier=None, colVisibility=None,):
-    self.colFamily = colFamily
-    self.colQualifier = colQualifier
-    self.colVisibility = colVisibility
-  def read(self, iprot):
-    if iprot.__class__ == TBinaryProtocol.TBinaryProtocolAccelerated and 
isinstance(iprot.trans, TTransport.CReadableTransport) and self.thrift_spec is 
not None and fastbinary is not None:
-      fastbinary.decode_binary(self, iprot.trans, (self.__class__, 
-      return
-    iprot.readStructBegin()
-    while True:
-      (fname, ftype, fid) = iprot.readFieldBegin()
-      if ftype == TType.STOP:
-        break
-      if fid == 1:
-        if ftype == TType.STRING:
-          self.colFamily = iprot.readString()
-        else:
-          iprot.skip(ftype)
-      elif fid == 2:
-        if ftype == TType.STRING:
-          self.colQualifier = iprot.readString()
-        else:
-          iprot.skip(ftype)
-      elif fid == 3:
-        if ftype == TType.STRING:
-          self.colVisibility = iprot.readString()
-        else:
-          iprot.skip(ftype)
-      else:
-        iprot.skip(ftype)
-      iprot.readFieldEnd()
-    iprot.readStructEnd()
-  def write(self, oprot):
-    if oprot.__class__ == TBinaryProtocol.TBinaryProtocolAccelerated and 
self.thrift_spec is not None and fastbinary is not None:
-      oprot.trans.write(fastbinary.encode_binary(self, (self.__class__, 
-      return
-    oprot.writeStructBegin('Column')
-    if self.colFamily is not None:
-      oprot.writeFieldBegin('colFamily', TType.STRING, 1)
-      oprot.writeString(self.colFamily)
-      oprot.writeFieldEnd()
-    if self.colQualifier is not None:
-      oprot.writeFieldBegin('colQualifier', TType.STRING, 2)
-      oprot.writeString(self.colQualifier)
-      oprot.writeFieldEnd()
-    if self.colVisibility is not None:
-      oprot.writeFieldBegin('colVisibility', TType.STRING, 3)
-      oprot.writeString(self.colVisibility)
-      oprot.writeFieldEnd()
-    oprot.writeFieldStop()
-    oprot.writeStructEnd()
-  def validate(self):
-    return
-  def __hash__(self):
-    value = 17
-    value = (value * 31) ^ hash(self.colFamily)
-    value = (value * 31) ^ hash(self.colQualifier)
-    value = (value * 31) ^ hash(self.colVisibility)
-    return value
-  def __repr__(self):
-    L = ['%s=%r' % (key, value)
-      for key, value in self.__dict__.iteritems()]
-    return '%s(%s)' % (self.__class__.__name__, ', '.join(L))
-  def __eq__(self, other):
-    return isinstance(other, self.__class__) and self.__dict__ == 
-  def __ne__(self, other):
-    return not (self == other)
-class Condition:
-  """
-  Attributes:
-   - column
-   - timestamp
-   - value
-   - iterators
-  """
-  thrift_spec = (
-    None, # 0
-    (1, TType.STRUCT, 'column', (Column, Column.thrift_spec), None, ), # 1
-    (2, TType.I64, 'timestamp', None, None, ), # 2
-    (3, TType.STRING, 'value', None, None, ), # 3
-    (4, TType.LIST, 'iterators', (TType.STRUCT,(IteratorSetting, 
IteratorSetting.thrift_spec)), None, ), # 4
-  )
-  def __init__(self, column=None, timestamp=None, value=None, iterators=None,):
-    self.column = column
-    self.timestamp = timestamp
-    self.value = value
-    self.iterators = iterators
-  def read(self, iprot):
-    if iprot.__class__ == TBinaryProtocol.TBinaryProtocolAccelerated and 
isinstance(iprot.trans, TTransport.CReadableTransport) and self.thrift_spec is 
not None and fastbinary is not None:
-      fastbinary.decode_binary(self, iprot.trans, (self.__class__, 
-      return
-    iprot.readStructBegin()
-    while True:
-      (fname, ftype, fid) = iprot.readFieldBegin()
-      if ftype == TType.STOP:
-        break
-      if fid == 1:
-        if ftype == TType.STRUCT:
-          self.column = Column()
-        else:
-          iprot.skip(ftype)
-      elif fid == 2:
-        if ftype == TType.I64:
-          self.timestamp = iprot.readI64()
-        else:
-          iprot.skip(ftype)
-      elif fid == 3:
-        if ftype == TType.STRING:
-          self.value = iprot.readString()
-        else:
-          iprot.skip(ftype)
-      elif fid == 4:
-        if ftype == TType.LIST:
-          self.iterators = []
-          (_etype75, _size72) = iprot.readListBegin()
-          for _i76 in xrange(_size72):
-            _elem77 = IteratorSetting()
-            self.iterators.append(_elem77)
-          iprot.readListEnd()
-        else:
-          iprot.skip(ftype)
-      else:
-        iprot.skip(ftype)
-      iprot.readFieldEnd()
-    iprot.readStructEnd()
-  def write(self, oprot):
-    if oprot.__class__ == TBinaryProtocol.TBinaryProtocolAccelerated and 
self.thrift_spec is not None and fastbinary is not None:
-      oprot.trans.write(fastbinary.encode_binary(self, (self.__class__, 
-      return
-    oprot.writeStructBegin('Condition')
-    if self.column is not None:
-      oprot.writeFieldBegin('column', TType.STRUCT, 1)
-      self.column.write(oprot)
-      oprot.writeFieldEnd()
-    if self.timestamp is not None:
-      oprot.writeFieldBegin('timestamp', TType.I64, 2)
-      oprot.writeI64(self.timestamp)
-      oprot.writeFieldEnd()
-    if self.value is not None:
-      oprot.writeFieldBegin('value', TType.STRING, 3)
-      oprot.writeString(self.value)
-      oprot.writeFieldEnd()
-    if self.iterators is not None:
-      oprot.writeFieldBegin('iterators', TType.LIST, 4)
-      oprot.writeListBegin(TType.STRUCT, len(self.iterators))
-      for iter78 in self.iterators:
-        iter78.write(oprot)
-      oprot.writeListEnd()
-      oprot.writeFieldEnd()
-    oprot.writeFieldStop()
-    oprot.writeStructEnd()
-  def validate(self):
-    return
-  def __hash__(self):
-    value = 17
-    value = (value * 31) ^ hash(self.column)
-    value = (value * 31) ^ hash(self.timestamp)
-    value = (value * 31) ^ hash(self.value)
-    value = (value * 31) ^ hash(self.iterators)
-    return value
-  def __repr__(self):
-    L = ['%s=%r' % (key, value)
-      for key, value in self.__dict__.iteritems()]
-    return '%s(%s)' % (self.__class__.__name__, ', '.join(L))
-  def __eq__(self, other):
-    return isinstance(other, self.__class__) and self.__dict__ == 
-  def __ne__(self, other):
-    return not (self == other)
-class ConditionalUpdates:
-  """
-  Attributes:
-   - conditions
-   - updates
-  """
-  thrift_spec = (
-    None, # 0
-    None, # 1
-    (2, TType.LIST, 'conditions', (TType.STRUCT,(Condition, 
Condition.thrift_spec)), None, ), # 2
-    (3, TType.LIST, 'updates', (TType.STRUCT,(ColumnUpdate, 
ColumnUpdate.thrift_spec)), None, ), # 3
-  )
-  def __init__(self, conditions=None, updates=None,):
-    self.conditions = conditions
-    self.updates = updates
-  def read(self, iprot):
-    if iprot.__class__ == TBinaryProtocol.TBinaryProtocolAccelerated and 
isinstance(iprot.trans, TTransport.CReadableTransport) and self.thrift_spec is 
not None and fastbinary is not None:
-      fastbinary.decode_binary(self, iprot.trans, (self.__class__, 
-      return
-    iprot.readStructBegin()
-    while True:
-      (fname, ftype, fid) = iprot.readFieldBegin()
-      if ftype == TType.STOP:
-        break
-      if fid == 2:
-        if ftype == TType.LIST:
-          self.conditions = []
-          (_etype82, _size79) = iprot.readListBegin()
-          for _i83 in xrange(_size79):
-            _elem84 = Condition()
-            self.conditions.append(_elem84)
-          iprot.readListEnd()
-        else:
-          iprot.skip(ftype)
-      elif fid == 3:
-        if ftype == TType.LIST:
-          self.updates = []
-          (_etype88, _size85) = iprot.readListBegin()
-          for _i89 in xrange(_size85):
-            _elem90 = ColumnUpdate()
-            self.updates.append(_elem90)
-          iprot.readListEnd()
-        else:
-          iprot.skip(ftype)
-      else:
-        iprot.skip(ftype)
-      iprot.readFieldEnd()
-    iprot.readStructEnd()
-  def write(self, oprot):
-    if oprot.__class__ == TBinaryProtocol.TBinaryProtocolAccelerated and 
self.thrift_spec is not None and fastbinary is not None:
-      oprot.trans.write(fastbinary.encode_binary(self, (self.__class__, 
-      return
-    oprot.writeStructBegin('ConditionalUpdates')
-    if self.conditions is not None:
-      oprot.writeFieldBegin('conditions', TType.LIST, 2)
-      oprot.writeListBegin(TType.STRUCT, len(self.conditions))
-      for iter91 in self.conditions:
-        iter91.write(oprot)
-      oprot.writeListEnd()
-      oprot.writeFieldEnd()
-    if self.updates is not None:
-      oprot.writeFieldBegin('updates', TType.LIST, 3)
-      oprot.writeListBegin(TType.STRUCT, len(self.updates))
-      for iter92 in self.updates:
-        iter92.write(oprot)
-      oprot.writeListEnd()
-      oprot.writeFieldEnd()
-    oprot.writeFieldStop()
-    oprot.writeStructEnd()
-  def validate(self):
-    return
-  def __hash__(self):
-    value = 17
-    value = (value * 31) ^ hash(self.conditions)
-    value = (value * 31) ^ hash(self.updates)
-    return value
-  def __repr__(self):
-    L = ['%s=%r' % (key, value)
-      for key, value in self.__dict__.iteritems()]
-    return '%s(%s)' % (self.__class__.__name__, ', '.join(L))
-  def __eq__(self, other):
-    return isinstance(other, self.__class__) and self.__dict__ == 
-  def __ne__(self, other):
-    return not (self == other)
-class ConditionalWriterOptions:
-  """
-  Attributes:
-   - maxMemory
-   - timeoutMs
-   - threads
-   - authorizations
-   - durability
-  """
-  thrift_spec = (
-    None, # 0
-    (1, TType.I64, 'maxMemory', None, None, ), # 1
-    (2, TType.I64, 'timeoutMs', None, None, ), # 2
-    (3, TType.I32, 'threads', None, None, ), # 3
-    (4, TType.SET, 'authorizations', (TType.STRING,None), None, ), # 4
-    (5, TType.I32, 'durability', None, None, ), # 5
-  )
-  def __init__(self, maxMemory=None, timeoutMs=None, threads=None, 
authorizations=None, durability=None,):
-    self.maxMemory = maxMemory
-    self.timeoutMs = timeoutMs
-    self.threads = threads
-    self.authorizations = authorizations
-    self.durability = durability
-  def read(self, iprot):
-    if iprot.__class__ == TBinaryProtocol.TBinaryProtocolAccelerated and 
isinstance(iprot.trans, TTransport.CReadableTransport) and self.thrift_spec is 
not None and fastbinary is not None:
-      fastbinary.decode_binary(self, iprot.trans, (self.__class__, 
-      return
-    iprot.readStructBegin()
-    while True:
-      (fname, ftype, fid) = iprot.readFieldBegin()
-      if ftype == TType.STOP:
-        break
-      if fid == 1:
-        if ftype == TType.I64:
-          self.maxMemory = iprot.readI64()
-        else:
-          iprot.skip(ftype)
-      elif fid == 2:
-        if ftype == TType.I64:
-          self.timeoutMs = iprot.readI64()
-        else:
-          iprot.skip(ftype)
-      elif fid == 3:
-        if ftype == TType.I32:
-          self.threads = iprot.readI32()
-        else:
-          iprot.skip(ftype)
-      elif fid == 4:
-        if ftype == TType.SET:
-          self.authorizations = set()
-          (_etype96, _size93) = iprot.readSetBegin()
-          for _i97 in xrange(_size93):
-            _elem98 = iprot.readString()
-            self.authorizations.add(_elem98)
-          iprot.readSetEnd()
-        else:
-          iprot.skip(ftype)
-      elif fid == 5:
-        if ftype == TType.I32:
-          self.durability = iprot.readI32()
-        else:
-          iprot.skip(ftype)
-      else:
-        iprot.skip(ftype)
-      iprot.readFieldEnd()
-    iprot.readStructEnd()
-  def write(self, oprot):
-    if oprot.__class__ == TBinaryProtocol.TBinaryProtocolAccelerated and 
self.thrift_spec is not None and fastbinary is not None:
-      oprot.trans.write(fastbinary.encode_binary(self, (self.__class__, 
-      return
-    oprot.writeStructBegin('ConditionalWriterOptions')
-    if self.maxMemory is not None:
-      oprot.writeFieldBegin('maxMemory', TType.I64, 1)
-      oprot.writeI64(self.maxMemory)
-      oprot.writeFieldEnd()
-    if self.timeoutMs is not None:
-      oprot.writeFieldBegin('timeoutMs', TType.I64, 2)
-      oprot.writeI64(self.timeoutMs)
-      oprot.writeFieldEnd()
-    if self.threads is not None:
-      oprot.writeFieldBegin('threads', TType.I32, 3)
-      oprot.writeI32(self.threads)
-      oprot.writeFieldEnd()
-    if self.authorizations is not None:
-      oprot.writeFieldBegin('authorizations', TType.SET, 4)
-      oprot.writeSetBegin(TType.STRING, len(self.authorizations))
-      for iter99 in self.authorizations:
-        oprot.writeString(iter99)
-      oprot.writeSetEnd()
-      oprot.writeFieldEnd()
-    if self.durability is not None:
-      oprot.writeFieldBegin('durability', TType.I32, 5)
-      oprot.writeI32(self.durability)
-      oprot.writeFieldEnd()
-    oprot.writeFieldStop()
-    oprot.writeStructEnd()
-  def validate(self):
-    return
-  def __hash__(self):
-    value = 17
-    value = (value * 31) ^ hash(self.maxMemory)
-    value = (value * 31) ^ hash(self.timeoutMs)
-    value = (value * 31) ^ hash(self.threads)
-    value = (value * 31) ^ hash(self.authorizations)
-    value = (value * 31) ^ hash(self.durability)
-    return value
-  def __repr__(self):
-    L = ['%s=%r' % (key, value)
-      for key, value in self.__dict__.iteritems()]
-    return '%s(%s)' % (self.__class__.__name__, ', '.join(L))
-  def __eq__(self, other):
-    return isinstance(other, self.__class__) and self.__dict__ == 
-  def __ne__(self, other):
-    return not (self == other)
-class ActiveScan:
-  """
-  Attributes:
-   - client
-   - user
-   - table
-   - age
-   - idleTime
-   - type
-   - state
-   - extent
-   - columns
-   - iterators
-   - authorizations
-  """
-  thrift_spec = (
-    None, # 0
-    (1, TType.STRING, 'client', None, None, ), # 1
-    (2, TType.STRING, 'user', None, None, ), # 2
-    (3, TType.STRING, 'table', None, None, ), # 3
-    (4, TType.I64, 'age', None, None, ), # 4
-    (5, TType.I64, 'idleTime', None, None, ), # 5
-    (6, TType.I32, 'type', None, None, ), # 6
-    (7, TType.I32, 'state', None, None, ), # 7
-    (8, TType.STRUCT, 'extent', (KeyExtent, KeyExtent.thrift_spec), None, ), # 
-    (9, TType.LIST, 'columns', (TType.STRUCT,(Column, Column.thrift_spec)), 
None, ), # 9
-    (10, TType.LIST, 'iterators', (TType.STRUCT,(IteratorSetting, 
IteratorSetting.thrift_spec)), None, ), # 10
-    (11, TType.LIST, 'authorizations', (TType.STRING,None), None, ), # 11
-  )
-  def __init__(self, client=None, user=None, table=None, age=None, 
idleTime=None, type=None, state=None, extent=None, columns=None, 
iterators=None, authorizations=None,):
-    self.client = client
-    self.user = user
-    self.table = table
-    self.age = age
-    self.idleTime = idleTime
-    self.type = type
-    self.state = state
-    self.extent = extent
-    self.columns = columns
-    self.iterators = iterators
-    self.authorizations = authorizations
-  def read(self, iprot):
-    if iprot.__class__ == TBinaryProtocol.TBinaryProtocolAccelerated and 
isinstance(iprot.trans, TTransport.CReadableTransport) and self.thrift_spec is 
not None and fastbinary is not None:
-      fastbinary.decode_binary(self, iprot.trans, (self.__class__, 
-      return
-    iprot.readStructBegin()
-    while True:
-      (fname, ftype, fid) = iprot.readFieldBegin()
-      if ftype == TType.STOP:
-        break
-      if fid == 1:
-        if ftype == TType.STRING:
-          self.client = iprot.readString()
-        else:
-          iprot.skip(ftype)
-      elif fid == 2:
-        if ftype == TType.STRING:
-          self.user = iprot.readString()
-        else:
-          iprot.skip(ftype)
-      elif fid == 3:
-        if ftype == TType.STRING:
-          self.table = iprot.readString()
-        else:
-          iprot.skip(ftype)
-      elif fid == 4:
-        if ftype == TType.I64:
-          self.age = iprot.readI64()
-        else:
-          iprot.skip(ftype)
-      elif fid == 5:
-        if ftype == TType.I64:
-          self.idleTime = iprot.readI64()
-        else:
-          iprot.skip(ftype)
-      elif fid == 6:
-        if ftype == TType.I32:
-          self.type = iprot.readI32()
-        else:
-          iprot.skip(ftype)
-      elif fid == 7:
-        if ftype == TType.I32:
-          self.state = iprot.readI32()
-        else:
-          iprot.skip(ftype)
-      elif fid == 8:
-        if ftype == TType.STRUCT:
-          self.extent = KeyExtent()
-        else:
-          iprot.skip(ftype)
-      elif fid == 9:
-        if ftype == TType.LIST:
-          self.columns = []
-          (_etype103, _size100) = iprot.readListBegin()
-          for _i104 in xrange(_size100):
-            _elem105 = Column()
-            self.columns.append(_elem105)
-          iprot.readListEnd()
-        else:
-          iprot.skip(ftype)
-      elif fid == 10:
-        if ftype == TType.LIST:
-          self.iterators = []
-          (_etype109, _size106) = iprot.readListBegin()
-          for _i110 in xrange(_size106):
-            _elem111 = IteratorSetting()
-            self.iterators.append(_elem111)
-          iprot.readListEnd()
-        else:
-          iprot.skip(ftype)
-      elif fid == 11:
-        if ftype == TType.LIST:
-          self.authorizations = []
-          (_etype115, _size112) = iprot.readListBegin()
-          for _i116 in xrange(_size112):
-            _elem117 = iprot.readString()
-            self.authorizations.append(_elem117)
-          iprot.readListEnd()
-        else:
-          iprot.skip(ftype)
-      else:
-        iprot.skip(ftype)
-      iprot.readFieldEnd()
-    iprot.readStructEnd()
-  def write(self, oprot):
-    if oprot.__class__ == TBinaryProtocol.TBinaryProtocolAccelerated and 
self.thrift_spec is not None and fastbinary is not None:
-      oprot.trans.write(fastbinary.encode_binary(self, (self.__class__, 
-      return
-    oprot.writeStructBegin('ActiveScan')
-    if self.client is not None:
-      oprot.writeFieldBegin('client', TType.STRING, 1)
-      oprot.writeString(self.client)
-      oprot.writeFieldEnd()
-    if self.user is not None:
-      oprot.writeFieldBegin('user', TType.STRING, 2)
-      oprot.writeString(self.user)
-      oprot.writeFieldEnd()
-    if self.table is not None:
-      oprot.writeFieldBegin('table', TType.STRING, 3)
-      oprot.writeString(self.table)
-      oprot.writeFieldEnd()
-    if self.age is not None:
-      oprot.writeFieldBegin('age', TType.I64, 4)
-      oprot.writeI64(self.age)
-      oprot.writeFieldEnd()
-    if self.idleTime is not None:
-      oprot.writeFieldBegin('idleTime', TType.I64, 5)
-      oprot.writeI64(self.idleTime)
-      oprot.writeFieldEnd()
-    if self.type is not None:
-      oprot.writeFieldBegin('type', TType.I32, 6)
-      oprot.writeI32(self.type)
-      oprot.writeFieldEnd()
-    if self.state is not None:
-      oprot.writeFieldBegin('state', TType.I32, 7)
-      oprot.writeI32(self.state)
-      oprot.writeFieldEnd()
-    if self.extent is not None:
-      oprot.writeFieldBegin('extent', TType.STRUCT, 8)
-      self.extent.write(oprot)
-      oprot.writeFieldEnd()
-    if self.columns is not None:
-      oprot.writeFieldBegin('columns', TType.LIST, 9)
-      oprot.writeListBegin(TType.STRUCT, len(self.columns))
-      for iter118 in self.columns:
-        iter118.write(oprot)
-      oprot.writeListEnd()
-      oprot.writeFieldEnd()
-    if self.iterators is not None:
-      oprot.writeFieldBegin('iterators', TType.LIST, 10)
-      oprot.writeListBegin(TType.STRUCT, len(self.iterators))
-      for iter119 in self.iterators:
-        iter119.write(oprot)
-      oprot.writeListEnd()
-      oprot.writeFieldEnd()
-    if self.authorizations is not None:
-      oprot.writeFieldBegin('authorizations', TType.LIST, 11)
-      oprot.writeListBegin(TType.STRING, len(self.authorizations))
-      for iter120 in self.authorizations:
-        oprot.writeString(iter120)
-      oprot.writeListEnd()
-      oprot.writeFieldEnd()
-    oprot.writeFieldStop()
-    oprot.writeStructEnd()
-  def validate(self):
-    return
-  def __hash__(self):
-    value = 17
-    value = (value * 31) ^ hash(self.client)
-    value = (value * 31) ^ hash(self.user)
-    value = (value * 31) ^ hash(self.table)
-    value = (value * 31) ^ hash(self.age)
-    value = (value * 31) ^ hash(self.idleTime)
-    value = (value * 31) ^ hash(self.type)
-    value = (value * 31) ^ hash(self.state)
-    value = (value * 31) ^ hash(self.extent)
-    value = (value * 31) ^ hash(self.columns)
-    value = (value * 31) ^ hash(self.iterators)
-    value = (value * 31) ^ hash(self.authorizations)
-    return value
-  def __repr__(self):
-    L = ['%s=%r' % (key, value)
-      for key, value in self.__dict__.iteritems()]
-    return '%s(%s)' % (self.__class__.__name__, ', '.join(L))
-  def __eq__(self, other):
-    return isinstance(other, self.__class__) and self.__dict__ == 
-  def __ne__(self, other):
-    return not (self == other)
-class ActiveCompaction:
-  """
-  Attributes:
-   - extent
-   - age
-   - inputFiles
-   - outputFile
-   - type
-   - reason
-   - localityGroup
-   - entriesRead
-   - entriesWritten
-   - iterators
-  """
-  thrift_spec = (
-    None, # 0
-    (1, TType.STRUCT, 'extent', (KeyExtent, KeyExtent.thrift_spec), None, ), # 
-    (2, TType.I64, 'age', None, None, ), # 2
-    (3, TType.LIST, 'inputFiles', (TType.STRING,None), None, ), # 3
-    (4, TType.STRING, 'outputFile', None, None, ), # 4
-    (5, TType.I32, 'type', None, None, ), # 5
-    (6, TType.I32, 'reason', None, None, ), # 6
-    (7, TType.STRING, 'localityGroup', None, None, ), # 7
-    (8, TType.I64, 'entriesRead', None, None, ), # 8
-    (9, TType.I64, 'entriesWritten', None, None, ), # 9
-    (10, TType.LIST, 'iterators', (TType.STRUCT,(IteratorSetting, 
IteratorSetting.thrift_spec)), None, ), # 10
-  )
-  def __init__(self, extent=None, age=None, inputFiles=None, outputFile=None, 
type=None, reason=None, localityGroup=None, entriesRead=None, 
entriesWritten=None, iterators=None,):
-    self.extent = extent
-    self.age = age
-    self.inputFiles = inputFiles
-    self.outputFile = outputFile
-    self.type = type
-    self.reason = reason
-    self.localityGroup = localityGroup
-    self.entriesRead = entriesRead
-    self.entriesWritten = entriesWritten
-    self.iterators = iterators
-  def read(self, iprot):
-    if iprot.__class__ == TBinaryProtocol.TBinaryProtocolAccelerated and 
isinstance(iprot.trans, TTransport.CReadableTransport) and self.thrift_spec is 
not None and fastbinary is not None:
-      fastbinary.decode_binary(self, iprot.trans, (self.__class__, 
-      return
-    iprot.readStructBegin()
-    while True:
-      (fname, ftype, fid) = iprot.readFieldBegin()
-      if ftype == TType.STOP:
-        break
-      if fid == 1:
-        if ftype == TType.STRUCT:
-          self.extent = KeyExtent()
-        else:
-          iprot.skip(ftype)
-      elif fid == 2:
-        if ftype == TType.I64:
-          self.age = iprot.readI64()
-        else:
-          iprot.skip(ftype)
-      elif fid == 3:
-        if ftype == TType.LIST:
-          self.inputFiles = []
-          (_etype124, _size121) = iprot.readListBegin()
-          for _i125 in xrange(_size121):
-            _elem126 = iprot.readString()
-            self.inputFiles.append(_elem126)
-          iprot.readListEnd()
-        else:
-          iprot.skip(ftype)
-      elif fid == 4:
-        if ftype == TType.STRING:
-          self.outputFile = iprot.readString()
-        else:
-          iprot.skip(ftype)
-      elif fid == 5:
-        if ftype == TType.I32:
-          self.type = iprot.readI32()
-        else:
-          iprot.skip(ftype)
-      elif fid == 6:
-        if ftype == TType.I32:
-          self.reason = iprot.readI32()
-        else:
-          iprot.skip(ftype)
-      elif fid == 7:
-        if ftype == TType.STRING:
-          self.localityGroup = iprot.readString()
-        else:
-          iprot.skip(ftype)
-      elif fid == 8:
-        if ftype == TType.I64:
-          self.entriesRead = iprot.readI64()
-        else:
-          iprot.skip(ftype)
-      elif fid == 9:
-        if ftype == TType.I64:
-          self.entriesWritten = iprot.readI64()
-        else:
-          iprot.skip(ftype)
-      elif fid == 10:
-        if ftype == TType.LIST:
-          self.iterators = []
-          (_etype130, _size127) = iprot.readListBegin()
-          for _i131 in xrange(_size127):
-            _elem132 = IteratorSetting()
-            self.iterators.append(_elem132)
-          iprot.readListEnd()
-        else:
-          iprot.skip(ftype)
-      else:
-        iprot.skip(ftype)
-      iprot.readFieldEnd()
-    iprot.readStructEnd()
-  def write(self, oprot):
-    if oprot.__class__ == TBinaryProtocol.TBinaryProtocolAccelerated and 
self.thrift_spec is not None and fastbinary is not None:
-      oprot.trans.write(fastbinary.encode_binary(self, (self.__class__, 
-      return
-    oprot.writeStructBegin('ActiveCompaction')
-    if self.extent is not None:
-      oprot.writeFieldBegin('extent', TType.STRUCT, 1)
-      self.extent.write(oprot)
-      oprot.writeFieldEnd()
-    if self.age is not None:
-      oprot.writeFieldBegin('age', TType.I64, 2)
-      oprot.writeI64(self.age)
-      oprot.writeFieldEnd()
-    if self.inputFiles is not None:
-      oprot.writeFieldBegin('inputFiles', TType.LIST, 3)
-      oprot.writeListBegin(TType.STRING, len(self.inputFiles))
-      for iter133 in self.inputFiles:
-        oprot.writeString(iter133)
-      oprot.writeListEnd()
-      oprot.writeFieldEnd()
-    if self.outputFile is not None:
-      oprot.writeFieldBegin('outputFile', TType.STRING, 4)
-      oprot.writeString(self.outputFile)
-      oprot.writeFieldEnd()
-    if self.type is not None:
-      oprot.writeFieldBegin('type', TType.I32, 5)
-      oprot.writeI32(self.type)
-      oprot.writeFieldEnd()
-    if self.reason is not None:
-      oprot.writeFieldBegin('reason', TType.I32, 6)
-      oprot.writeI32(self.reason)
-      oprot.writeFieldEnd()
-    if self.localityGroup is not None:
-      oprot.writeFieldBegin('localityGroup', TType.STRING, 7)
-      oprot.writeString(self.localityGroup)
-      oprot.writeFieldEnd()
-    if self.entriesRead is not None:
-      oprot.writeFieldBegin('entriesRead', TType.I64, 8)
-      oprot.writeI64(self.entriesRead)
-      oprot.writeFieldEnd()
-    if self.entriesWritten is not None:
-      oprot.writeFieldBegin('entriesWritten', TType.I64, 9)
-      oprot.writeI64(self.entriesWritten)
-      oprot.writeFieldEnd()
-    if self.iterators is not None:
-      oprot.writeFieldBegin('iterators', TType.LIST, 10)
-      oprot.writeListBegin(TType.STRUCT, len(self.iterators))
-      for iter134 in self.iterators:
-        iter134.write(oprot)
-      oprot.writeListEnd()
-      oprot.writeFieldEnd()
-    oprot.writeFieldStop()
-    oprot.writeStructEnd()
-  def validate(self):
-    return
-  def __hash__(self):
-    value = 17
-    value = (value * 31) ^ hash(self.extent)
-    value = (value * 31) ^ hash(self.age)
-    value = (value * 31) ^ hash(self.inputFiles)
-    value = (value * 31) ^ hash(self.outputFile)
-    value = (value * 31) ^ hash(self.type)
-    value = (value * 31) ^ hash(self.reason)
-    value = (value * 31) ^ hash(self.localityGroup)
-    value = (value * 31) ^ hash(self.entriesRead)
-    value = (value * 31) ^ hash(self.entriesWritten)
-    value = (value * 31) ^ hash(self.iterators)
-    return value
-  def __repr__(self):
-    L = ['%s=%r' % (key, value)
-      for key, value in self.__dict__.iteritems()]
-    return '%s(%s)' % (self.__class__.__name__, ', '.join(L))
-  def __eq__(self, other):
-    return isinstance(other, self.__class__) and self.__dict__ == 
-  def __ne__(self, other):
-    return not (self == other)
-class WriterOptions:
-  """
-  Attributes:
-   - maxMemory
-   - latencyMs
-   - timeoutMs
-   - threads
-   - durability
-  """
-  thrift_spec = (
-    None, # 0
-    (1, TType.I64, 'maxMemory', None, None, ), # 1
-    (2, TType.I64, 'latencyMs', None, None, ), # 2
-    (3, TType.I64, 'timeoutMs', None, None, ), # 3
-    (4, TType.I32, 'threads', None, None, ), # 4
-    (5, TType.I32, 'durability', None, None, ), # 5
-  )
-  def __init__(self, maxMemory=None, latencyMs=None, timeoutMs=None, 
threads=None, durability=None,):
-    self.maxMemory = maxMemory
-    self.latencyMs = latencyMs
-    self.timeoutMs = timeoutMs
-    self.threads = threads
-    self.durability = durability
-  def read(self, iprot):
-    if iprot.__class__ == TBinaryProtocol.TBinaryProtocolAccelerated and 
isinstance(iprot.trans, TTransport.CReadableTransport) and self.thrift_spec is 
not None and fastbinary is not None:
-      fastbinary.decode_binary(self, iprot.trans, (self.__class__, 
-      return
-    iprot.readStructBegin()
-    while True:
-      (fname, ftype, fid) = iprot.readFieldBegin()
-      if ftype == TType.STOP:
-        break
-      if fid == 1:
-        if ftype == TType.I64:
-          self.maxMemory = iprot.readI64()
-        else:
-          iprot.skip(ftype)
-      elif fid == 2:
-        if ftype == TType.I64:
-          self.latencyMs = iprot.readI64()
-        else:
-          iprot.skip(ftype)
-      elif fid == 3:
-        if ftype == TType.I64:
-          self.timeoutMs = iprot.readI64()
-        else:
-          iprot.skip(ftype)
-      elif fid == 4:
-        if ftype == TType.I32:
-          self.threads = iprot.readI32()
-        else:
-          iprot.skip(ftype)
-      elif fid == 5:
-        if ftype == TType.I32:
-          self.durability = iprot.readI32()
-        else:
-          iprot.skip(ftype)
-      else:
-        iprot.skip(ftype)
-      iprot.readFieldEnd()
-    iprot.readStructEnd()
-  def write(self, oprot):
-    if oprot.__class__ == TBinaryProtocol.TBinaryProtocolAccelerated and 
self.thrift_spec is not None and fastbinary is not None:
-      oprot.trans.write(fastbinary.encode_binary(self, (self.__class__, 
-      return
-    oprot.writeStructBegin('WriterOptions')
-    if self.maxMemory is not None:
-      oprot.writeFieldBegin('maxMemory', TType.I64, 1)
-      oprot.writeI64(self.maxMemory)
-      oprot.writeFieldEnd()
-    if self.latencyMs is not None:
-      oprot.writeFieldBegin('latencyMs', TType.I64, 2)
-      oprot.writeI64(self.latencyMs)
-      oprot.writeFieldEnd()
-    if self.timeoutMs is not None:
-      oprot.writeFieldBegin('timeoutMs', TType.I64, 3)
-      oprot.writeI64(self.timeoutMs)
-      oprot.writeFieldEnd()
-    if self.threads is not None:
-      oprot.writeFieldBegin('threads', TType.I32, 4)
-      oprot.writeI32(self.threads)
-      oprot.writeFieldEnd()
-    if self.durability is not None:
-      oprot.writeFieldBegin('durability', TType.I32, 5)
-      oprot.writeI32(self.durability)
-      oprot.writeFieldEnd()
-    oprot.writeFieldStop()
-    oprot.writeStructEnd()
-  def validate(self):
-    return
-  def __hash__(self):
-    value = 17
-    value = (value * 31) ^ hash(self.maxMemory)
-    value = (value * 31) ^ hash(self.latencyMs)
-    value = (value * 31) ^ hash(self.timeoutMs)
-    value = (value * 31) ^ hash(self.threads)
-    value = (value * 31) ^ hash(self.durability)
-    return value
-  def __repr__(self):
-    L = ['%s=%r' % (key, value)
-      for key, value in self.__dict__.iteritems()]
-    return '%s(%s)' % (self.__class__.__name__, ', '.join(L))
-  def __eq__(self, other):
-    return isinstance(other, self.__class__) and self.__dict__ == 
-  def __ne__(self, other):
-    return not (self == other)
-class CompactionStrategyConfig:
-  """
-  Attributes:
-   - className
-   - options
-  """
-  thrift_spec = (
-    None, # 0
-    (1, TType.STRING, 'className', None, None, ), # 1
-    (2, TType.MAP, 'options', (TType.STRING,None,TType.STRING,None), None, ), 
# 2
-  )
-  def __init__(self, className=None, options=None,):
-    self.className = className
-    self.options = options
-  def read(self, iprot):
-    if iprot.__class__ == TBinaryProtocol.TBinaryProtocolAccelerated and 
isinstance(iprot.trans, TTransport.CReadableTransport) and self.thrift_spec is 
not None and fastbinary is not None:
-      fastbinary.decode_binary(self, iprot.trans, (self.__class__, 
-      return
-    iprot.readStructBegin()
-    while True:
-      (fname, ftype, fid) = iprot.readFieldBegin()
-      if ftype == TType.STOP:
-        break
-      if fid == 1:
-        if ftype == TType.STRING:
-          self.className = iprot.readString()
-        else:
-          iprot.skip(ftype)
-      elif fid == 2:
-        if ftype == TType.MAP:
-          self.options = {}
-          (_ktype136, _vtype137, _size135 ) = iprot.readMapBegin()
-          for _i139 in xrange(_size135):
-            _key140 = iprot.readString()
-            _val141 = iprot.readString()
-            self.options[_key140] = _val141
-          iprot.readMapEnd()
-        else:
-          iprot.skip(ftype)
-      else:
-        iprot.skip(ftype)
-      iprot.readFieldEnd()
-    iprot.readStructEnd()
-  def write(self, oprot):
-    if oprot.__class__ == TBinaryProtocol.TBinaryProtocolAccelerated and 
self.thrift_spec is not None and fastbinary is not None:
-      oprot.trans.write(fastbinary.encode_binary(self, (self.__class__, 
-      return
-    oprot.writeStructBegin('CompactionStrategyConfig')
-    if self.className is not None:
-      oprot.writeFieldBegin('className', TType.STRING, 1)
-      oprot.writeString(self.className)
-      oprot.writeFieldEnd()
-    if self.options is not None:
-      oprot.writeFieldBegin('options', TType.MAP, 2)
-      oprot.writeMapBegin(TType.STRING, TType.STRING, len(self.options))
-      for kiter142,viter143 in self.options.items():
-        oprot.writeString(kiter142)
-        oprot.writeString(viter143)
-      oprot.writeMapEnd()
-      oprot.writeFieldEnd()
-    oprot.writeFieldStop()
-    oprot.writeStructEnd()
-  def validate(self):
-    return
-  def __hash__(self):
-    value = 17
-    value = (value * 31) ^ hash(self.className)
-    value = (value * 31) ^ hash(self.options)
-    return value
-  def __repr__(self):
-    L = ['%s=%r' % (key, value)
-      for key, value in self.__dict__.iteritems()]
-    return '%s(%s)' % (self.__class__.__name__, ', '.join(L))
-  def __eq__(self, other):
-    return isinstance(other, self.__class__) and self.__dict__ == 
-  def __ne__(self, other):
-    return not (self == other)
+class PartialKey(object):
+    ROW = 0
+    ROW_COLFAM = 1
+        0: "ROW",
+        1: "ROW_COLFAM",
+        2: "ROW_COLFAM_COLQUAL",
+    }
+        "ROW": 0,
+        "ROW_COLFAM": 1,
+        "ROW_COLFAM_COLQUAL": 2,
+    }
+class TablePermission(object):
+    READ = 2
+    WRITE = 3
+    BULK_IMPORT = 4
+    ALTER_TABLE = 5
+    GRANT = 6
+    DROP_TABLE = 7
+        2: "READ",
+        3: "WRITE",
+        4: "BULK_IMPORT",
+        5: "ALTER_TABLE",
+        6: "GRANT",
+        7: "DROP_TABLE",
+    }
+        "READ": 2,
+        "WRITE": 3,
+        "BULK_IMPORT": 4,
+        "ALTER_TABLE": 5,
+        "GRANT": 6,
+        "DROP_TABLE": 7,
+    }
+class SystemPermission(object):
+    GRANT = 0
+    DROP_TABLE = 2
+    ALTER_TABLE = 3
+    CREATE_USER = 4
+    DROP_USER = 5
+    ALTER_USER = 6
+    SYSTEM = 7
+        0: "GRANT",
+        1: "CREATE_TABLE",
+        2: "DROP_TABLE",
+        3: "ALTER_TABLE",
+        4: "CREATE_USER",
+        5: "DROP_USER",
+        6: "ALTER_USER",
+        7: "SYSTEM",
+    }
+        "GRANT": 0,
+        "CREATE_TABLE": 1,
+        "DROP_TABLE": 2,
+        "ALTER_TABLE": 3,
+        "CREATE_USER": 4,
+        "DROP_USER": 5,
+        "ALTER_USER": 6,
+        "SYSTEM": 7,
+    }
+class NamespacePermission(object):
+    READ = 0
+    WRITE = 1
+    GRANT = 3
+    ALTER_TABLE = 4
+    DROP_TABLE = 6
+    BULK_IMPORT = 7
+        0: "READ",
+        1: "WRITE",
+        2: "ALTER_NAMESPACE",
+        3: "GRANT",
+        4: "ALTER_TABLE",
+        5: "CREATE_TABLE",
+        6: "DROP_TABLE",
+        7: "BULK_IMPORT",
+        8: "DROP_NAMESPACE",
+    }
+        "READ": 0,
+        "WRITE": 1,
+        "ALTER_NAMESPACE": 2,
+        "GRANT": 3,
+        "ALTER_TABLE": 4,
+        "CREATE_TABLE": 5,
+        "DROP_TABLE": 6,
+        "BULK_IMPORT": 7,
+        "DROP_NAMESPACE": 8,
+    }
+class ScanType(object):
+    SINGLE = 0
+    BATCH = 1
+        0: "SINGLE",
+        1: "BATCH",
+    }
+        "SINGLE": 0,
+        "BATCH": 1,
+    }
+class ScanState(object):
+    IDLE = 0
+    RUNNING = 1
+    QUEUED = 2
+        0: "IDLE",
+        1: "RUNNING",
+        2: "QUEUED",
+    }
+        "IDLE": 0,
+        "RUNNING": 1,
+        "QUEUED": 2,
+    }
+class ConditionalStatus(object):
+    ACCEPTED = 0
+    REJECTED = 1
+    VIOLATED = 2
+    UNKNOWN = 3
+        0: "ACCEPTED",
+        1: "REJECTED",
+        2: "VIOLATED",
+        3: "UNKNOWN",
+    }
+        "ACCEPTED": 0,
+        "REJECTED": 1,
+        "VIOLATED": 2,
+        "UNKNOWN": 3,
+    }
+class Durability(object):
+    DEFAULT = 0
+    NONE = 1
+    LOG = 2
+    FLUSH = 3
+    SYNC = 4
+        0: "DEFAULT",
+        1: "NONE",
+        2: "LOG",
+        3: "FLUSH",
+        4: "SYNC",
+    }
+        "DEFAULT": 0,
+        "NONE": 1,
+        "LOG": 2,
+        "FLUSH": 3,
+        "SYNC": 4,
+    }
+class CompactionType(object):
+    MINOR = 0
+    MERGE = 1
+    MAJOR = 2
+    FULL = 3
+        0: "MINOR",
+        1: "MERGE",
+        2: "MAJOR",
+        3: "FULL",
+    }
+        "MINOR": 0,
+        "MERGE": 1,
+        "MAJOR": 2,
+        "FULL": 3,
+    }
+class CompactionReason(object):
+    USER = 0
+    SYSTEM = 1
+    CHOP = 2
+    IDLE = 3
+    CLOSE = 4
+        0: "USER",
+        1: "SYSTEM",
+        2: "CHOP",
+        3: "IDLE",
+        4: "CLOSE",
+    }
+        "USER": 0,
+        "SYSTEM": 1,
+        "CHOP": 2,
+        "IDLE": 3,
+        "CLOSE": 4,
+    }
+class IteratorScope(object):
+    MINC = 0
+    MAJC = 1
+    SCAN = 2
+        0: "MINC",
+        1: "MAJC",
+        2: "SCAN",
+    }
+        "MINC": 0,
+        "MAJC": 1,
+        "SCAN": 2,
+    }
+class TimeType(object):
+    LOGICAL = 0
+    MILLIS = 1
+        0: "LOGICAL",
+        1: "MILLIS",
+    }
+        "LOGICAL": 0,
+        "MILLIS": 1,
+    }
+class Key(object):
+    """
+    Attributes:
+     - row
+     - colFamily
+     - colQualifier
+     - colVisibility
+     - timestamp
+    """
+    thrift_spec = (
+        None,  # 0
+        (1, TType.STRING, 'row', 'BINARY', None, ),  # 1
+        (2, TType.STRING, 'colFamily', 'BINARY', None, ),  # 2
+        (3, TType.STRING, 'colQualifier', 'BINARY', None, ),  # 3
+        (4, TType.STRING, 'colVisibility', 'BINARY', None, ),  # 4
+        (5, TType.I64, 'timestamp', None, 9223372036854775807, ),  # 5
+    )
+    def __init__(self, row=None, colFamily=None, colQualifier=None, 
colVisibility=None, timestamp=thrift_spec[5][4],):
+        self.row = row
+        self.colFamily = colFamily
+        self.colQualifier = colQualifier
+        self.colVisibility = colVisibility
+        self.timestamp = timestamp
+    def read(self, iprot):
+        if iprot._fast_decode is not None and isinstance(iprot.trans, 
TTransport.CReadableTransport) and self.thrift_spec is not None:
+            iprot._fast_decode(self, iprot, (self.__class__, self.thrift_spec))
+            return
+        iprot.readStructBegin()
+        while True:
+            (fname, ftype, fid) = iprot.readFieldBegin()
+            if ftype == TType.STOP:
+                break
+            if fid == 1:
+                if ftype == TType.STRING:
+                    self.row = iprot.readBinary()
+                else:
+                    iprot.skip(ftype)
+            elif fid == 2:
+                if ftype == TType.STRING:
+                    self.colFamily = iprot.readBinary()
+                else:
+                    iprot.skip(ftype)
+            elif fid == 3:
+                if ftype == TType.STRING:
+                    self.colQualifier = iprot.readBinary()


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