[GitHub] [airflow] mik-laj commented on pull request #11627: Add D205 pydocstyle check

2020-10-29 Thread GitBox
mik-laj commented on pull request #11627: URL: https://github.com/apache/airflow/pull/11627#issuecomment-718798486 Spell checks are sad now. :-/ ``` _api/airflow/models/dag/index.rst:1109: (parametrize) Accepts kwargs for operator kwarg. Can be used to parametrize DAGs. ```

[GitHub] [airflow] mik-laj commented on pull request #11627: Add D205 pydocstyle check

2020-10-29 Thread GitBox
mik-laj commented on pull request #11627: URL: https://github.com/apache/airflow/pull/11627#issuecomment-718777324 CI is sad. I working on fix. ``` black.Failed

[GitHub] [airflow] mik-laj commented on pull request #11627: Add D205 pydocstyle check

2020-10-20 Thread GitBox
mik-laj commented on pull request #11627: URL: https://github.com/apache/airflow/pull/11627#issuecomment-713133192 Static checks are sad. ``` airflow/kubernetes/kube_client.py:69 in private function `_enable_tcp_keepalive`: D205: 1 blank line required between summary line a