Repository: cordova-docs
Updated Branches:
  refs/heads/master e1ca73099 -> 7627e4903

CB-11020, CB-11040 Documenting event firing details in VS and the

uap-target-min-version preference. This closes #573


Branch: refs/heads/master
Commit: 7627e4903ae4deb7e4b204982f31fc598c485326
Parents: e1ca730
Author: Raghav Katyal <>
Authored: Thu Apr 7 14:41:17 2016 -0700
Committer: Raghav Katyal <>
Committed: Fri Apr 8 12:11:13 2016 -0700

 www/docs/en/dev/config_ref/           | 4 +++-
 www/docs/en/dev/guide/platforms/win8/ | 4 ++++
 2 files changed, 7 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/www/docs/en/dev/config_ref/ 
index f15491e..8a0a71e 100644
--- a/www/docs/en/dev/config_ref/
+++ b/www/docs/en/dev/config_ref/
@@ -267,7 +267,7 @@ platform. See [Customize icons topic](images.html) for more 
    LogLevel(string) | *Default: ERROR* <br/> Allowed values: ERROR, WARN, 
INFO, DEBUG, VERBOSE <br/> ==Android== <br/> Sets the minimum log level through 
which log messages from your application will be filtered.
    MediaPlaybackAllowsAirPlay(boolean) | *Default: true* <br/> ==iOS== <br/> 
Set to false to prevent Air Play from being used in this view. Available in 
default UIWebView and WKWebView.
    MediaPlaybackRequiresUserAction(boolean) | *Default: false* <br/> ==iOS== 
<br/> Set to true to prevent HTML5 videos or audios from playing automatically 
with the autoplay attribute or via JavaScript.
-   Min/Max Version(Regex) | ==Windows== <br/> Allowed values: **/(Microsoft.+? 
&#124; Windows.+?)-(MinVersion &#124; MaxVersionTested)/i** <br/> Identifies 
the ecosystems and their min/max versions the app is compatible with. There are 
three parts to each value: the **SDK**, the **version restriction**, and the 
**version value**.  These preferences are detected by beginning with `Windows` 
or `Microsoft` and ending in `-MinVersion` or `-MaxVersionTested`: <ul><li>The 
**SDK** defines what specialized platform you want to target.  The default is 
`Windows.Universal`.  Valid values for these are defined in the AppxManifest 
schema, in the `Package/Depednencies/TargetPlatform` elements.</li><li>The 
**version restriction** defines application compatibility rules.  For example, 
if the `-MinVersion` is set to, then OS versions which don't support 
at least of the corresponding SDK won't be able to load it. Similarly 
you can also use `-MaxVersionTested` which specifies the hig
 hest-tested version of the SDK. If a new version of the corresponding SDK is 
released, it will run in compatibility mode for the specified 
version.</li><li>The **version value** is a 4-integer tuple in the form of 
**.</li></ul> If no preferences of these types are 
specified in your config.xml file, then Windows.Universal version will 
be chosen by default.
+   Min/Max Version(Regex) | ==Windows== <br/> Allowed values: **/(Microsoft.+? 
&#124; Windows.+?)-(MinVersion &#124; MaxVersionTested)/i** <br/> Identifies 
the ecosystems and their min/max versions the app is compatible with. There are 
three parts to each value: the **SDK**, the **version restriction**, and the 
**version value**.  These preferences are detected by beginning with `Windows` 
or `Microsoft` and ending in `-MinVersion` or `-MaxVersionTested`: <ul><li>The 
**SDK** defines what specialized platform you want to target.  The default is 
`Windows.Universal`.  Valid values for these are defined in the AppxManifest 
schema, in the `Package/Depednencies/TargetPlatform` elements.</li><li>The 
**version restriction** defines application compatibility rules.  For example, 
if the `-MinVersion` is set to, then OS versions which don't support 
at least of the corresponding SDK won't be able to load it. Similarly 
you can also use `-MaxVersionTested` which specifies the hig
 hest-tested version of the SDK. If a new version of the corresponding SDK is 
released, it will run in compatibility mode for the specified 
version.</li><li>The **version value** is a 4-integer tuple in the form of 
**.</li></ul> If no preferences of these types are 
specified in your config.xml file, then Windows.Universal version will 
be chosen by default. <br/> **Note:** These preferences are only set in the 
appxmanifest files of the desired target-platform and not in the jsproj files.
    Orientation(string) | *Default: default* <br/> Allowed values: default, 
landscape, portait <br/> Allows you to lock orientation and prevent the 
interface from rotating in response to changes in orientation. <br/> **NOTE:** 
The default value means Cordova will strip the orientation preference entry 
from the platform's manifest/configuration file allowing the platform to 
fallback to its default behavior. For iOS, to specify both portrait & landscape 
mode you would use the platform specific value 'all'.
    OSXLocalStoragePath(string) | ==OS X **4.0.0**== <br/> *Default: 
`~/Library/Application Support/{}`* <br/> Sets the directory for the 
local storage path.
    OverrideUserAgent(string) | ==Android== <br/> If set, the value will 
replace the old UserAgent of webview. It is helpful to identify the request 
from app/browser when requesting remote pages. Use with caution, this may 
causes compitiable issue with web servers. For most cases, use AppendUserAgent 
@@ -281,6 +281,7 @@ platform. See [Customize icons topic](images.html) for more 
    SuppressesIncrementalRendering(boolean) | *Default: false* <br/> ==iOS== 
<br/> Set to true to wait until all content has been received before it renders 
to the screen.
    SuppressesLongPressGesture(boolean) | *Default: false* <br/> ==iOS== <br/> 
Set to true to avoid iOS9+ rendering a magnifying glass widget when the user 
longpresses the webview. Test your app thoroughly since this may interfere with 
text selection capabilities.
    TopActivityIndicator(string) | *Default: gray* <br/> Allowed values: 
whiteLarge, white, gray. <br/> ==iOS== <br/>  <br/> Controls the appearance of 
the small spinning icon in the status bar that indicates significant processor 
+   uap-target-min-version(string) | ==Windows== <br/> This property sets the 
MinTargetVersion for the Windows UAP. If not specified, this is set to the 
initial release version 10.0.10240.0 <br/> **Note:** This preference is set in 
the jsproj file and not in the appxmanifest file. So users with OS version 
lower than this value would not be able to run the app.
    UIWebViewDecelerationSpeed(string) | *Default: normal* <br/> Allowed 
values: normal, fast <br/> ==iOS== <br/> This property controls the 
deceleration speed of momentum scrolling. normal is the default speed for most 
native apps, and fast is the default for Mobile Safari.
    WebSecurity(string) | *Default: enable* <br/> ==BlackBerry== <br/> Set to 
disable to override web security settings, allowing access to remote content 
from unknown sources. This preference is intended as a development convenience 
only, so remove it before packaging the app for distribution. For the released 
app, all URIs should be known and whitelisted using the <access> element, 
described in the Domain Whitelist Guide.
    WindowSize(string) | *Default: auto* <br/> ==OS X **4.0.0**== <br/> Sets 
the size of the application window. <br/> Accepts the format `WxH` for a 
specific width and height or the special values `auto` and `fullscreen`. The 
latter will open a borderless window spanning the entire desktop area. Please 
note, that this is different from the _normal_ OS X fullscreen mode, which 
would never span multiple displays. <br/> **Note**: The global cordova 
`fullscreen` preference has no effect in OS X.
@@ -348,6 +349,7 @@ platform. See [Customize icons topic](images.html) for more 
    <preference name="WindowsStoreIdentityName" 
value="Cordova.Example.ApplicationDataSample" />
    <preference name="WindowsStorePublisherName" value="CN=Contoso Corp, 
O=Contoso Corp, L=Redmond, S=Washington, C=US" />
    <preference name="WindowsToastCapable" value="true" />
+   <preference name="uap-target-min-version" value="10.0.10586.0" />
    <!-- BlackBerry only preferences -->
    <preference name="ChildBrowser" value="disable"/>
diff --git a/www/docs/en/dev/guide/platforms/win8/ 
index 408d533..32d7758 100644
--- a/www/docs/en/dev/guide/platforms/win8/
+++ b/www/docs/en/dev/guide/platforms/win8/
@@ -213,6 +213,10 @@ to the CLI.
 Visual Studio provides powerful tools to debug your application. You can refer 
to [this]( article to 
get started with it.
+**Note:** Resume and pause events are not triggered normally when debugging 
apps using Visual Studio. This is because Windows does not suspend your app 
when it is being debugged.
+The only way to change the application state is through the 'Lifecycle event' 
options inside Visual Studio. The events should work as expected when the app
+is run on a device/emulator without the debugger attached.
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 You can learn more about signing and packaging of Windows Store Apps on 

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