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The "CassandraHardware" page has been changed by JonathanEllis.
The comment on this change is: link eonnen's EBS explanation.


  === Cloud ===
  Several heavy users of Cassandra deploy in the cloud, e.g. CloudKick on 
Rackspace Cloud Servers and SimpleGeo on Amazon EC2.
- On EC2, the best practice is to use L or XL instances with local storage.  
I/o performance is proportionately much worse on S and M sizes, and EBS 
essentially doubles your dependence on the already-overcrowded EC2 network 
(, so you want 
to avoid that.  Put the Cassandra commitlog on the root volume, and the data 
directory on the raid0'd ephemeral disks.
+ On EC2, the best practice is to use L or XL instances with local storage.  
I/o performance is proportionately much worse on S and M sizes, and EBS is a 
bad fit for several reasons (see 
Onnen's excellent explanation]]).  Put the Cassandra commitlog on the root 
volume, and the data directory on the raid0'd ephemeral disks.

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