diff --git a/ b/
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index 0000000..f49e627
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+import itertools
+import struct
+import time
+import pytest
+import logging
+from flaky import flaky
+from cassandra import ConsistencyLevel, InvalidRequest
+from cassandra.metadata import NetworkTopologyStrategy, SimpleStrategy
+from cassandra.policies import FallthroughRetryPolicy
+from cassandra.query import SimpleStatement
+from dtest import Tester, create_ks
+from distutils.version import LooseVersion
+from thrift_bindings.thrift010.ttypes import \
+    ConsistencyLevel as ThriftConsistencyLevel
+from thrift_bindings.thrift010.ttypes import (CfDef, Column, 
+                                        Mutation)
+from thrift_test import get_thrift_client
+from tools.assertions import (assert_all, assert_invalid, assert_length_equal,
+                              assert_none, assert_one, assert_unavailable)
+from import rows_to_list
+from tools.metadata_wrapper import (UpdatingClusterMetadataWrapper,
+                                    UpdatingKeyspaceMetadataWrapper,
+                                    UpdatingTableMetadataWrapper)
+since = pytest.mark.since
+logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+class CQLTester(Tester):
+    def prepare(self, ordered=False, create_keyspace=True, use_cache=False,
+                nodes=1, rf=1, protocol_version=None, user=None, password=None,
+                start_rpc=False, **kwargs):
+        cluster = self.cluster
+        if ordered:
+        if use_cache:
+            cluster.set_configuration_options(values={'row_cache_size_in_mb': 
+        if start_rpc:
+            cluster.set_configuration_options(values={'start_rpc': True})
+        if user:
+            config = {'authenticator': 
+                      'authorizer': 
+                      'permissions_validity_in_ms': 0}
+            cluster.set_configuration_options(values=config)
+        if not cluster.nodelist():
+            cluster.populate(nodes).start(wait_for_binary_proto=True)
+        node1 = cluster.nodelist()[0]
+        session = self.patient_cql_connection(node1, 
protocol_version=protocol_version, user=user, password=password)
+        if create_keyspace:
+            create_ks(session, 'ks', rf)
+        return session
+class TestCQL(CQLTester):
+    """
+    Each CQL statement is exercised at least once in order to
+    ensure we execute the code path in StorageProxy.
+    # TODO This probably isn't true anymore?
+    Note that in depth CQL validation is done in Java unit tests,
+    see CASSANDRA-9160.
+    # TODO I'm not convinced we need these. Seems like all the functionality
+    #      is covered in greater detail in other test classes.
+    """
+    def test_keyspace(self):
+        """
+        Smoke test that basic keyspace operations work:
+        - create a keyspace
+        - assert keyspace exists and is configured as expected with the driver 
metadata API
+        - ALTER it
+        - assert keyspace was correctly altered with the driver metadata API
+        - DROP it
+        - assert keyspace is no longer in keyspace metadata
+        """
+        session = self.prepare(create_keyspace=False)
+        meta = UpdatingClusterMetadataWrapper(session.cluster)
+        assert 'ks' not in meta.keyspaces
+        session.execute("CREATE KEYSPACE ks WITH replication = "
+                        "{ 'class':'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor':1} "
+                        "AND DURABLE_WRITES = true")
+        assert 'ks' in meta.keyspaces
+        ks_meta = UpdatingKeyspaceMetadataWrapper(session.cluster, 
+        assert ks_meta.durable_writes
+        assert isinstance(ks_meta.replication_strategy, SimpleStrategy)
+        session.execute("ALTER KEYSPACE ks WITH replication = "
+                        "{ 'class' : 'NetworkTopologyStrategy', 'datacenter1' 
: 1 } "
+                        "AND DURABLE_WRITES = false")
+        assert not ks_meta.durable_writes
+        assert isinstance(ks_meta.replication_strategy, 
+        session.execute("DROP KEYSPACE ks")
+        assert 'ks' not in meta.keyspaces
+    def test_table(self):
+        """
+        Smoke test that basic table operations work:
+        - create a table
+        - ALTER the table adding a column
+        - insert 10 values
+        - SELECT * and assert the values are there
+        - TRUNCATE the table
+        - SELECT * and assert there are no values
+        - DROP the table
+        - SELECT * and assert the statement raises an InvalidRequest
+        # TODO run SELECTs to make sure each statement works
+        """
+        session = self.prepare()
+        ks_meta = UpdatingKeyspaceMetadataWrapper(session.cluster, 
+        session.execute("CREATE TABLE test1 (k int PRIMARY KEY, v1 int)")
+        assert 'test1' in ks_meta.tables
+        t1_meta = UpdatingTableMetadataWrapper(session.cluster, ks_name='ks', 
+        session.execute("ALTER TABLE test1 ADD v2 int")
+        assert 'v2' in t1_meta.columns
+        for i in range(0, 10):
+            session.execute("INSERT INTO test1 (k, v1, v2) VALUES ({i}, {i}, 
+        assert_all(session, "SELECT * FROM test1", [[i, i, i] for i in 
range(0, 10)], ignore_order=True)
+        session.execute("TRUNCATE test1")
+        assert_none(session, "SELECT * FROM test1")
+        session.execute("DROP TABLE test1")
+        assert 'test1' not in ks_meta.tables
+    @since("2.0", max_version="3.X")
+    def test_table_compact_storage(self):
+        """
+        Smoke test that basic table operations work:
+        - create a table with COMPACT STORAGE
+        - insert 10 values
+        - SELECT * and assert the values are there
+        - TRUNCATE the table
+        - SELECT * and assert there are no values
+        - DROP the table
+        - SELECT * and assert the statement raises an InvalidRequest
+        # TODO run SELECTs to make sure each statement works
+        """
+        session = self.prepare()
+        ks_meta = UpdatingKeyspaceMetadataWrapper(session.cluster, 
+        session.execute("CREATE TABLE test2 (k int, c1 int, v1 int, PRIMARY 
+        assert 'test2' in ks_meta.tables
+        for i in range(0, 10):
+            session.execute("INSERT INTO test2 (k, c1, v1) VALUES ({i}, {i}, 
+        assert_all(session, "SELECT * FROM test2", [[i, i, i] for i in 
range(0, 10)], ignore_order=True)
+        session.execute("TRUNCATE test2")
+        assert_none(session, "SELECT * FROM test2")
+        session.execute("DROP TABLE test2")
+        assert 'test2' not in ks_meta.tables
+    def test_index(self):
+        """
+        Smoke test CQL statements related to indexes:
+        - CREATE a table
+        - CREATE an index on that table
+        - INSERT 10 values into the table
+        - SELECT from the table over the indexed value and assert the expected 
values come back
+        - drop the index
+        - assert SELECTing over the indexed value raises an InvalidRequest
+        # TODO run SELECTs to make sure each statement works
+        """
+        session = self.prepare()
+        session.execute("CREATE TABLE test3 (k int PRIMARY KEY, v1 int, v2 
+        table_meta = UpdatingTableMetadataWrapper(session.cluster, 
ks_name='ks', table_name='test3')
+        session.execute("CREATE INDEX testidx ON test3 (v1)")
+        assert 'testidx' in table_meta.indexes
+        for i in range(0, 10):
+            session.execute("INSERT INTO test3 (k, v1, v2) VALUES ({i}, {i}, 
+        assert_one(session, "SELECT * FROM test3 WHERE v1 = 0", [0, 0, 0])
+        session.execute("DROP INDEX testidx")
+        assert 'testidx' not in table_meta.indexes
+    def test_type(self):
+        """
+        Smoke test basic TYPE operations:
+        - CREATE a type
+        - CREATE a table using that type
+        - ALTER the type and CREATE another table
+        - DROP the tables and type
+        - CREATE another table using the DROPped type and assert it fails with 
an InvalidRequest
+        # TODO run SELECTs to make sure each statement works
+        # TODO is this even necessary given the existence of the auth_tests?
+        """
+        session = self.prepare()
+        # even though we only ever use the user_types attribute of this object,
+        # we have to access it each time, because attribute access is how the
+        # value is updated
+        ks_meta = UpdatingKeyspaceMetadataWrapper(session.cluster, 
+        session.execute("CREATE TYPE address_t (street text, city text, 
zip_code int)")
+        assert 'address_t' in ks_meta.user_types
+        session.execute("CREATE TABLE test4 (id int PRIMARY KEY, address 
+        session.execute("ALTER TYPE address_t ADD phones set<text>")
+        assert 'phones' in ks_meta.user_types['address_t'].field_names
+        # drop the table so we can safely drop the type it uses
+        session.execute("DROP TABLE test4")
+        session.execute("DROP TYPE address_t")
+        assert 'address_t' not in ks_meta.user_types
+    def test_user(self):
+        """
+        Smoke test for basic USER queries:
+        - get a session as the default superuser
+        - CREATE a user
+        - ALTER that user by giving it a different password
+        - DROP that user
+        # TODO list users after each to make sure each statement works
+        """
+        session = self.prepare(user='cassandra', password='cassandra')
+        node1 = self.cluster.nodelist()[0]
+        def get_usernames():
+            return [ for user in session.execute('LIST USERS')]
+        assert 'user1' not in get_usernames()
+        session.execute("CREATE USER user1 WITH PASSWORD 'secret'")
+        # use patient to retry until it works, because it takes some time for
+        # the CREATE to take
+        self.patient_cql_connection(node1, user='user1', password='secret')
+        session.execute("ALTER USER user1 WITH PASSWORD 'secret^2'")
+        # use patient for same reason as above
+        self.patient_cql_connection(node1, user='user1', password='secret^2')
+        session.execute("DROP USER user1")
+        assert 'user1' not in get_usernames()
+    def test_statements(self):
+        """
+        Smoke test SELECT and UPDATE statements:
+        - create a table
+        - insert 20 rows into the table
+        - run SELECT COUNT queries and assert they return the correct values
+            - bare and with IN and equality conditions
+        - run SELECT * queries with = conditions
+        - run UPDATE queries
+        - SELECT * and assert the UPDATEd values are there
+        - DELETE with a = condition
+        - SELECT the deleted values and make sure nothing is returned
+        # TODO run SELECTs to make sure each statement works
+        """
+        session = self.prepare()
+        session.execute("CREATE TABLE test7 (kind text, time int, v1 int, v2 
int, PRIMARY KEY(kind, time) )")
+        for i in range(0, 10):
+            session.execute("INSERT INTO test7 (kind, time, v1, v2) VALUES 
('ev1', {i}, {i}, {i})".format(i=i))
+            session.execute("INSERT INTO test7 (kind, time, v1, v2) VALUES 
('ev2', {i}, {i}, {i})".format(i=i))
+        assert_one(session, "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM test7 WHERE kind = 'ev1'", 
+        assert_one(session, "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM test7 WHERE kind IN ('ev1', 
'ev2')", [20])
+        assert_one(session, "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM test7 WHERE kind IN ('ev1', 
'ev2') AND time=0", [2])
+        assert_all(session, "SELECT * FROM test7 WHERE kind = 'ev1'", [['ev1', 
i, i, i] for i in range(0, 10)])
+        assert_all(session, "SELECT * FROM test7 WHERE kind = 'ev2'", [['ev2', 
i, i, i] for i in range(0, 10)])
+        for i in range(0, 10):
+            session.execute("UPDATE test7 SET v1 = 0, v2 = 0 where kind = 
'ev1' AND time={i}".format(i=i))
+        assert_all(session, "SELECT * FROM test7 WHERE kind = 'ev1'", [['ev1', 
i, 0, 0] for i in range(0, 10)])
+        session.execute("DELETE FROM test7 WHERE kind = 'ev1'")
+        assert_none(session, "SELECT * FROM test7 WHERE kind = 'ev1'")
+        assert_one(session, "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM test7 WHERE kind = 'ev1'", 
+    @since('3.10')
+    def test_partition_key_allow_filtering(self):
+        """
+        Filtering with unrestricted parts of partition keys
+        @jira_ticket CASSANDRA-11031
+        """
+        session = self.prepare()
+        session.execute("""
+            CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS test_filter (
+                k1 int,
+                k2 int,
+                ck1 int,
+                v int,
+                PRIMARY KEY ((k1, k2), ck1)
+            )
+        """)
+        session.execute("INSERT INTO test_filter (k1, k2, ck1, v) VALUES (0, 
0, 0, 0)")
+        session.execute("INSERT INTO test_filter (k1, k2, ck1, v) VALUES (0, 
0, 1, 0)")
+        session.execute("INSERT INTO test_filter (k1, k2, ck1, v) VALUES (0, 
0, 2, 0)")
+        session.execute("INSERT INTO test_filter (k1, k2, ck1, v) VALUES (0, 
0, 3, 0)")
+        session.execute("INSERT INTO test_filter (k1, k2, ck1, v) VALUES (0, 
1, 0, 0)")
+        session.execute("INSERT INTO test_filter (k1, k2, ck1, v) VALUES (0, 
1, 1, 0)")
+        session.execute("INSERT INTO test_filter (k1, k2, ck1, v) VALUES (0, 
1, 2, 0)")
+        session.execute("INSERT INTO test_filter (k1, k2, ck1, v) VALUES (0, 
1, 3, 0)")
+        session.execute("INSERT INTO test_filter (k1, k2, ck1, v) VALUES (1, 
0, 0, 0)")
+        session.execute("INSERT INTO test_filter (k1, k2, ck1, v) VALUES (1, 
0, 1, 0)")
+        session.execute("INSERT INTO test_filter (k1, k2, ck1, v) VALUES (1, 
0, 2, 0)")
+        session.execute("INSERT INTO test_filter (k1, k2, ck1, v) VALUES (1, 
0, 3, 0)")
+        session.execute("INSERT INTO test_filter (k1, k2, ck1, v) VALUES (1, 
1, 0, 0)")
+        session.execute("INSERT INTO test_filter (k1, k2, ck1, v) VALUES (1, 
1, 1, 0)")
+        session.execute("INSERT INTO test_filter (k1, k2, ck1, v) VALUES (1, 
1, 2, 0)")
+        session.execute("INSERT INTO test_filter (k1, k2, ck1, v) VALUES (1, 
1, 3, 0)")
+        # select test
+        assert_all(session,
+                   "SELECT * FROM test_filter WHERE k1 = 0 ALLOW FILTERING",
+                   [[0, 0, 0, 0],
+                    [0, 0, 1, 0],
+                    [0, 0, 2, 0],
+                    [0, 0, 3, 0],
+                    [0, 1, 0, 0],
+                    [0, 1, 1, 0],
+                    [0, 1, 2, 0],
+                    [0, 1, 3, 0]],
+                   ignore_order=True)
+        assert_all(session,
+                   "SELECT * FROM test_filter WHERE k1 <= 1 AND k2 >= 1 ALLOW 
+                   [[0, 1, 0, 0],
+                    [0, 1, 1, 0],
+                    [0, 1, 2, 0],
+                    [0, 1, 3, 0],
+                    [1, 1, 0, 0],
+                    [1, 1, 1, 0],
+                    [1, 1, 2, 0],
+                    [1, 1, 3, 0]],
+                   ignore_order=True)
+        assert_none(session, "SELECT * FROM test_filter WHERE k1 = 2 ALLOW 
+        assert_none(session, "SELECT * FROM test_filter WHERE k1 <=0 AND k2 > 
+        assert_all(session,
+                   "SELECT * FROM test_filter WHERE k2 <= 0 ALLOW FILTERING",
+                   [[0, 0, 0, 0],
+                    [0, 0, 1, 0],
+                    [0, 0, 2, 0],
+                    [0, 0, 3, 0],
+                    [1, 0, 0, 0],
+                    [1, 0, 1, 0],
+                    [1, 0, 2, 0],
+                    [1, 0, 3, 0]],
+                   ignore_order=True)
+        assert_all(session,
+                   "SELECT * FROM test_filter WHERE k1 <= 0 AND k2 = 0 ALLOW 
+                   [[0, 0, 0, 0],
+                    [0, 0, 1, 0],
+                    [0, 0, 2, 0],
+                    [0, 0, 3, 0]])
+        assert_all(session,
+                   "SELECT * FROM test_filter WHERE k2 = 1 ALLOW FILTERING",
+                   [[0, 1, 0, 0],
+                    [0, 1, 1, 0],
+                    [0, 1, 2, 0],
+                    [0, 1, 3, 0],
+                    [1, 1, 0, 0],
+                    [1, 1, 1, 0],
+                    [1, 1, 2, 0],
+                    [1, 1, 3, 0]],
+                   ignore_order=True)
+        assert_none(session, "SELECT * FROM test_filter WHERE k2 = 2 ALLOW 
+        # filtering on both Partition Key and Clustering key
+        assert_all(session,
+                   "SELECT * FROM test_filter WHERE k1 = 0 AND ck1=0 ALLOW 
+                   [[0, 0, 0, 0],
+                    [0, 1, 0, 0]],
+                   ignore_order=True)
+        assert_all(session,
+                   "SELECT * FROM test_filter WHERE k1 = 0 AND k2=1 AND ck1=0 
+                   [[0, 1, 0, 0]])
+        # count(*) test
+        assert_all(session,
+                   "SELECT count(*) FROM test_filter WHERE k2 = 0 ALLOW 
+                   [[8]])
+        assert_all(session,
+                   "SELECT count(*) FROM test_filter WHERE k2 = 1 ALLOW 
+                   [[8]])
+        assert_all(session,
+                   "SELECT count(*) FROM test_filter WHERE k2 = 2 ALLOW 
+                   [[0]])
+        # test invalid query
+        with pytest.raises(InvalidRequest):
+            session.execute("SELECT * FROM test_filter WHERE k1 = 0")
+        with pytest.raises(InvalidRequest):
+            session.execute("SELECT * FROM test_filter WHERE k1 = 0 AND k2 > 
+        with pytest.raises(InvalidRequest):
+            session.execute("SELECT * FROM test_filter WHERE k1 >= 0 AND k2 in 
+        with pytest.raises(InvalidRequest):
+            session.execute("SELECT * FROM test_filter WHERE k2 > 0")
+    def test_batch(self):
+        """
+        Smoke test for BATCH statements:
+        - CREATE a table
+        - create a BATCH statement and execute it at QUORUM
+        # TODO run SELECTs to make sure each statement works
+        """
+        session = self.prepare()
+        session.execute("""
+            CREATE TABLE test8 (
+                userid text PRIMARY KEY,
+                name text,
+                password text
+            )
+        """)
+        query = SimpleStatement("""
+            BEGIN BATCH
+                INSERT INTO test8 (userid, password, name) VALUES ('user2', 
'ch@ngem3b', 'second user');
+                UPDATE test8 SET password = 'ps22dhds' WHERE userid = 'user3';
+                INSERT INTO test8 (userid, password) VALUES ('user4', 
+                DELETE name FROM test8 WHERE userid = 'user1';
+            APPLY BATCH;
+        """, consistency_level=ConsistencyLevel.QUORUM)
+        session.execute(query)
+class TestMiscellaneousCQL(CQLTester):
+    """
+    CQL tests that cannot be performed as Java unit tests, see CASSANDRA-9160.
+    If you're considering adding a test here, consider writing Java unit tests
+    for CQL validation instead. Add a new test here only if there is a reason
+    for it, e.g. the test is related to the client protocol or thrift, requires
+    examining the log files, or must run on multiple nodes.
+    """
+    @since('2.1', max_version='3.0')
+    def test_large_collection_errors(self):
+        """
+        Assert C* logs warnings when selecting too large a collection over
+        protocol v2:
+        - prepare the cluster and connect using protocol v2
+        - CREATE a table containing a map column
+        - insert over 65535 elements into the map
+        - select all the elements of the map
+        - assert that the correct error was logged
+        """
+        # We only warn with protocol 2
+        session = self.prepare(protocol_version=2)
+        cluster = self.cluster
+        node1 = cluster.nodelist()[0]
+        self.fixture_dtest_setup.ignore_log_patterns = ["Detected collection 
for table"]
+        session.execute("""
+            CREATE TABLE maps (
+                userid text PRIMARY KEY,
+                properties map<int, text>
+            );
+        """)
+        # Insert more than the max, which is 65535
+        for i in range(70000):
+            session.execute("UPDATE maps SET properties[{}] = 'x' WHERE userid 
= 'user'".format(i))
+        # Query for the data and throw exception
+        session.execute("SELECT properties FROM maps WHERE userid = 'user'")
+        node1.watch_log_for("Detected collection for table ks.maps with 70000 
elements, more than the 65535 limit. "
+                            "Only the first 65535 elements will be returned to 
the client. Please see "
" for more details.")
+    @since('2.0', max_version='4')
+    def test_cql3_insert_thrift(self):
+        """
+        Check that we can insert from thrift into a CQL3 table:
+        - CREATE a table via CQL
+        - insert values via thrift
+        - SELECT the inserted values and assert they are there as expected
+        @jira_ticket CASSANDRA-4377
+        """
+        session = self.prepare(start_rpc=True)
+        session.execute("""
+            CREATE TABLE test (
+                k int,
+                c int,
+                v int,
+                PRIMARY KEY (k, c)
+            )
+        """)
+        node = self.cluster.nodelist()[0]
+        host, port = node.network_interfaces['thrift']
+        client = get_thrift_client(host, port)
+        client.set_keyspace('ks')
+        key = struct.pack('>i', 2)
+        column_name_component = struct.pack('>i', 4)
+        # component length + component + EOC + component length + component + 
+        column_name = b'\x00\x04' + column_name_component + b'\x00' + 
b'\x00\x01' + 'v'.encode("utf-8") + b'\x00'
+        value = struct.pack('>i', 8)
+        client.batch_mutate(
+            {key: {'test': 
[Mutation(ColumnOrSuperColumn(column=Column(name=column_name, value=value, 
+            ThriftConsistencyLevel.ONE)
+        assert_one(session, "SELECT * FROM test", [2, 4, 8])
+    @since('2.0', max_version='4')
+    def test_rename(self):
+        """
+        Check that a thrift-created table can be renamed via CQL:
+        - create a table via the thrift interface
+        - INSERT a row via CQL
+        - ALTER the name of the table via CQL
+        - SELECT from the table and assert the values inserted are there
+        """
+        session = self.prepare(start_rpc=True)
+        node = self.cluster.nodelist()[0]
+        host, port = node.network_interfaces['thrift']
+        client = get_thrift_client(host, port)
+        cfdef = CfDef()
+        cfdef.keyspace = 'ks'
+ = 'test'
+        cfdef.column_type = 'Standard'
+        cfdef.comparator_type = 'CompositeType(Int32Type, Int32Type, 
+        cfdef.key_validation_class = 'UTF8Type'
+        cfdef.default_validation_class = 'UTF8Type'
+        client.set_keyspace('ks')
+        client.system_add_column_family(cfdef)
+        session.execute("INSERT INTO ks.test (key, column1, column2, column3, 
value) VALUES ('foo', 4, 3, 2, 'bar')")
+        session.execute("ALTER TABLE test RENAME column1 TO foo1 AND column2 
TO foo2 AND column3 TO foo3")
+        assert_one(session, "SELECT foo1, foo2, foo3 FROM test", [4, 3, 2])
+    def test_invalid_string_literals(self):
+        """
+        @jira_ticket CASSANDRA-8101
+        - assert INSERTing into a nonexistent table fails normally, with an 
InvalidRequest exception
+        - create a table with ascii and text columns
+        - assert that trying to execute an insert statement with non-UTF8 
contents raises a ProtocolException
+            - tries to insert into a nonexistent column to make sure the 
ProtocolException is raised over other errors
+        """
+        session = self.prepare()
+        # this should fail as normal, not with a ProtocolException
+        assert_invalid(session, "insert into invalid_string_literals (k, a) 
VALUES (0, '\u038E\u0394\u03B4\u03E0')")
+        session = self.patient_cql_connection(self.cluster.nodelist()[0], 
+        session.execute("create table invalid_string_literals (k int primary 
key, a ascii, b text)")
+        # this should still fail with an InvalidRequest
+        assert_invalid(session, "insert into invalid_string_literals (k, c) 
VALUES (0, '\u038E\u0394\u03B4\u03E0')")
+        # try to insert utf-8 characters into an ascii column and make sure it 
+        with pytest.raises(InvalidRequest, match='Invalid ASCII character in 
string literal'):
+            session.execute("insert into invalid_string_literals (k, a) VALUES 
(0, '\xE0\x80\x80')")
+    def test_prepared_statement_invalidation(self):
+        """
+        @jira_ticket CASSANDRA-7910
+        - CREATE a table and INSERT a row
+        - prepare 2 prepared SELECT statements
+        - SELECT the row with a bound prepared statement and assert it returns 
the expected row
+        - ALTER the table, dropping a column
+        - assert prepared statement without that column in it still works
+        - assert prepared statement containing that column fails
+        - ALTER the table, adding a column
+        - assert prepared statement without that column in it still works
+        - assert prepared statement containing that column also still works
+        - ALTER the table, changing the type of a column
+        - assert that both prepared statements still work
+        """
+        session = self.prepare()
+        session.execute("CREATE TABLE test (k int PRIMARY KEY, a int, b int, c 
+        session.execute("INSERT INTO test (k, a, b, c) VALUES (0, 0, 0, 0)")
+        wildcard_prepared = session.prepare("SELECT * FROM test")
+        explicit_prepared = session.prepare("SELECT k, a, b, c FROM test")
+        result = session.execute(wildcard_prepared.bind(None))
+        assert result, [(0, 0, 0 == 0)]
+        session.execute("ALTER TABLE test DROP c")
+        result = session.execute(wildcard_prepared.bind(None))
+        # wildcard select can be automatically re-prepared by the driver
+        assert result, [(0, 0 == 0)]
+        # but re-preparing the statement with explicit columns should fail
+        # (see PYTHON-207 for why we expect InvalidRequestException instead of 
the normal exc)
+        assert_invalid(session, explicit_prepared.bind(None), 
+        session.execute("ALTER TABLE test ADD d int")
+        result = session.execute(wildcard_prepared.bind(None))
+        assert result, [(0, 0, 0 == None)]
+        if self.cluster.version() < LooseVersion('3.0'):
+            explicit_prepared = session.prepare("SELECT k, a, b, d FROM test")
+            # when the type is altered, both statements will need to be 
+            # by the driver, but the re-preparation should succeed
+            session.execute("ALTER TABLE test ALTER d TYPE blob")
+            result = session.execute(wildcard_prepared.bind(None))
+            assert result, [(0, 0, 0 == None)]
+            result = session.execute(explicit_prepared.bind(None))
+            assert result, [(0, 0, 0 == None)]
+    def test_range_slice(self):
+        """
+        Regression test for CASSANDRA-1337:
+        - CREATE a table
+        - INSERT 2 rows
+        - SELECT * from the table
+        - assert 2 rows were returned
+        @jira_ticket CASSANDRA-1337
+        # TODO I don't see how this is an interesting test or how it tests 
+        """
+        cluster = self.cluster
+        cluster.populate(2).start()
+        node1 = cluster.nodelist()[0]
+        time.sleep(0.2)
+        session = self.patient_cql_connection(node1)
+        create_ks(session, 'ks', 1)
+        session.execute("""
+            CREATE TABLE test (
+                k text PRIMARY KEY,
+                v int
+            );
+        """)
+        time.sleep(1)
+        session.execute("INSERT INTO test (k, v) VALUES ('foo', 0)")
+        session.execute("INSERT INTO test (k, v) VALUES ('bar', 1)")
+        res = list(session.execute("SELECT * FROM test"))
+        assert len(res) == 2, res
+    @pytest.mark.skip(reason="Skipping until PYTHON-893 is fixed")
+    def test_many_columns(self):
+        """
+        Test for tables with thousands of columns.
+        For CASSANDRA-11621.
+        """
+        session = self.prepare()
+        width = 5000
+        cluster = self.cluster
+        session.execute("CREATE TABLE very_wide_table (pk int PRIMARY KEY, " +
+                        ",".join(["c_{} int".format(i) for i in range(width)]) 
+                        ")")
+        session.execute("INSERT INTO very_wide_table (pk, " +
+                        ",".join(["c_{}".format(i) for i in range(width)]) +
+                        ") VALUES (100," +
+                        ",".join([str(i) for i in range(width)]) +
+                        ")")
+        assert_all(session, "SELECT " +
+                   ",".join(["c_{}".format(i) for i in range(width)]) +
+                   " FROM very_wide_table", [[i for i in range(width)]])
+    @since("3.11", max_version="3.X")
+    def test_drop_compact_storage_flag(self):
+        """
+        Test for CASSANDRA-10857, verifying the schema change
+        distribution across the other nodes.
+        """
+        cluster = self.cluster
+        cluster.populate(3).start()
+        node1, node2, node3 = cluster.nodelist()
+        session1 = self.patient_cql_connection(node1)
+        session2 = self.patient_cql_connection(node2)
+        session3 = self.patient_cql_connection(node3)
+        create_ks(session1, 'ks', 3)
+        sessions = [session1, session2, session3]
+        for session in sessions:
+            session.set_keyspace('ks')
+        session1.execute("""
+            CREATE TABLE test_drop_compact_storage (k int PRIMARY KEY, s1 int) 
+        """)
+        session1.execute("INSERT INTO test_drop_compact_storage (k, s1) VALUES 
+        session1.execute("INSERT INTO test_drop_compact_storage (k, s1) VALUES 
+        session1.execute("INSERT INTO test_drop_compact_storage (k, s1) VALUES 
+        for session in sessions:
+            res = session.execute("SELECT * from test_drop_compact_storage")
+            assert rows_to_list(res) == [[1, 1], [2, 2], [3, 3]]
+        session1.execute("ALTER TABLE test_drop_compact_storage DROP COMPACT 
+        for session in sessions:
+            assert_all(session, "SELECT * from test_drop_compact_storage",
+                       [[1, None, 1, None],
+                        [2, None, 2, None],
+                        [3, None, 3, None]])
+class AbortedQueryTester(CQLTester):
+    """
+    @jira_ticket CASSANDRA-7392
+    Test that read-queries that take longer than read_request_timeout_in_ms
+    time out.
+    # TODO The important part of these is "set up a combination of
+    #      configuration options that will make all reads time out, then
+    #      try to read and assert it times out". This can probably be made much
+    #      simpler -- most of the logic can be factored out. In many cases it
+    #      probably isn't even necessary to define a custom table or to insert
+    #      more than one value.
+    """
+    def test_local_query(self):
+        """
+        Check that a query running on the local coordinator node times out:
+        - set the read request timeouts to 1 second
+        - start the cluster with read_iteration_delay set to 5 ms
+            - the delay will be applied ot each row iterated and will cause
+              read queries to take longer than the read timeout
+        - CREATE and INSERT into a table
+        - SELECT * from the table using a retry policy that never retries, and 
assert it times out
+        @jira_ticket CASSANDRA-7392
+        """
+        cluster = self.cluster
+        cluster.set_configuration_options(values={'request_timeout_in_ms': 
'read_request_timeout_in_ms': 1000,
'range_request_timeout_in_ms': 1000})
+        # cassandra.test.read_iteration_delay_ms causes the state tracking 
read iterators
+        # introduced by CASSANDRA-7392 to pause by the specified amount of 
milliseconds every
+        # CQL row iterated for non system queries, so that these queries take 
much longer to complete,
+        # see ReadCommand.withStateTracking()
+        cluster.populate(1).start(wait_for_binary_proto=True,
+        node = cluster.nodelist()[0]
+        session = self.patient_cql_connection(node)
+        create_ks(session, 'ks', 1)
+        session.execute("""
+            CREATE TABLE test1 (
+                id int PRIMARY KEY,
+                val text
+            );
+        """)
+        for i in range(500):
+            session.execute("INSERT INTO test1 (id, val) VALUES ({}, 
+        # use debug logs because at info level no-spam logger has 
unpredictable results
+        mark = node.mark_log(filename='debug.log')
+        statement = SimpleStatement("SELECT * from test1",
+                                    consistency_level=ConsistencyLevel.ONE,
+                                    retry_policy=FallthroughRetryPolicy())
+        assert_unavailable(lambda c: logger.debug(c.execute(statement)), 
+        node.watch_log_for("operations timed out", filename='debug.log', 
from_mark=mark, timeout=120)
+    def test_remote_query(self):
+        """
+        Check that a query running on a node other than the coordinator times 
+        - populate the cluster with 2 nodes
+        - set the read request timeouts to 1 second
+        - start one node without having it join the ring
+        - start the other node with read_iteration_delay set to 5 ms
+            - the delay will be applied ot each row iterated and will cause
+              read queries to take longer than the read timeout
+        - CREATE a table
+        - INSERT 5000 rows on a session on the node that is not a member of 
the ring
+        - run SELECT statements and assert they fail
+        # TODO refactor SELECT statements:
+        #        - run the statements in a loop to reduce duplication
+        #        - watch the log after each query
+        #        - assert we raise the right error
+        """
+        cluster = self.cluster
+        cluster.set_configuration_options(values={'request_timeout_in_ms': 
'read_request_timeout_in_ms': 1000,
'range_request_timeout_in_ms': 1000})
+        cluster.populate(2)
+        node1, node2 = cluster.nodelist()
+        node1.start(wait_for_binary_proto=True, join_ring=False)  # ensure 
other node executes queries
+        node2.start(wait_for_binary_proto=True,
+                    jvm_args=["-Dcassandra.monitoring_report_interval_ms=10",
+                              "-Dcassandra.test.read_iteration_delay_ms=5"])  
# see above for explanation
+        session = self.patient_exclusive_cql_connection(node1)
+        create_ks(session, 'ks', 1)
+        session.execute("""
+            CREATE TABLE test2 (
+                id int,
+                col int,
+                val text,
+                PRIMARY KEY(id, col)
+            );
+        """)
+        for i, j in itertools.product(list(range(10)), list(range(500))):
+            session.execute("INSERT INTO test2 (id, col, val) VALUES ({}, {}, 
'foo')".format(i, j))
+        # use debug logs because at info level no-spam logger has 
unpredictable results
+        mark = node2.mark_log(filename='debug.log')
+        statement = SimpleStatement("SELECT * from test2",
+                                    consistency_level=ConsistencyLevel.ONE,
+                                    retry_policy=FallthroughRetryPolicy())
+        assert_unavailable(lambda c: logger.debug(c.execute(statement)), 
+        statement = SimpleStatement("SELECT * from test2 where id = 1",
+                                    consistency_level=ConsistencyLevel.ONE,
+                                    retry_policy=FallthroughRetryPolicy())
+        assert_unavailable(lambda c: logger.debug(c.execute(statement)), 
+        statement = SimpleStatement("SELECT * from test2 where id IN (1, 2, 3) 
AND col > 10",
+                                    consistency_level=ConsistencyLevel.ONE,
+                                    retry_policy=FallthroughRetryPolicy())
+        assert_unavailable(lambda c: logger.debug(c.execute(statement)), 
+        statement = SimpleStatement("SELECT * from test2 where col > 5 ALLOW 
+                                    consistency_level=ConsistencyLevel.ONE,
+                                    retry_policy=FallthroughRetryPolicy())
+        assert_unavailable(lambda c: logger.debug(c.execute(statement)), 
+        node2.watch_log_for("operations timed out", filename='debug.log', 
from_mark=mark, timeout=60)
+    def test_index_query(self):
+        """
+        Check that a secondary index query times out:
+        - populate a 1-node cluster
+        - set the read request timeouts to 1 second
+        - start one node without having it join the ring
+        - start the other node with read_iteration_delay set to 5 ms
+            - the delay will be applied ot each row iterated and will cause
+              read queries to take longer than the read timeout
+        - CREATE a table
+        - CREATE an index on the table
+        - INSERT 500 values into the table
+        - SELECT over the table and assert it times out
+        """
+        cluster = self.cluster
+        cluster.set_configuration_options(values={'request_timeout_in_ms': 
'read_request_timeout_in_ms': 1000,
'range_request_timeout_in_ms': 1000})
+        cluster.populate(1).start(wait_for_binary_proto=True,
"-Dcassandra.test.read_iteration_delay_ms=5"])  # see above for explanation
+        node = cluster.nodelist()[0]
+        session = self.patient_cql_connection(node)
+        create_ks(session, 'ks', 1)
+        session.execute("""
+            CREATE TABLE test3 (
+                id int PRIMARY KEY,
+                col int,
+                val text
+            );
+        """)
+        session.execute("CREATE INDEX ON test3 (col)")
+        for i in range(500):
+            session.execute("INSERT INTO test3 (id, col, val) VALUES ({}, 50, 
+        # use debug logs because at info level no-spam logger has 
unpredictable results
+        mark = node.mark_log(filename='debug.log')
+        statement = session.prepare("SELECT * from test3 WHERE col = ? ALLOW 
+        statement.consistency_level = ConsistencyLevel.ONE
+        statement.retry_policy = FallthroughRetryPolicy()
+        assert_unavailable(lambda c: logger.debug(c.execute(statement, [50])), 
+        node.watch_log_for("operations timed out", filename='debug.log', 
from_mark=mark, timeout=120)
+    def test_materialized_view(self):
+        """
+        Check that a materialized view query times out:
+        - populate a 2-node cluster
+        - set the read request timeouts to 1 second
+        - start one node without having it join the ring
+        - start the other node with read_iteration_delay set to 5 ms
+            - the delay will be applied ot each row iterated and will cause
+              read queries to take longer than the read timeout
+        - CREATE a table
+        - INSERT 500 values into that table
+        - CREATE a materialized view over that table
+        - assert querying that table results in an unavailable exception
+        """
+        cluster = self.cluster
+        cluster.set_configuration_options(values={'request_timeout_in_ms': 
'read_request_timeout_in_ms': 1000,
'range_request_timeout_in_ms': 1000})
+        cluster.populate(2)
+        node1, node2 = cluster.nodelist()
+        node1.start(wait_for_binary_proto=True, join_ring=False)  # ensure 
other node executes queries
+        node2.start(wait_for_binary_proto=True,
+                    jvm_args=["-Dcassandra.monitoring_report_interval_ms=10",
+                              "-Dcassandra.test.read_iteration_delay_ms=5"])  
# see above for explanation
+        session = self.patient_exclusive_cql_connection(node1)
+        create_ks(session, 'ks', 1)
+        session.execute("""
+            CREATE TABLE test4 (
+                id int PRIMARY KEY,
+                col int,
+                val text
+            );
+        """)
+        session.execute(("CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW mv AS SELECT * FROM test4 "
+                         "WHERE col IS NOT NULL AND id IS NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY 
(col, id)"))
+        for i in range(500):
+            session.execute("INSERT INTO test4 (id, col, val) VALUES ({}, 50, 
+        # use debug logs because at info level no-spam logger has 
unpredictable results
+        mark = node2.mark_log(filename='debug.log')
+        statement = SimpleStatement("SELECT * FROM mv WHERE col = 50",
+                                    consistency_level=ConsistencyLevel.ONE,
+                                    retry_policy=FallthroughRetryPolicy())
+        assert_unavailable(lambda c: logger.debug(c.execute(statement)), 
+        node2.watch_log_for("operations timed out", filename='debug.log', 
from_mark=mark, timeout=60)
+class TestCQLSlowQuery(CQLTester):
+    """
+    Test slow query logging.
+    @jira_ticket CASSANDRA-12403
+    """
+    def test_local_query(self):
+        """
+        Check that a query running locally on the coordinator is reported as 
+        - start a one node cluster with slow_query_log_timeout_in_ms set to a 
small value
+          and the read request timeouts set to a large value (to ensure the 
query is not aborted) and
+          read_iteration_delay set to a value big enough for the query to 
exceed slow_query_log_timeout_in_ms
+          (this will cause read queries to take longer than the slow query 
+        - CREATE and INSERT into a table
+        - SELECT * from the table using a retry policy that never retries, and 
check that the slow
+          query log messages are present in the debug logs (we cannot check 
the logs at info level because
+          the no spam logger has unpredictable results)
+        @jira_ticket CASSANDRA-12403
+        """
+        cluster = self.cluster
cluster.set_configuration_options(values={'slow_query_log_timeout_in_ms': 10,
+                                                  'request_timeout_in_ms': 
'read_request_timeout_in_ms': 120000,
'range_request_timeout_in_ms': 120000})
+        # cassandra.test.read_iteration_delay_ms causes the state tracking 
read iterators
+        # introduced by CASSANDRA-7392 to pause by the specified amount of 
milliseconds during each
+        # iteration of non system queries, so that these queries take much 
longer to complete,
+        # see ReadCommand.withStateTracking()
+        cluster.populate(1).start(wait_for_binary_proto=True,
+        node = cluster.nodelist()[0]
+        session = self.patient_cql_connection(node)
+        create_ks(session, 'ks', 1)
+        session.execute("""
+            CREATE TABLE test1 (
+                id int,
+                col int,
+                val text,
+                PRIMARY KEY(id, col)
+            );
+        """)
+        for i in range(100):
+            session.execute("INSERT INTO test1 (id, col, val) VALUES (1, {}, 
+        # only check debug logs because at INFO level the no-spam logger has 
unpredictable results
+        mark = node.mark_log(filename='debug.log')
+        session.execute(SimpleStatement("SELECT * from test1",
+                                        consistency_level=ConsistencyLevel.ONE,
+                                        retry_policy=FallthroughRetryPolicy()))
+        node.watch_log_for(["operations were slow", "SELECT \* FROM ks.test1"],
+                           from_mark=mark, filename='debug.log', timeout=60)
+        mark = node.mark_log(filename='debug.log')
+        session.execute(SimpleStatement("SELECT * from test1 where id = 1",
+                                        consistency_level=ConsistencyLevel.ONE,
+                                        retry_policy=FallthroughRetryPolicy()))
+        node.watch_log_for(["operations were slow", "SELECT \* FROM ks.test1"],
+                           from_mark=mark, filename='debug.log', timeout=60)
+        mark = node.mark_log(filename='debug.log')
+        session.execute(SimpleStatement("SELECT * from test1 where id = 1",
+                                        consistency_level=ConsistencyLevel.ONE,
+                                        retry_policy=FallthroughRetryPolicy()))
+        node.watch_log_for(["operations were slow", "SELECT \* FROM ks.test1"],
+                           from_mark=mark, filename='debug.log', timeout=60)
+        mark = node.mark_log(filename='debug.log')
+        session.execute(SimpleStatement("SELECT * from test1 where token(id) < 
+                                        consistency_level=ConsistencyLevel.ONE,
+                                        retry_policy=FallthroughRetryPolicy()))
+        node.watch_log_for(["operations were slow", "SELECT \* FROM ks.test1"],
+                           from_mark=mark, filename='debug.log', timeout=60)
+    def test_remote_query(self):
+        """
+        Check that a query running on a node other than the coordinator is 
reported as slow:
+        - populate the cluster with 2 nodes
+        - start one node without having it join the ring
+        - start the other one node with slow_query_log_timeout_in_ms set to a 
small value
+          and the read request timeouts set to a large value (to ensure the 
query is not aborted) and
+          read_iteration_delay set to a value big enough for the query to 
exceed slow_query_log_timeout_in_ms
+          (this will cause read queries to take longer than the slow query 
+        - CREATE a table
+        - INSERT 5000 rows on a session on the node that is not a member of 
the ring
+        - run SELECT statements and check that the slow query messages are 
present in the debug logs
+          (we cannot check the logs at info level because the no spam logger 
has unpredictable results)
+        @jira_ticket CASSANDRA-12403
+        """
+        cluster = self.cluster
cluster.set_configuration_options(values={'slow_query_log_timeout_in_ms': 10,
+                                                  'request_timeout_in_ms': 
'read_request_timeout_in_ms': 120000,
'range_request_timeout_in_ms': 120000})
+        cluster.populate(2)
+        node1, node2 = cluster.nodelist()
+        node1.start(wait_for_binary_proto=True, join_ring=False)  # ensure 
other node executes queries
+        node2.start(wait_for_binary_proto=True,
+                    jvm_args=["-Dcassandra.monitoring_report_interval_ms=10",
+                              "-Dcassandra.test.read_iteration_delay_ms=1"])  
# see above for explanation
+        session = self.patient_exclusive_cql_connection(node1)
+        create_ks(session, 'ks', 1)
+        session.execute("""
+            CREATE TABLE test2 (
+                id int,
+                col int,
+                val text,
+                PRIMARY KEY(id, col)
+            );
+        """)
+        for i, j in itertools.product(list(range(100)), list(range(10))):
+            session.execute("INSERT INTO test2 (id, col, val) VALUES ({}, {}, 
'foo')".format(i, j))
+        # only check debug logs because at INFO level the no-spam logger has 
unpredictable results
+        mark = node2.mark_log(filename='debug.log')
+        session.execute(SimpleStatement("SELECT * from test2",
+                                        consistency_level=ConsistencyLevel.ONE,
+                                        retry_policy=FallthroughRetryPolicy()))
+        node2.watch_log_for(["operations were slow", "SELECT \* FROM 
+                            from_mark=mark, filename='debug.log', timeout=60)
+        mark = node2.mark_log(filename='debug.log')
+        session.execute(SimpleStatement("SELECT * from test2 where id = 1",
+                                        consistency_level=ConsistencyLevel.ONE,
+                                        retry_policy=FallthroughRetryPolicy()))
+        node2.watch_log_for(["operations were slow", "SELECT \* FROM 
+                            from_mark=mark, filename='debug.log', timeout=60)
+        mark = node2.mark_log(filename='debug.log')
+        session.execute(SimpleStatement("SELECT * from test2 where id = 1",
+                                        consistency_level=ConsistencyLevel.ONE,
+                                        retry_policy=FallthroughRetryPolicy()))
+        node2.watch_log_for(["operations were slow", "SELECT \* FROM 
+                            from_mark=mark, filename='debug.log', timeout=60)
+        mark = node2.mark_log(filename='debug.log')
+        session.execute(SimpleStatement("SELECT * from test2 where token(id) < 
+                                        consistency_level=ConsistencyLevel.ONE,
+                                        retry_policy=FallthroughRetryPolicy()))
+        node2.watch_log_for(["operations were slow", "SELECT \* FROM 
+                            from_mark=mark, filename='debug.log', timeout=60)
+    def test_disable_slow_query_log(self):
+        """
+        Check that a query is NOT reported as slow if slow query logging is 
+        - start a one node cluster with slow_query_log_timeout_in_ms set to 0 
+          (this will disable slow query logging), the read request timeouts 
set to a large value
+          (to ensure queries are not aborted) and read_iteration_delay set to 
5 milliseconds
+          (this will cause read queries to take longer than usual)
+        - CREATE and INSERT into a table
+        - SELECT * from the table using a retry policy that never retries, and 
check that the slow
+          query log messages are present in the logs
+        @jira_ticket CASSANDRA-12403
+        """
+        cluster = self.cluster
cluster.set_configuration_options(values={'slow_query_log_timeout_in_ms': 0,
+                                                  'request_timeout_in_ms': 
'read_request_timeout_in_ms': 120000,
'range_request_timeout_in_ms': 120000})
+        # cassandra.test.read_iteration_delay_ms causes the state tracking 
read iterators
+        # introduced by CASSANDRA-7392 to pause by the specified amount of 
milliseconds during each
+        # iteration of non system queries, so that these queries take much 
longer to complete,
+        # see ReadCommand.withStateTracking()
+        cluster.populate(1).start(wait_for_binary_proto=True,
+        node = cluster.nodelist()[0]
+        session = self.patient_cql_connection(node)
+        create_ks(session, 'ks', 1)
+        session.execute("""
+            CREATE TABLE test3 (
+                id int PRIMARY KEY,
+                val text
+            );
+        """)
+        for i in range(100):
+            session.execute("INSERT INTO test3 (id, val) VALUES ({}, 
+        session.execute(SimpleStatement("SELECT * from test3",
+                                        consistency_level=ConsistencyLevel.ONE,
+                                        retry_policy=FallthroughRetryPolicy()))
+        time.sleep(1)  # do our best to ensure logs had a chance to appear
+        self._check_logs(node, "SELECT \* FROM ks.test3", 'debug.log', 0)
+    def _check_logs(self, node, pattern, filename, num_expected):
+        ret = node.grep_log(pattern, filename=filename)
+        assert_length_equal(ret, num_expected)
+class TestLWTWithCQL(Tester):
+    """
+    Validate CQL queries for LWTs for static columns for null and non-existing 
+    @jira_ticket CASSANDRA-9842
+    """
+    @pytest.fixture(scope='function', autouse=True)
+    def fixture_post_initialize_cluster(self, fixture_dtest_setup):
+        cluster = fixture_dtest_setup.cluster
+        cluster.populate(3)
+        cluster.start(wait_for_binary_proto=True)
+    def get_lwttester_session(self):
+        node1 = self.cluster.nodelist()[0]
+        session = self.patient_cql_connection(node1)
+        session.execute("""CREATE KEYSPACE IF NOT EXISTS ks WITH 
+            'replication_factor':1}""")
+        session.execute("USE ks")
+        return session
+    def test_lwt_with_static_columns(self):
+        session = self.get_lwttester_session()
+        session.execute("""
+            CREATE TABLE lwt_with_static (a int, b int, s int static, d text, 
+        """)
+        assert_one(session, "UPDATE lwt_with_static SET s = 1 WHERE a = 1 IF s 
= NULL", [True])
+        assert_one(session, "SELECT * FROM lwt_with_static", [1, None, 1, 
+        assert_one(session, "UPDATE lwt_with_static SET s = 2 WHERE a = 2 IF 
EXISTS", [False])
+        assert_one(session, "SELECT * FROM lwt_with_static WHERE a = 1", [1, 
None, 1, None])
+        assert_one(session, "INSERT INTO lwt_with_static (a, s) VALUES (2, 2) 
+        assert_one(session, "SELECT * FROM lwt_with_static WHERE a = 2", [2, 
None, 2, None])
+        assert_one(session, "BEGIN BATCH\n" +
+                   "INSERT INTO lwt_with_static (a, b, d) values (3, 3, 
'a');\n" +
+                   "UPDATE lwt_with_static SET s = 3 WHERE a = 3 IF s = 
null;\n" +
+                   "APPLY BATCH;", [True])
+        assert_one(session, "SELECT * FROM lwt_with_static WHERE a = 3", [3, 
3, 3, "a"])
+        # LWT applies before INSERT
+        assert_one(session, "BEGIN BATCH\n" +
+                   "INSERT INTO lwt_with_static (a, b, d) values (4, 4, 
'a');\n" +
+                   "UPDATE lwt_with_static SET s = 4 WHERE a = 4 IF s = 
null;\n" +
+                   "APPLY BATCH;", [True])
+        assert_one(session, "SELECT * FROM lwt_with_static WHERE a = 4", [4, 
4, 4, "a"])
+    def _validate_non_existing_or_null_values(self, table_name, session):
+        assert_one(session, "UPDATE {} SET s = 1 WHERE a = 1 IF s = 
NULL".format(table_name), [True])
+        assert_one(session, "SELECT a, s, d FROM {} WHERE a = 
1".format(table_name), [1, 1, None])
+        assert_one(session, "UPDATE {} SET s = 2 WHERE a = 2 IF s IN 
(10,20,NULL)".format(table_name), [True])
+        assert_one(session, "SELECT a, s, d FROM {} WHERE a = 
2".format(table_name), [2, 2, None])
+        assert_one(session, "UPDATE {} SET s = 4 WHERE a = 4 IF s != 
4".format(table_name), [True])
+        assert_one(session, "SELECT a, s, d FROM {} WHERE a = 
4".format(table_name), [4, 4, None])
+    def _is_new_lwt_format_version(self, version):
+        return version > LooseVersion('3.9') or (version > 
LooseVersion('3.0.9') and version < LooseVersion('3.1'))
+    @flaky
+    def test_conditional_updates_on_static_columns_with_null_values(self):
+        session = self.get_lwttester_session()
+        table_name = "conditional_updates_on_static_columns_with_null"
+        session.execute("""
+            CREATE TABLE {} (a int, b int, s int static, d text, PRIMARY KEY 
(a, b))
+        """.format(table_name))
+        for i in range(1, 6):
+            session.execute("INSERT INTO {} (a, b) VALUES ({}, 
{})".format(table_name, i, i))
+        self._validate_non_existing_or_null_values(table_name, session)
+        assert_one(session, "UPDATE {} SET s = 30 WHERE a = 3 IF s IN 
+                   [False, None] if 
self._is_new_lwt_format_version(self.cluster.version()) else [False])
+        assert_one(session, "SELECT * FROM {} WHERE a = 3".format(table_name), 
[3, 3, None, None])
+        for operator in [">", "<", ">=", "<=", "="]:
+            assert_one(session, "UPDATE {} SET s = 50 WHERE a = 5 IF s {} 
3".format(table_name, operator),
+                       [False, None] if 
self._is_new_lwt_format_version(self.cluster.version()) else [False])
+            assert_one(session, "SELECT * FROM {} WHERE a = 
5".format(table_name), [5, 5, None, None])
+    def 
+        session = self.get_lwttester_session()
+        table_name = "conditional_updates_on_static_columns_with_ne"
+        session.execute("""
+            CREATE TABLE {} (a int, b int, s int static, d text, PRIMARY KEY 
(a, b))
+        """.format(table_name))
+        self._validate_non_existing_or_null_values(table_name, session)
+        assert_one(session, "UPDATE {} SET s = 30 WHERE a = 3 IF s IN 
(10,20,30)".format(table_name), [False])
+        assert_none(session, "SELECT * FROM {} WHERE a = 3".format(table_name))
+        for operator in [">", "<", ">=", "<=", "="]:
+            assert_one(session, "UPDATE {} SET s = 50 WHERE a = 5 IF s {} 
3".format(table_name, operator), [False])
+            assert_none(session, "SELECT * FROM {} WHERE a = 
+    def _validate_non_existing_or_null_values_batch(self, table_name, session):
+        assert_one(session, """
+            BEGIN BATCH
+                INSERT INTO {table_name} (a, b, d) values (2, 2, 'a');
+                UPDATE {table_name} SET s = 2 WHERE a = 2 IF s = null;
+            APPLY BATCH""".format(table_name=table_name), [True])
+        assert_one(session, "SELECT * FROM {table_name} WHERE a = 
2".format(table_name=table_name), [2, 2, 2, "a"])
+        assert_one(session, """
+            BEGIN BATCH
+                INSERT INTO {table_name} (a, b, s, d) values (4, 4, 4, 'a')
+                UPDATE {table_name} SET s = 5 WHERE a = 4 IF s = null;
+            APPLY BATCH""".format(table_name=table_name), [True])
+        assert_one(session, "SELECT * FROM {table_name} WHERE a = 
4".format(table_name=table_name), [4, 4, 5, "a"])
+        assert_one(session, """
+            BEGIN BATCH
+                INSERT INTO {table_name} (a, b, s, d) values (5, 5, 5, 'a')
+                UPDATE {table_name} SET s = 6 WHERE a = 5 IF s IN (1,2,null)
+            APPLY BATCH""".format(table_name=table_name), [True])
+        assert_one(session, "SELECT * FROM {table_name} WHERE a = 
5".format(table_name=table_name), [5, 5, 6, "a"])
+        assert_one(session, """
+            BEGIN BATCH
+                INSERT INTO {table_name} (a, b, s, d) values (7, 7, 7, 'a')
+                UPDATE {table_name} SET s = 8 WHERE a = 7 IF s != 7;
+            APPLY BATCH""".format(table_name=table_name), [True])
+        assert_one(session, "SELECT * FROM {table_name} WHERE a = 
7".format(table_name=table_name), [7, 7, 8, "a"])
+    def 
+        session = self.get_lwttester_session()
+        table_name = "lwt_on_static_columns_with_null_batch"
+        session.execute("""
+            CREATE TABLE {table_name} (a int, b int, s int static, d text, 
+        """.format(table_name=table_name))
+        for i in range(1, 7):
+            session.execute("INSERT INTO {table_name} (a, b) VALUES ({i}, 
{i})".format(table_name=table_name, i=i))
+        self._validate_non_existing_or_null_values_batch(table_name, session)
+        for operator in [">", "<", ">=", "<=", "="]:
+            assert_one(session, """
+                BEGIN BATCH
+                    INSERT INTO {table_name} (a, b, s, d) values (3, 3, 40, 
+                    UPDATE {table_name} SET s = 30 WHERE a = 3 IF s {operator} 
+                APPLY BATCH""".format(table_name=table_name, 
+                       [False, 3, 3, None] if 
self._is_new_lwt_format_version(self.cluster.version()) else [False])
+            assert_one(session, "SELECT * FROM {table_name} WHERE a = 
3".format(table_name=table_name), [3, 3, None, None])
+        assert_one(session, """
+                BEGIN BATCH
+                    INSERT INTO {table_name} (a, b, s, d) values (6, 6, 70, 
+                    UPDATE {table_name} SET s = 60 WHERE a = 6 IF s IN (1,2,3)
+                APPLY BATCH""".format(table_name=table_name),
+                   [False, 6, 6, None] if 
self._is_new_lwt_format_version(self.cluster.version()) else [False])
+        assert_one(session, "SELECT * FROM {table_name} WHERE a = 
6".format(table_name=table_name), [6, 6, None, None])
+    def test_conditional_deletes_on_static_columns_with_null_values(self):
+        session = self.get_lwttester_session()
+        table_name = "conditional_deletes_on_static_with_null"
+        session.execute("""
+            CREATE TABLE {} (a int, b int, s1 int static, s2 int static, v 
int, PRIMARY KEY (a, b))
+        """.format(table_name))
+        for i in range(1, 6):
+            session.execute("INSERT INTO {} (a, b, s1, s2, v) VALUES ({}, {}, 
{}, null, {})".format(table_name, i, i, i, i))
+        assert_one(session, "DELETE s1 FROM {} WHERE a = 1 IF s2 = 
null".format(table_name), [True])
+        assert_one(session, "SELECT * FROM {} WHERE a = 1".format(table_name), 
[1, 1, None, None, 1])
+        assert_one(session, "DELETE s1 FROM {} WHERE a = 2 IF s2 IN 
(10,20,30)".format(table_name), [False, None])
+        assert_one(session, "SELECT * FROM {} WHERE a = 2".format(table_name), 
[2, 2, 2, None, 2])
+        assert_one(session, "DELETE s1 FROM {} WHERE a = 3 IF s2 IN 
(null,20,30)".format(table_name), [True])
+        assert_one(session, "SELECT * FROM {} WHERE a = 3".format(table_name), 
[3, 3, None, None, 3])
+        assert_one(session, "DELETE s1 FROM {} WHERE a = 4 IF s2 != 
4".format(table_name), [True])
+        assert_one(session, "SELECT * FROM {} WHERE a = 4".format(table_name), 
[4, 4, None, None, 4])
+        for operator in [">", "<", ">=", "<=", "="]:
+            assert_one(session, "DELETE s1 FROM {} WHERE a = 5 IF s2 {} 
3".format(table_name, operator), [False, None])
+            assert_one(session, "SELECT * FROM {} WHERE a = 
5".format(table_name), [5, 5, 5, None, 5])
+    def 
+        session = self.get_lwttester_session()
+        table_name = "conditional_deletes_on_static_with_null_batch"
+        session.execute("""
+            CREATE TABLE {} (a int, b int, s1 int static, s2 int static, v 
int, PRIMARY KEY (a, b))
+        """.format(table_name))
+        assert_one(session, """
+             BEGIN BATCH
+                 INSERT INTO {table_name} (a, b, s1, v) values (2, 2, 2, 2);
+                 DELETE s1 FROM {table_name} WHERE a = 2 IF s2 = null;
+             APPLY BATCH""".format(table_name=table_name), [True])
+        assert_one(session, "SELECT * FROM {} WHERE a = 2".format(table_name), 
[2, 2, None, None, 2])
+        for operator in [">", "<", ">=", "<=", "="]:
+            assert_one(session, """
+                BEGIN BATCH
+                    INSERT INTO {table_name} (a, b, s1, v) values (3, 3, 3, 3);
+                    DELETE s1 FROM {table_name} WHERE a = 3 IF s2 {operator} 5;
+                APPLY BATCH""".format(table_name=table_name, 
operator=operator), [False])
+            assert_none(session, "SELECT * FROM {} WHERE a = 
+        assert_one(session, """
+             BEGIN BATCH
+                 INSERT INTO {table_name} (a, b, s1, v) values (6, 6, 6, 6);
+                 DELETE s1 FROM {table_name} WHERE a = 6 IF s2 IN (1,2,3);
+             APPLY BATCH""".format(table_name=table_name), [False])
+        assert_none(session, "SELECT * FROM {} WHERE a = 6".format(table_name))
+        assert_one(session, """
+             BEGIN BATCH
+                 INSERT INTO {table_name} (a, b, s1, v) values (4, 4, 4, 4);
+                 DELETE s1 FROM {table_name} WHERE a = 4 IF s2 = null;
+             APPLY BATCH""".format(table_name=table_name), [True])
+        assert_one(session, "SELECT * FROM {} WHERE a = 4".format(table_name), 
[4, 4, None, None, 4])
+        assert_one(session, """
+            BEGIN BATCH
+                INSERT INTO {table_name} (a, b, s1, v) VALUES (5, 5, 5, 5);
+                DELETE s1 FROM {table_name} WHERE a = 5 IF s1 IN (1,2,null);
+            APPLY BATCH""".format(table_name=table_name), [True])
+        assert_one(session, "SELECT * FROM {} WHERE a = 5".format(table_name), 
[5, 5, None, None, 5])
+        assert_one(session, """
+            BEGIN BATCH
+                INSERT INTO {table_name} (a, b, s1, v) values (7, 7, 7, 7);
+                DELETE s1 FROM {table_name} WHERE a = 7 IF s2 != 7;
+            APPLY BATCH""".format(table_name=table_name), [True])
+        assert_one(session, "SELECT * FROM {} WHERE a = 7".format(table_name), 
[7, 7, None, None, 7])
+    def lwt_with_empty_resultset(self):
+        """
+        LWT with unset row.
+        @jira_ticket CASSANDRA-12694
+        """
+        session = self.get_lwttester_session()
+        session.execute("""
+            CREATE TABLE test (pk text, v1 int, v2 text, PRIMARY KEY (pk));
+        """)
+        session.execute("update test set v1 = 100 where pk = 'test1';")
+        node1 = self.cluster.nodelist()[0]
+        self.cluster.flush()
+        assert_one(session, "UPDATE test SET v1 = 100 WHERE pk = 'test1' IF v2 
= null;", [True])

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