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The page "PluginDiscovery" has been deleted by purplecabbage:

- = Plugin Registry =
- We use [[|]]. Make sure to set 
'''''secure_rewrites''''' to false in your CouchDB config (You can use 
''futon'' for that).
- == Install Locally ==
-  1. Install couchdb:
-   *
-   * Follow instructions in the link above for your platform.
-  2. Start up couchdb:
-   * '''''sudo couchdb''''' 
-   * Should launch on by default
-  3. Set up admin on couchdb:
-  4. Check out Futon panel for couchdb:
-  5. Sign in as admin:
-   * Click on the 'Login' link in the bottom right (kinda hard to find) and 
use credentials set in step 3
-  6. Turn secure_rewrites to false:
-   * Go to Tools/Configuration
-   * Search for secure_rewrites under the section httpd
-   * Make sure secure_rewrites is set to false
-  7. install couchapp 
-   * sudo npm install couchapp -g
-  8. Clone
-   * Follow the "Installing" part of the readme, but don't synch from the npm 
-  9. Replicate from cordova registry
-   * Haven't actually gotten this step to work atm - getting weird error:
-   * ''''' curl -X POST -H "Content-Type:application/json" -d '{"source":"";, 
"target":"registry"}' '''''
-   * Or use Futon panel: Click on Tools/Replicator and use UI
-  10. Launch the registry locally:
-   * ''''' cd '''''
-   * ''''' couchapp serve registry/app.js -d 
www/attachments/ '''''
-  11. Use plugin-registry to interact with registry locally:
-   * See 
variable local_registry to make sure it's pointing in the right place
- = plugin.xml tags =
- To publish a Cordova plugin. One has to specify a couple of things. As per 
npm, '''''id''''' and '''''version''''' ''<plugin>'' attributes are required. 
Everything else is optional. <name> is a human readable name and does not have 
to follow npm's rules (no spaces).
- There are new XML tags that are pretty self explanatory: ''<author>'', 
''<description>'', ''<license>'', ''<keywords>'' (comma separated keywords). 
They help with search and discovery.
- = plugman =
- Plugman creates a package.json based on Cordova's plugin.xml which is 
required by npm. It stores its configuration, log file and cache in a folder 
named ''.plugman'' in the user's directory so that it doesn't interfere with 
npm's own configuration. It implements and maps the following actions:
-  * '''adduser''': adds a user to the registry
-  * '''publish''': creates a package.json based on the plugin.xml and 
publishes it to the registry
-  * '''unpublish''': unpublishes package from registry
-  * '''search''': searches a plugin given some keywords
-  * '''fetch''': fetches a plugin from cache (if present) or from registry
- = plugman =
- plugman can be pointed at any registry by running
-   * {{{$ plugman config set registry 
http://localhost:5984/registry/_design/app/_rewrite # useful for local 
debugging }}}
- plugman has new commands to handle ''adduser'', ''publish'', ''unpublish'', 
''search''. One can install a plugin from registry by specifying the 
plugin_name if that plugin is not already in the Cordova project's plugins 
- == Examples ==
-  * {{{$ plugman --plugin plugin_name --project /path/to/project --platform 
-  * {{{$ plugman adduser}}}
-  * {{{$ plugman publish path/to/plugin}}}
-  * {{{$ plugman unpublish plugin[@version]}}}
-  * {{{$ plugman search keyword1[,keyword2,...,keywordn]}}}
- = Missing =
- npm does not support ''download counts'' or ''popularity'' for packages. We 
might be able to add that later.

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