diff --git a/node_modules/sax/examples/example.js 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e7f81e6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/node_modules/sax/examples/example.js
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+var fs = require("fs"),
+  sys = require("sys"),
+  path = require("path"),
+  xml =, "test.xml")),
+  sax = require("../lib/sax"),
+  strict = sax.parser(true),
+  loose = sax.parser(false, {trim:true}),
+  inspector = function (ev) { return function (data) {
+    // sys.error("");
+    // sys.error(ev+": "+sys.inspect(data));
+    // for (var i in data) sys.error(i+ " "+sys.inspect(data[i]));
+    // sys.error(this.line+":"+this.column);
+  }};
+xml.addCallback(function (xml) {
+  // strict.write(xml);
+  sax.EVENTS.forEach(function (ev) {
+    loose["on"+ev] = inspector(ev);
+  });
+  loose.onend = function () {
+    // sys.error("end");
+    // sys.error(sys.inspect(loose));
+  };
+  // do this one char at a time to verify that it works.
+  // (function () {
+  //   if (xml) {
+  //     loose.write(xml.substr(0,1000));
+  //     xml = xml.substr(1000);
+  //     process.nextTick(arguments.callee);
+  //   } else loose.close();
+  // })();
+  for (var i = 0; i < 1000; i ++) {
+    loose.write(xml);
+    loose.close();
+  }
diff --git a/node_modules/sax/examples/get-products.js 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9e8d74a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/node_modules/sax/examples/get-products.js
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+// pull out /GeneralSearchResponse/categories/category/items/product tags
+// the rest we don't care about.
+var sax = require("../lib/sax.js")
+var fs = require("fs")
+var path = require("path")
+var xmlFile = path.resolve(__dirname, "shopping.xml")
+var util = require("util")
+var http = require("http")
+fs.readFile(xmlFile, function (er, d) {
+  http.createServer(function (req, res) {
+    if (er) throw er
+    var xmlstr = d.toString("utf8")
+    var parser = sax.parser(true)
+    var products = []
+    var product = null
+    var currentTag = null
+    parser.onclosetag = function (tagName) {
+      if (tagName === "product") {
+        products.push(product)
+        currentTag = product = null
+        return
+      }
+      if (currentTag && currentTag.parent) {
+        var p = currentTag.parent
+        delete currentTag.parent
+        currentTag = p
+      }
+    }
+    parser.onopentag = function (tag) {
+      if ( !== "product" && !product) return
+      if ( === "product") {
+        product = tag
+      }
+      tag.parent = currentTag
+      tag.children = []
+      tag.parent && tag.parent.children.push(tag)
+      currentTag = tag
+    }
+    parser.ontext = function (text) {
+      if (currentTag) currentTag.children.push(text)
+    }
+    parser.onend = function () {
+      var out = util.inspect(products, false, 3, true)
+      res.writeHead(200, {"content-type":"application/json"})
+      res.end("{\"ok\":true}")
+      // res.end(JSON.stringify(products))
+    }
+    parser.write(xmlstr).end()
+  }).listen(1337)
diff --git a/node_modules/sax/examples/hello-world.js 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cbfa518
--- /dev/null
+++ b/node_modules/sax/examples/hello-world.js
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+require("http").createServer(function (req, res) {
+  res.writeHead(200, {"content-type":"application/json"})
+  res.end(JSON.stringify({ok: true}))
diff --git a/node_modules/sax/examples/not-pretty.xml 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9592852
--- /dev/null
+++ b/node_modules/sax/examples/not-pretty.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+               something<else>  blerm <slurm 
+       attrib = 
+       "blorg"       ></else><!-- COMMENT!
+--><![CDATA[processing...]]>  <selfclosing tag="blr>&quot;"/> a bit down 
diff --git a/node_modules/sax/examples/pretty-print.js 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cd6aca9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/node_modules/sax/examples/pretty-print.js
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+var sax = require("../lib/sax")
+  , printer = sax.createStream(false, {lowercasetags:true, trim:true})
+  , fs = require("fs")
+function entity (str) {
+  return str.replace('"', '&quot;')
+printer.tabstop = 2
+printer.level = 0
+printer.indent = function () {
+  print("\n")
+  for (var i = this.level; i > 0; i --) {
+    for (var j = this.tabstop; j > 0; j --) {
+      print(" ")
+    }
+  }
+printer.on("opentag", function (tag) {
+  this.indent()
+  this.level ++
+  print("<"
+  for (var i in tag.attributes) {
+    print(" "+i+"=\""+entity(tag.attributes[i])+"\"")
+  }
+  print(">")
+printer.on("text", ontext)
+printer.on("doctype", ontext)
+function ontext (text) {
+  this.indent()
+  print(text)
+printer.on("closetag", function (tag) {
+  this.level --
+  this.indent()
+  print("</"+tag+">")
+printer.on("cdata", function (data) {
+  this.indent()
+  print("<![CDATA["+data+"]]>")
+printer.on("comment", function (comment) {
+  this.indent()
+  print("<!--"+comment+"-->")
+printer.on("error", function (error) {
+  console.error(error)
+  throw error
+if (!process.argv[2]) {
+  throw new Error("Please provide an xml file to prettify\n"+
+    "TODO: read from stdin or take a file")
+var xmlfile = require("path").join(process.cwd(), process.argv[2])
+var fstr = fs.createReadStream(xmlfile, { encoding: "utf8" })
+function print (c) {
+  if (!process.stdout.write(c)) {
+    fstr.pause()
+  }
+process.stdout.on("drain", function () {
+  fstr.resume()

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