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Project page for Chillax:

= Introduction =

Chillax is a CouchDB abstraction layer for Common Lisp.

Chillax also includes a CouchDB view server, which can be used to write CouchDB 
views in full, native Common Lisp.

Chillax includes several systems:

    * chillax.asd - This is a 'DWIM' system. It uses Yason to parse/encode JSON 
data. If you don't know what you want, '''this is probably what you want'''.
    * chillax.core.asd - Core API and protocols for servers, databases, 
documents, and design-docs.
    * chillax.yason.asd - Implementation of the server protocol using Yason's 
JSON parser.
    * chillax.utils.asd - Some handy utilities.
    * chillax.view-server.asd - The Chillax view server. This only depends on 

= Features =

 * Lispy, thin abstraction over the CouchDB API. Chillax is not magical, but it 
tries to be convenient.
 * Chillax's server and database protocols allow easy overriding and extension 
of core behavior. Writing your own server and database objects, or integrating 
existing ones is trivial (Server protocol is 8 generic functions, 5 of them 
simply readers. Database protocol is a mere 2 genfuns, both readers). You can 
even make Chillax use your favorite JSON library!
 * Native Lisp view server. No need to use parenscript! Write your views in 
Common Lisp. Include your own libraries for convenience. See 

= Quickstart example =

Chillax is [[|Quicklisp]]-installable, allowing for 
super-quick, painless installation of Chillax and all its dependencies.

Make sure CouchDB is installed, and currently running. This example assumes 
that the server is running in localhost, using the default 5984 port. Yason's 
alist encoder/decoder is used below to make replies readable (by default, it 
uses hash tables as JSON objects, instead of alists).

CL-USER> (ql:quickload 'chillax)
CL-USER> (in-package :chillax)
CHILLAX> (defparameter *server* (make-instance 'yason-server :object-as-alist-p 
                                               (lambda (string) (intern string 
CHILLAX> (defparameter *db* (ensure-db *server* "test"))
CHILLAX> (all-documents *db*)
((|rows|) (|offset| . 0) (|total_rows| . 0))
CHILLAX> (put-document *db* "my_test_doc" '((name . "Josh") (favorite-language 
. "common-lisp")))
((|rev| . "1-3c964cc898c03c48903a91d90b24a269")
 (|id| . "my_test_doc") (|ok| . T))
CHILLAX> (get-document *db* "my_test_doc")
((FAVORITE-LANGUAGE . "common-lisp")
 (NAME . "Josh")
 (|_rev| . "1-3c964cc898c03c48903a91d90b24a269")
 (|_id| . "my_test_doc"))
CHILLAX> (delete-document *db* (cdr (assoc '|_id| *)) (cdr (assoc '|_rev| *)))
((|rev| . "2-2221fc2b97c1fac1a82ba07d2835ac80")
 (|id| . "my_test_doc")
 (|ok| . T))

By implementing a couple of generic functions, you can hook your own JSON 
encoding/decoding mechanism into Chillax -- including encoding and decoding 
instances of your own classes. The protocol for doing so is very 
straightforward and well-documented.

= Using it =

Chillax is licensed under the MIT license. For API documentation and more 
details, please visit the [[|project page]].

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