[CONF] Apache Camel Camel 2.9.0 Release

2012-01-01 Thread confluence
Camel 2.9.0 Release Page moved by Hadrian Zbarcea From: Apache Camel In Progress To: Apache Camel Download

[CONF] Apache Camel Camel 2.9.0 Release

2012-01-01 Thread confluence
Camel 2.9.0 Release Page edited by Hadrian Zbarcea Changes (2) h1. Camel 2.9.0 release (currently in progress)

[CONF] Apache Camel Camel 2.9.0 Release

2011-12-24 Thread confluence
Camel 2.9.0 Release Page edited by Claus Ibsen Changes (1) ... * EasyMock 2.5.2 to 3.0 * EHCache 2.3.0 to 2.4.3 * Groovy 1.8.0 to

[CONF] Apache Camel Camel 2.9.0 Release

2011-12-22 Thread confluence
Camel 2.9.0 Release Page edited by Claus Ibsen Changes (3) ... * Added the configuration support of queueSize and concurrentConsumers options

[CONF] Apache Camel Camel 2.9.0 Release

2011-12-20 Thread confluence
Camel 2.9.0 Release Page edited by Bilgin Ibryam Changes (1) ... * [Zookeeper] * [AWS-SES] * [AWS-SDB] h3. DSL

[CONF] Apache Camel Camel 2.9.0 Release

2011-12-19 Thread confluence
Camel 2.9.0 Release Page edited by Claus Ibsen Changes (1) ... * Fixed issue when using context scoped [Exception Clause] to handle

[CONF] Apache Camel Camel 2.9.0 Release

2011-12-19 Thread confluence
Camel 2.9.0 Release Page edited by Bilgin Ibryam Changes (1) ... * [StAX] * [Zookeeper] * [AWS-SES] h3. DSL Changes

[CONF] Apache Camel Camel 2.9.0 Release

2011-12-19 Thread confluence
Camel 2.9.0 Release Page edited by Claus Ibsen Changes (1) ... * CometD Java Server 2.1.1 to 2.3.1 * Commons-pool 1.5.4 to 1.5.6

[CONF] Apache Camel Camel 2.9.0 Release

2011-12-16 Thread confluence
Camel 2.9.0 Release Page edited by Claus Ibsen Changes (3) ... Welcome to the 2.9.0 release which approx XXX issues resolved (new features,

[CONF] Apache Camel Camel 2.9.0 Release

2011-12-14 Thread confluence
Camel 2.9.0 Release Page edited by Reuben Garrett Comment: fixed broken links to 2.9.0 distros (doesn't exist yet?) - repointed to 2.9.0-RC1 Changes (4)

[CONF] Apache Camel Camel 2.9.0 Release

2011-12-14 Thread confluence
Camel 2.9.0 Release Page edited by Claus Ibsen Comment: Reverted from v. 158 Changes (4) ... || Description ||

[CONF] Apache Camel Camel 2.9.0 Release

2011-12-12 Thread confluence
Camel 2.9.0 Release Page edited by Christian Mueller Changes (1) ... * Netty 3.2.4 to 3.2.6 * OGNL 2.7.3 to 3.0.2 * QPID 0.5 to

[CONF] Apache Camel Camel 2.9.0 Release

2011-12-12 Thread confluence
Camel 2.9.0 Release Page edited by Christian Mueller Changes (1) ... * AHC 1.6.4 to 1.6.5 * AWS-Java-SDK 1.1.1 to 1.2.12

[CONF] Apache Camel Camel 2.9.0 Release

2011-12-09 Thread confluence
Camel 2.9.0 Release Page edited by Claus Ibsen Changes (2) ... * Fixed issue with using the same [ScheduledRoutePolicy] on 2+ routes not

[CONF] Apache Camel Camel 2.9.0 Release

2011-12-07 Thread confluence
Camel 2.9.0 Release Page edited by Claus Ibsen Changes (3) ... * Added ability in [SQL|SQL Component] to execute SQL batch statements. * Added

[CONF] Apache Camel Camel 2.9.0 Release

2011-12-05 Thread confluence
Camel 2.9.0 Release Page edited by Claus Ibsen Changes (2) ... * Added ability in [SQL|SQL Component] to execute SQL batch statements. * Added

[CONF] Apache Camel Camel 2.9.0 Release

2011-12-04 Thread confluence
Camel 2.9.0 Release Page edited by willem jiang Changes (2) ... * [Log] and [Tracer] now have a default {{maxChars}} option at {{1}} to

[CONF] Apache Camel Camel 2.9.0 Release

2011-12-02 Thread confluence
Camel 2.9.0 Release Page edited by Claus Ibsen Changes (5) ... h3. New [Components] * [Zookeeper] * [Krati] *

[CONF] Apache Camel Camel 2.9.0 Release

2011-12-01 Thread confluence
Camel 2.9.0 Release Page edited by Ben ODay Comment: updated per CAMEL-4539 add camel-solr component Changes (1) ...

[CONF] Apache Camel Camel 2.9.0 Release

2011-12-01 Thread confluence
Camel 2.9.0 Release Page edited by Ben ODay Comment: updated per CAMEL-4539 add camel-solr component Changes (1) ...

[CONF] Apache Camel Camel 2.9.0 Release

2011-11-29 Thread confluence
Camel 2.9.0 Release Page edited by Christian Mueller Changes (1) ... * [Log] component and [LogEIP] now supports the

[CONF] Apache Camel Camel 2.9.0 Release

2011-11-28 Thread confluence
Camel 2.9.0 Release Page edited by Christian Mueller Changes (1) ... * AHC 1.6.4 to 1.6.5 * CometD Java Server 2.1.1 to 2.3.1 *

[CONF] Apache Camel Camel 2.9.0 Release

2011-11-26 Thread confluence
Camel 2.9.0 Release Page edited by Claus Ibsen Changes (1) ... * {{FileUtil.removeFile}} added new option, and will throw {{IOException}} in

[CONF] Apache Camel Camel 2.9.0 Release

2011-11-26 Thread confluence
Camel 2.9.0 Release Page edited by Claus Ibsen Changes (1) ... * Added ability in [AWS-S3] component to specify the bucket policy and the

[CONF] Apache Camel Camel 2.9.0 Release

2011-11-24 Thread confluence
Camel 2.9.0 Release Page edited by Christian Mueller Changes (1) ... * Added ability in [Xslt] component to dynamically override stylesheet

[CONF] Apache Camel Camel 2.9.0 Release

2011-11-23 Thread confluence
Camel 2.9.0 Release Page edited by Claus Ibsen Changes (1) ... * Updated the [Aggregator2] to allow for manually completing all exchange

[CONF] Apache Camel Camel 2.9.0 Release

2011-11-22 Thread confluence
Camel 2.9.0 Release Page edited by Claus Ibsen Changes (1) ... * [Krati] * [jclouds] * [StAX] h3. DSL Changes

[CONF] Apache Camel Camel 2.9.0 Release

2011-11-22 Thread confluence
Camel 2.9.0 Release Page edited by Claus Ibsen Changes (1) ... * Added {{properties}} function to [Scripting Languages] to make it easier to

[CONF] Apache Camel Camel 2.9.0 Release

2011-11-22 Thread confluence
Camel 2.9.0 Release Page edited by Claus Ibsen Changes (1) ... * Added ability in [AWS-SNS] component to specify the topic policy. * Added

[CONF] Apache Camel Camel 2.9.0 Release

2011-11-22 Thread confluence
Camel 2.9.0 Release Page edited by Claus Ibsen Changes (1) ... * Fixed issue with [Bindy] in CSV mode not handling separator char to be inside

[CONF] Apache Camel Camel 2.9.0 Release

2011-11-20 Thread confluence
Camel 2.9.0 Release Page edited by Christian Mueller Changes (1) ... * Added {{consumer.transacted}} option to [JPA] to control whether the

[CONF] Apache Camel Camel 2.9.0 Release

2011-11-16 Thread confluence
Camel 2.9.0 Release Page edited by Jonathan Anstey Changes (1) ... * Added {{quote}} option to {{@CsvRecord}} in [Bindy] to make it easy to

[CONF] Apache Camel Camel 2.9.0 Release

2011-11-15 Thread confluence
Camel 2.9.0 Release Page edited by Claus Ibsen Changes (1) ... * Fixed memory leak when doing request/reply over JMS with a fixed reply queue,

[CONF] Apache Camel Camel 2.9.0 Release

2011-11-12 Thread confluence
Camel 2.9.0 Release Page edited by Claus Ibsen Changes (1) ... * Optimized [Request Reply] over [JMS] when using named replyTo queues to cache

[CONF] Apache Camel Camel 2.9.0 Release

2011-11-11 Thread confluence
Camel 2.9.0 Release Page edited by Claus Ibsen Changes (1) ... * Further improved masking of passwords in URIs specified in the user info

[CONF] Apache Camel Camel 2.9.0 Release

2011-11-06 Thread confluence
Camel 2.9.0 Release Page edited by Claus Ibsen Changes (1) ... * Fixed issue with thread safety of the {{XPathFactory}} in the [XPath] builder

[CONF] Apache Camel Camel 2.9.0 Release

2011-11-06 Thread confluence
Camel 2.9.0 Release Page edited by Claus Ibsen Changes (1) ... * HawtDB 1.5 to 1.6 * Http4 4.1.1 to 4.1.2 * Jersey 1.8 to 1.10

[CONF] Apache Camel Camel 2.9.0 Release

2011-11-06 Thread confluence
Camel 2.9.0 Release Page edited by Claus Ibsen Changes (1) ... * Added {{timeoutCheckerExecutorService}} and

[CONF] Apache Camel Camel 2.9.0 Release

2011-11-06 Thread confluence
Camel 2.9.0 Release Page edited by Claus Ibsen Changes (1) ... * Jackson 1.8.4 to 1.8.6 * JCR API 1.0 to 2.0 * JIBX 1.2.2 to

[CONF] Apache Camel Camel 2.9.0 Release

2011-11-06 Thread confluence
Camel 2.9.0 Release Page edited by Christian Mueller Changes (1) ... * Dozer 5.3.1 to 5.3.2 * EasyMock 2.5.2 to 3.0 * EHCache

[CONF] Apache Camel Camel 2.9.0 Release

2011-11-06 Thread confluence
Camel 2.9.0 Release Page edited by Christian Mueller Changes (1) ... * MyBatis 3.0.4 to 3.0.6 * Netty 3.2.4 to 3.2.6 * OGNL 2.7.3

[CONF] Apache Camel Camel 2.9.0 Release

2011-11-05 Thread confluence
Camel 2.9.0 Release Page edited by Claus Ibsen Changes (1) ... * Fixed issue with using [Saxon|XQuery] for [XPath] expressions with a

[CONF] Apache Camel Camel 2.9.0 Release

2011-11-05 Thread confluence
Camel 2.9.0 Release Page edited by Claus Ibsen Changes (1) ... * HawtDB 1.5 to 1.6 * Http4 4.1.1 to 4.1.2 * MyBatis 3.0.4 to

[CONF] Apache Camel Camel 2.9.0 Release

2011-11-04 Thread confluence
Camel 2.9.0 Release Page edited by Claus Ibsen Changes (1) ... * Added {{properties}} function to [Scripting Languages] to make it easier to

[CONF] Apache Camel Camel 2.9.0 Release

2011-11-02 Thread confluence
Camel 2.9.0 Release Page edited by Daniel Kulp Changes (1) ... * AHC 1.6.4 to 1.6.5 * CXF 2.4.1 to 2.4.3 2.5.0 *

[CONF] Apache Camel Camel 2.9.0 Release

2011-11-02 Thread confluence
Camel 2.9.0 Release Page edited by Jonathan Anstey Changes (1) ... * Added option {{allowStAX}} on [XSLT] and [XQuery] to control whether StAX

[CONF] Apache Camel Camel 2.9.0 Release

2011-10-28 Thread confluence
Camel 2.9.0 Release Page edited by Claus Ibsen Changes (2) ... * Fixed issue with {{wereSentTo}} on [NotifyBuilder] may trigger to soon, as

[CONF] Apache Camel Camel 2.9.0 Release

2011-10-27 Thread confluence
Camel 2.9.0 Release Page edited by Claus Ibsen Changes (2) ... * Fixed issue with stale OUT message set on [Exchange] if exception was thrown

[CONF] Apache Camel Camel 2.9.0 Release

2011-10-26 Thread confluence
Camel 2.9.0 Release Page edited by Claus Ibsen Changes (1) ... * [Polling Consumer]s such as [File|File2] or [FTP|FTP2] supports new option

[CONF] Apache Camel Camel 2.9.0 Release

2011-10-25 Thread confluence
Camel 2.9.0 Release Page edited by Claus Ibsen Changes (1) ... * Hadoop consumer supports auto merging multiple segment files. * [JMS]

[CONF] Apache Camel Camel 2.9.0 Release

2011-10-25 Thread confluence
Camel 2.9.0 Release Page edited by Claus Ibsen Changes (1) ... * [JMS] consumer has new option {{asyncConsumer}} which allows to enable

[CONF] Apache Camel Camel 2.9.0 Release

2011-10-25 Thread confluence
Camel 2.9.0 Release Page edited by Claus Ibsen Changes (1) ... * The [camel-archetype-component|Camel Maven Archetypes] allows to specify the

[CONF] Apache Camel Camel 2.9.0 Release

2011-10-25 Thread confluence
Camel 2.9.0 Release Page edited by Claus Ibsen Changes (2) ... * The [camel-archetype-component|Camel Maven Archetypes] allows to specify the

[CONF] Apache Camel Camel 2.9.0 Release

2011-10-22 Thread confluence
Camel 2.9.0 Release Page edited by Claus Ibsen Changes (2) ... * Fixed issue with [MDC logging] not remembering old values, for example when

[CONF] Apache Camel Camel 2.9.0 Release

2011-10-22 Thread confluence
Camel 2.9.0 Release Page edited by Claus Ibsen Changes (1) ... * Smack 3.1.0 to 3.2.0 * Spring Security 3.0.6 to 3.0.7 * Spring

[CONF] Apache Camel Camel 2.9.0 Release

2011-10-21 Thread confluence
Camel 2.9.0 Release Page edited by Claus Ibsen Changes (3) ... * ManagedTracer now supports detailed JMX TraceEvent Notifications. This allows

[CONF] Apache Camel Camel 2.9.0 Release

2011-10-15 Thread confluence
Camel 2.9.0 Release Page edited by Claus Ibsen Changes (1) ... * The [SOAP] data format now supports using multiple parameters on the JAXB

[CONF] Apache Camel Camel 2.9.0 Release

2011-10-10 Thread confluence
Camel 2.9.0 Release Page edited by willem jiang Changes (1) ... * [SFTP|FTP2] now supports interactive keyboard authentication, but entering

[CONF] Apache Camel Camel 2.9.0 Release

2011-10-10 Thread confluence
Camel 2.9.0 Release Page edited by Christian Mueller Changes (1) ... * AHC 1.6.4 to 1.6.5 * CXF 2.4.1 to 2.4.3 * EasyMock 2.5.2

[CONF] Apache Camel Camel 2.9.0 Release

2011-10-09 Thread confluence
Camel 2.9.0 Release Page edited by Christian Mueller Changes (1) ... * Smack 3.1.0 to 3.2.0 * XStream 1.3.1 to 1.4.1 * Jsmpp

[CONF] Apache Camel Camel 2.9.0 Release

2011-10-07 Thread confluence
Camel 2.9.0 Release Page edited by Christian Schneider Comment: Trace Notifications Changes (1) ... * [Cometd]

[CONF] Apache Camel Camel 2.9.0 Release

2011-10-05 Thread confluence
Camel 2.9.0 Release Page edited by Claus Ibsen Changes (2) ... * Improved the [AWS-S3] component to support more headers in the producer. *

[CONF] Apache Camel Camel 2.9.0 Release

2011-10-01 Thread confluence
Camel 2.9.0 Release Page edited by Claus Ibsen Changes (1) ... * Added support for {{minDepth}} and {{maxDepth}} option on the [FTP|FTP2]

[CONF] Apache Camel Camel 2.9.0 Release

2011-09-27 Thread confluence
Camel 2.9.0 Release Page edited by Claus Ibsen Changes (14) ... h2. API breaking We did some fairly large refactoring in

[CONF] Apache Camel Camel 2.9.0 Release

2011-09-26 Thread confluence
Camel 2.9.0 Release Page edited by Christian Mueller Changes (1) ... * [JMX|Camel JMX] now exposes average load statics on CamelContext and

[CONF] Apache Camel Camel 2.9.0 Release

2011-09-25 Thread confluence
Camel 2.9.0 Release Page edited by Claus Ibsen Changes (1) ... * Fixed issue with evaluation of [Simple] language not being as fast as it

[CONF] Apache Camel Camel 2.9.0 Release

2011-09-23 Thread confluence
Camel 2.9.0 Release Page edited by Claus Ibsen Changes (1) ... * Fixed issue with [Bindy] in CSV mode when marshalling not using correct

[CONF] Apache Camel Camel 2.9.0 Release

2011-09-23 Thread confluence
Camel 2.9.0 Release Page edited by Claus Ibsen Changes (1) ... * Improved [Bean] component and method call expressions to be able to invoke

[CONF] Apache Camel Camel 2.9.0 Release

2011-09-22 Thread confluence
Camel 2.9.0 Release Page edited by Claus Ibsen Changes (1) ... * Fixed issue with using {{doneFile}} option on [FTP|FTP2] when from a Windows

[CONF] Apache Camel Camel 2.9.0 Release

2011-09-22 Thread confluence
Camel 2.9.0 Release Page edited by Claus Ibsen Changes (1) ... h2. Dependency Upgrades * AHC 1.6.4 to 1.6.5 * CXF

[CONF] Apache Camel Camel 2.9.0 Release

2011-09-21 Thread confluence
Camel 2.9.0 Release Page edited by Claus Ibsen Changes (2) ... h2. Dependency Upgrades * Apache CXF 2.4.1 to 2.4.2

[CONF] Apache Camel Camel 2.9.0 Release

2011-09-21 Thread confluence
Camel 2.9.0 Release Page edited by Claus Ibsen Changes (2) ... * Groovy 1.8.0 to 1.8.2 * HawtDB 1.5 to 1.6 * Http4 2.1.1 to 2.1.2

[CONF] Apache Camel Camel 2.9.0 Release

2011-09-21 Thread confluence
Camel 2.9.0 Release Page edited by Ben ODay Comment: updated per CAMEL-4097 Changes (1) ... * Introduced a set

[CONF] Apache Camel Camel 2.9.0 Release

2011-09-20 Thread confluence
Camel 2.9.0 Release Page edited by Claus Ibsen Changes (1) ... * Improved existing and added more [Karaf] Camel commands. * Improved [Bean]

[CONF] Apache Camel Camel 2.9.0 Release

2011-09-19 Thread confluence
Camel 2.9.0 Release Page edited by Claus Ibsen Changes (3) ... * [Resequencer] now pre validates incoming [Exchange] and throws

[CONF] Apache Camel Camel 2.9.0 Release

2011-09-15 Thread confluence
Camel 2.9.0 Release Page edited by Claus Ibsen Changes (2) ... * [Simple] language has a much better syntax parser, being able to report what

[CONF] Apache Camel Camel 2.9.0 Release

2011-09-13 Thread confluence
Camel 2.9.0 Release Page edited by Claus Ibsen Changes (4) ... * [Simple] language has a much better syntax parser, being able to report what

[CONF] Apache Camel Camel 2.9.0 Release

2011-09-13 Thread confluence
Camel 2.9.0 Release Page edited by Claus Ibsen Changes (2) ... * [Simple] language now supports nested functions, so you can do

[CONF] Apache Camel Camel 2.9.0 Release

2011-09-13 Thread confluence
Camel 2.9.0 Release Page edited by Claus Ibsen Changes (1) ... * Fixed issue with [OSGi Blueprint|Using OSGi blueprint with Camel] when

[CONF] Apache Camel Camel 2.9.0 Release

2011-09-13 Thread confluence
Camel 2.9.0 Release Page edited by Claus Ibsen Changes (1) ... * The [JPA] component has been upgraded from using the JPA1 spec to use JPA2

[CONF] Apache Camel Camel 2.9.0 Release

2011-09-13 Thread confluence
Camel 2.9.0 Release Page edited by Claus Ibsen Changes (1) ... * Fixed issue with using {{OnException}} and using {{redeliveryPolicyRef}}

[CONF] Apache Camel Camel 2.9.0 Release

2011-09-12 Thread confluence
Camel 2.9.0 Release Page edited by Christian Schneider Changes (1) ... * {{ServiceSupport}} and {{EventNotifierSupport}} classes are moved to

[CONF] Apache Camel Camel 2.9.0 Release

2011-09-12 Thread confluence
Camel 2.9.0 Release Page edited by Claus Ibsen Changes (1) ... * Added {{idleConsumerLimit}} option to the [JMS] component which sets the

[CONF] Apache Camel Camel 2.9.0 Release

2011-09-10 Thread confluence
Camel 2.9.0 Release Page edited by Claus Ibsen Changes (2) ... * Added {{errorHandler}} option to the [JMS] component which allows you to set

[CONF] Apache Camel Camel 2.9.0 Release

2011-08-31 Thread confluence
Camel 2.9.0 Release Page edited by Christian Schneider Changes (10) ... * Introduced {{ThreadPoolFactory}} with a simpler API for 3rd party

[CONF] Apache Camel Camel 2.9.0 Release

2011-08-29 Thread confluence
Camel 2.9.0 Release Page edited by willem jiang Changes (1) ... * Added {{filtersRef}} option to [Jetty] endpoint, and it supports to setup

[CONF] Apache Camel Camel 2.9.0 Release

2011-08-28 Thread confluence
Camel 2.9.0 Release Page edited by Claus Ibsen Changes (1) ... * Jackrabbit 1.5.5 to 1.6.4 * Groovy 1.8.0 to 1.8.1 * HawtDB 1.5

[CONF] Apache Camel Camel 2.9.0 Release

2011-08-25 Thread confluence
Camel 2.9.0 Release Page edited by Jonathan Anstey Changes (1) ... * Fixed issue with [OSGi Blueprint|Using OSGi blueprint with Camel] when

[CONF] Apache Camel Camel 2.9.0 Release

2011-08-25 Thread confluence
Camel 2.9.0 Release Page edited by Jonathan Anstey Changes (1) ... * Added {{filtersRef}} option to [Jetty] endpoint, and it supports to setup

[CONF] Apache Camel Camel 2.9.0 Release

2011-08-24 Thread confluence
Camel 2.9.0 Release Page edited by willem jiang Changes (1) ... * Fixed issue with {{ExchangeSentEvent}} being fired to early when being sent

[CONF] Apache Camel Camel 2.9.0 Release

2011-08-24 Thread confluence
Camel 2.9.0 Release Page edited by Claus Ibsen Changes (5) ... h3. New [Components] * [Zookeeper] h3. DSL Changes

[CONF] Apache Camel Camel 2.9.0 Release

2011-08-22 Thread confluence
Camel 2.9.0 Release Page edited by Claus Ibsen Changes (1) ... * Added {{isUseAdviceWith}} to [Camel Test] which allows end users to tell

[CONF] Apache Camel Camel 2.9.0 Release

2011-08-20 Thread confluence
Camel 2.9.0 Release Page edited by Claus Ibsen Changes (1) ... * The [XSLT], and [Validation] components has been moved from {{camel-spring}}

[CONF] Apache Camel Camel 2.9.0 Release

2011-08-19 Thread confluence
Camel 2.9.0 Release Page edited by Claus Ibsen Changes (2) ... * Improved managed browsable endpoints (JMX) so you can browse all/range

[CONF] Apache Camel Camel 2.9.0 Release

2011-08-19 Thread confluence
Camel 2.9.0 Release Page edited by Claus Ibsen Changes (1) ... * Switched to a better performing non locking endpoint cache based on Googles

[CONF] Apache Camel Camel 2.9.0 Release

2011-08-18 Thread confluence
Camel 2.9.0 Release Page edited by Hadrian Zbarcea Changes (1) ... * Added {{replaceFrom}} to [AdviceWith] making it easy to swap a route

[CONF] Apache Camel Camel 2.9.0 Release

2011-08-17 Thread confluence
Camel 2.9.0 Release Page edited by Claus Ibsen Changes (4) ... h2. Dependency Upgrades * Apache CXF 2.4.1 to 2.4.2

[CONF] Apache Camel Camel 2.9.0 Release

2011-08-17 Thread confluence
Camel 2.9.0 Release Page edited by Claus Ibsen Changes (1) ... * Improved managed browsable endpoints (JMX) so you can browse all/range

[CONF] Apache Camel Camel 2.9.0 Release

2011-08-17 Thread confluence
Camel 2.9.0 Release Page edited by Claus Ibsen Changes (1) ... * Fixed issue with [Tracer] out exchanges when using [Asynchronous Processing]

[CONF] Apache Camel Camel 2.9.0 Release

2011-08-17 Thread confluence
Camel 2.9.0 Release Page edited by Ben ODay Comment: updated per CAMEL-4217 Changes (1) ... * [File|File2] and

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