[GitHub] [airflow] brandonwillard removed a comment on issue #7423: [AIRFLOW-3126] Add option to specify additional K8s volumes

2020-02-25 Thread GitBox
brandonwillard removed a comment on issue #7423: [AIRFLOW-3126] Add option to specify additional K8s volumes URL: https://github.com/apache/airflow/pull/7423#issuecomment-590955205 It does not appear to help. This is an autom

[GitHub] [airflow] brandonwillard removed a comment on issue #7423: [AIRFLOW-3126] Add option to specify additional K8s volumes

2020-02-14 Thread GitBox
brandonwillard removed a comment on issue #7423: [AIRFLOW-3126] Add option to specify additional K8s volumes URL: https://github.com/apache/airflow/pull/7423#issuecomment-586559290 How did this get tagged as a GCP-related PR?

[GitHub] [airflow] brandonwillard removed a comment on issue #7423: [AIRFLOW-3126] Add option to specify additional K8s volumes

2020-02-14 Thread GitBox
brandonwillard removed a comment on issue #7423: [AIRFLOW-3126] Add option to specify additional K8s volumes URL: https://github.com/apache/airflow/pull/7423#issuecomment-586559488 Also, why is [`isort` failing](https://travis-ci.org/apache/airflow/jobs/650737702#L1742) on an untouched (a