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+<h2><a name="Metric_Results"></a>Metric Results</h2>[ <a 
href="#summary">summary</a> ] [ <a href="#packages">packages</a> ] [ <a 
href="#cycles">cycles</a> ] [ <a href="#explanations">explanations</a> ] <br 
/><br />The following document contains the results of a JDepend metric 
analysis. The various metrics are defined at the bottom of this document.<br 
/><br /><a name="summary"></a>
+<h2><a name="Summary"></a>Summary</h2>[ <a href="#summary">summary</a> ] [ <a 
href="#packages">packages</a> ] [ <a href="#cycles">cycles</a> ] [ <a 
href="#explanations">explanations</a> ] <br /><br />
+<table border="0" class="bodyTable">
+<tr class="a">
+<tr class="b">
+<td><a href="#org.apache.commons.rdf.api">org.apache.commons.rdf.api</a></td>
+<tr class="a">
+<td>1</td></tr></table><a name="packages"></a>
+<h2><a name="Packages"></a>Packages</h2>[ <a href="#summary">summary</a> ] [ 
<a href="#packages">packages</a> ] [ <a href="#cycles">cycles</a> ] [ <a 
href="#explanations">explanations</a> ] <br /><a 
+<h3><a name="org.apache.commons.rdf.api"></a>org.apache.commons.rdf.api</h3>
+<table border="0" class="bodyTable">
+<tr class="b">
+<th>Afferent Couplings</th>
+<th>Efferent Couplings</th>
+<tr class="a">
+<table border="0" class="bodyTable">
+<tr class="b">
+<th>Abstract Classes</th>
+<th>Concrete Classes</th>
+<th>Used by Packages</th>
+<th>Uses Packages</th></tr>
+<tr class="a">
/>org.apache.commons.rdf.api.Dataset<br />org.apache.commons.rdf.api.Graph<br 
/>org.apache.commons.rdf.api.GraphLike<br />org.apache.commons.rdf.api.IRI<br 
/>org.apache.commons.rdf.api.Literal<br />org.apache.commons.rdf.api.Quad<br 
/>org.apache.commons.rdf.api.QuadLike<br />org.apache.commons.rdf.api.RDF<br 
/>org.apache.commons.rdf.api.TripleLike<br /></td>
/>org.apache.commons.rdf.api.RDFSyntax<br /></td>
+<td>org.apache.commons.rdf.experimental<br /></td>
+<td>java.lang<br />java.lang.invoke<br />java.util<br /><br 
/></td></tr></table><a name="org.apache.commons.rdf.experimental"></a>
+<table border="0" class="bodyTable">
+<tr class="b">
+<th>Afferent Couplings</th>
+<th>Efferent Couplings</th>
+<tr class="a">
+<table border="0" class="bodyTable">
+<tr class="b">
+<th>Abstract Classes</th>
+<th>Concrete Classes</th>
+<th>Used by Packages</th>
+<th>Uses Packages</th></tr>
+<tr class="a">
/>org.apache.commons.rdf.experimental.RDFParser$ParseResult<br /></td>
+<td><br />java.lang<br />java.lang.invoke<br />java.nio.file<br 
/>java.util<br />java.util.concurrent<br />java.util.function<br 
/>org.apache.commons.rdf.api<br /></td></tr></table><a name="cycles"></a>
+<h2><a name="Cycles"></a>Cycles</h2>[ <a href="#summary">summary</a> ] [ <a 
href="#packages">packages</a> ] [ <a href="#cycles">cycles</a> ] [ <a 
href="#explanations">explanations</a> ] <br /><br />There are no cyclic 
dependencies.<br /><a name="explanations"></a>
+<h2><a name="Explanation"></a>Explanation</h2>[ <a href="#summary">summary</a> 
] [ <a href="#packages">packages</a> ] [ <a href="#cycles">cycles</a> ] [ <a 
href="#explanations">explanations</a> ] <br /><br />The following explanations 
are for quick reference and are lifted directly from the original JDepend 
documentation.<br /><br />
+<table border="0" class="bodyTable">
+<tr class="b">
+<tr class="a">
+<td>Number of Classes</td>
+<td>The number of concrete and abstract classes (and interfaces) in the 
package is an indicator of the extensibility of the package.</td></tr>
+<tr class="b">
+<td>Afferent Couplings</td>
+<td>The number of other packages that depend upon classes within the package 
is an indicator of the package's responsibility.</td></tr>
+<tr class="a">
+<td>Efferent Couplings</td>
+<td>The number of other packages that the classes in the package depend upon 
is an indicator of the package's independence.</td></tr>
+<tr class="b">
+<td>The ratio of the number of abstract classes (and interfaces) in the 
analyzed package to the total number of classes in the analyzed package. The 
range for this metric is 0 to 1, with A=0 indicating a completely concrete 
package and A=1 indicating a completely abstract package.</td></tr>
+<tr class="a">
+<td>The ratio of efferent coupling (Ce) to total coupling (Ce / (Ce + Ca)). 
This metric is an indicator of the package's resilience to change. The range 
for this metric is 0 to 1, with I=0 indicating a completely stable package and 
I=1 indicating a completely instable package.</td></tr>
+<tr class="b">
+<td>The perpendicular distance of a package from the idealized line A + I = 1. 
This metric is an indicator of the package's balance between abstractness and 
stability. A package squarely on the main sequence is optimally balanced with 
respect to its abstractness and stability. Ideal packages are either completely 
abstract and stable (x=0, y=1) or completely concrete and instable (x=1, y=0). 
The range for this metric is 0 to 1, with D=0 indicating a package that is 
coincident with the main sequence and D=1 indicating a package that is as far 
from the main sequence as possible.</td></tr>
+<tr class="a">
+<td>Packages participating in a package dependency cycle are  in a deadly 
embrace with respect to reusability and their  release cycle. Package 
dependency cycles can be easily identified by reviewing the textual reports of 
dependency cycles. Once these dependency cycles have been identified with 
JDepend, they can be broken by employing various object-oriented 
+          </td>
+        </tr>
+      </table>
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RDF API - org/apache/commons/rdf/api/</h3>
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 RDF API - org/apache/commons/rdf/experimental/</h3>
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 <td><a href="project-summary.html">Summary</a></td>
 <td>This document lists other related information of this project</td></tr>
 <tr class="b">
-<td><a href="modules.html">Project Modules</a></td>
-<td>This document lists the modules (sub-projects) of this project.</td></tr>
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 <td><a href="team-list.html">Team</a></td>
 <td>This document provides information on the members of this project. These 
are the individuals who have contributed to the project in one form or 
-<tr class="b">
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 <td><a href="source-repository.html">Source Code Management</a></td>
 <td>This document lists ways to access the online source repository.</td></tr>
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+<tr class="b">
 <td><a href="issue-tracking.html">Issue Management</a></td>
 <td>This document provides information on the issue management system used in 
this project.</td></tr>
-<tr class="b">
+<tr class="a">
 <td><a href="mail-lists.html">Mailing Lists</a></td>
 <td>This document provides subscription and archive information for this 
project's mailing lists.</td></tr>
-<tr class="a">
+<tr class="b">
 <td><a href="dependency-info.html">Dependency Information</a></td>
 <td>This document describes how to to include this project as a dependency 
using various dependency management tools.</td></tr>
-<tr class="b">
+<tr class="a">
 <td><a href="dependencies.html">Dependencies</a></td>
 <td>This document lists the project's dependencies and provides information on 
each dependency.</td></tr>
-<tr class="a">
+<tr class="b">
 <td><a href="dependency-convergence.html">Dependency Convergence</a></td>
 <td>This document presents the convergence of dependency versions across the 
entire project, and its sub modules.</td></tr>
-<tr class="b">
+<tr class="a">
 <td><a href="integration.html">CI Management</a></td>
 <td>This is a link to the definitions of all continuous integration processes 
that builds and tests code on a frequent, regular basis.</td></tr>
-<tr class="a">
+<tr class="b">
 <td><a href="distribution-management.html">Distribution Management</a></td>
 <td>This document provides informations on the distribution management of this 

Modified: websites/staging/commonsrdf/content/project-reports.html
--- websites/staging/commonsrdf/content/project-reports.html (original)
+++ websites/staging/commonsrdf/content/project-reports.html Wed Nov 30 
23:45:19 2016
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+    <title>Commons RDF API &#x2013; Generated Reports</title>
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RDF API &trade;</a>
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             <li id="publishDate">Last Published: 30 November 2016</li>
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-    Introduction</a>
-          </li>
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-                  <a 
-    API</a>
-          </li>
-                             <li class="none">
-                  <a href="implementations.html" title="Implementations">
-    Implementations</a>
-          </li>
-                             <li class="none">
-                  <a href="userguide.html" title="User Guide">
-    User Guide</a>
-          </li>
-                             <li class="none">
-                  <a href="download.html" title="Download">
-    Download</a>
-          </li>
-                             <li class="none">
-                  <a href="contributing.html" title="Contributing">
-    Contributing</a>
-          </li>
-                             <li class="none">
-                  <a href="team-list.html" title="Team">
-    Team</a>
-          </li>
-                 </ul>
-      <ul class="nav nav-list">
-                                  <li class="nav-header">Tools</li>
-                                        <li class="none">
-                  <a href="mail-lists.html" title="Mailing Lists">
-    Mailing Lists</a>
-          </li>
-                             <li class="none">
-                  <a 
class="externalLink" title="Source (Git)">
-    Source (Git)</a>
-          </li>
-                             <li class="none">
-                  <a href=""; 
class="externalLink" title="Source (GitHub mirror)">
-    Source (GitHub mirror)</a>
-          </li>
-                             <li class="none">
-                  <a href=""; 
class="externalLink" title="Issues (Jira)">
-    Issues (Jira)</a>
-          </li>
-                 </ul>
-      <ul class="nav nav-list">
                                         <li class="nav-header"><i 
class="icon-info-sign"></i>Project Documentation</li>
                                                 <li class="collapsed">
                               <li class="collapsed">
                   <a href="project-info.html" title="Project Information">
     Project Information</a>
                                                    <li class="expanded active">
class="expanded active">
                   <a href="project-reports.html" title="Project Reports">
     Project Reports</a>
@@ -135,6 +81,10 @@
                                      <li class="none">
+                  <a href="testapidocs/index.html" title="Test JavaDocs">
+    Test JavaDocs</a>
+          </li>
+                                     <li class="none">
                   <a href="xref/index.html" title="Source Xref">
     Source Xref</a>
@@ -151,13 +101,29 @@
     Rat Report</a>
                                      <li class="none">
-                  <a href="checkstyle-aggregate.html" title="Checkstyle">
-    Checkstyle</a>
+                  <a href="jdepend-report.html" title="JDepend">
+    JDepend</a>
+          </li>
+                                     <li class="none">
+                  <a href="jacoco/index.html" title="JaCoCo">
+    JaCoCo</a>
+          </li>
+                                     <li class="none">
+                  <a href="jacoco-aggregate/index.html" title="JaCoCo 
+    JaCoCo Aggregate</a>
+          </li>
+                                     <li class="none">
+                  <a href="japicmp.html" title="japicmp">
+    japicmp</a>
                                      <li class="none">
                   <a href="pmd.html" title="PMD">
+                                     <li class="none">
+                  <a href="findbugs.html" title="FindBugs">
+    FindBugs</a>
+          </li>
@@ -273,23 +239,38 @@
 <td><a href="apidocs/index.html">JavaDocs</a></td>
 <td>JavaDoc API documentation.</td></tr>
 <tr class="b">
+<td><a href="testapidocs/index.html">Test JavaDocs</a></td>
+<td>Test JavaDoc API documentation.</td></tr>
+<tr class="a">
 <td><a href="xref/index.html">Source Xref</a></td>
 <td>HTML based, cross-reference version of Java source code.</td></tr>
-<tr class="a">
+<tr class="b">
 <td><a href="xref-test/index.html">Test Source Xref</a></td>
 <td>HTML based, cross-reference version of Java test source code.</td></tr>
-<tr class="b">
+<tr class="a">
 <td><a href="surefire-report.html">Surefire Report</a></td>
 <td>Report on the test results of the project.</td></tr>
-<tr class="a">
+<tr class="b">
 <td><a href="rat-report.html">Rat Report</a></td>
 <td>Report on compliance to license related source code policies</td></tr>
+<tr class="a">
+<td><a href="jdepend-report.html">JDepend</a></td>
+<td>JDepend traverses Java class file directories and generates design quality 
metrics for each Java package. JDepend allows you to automatically measure the 
quality of a design in terms of its extensibility, reusability, and 
maintainability to manage package dependencies effectively.</td></tr>
 <tr class="b">
-<td><a href="checkstyle-aggregate.html">Checkstyle</a></td>
-<td>Report on coding style conventions.</td></tr>
+<td><a href="jacoco/index.html">JaCoCo</a></td>
+<td>JaCoCo Coverage Report.</td></tr>
+<tr class="a">
+<td><a href="jacoco-aggregate/index.html">JaCoCo Aggregate</a></td>
+<td>JaCoCo Aggregate Coverage Report.</td></tr>
+<tr class="b">
+<td><a href="japicmp.html">japicmp</a></td>
+<td>Comparing source compatibility of n.a. against 
 <tr class="a">
 <td><a href="pmd.html">PMD</a></td>
-<td>Verification of coding rules.</td></tr></table></div></div>
+<td>Verification of coding rules.</td></tr>
+<tr class="b">
+<td><a href="findbugs.html">FindBugs</a></td>
+<td>Generates a source code report with the FindBugs 

Modified: websites/staging/commonsrdf/content/project-summary.html
--- websites/staging/commonsrdf/content/project-summary.html (original)
+++ websites/staging/commonsrdf/content/project-summary.html Wed Nov 30 
23:45:19 2016
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-    <title>Apache Commons RDF &#x2013; Project Summary</title>
+    <title>Commons RDF API &#x2013; Project Summary</title>
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title="Apache Commons RDF logo">
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title="Apache Commons RDF logo">
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-    Introduction</a>
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-                  <a 
-    API</a>
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-                  <a href="implementations.html" title="Implementations">
-    Implementations</a>
-          </li>
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-                  <a href="userguide.html" title="User Guide">
-    User Guide</a>
-          </li>
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-    Download</a>
-          </li>
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-    Contributing</a>
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-                  <a href="team-list.html" title="Team">
-    Team</a>
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-    Mailing Lists</a>
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class="externalLink" title="Source (GitHub mirror)">
-    Source (GitHub mirror)</a>
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-                  <a href=""; 
class="externalLink" title="Issues (Jira)">
-    Issues (Jira)</a>
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class="icon-info-sign"></i>Project Documentation</li>
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     Project Information</a>
@@ -131,10 +77,6 @@
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-                  <a href="modules.html" title="Project Modules">
-    Project Modules</a>
-          </li>
-                                     <li class="none">
                   <a href="team-list.html" title="Team">
@@ -172,7 +114,7 @@
                                              <li class="collapsed">
                                                        <li class="collapsed">
                   <a href="project-reports.html" title="Project Reports">
     Project Reports</a>
@@ -283,13 +225,13 @@
 <tr class="b">
-<td>Commons RDF</td></tr>
+<td>Commons RDF API</td></tr>
 <tr class="a">
 <td>Commons Java API for RDF 1.1</td></tr>
 <tr class="b">
-<td><a class="externalLink" 
+<td><a class="externalLink" 
 <div class="section">
 <h3><a name="Project_Organization"></a>Project Organization</h3><a 
 <table border="0" class="bodyTable">
@@ -313,15 +255,18 @@
 <tr class="a">
 <tr class="b">
 <tr class="a">
+<tr class="b">
+<td>Java Version</td>
 <div class="section">
-<h3><a name="Download"></a>Download</h3><a name="Download"></a><a 
+<h3><a name="Download"></a>Download</h3><a name="Download"></a><a 

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