[GitHub] [airflow] teastburn commented on issue #7935: scheduler gets stuck without a trace

2020-10-14 Thread GitBox
teastburn commented on issue #7935: URL: https://github.com/apache/airflow/issues/7935#issuecomment-708587822 We have a change that correlates (causation is not yet verified) to fixing the issue the @sylr mentioned [here](https://github.com/apache/airflow/issues/7935#issuecomment-667343505

[GitHub] [airflow] teastburn commented on issue #7935: scheduler gets stuck without a trace

2020-10-09 Thread GitBox
teastburn commented on issue #7935: URL: https://github.com/apache/airflow/issues/7935#issuecomment-705828230 We also are experiencing a similar issue at Nextdoor with 1.10.12 / Postgres / Celery / AWS ECS. Ours looks much like @sylr 's post https://github.com/apache/airflow/issues/7935#is

[GitHub] [airflow] teastburn commented on issue #7935: scheduler gets stuck without a trace

2020-10-08 Thread GitBox
teastburn commented on issue #7935: URL: https://github.com/apache/airflow/issues/7935#issuecomment-705828230 We also are experiencing a similar issue at Nextdoor with 1.10.12 / Postgres / Celery / AWS ECS. Ours looks much like @sylr 's post https://github.com/apache/airflow/issues/7935#is