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The page "BreakingChangesUpdateTrunkTo0Dot9" has been deleted by JoanTouzet:

Migrated to

- The latest CouchDB update brings a mature replication model for distributed 
updates. This involved quite a lot of changes to the internal handling of MVCC 
tokens. The result is what we think will be a stable and scalable model for 
distributed updates. It also means that both the replication API and the 
database file format have changed at the same time.
- Normally when the database file format changes upgrading can be accomplished 
by launching two copies of CouchDB on two different ports and replicating 
between them. In this case that won't work as the replication API has changed.
- I've written a script to do the replication for you. It's linked there and 
embedded below. It's not perfectly awesome (see caveats later) but it does the 
trick and won't blow up on databases with lots of docs. Nor does it fill up 
your filesystem with intermediate data.
- == Usage ==
- First you need the latest CouchRest Ruby gem (0.2.2). I never met a packaging 
system I didn't hate, so I won't even suggest that you attempt to install 
CouchRest from a remote gem server. Instead do this:
- {{{
- git clone git://
- cd couchrest
- gem build couchrest.gemspec 
- sudo gem install couchrest-*.gem
- }}}
- Now that you have the latest CouchRest, you can download the script (see the 
bottom of this page) save it into a file `couchdb_trunk_update_script.rb`, 
adjust the `OLD_HOST` and `NEW_HOST` to reflect your environment, and start it 
up. It does give some output every 100 docs, so you won't be totally at a loss 
to what's happening.
- {{{
- ruby couchdb_trunk_update_script.rb
- }}}
- It assumes that none of the databases on your `OLD_HOST` exist on your 
`NEW_HOST`. If they do exist it will skip them.
- It also assumes that none of your individual attachments are larger than the 
memory you can dedicate to the Ruby runtime. Coding a streaming attachment 
solution would be a fair amount more work. If you need it patches are welcome 
but I think you might be better off with a different approach. My script 
batches updates into blocks of 100 docs.
- If you have giant attachments, I'd do the docs one at a time, and stream each 
attachment individually. It'd probably be easier to shell out to curl from Ruby 
than to try to code it as a Ruby `Net::HTTP` operation.
- Dueling Couches
- To run CouchDB in two ports at once, you should run them in separate 
directories. The easiest way to do this from the source package is with the 
make dev target. You'll want to checkout CouchDB trunk in one directory, like 
- {{{
- svn co
- }}}
- And then there's a handy tag of the last time the old file format was 
available, so check it out in another directory:
- {{{
- svn co
- }}}
- Once you have make dev completed in both checkouts, copy your existing 
old-format databases (the `.couch` files) to the `tmp/lib` directory of the 
bulk_transactions checkout. When you run it with utils/run you should be able 
to browse those databases in Futon.
- Now, edit the trunk CouchDB's configuration so that it runs on port 5985 
instead of 5984. This you can do by changing the `etc/couchdb/local_dev.ini` 
file that was created by `make dev`. Once that's done you can launch trunk 
CouchDB with `utils/run`
- == The Script ==
- {{{
- require 'rubygems'
- require 'couchrest'
- # this is the CouchDB where all the old databases are
- OLD_HOST = "";
- # this is the CouchDB we want to copy to
- NEW_HOST = "";
- old_couch =
- new_couch =
- databases = old_couch.databases
- databases.each do |dbname|
-   if new_couch.databases.include?(dbname)
-     puts "the database '#{dbname}' already exists on the target"
-     puts "patches welcome for picking this process up in the middle"
-     puts "for now if it fails in the middle you could just comment out these 
-     puts "but you'll do double work and end up with spurious conflicts"
-     puts
-     puts
-   else
-     upgrader =, old_couch, new_couch)
-     upgrader.clone!  
-   end
- end
- }}}
- Output should look something like:
- {{{
- $ ruby upgrade.rb 
- canon - 1 docs
- posting 1 bulk docs to
- commit-hooks - 2 docs
- posting 2 bulk docs to
- drl - 297 docs
- posting 100 bulk docs to
- posting 100 bulk docs to
- posting 98 bulk docs to
- sofa-ajax - 2 docs
- posting 2 bulk docs to
- sofa-blog - 23 docs
- posting 23 bulk docs to
- sofa-dev - 4 docs
- posting 4 bulk docs to
- twitter-client-design - 1 docs
- posting 1 bulk docs to
- twitter-client - 14027 docs
- posting 100 bulk docs to
- posting 100 bulk docs to
- ...
- }}}

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