zhfeng commented on PR #4801:
URL: https://github.com/apache/camel-quarkus/pull/4801#issuecomment-1515991560
@jamesnetherton I just open
https://github.com/apache/camel-quarkus/pull/4810 for upgrading and
`quarkus-qpid-jms-bom` and also manage the `bcutil-jdk15on`.
This is an automate
zhfeng commented on PR #4801:
URL: https://github.com/apache/camel-quarkus/pull/4801#issuecomment-1515968353
Yeah, it is because `quarkus-qpid-jms-bom` imports `quarkus-bom`. And from
`Quarkus 3.0.0.Alpha4`, quarkus removes the `bcutil-jdk15` and replaces with
This is an auto
zhfeng commented on PR #4801:
URL: https://github.com/apache/camel-quarkus/pull/4801#issuecomment-1514388122
It is weird and if only build `camel-quarkus-pulsar` by `./mvnw -f
extensions-jvm/pulsar/pom.xml clean install`, it works. I don't think
`quarkus-qpid-jms` introduces anything relate