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The page "Getting_started_with_C#" has been deleted by JoanTouzet:


- There are six known public C# libraries for using CouchDB:
-  1. [[|LoveSeat]]
-  2. [[|Relax]]
-  3. [[|Divan]]
-  4. [[|SharpCouch]] (inactive)
-  5. [[|DreamSeat]]
-  6. [[|MyCouch]]
- == LoveSeat ==
- !LoveSeat - "Bringing Couchdb and .Net a little closer".  Works well with 
Generics for populating Domain objects.  (Even when nested!).   IoC and TDD 
- * Features 
-    *Support for ETags!
-    *Support for Streaming attachments
-    *Generic support for translating view results to Domain objects.
- [[|download now]]
- For more information see the [[|README]]. 
- {{{
- git clone git://
- }}}
- == Relax ==
- The Relax library ( provides interfaces for 
both server control (administrative tasks, replication, etc.) and a repository 
model for working with CouchDB. As the author of Relax, I can say that you 
should definitely take a look at Relax as it provides an extensible, IoC 
friendly, repository pattern for working with domain model persistence against 
my favorite document store.
- * Features
-   * Convention based mapping for saving POCOs
-   * Base document types or interfaces for more control
-   * Support for caching (Symbiote integration will provide memcached support)
-   * Attachment support
-   * Bulk-document API
-   * Views
-   * Real-time database change stream
- Documentation is currently found at the Symbiote wiki: There is also a 
comprehensive demo that's part of the source on github which shows some of 
Relax's more interesting capabilities, such as the ability to subscribe to 
changes in a database as they happen.
- {{{
- git clone git://
- }}}
- Relax does not currently provide Lucene support. Congrats to Henrik for 
supporting that in Divan!
- == Divan ==
- The git repository at has a 
relatively complete C# library for CouchDB using Newtonsoft.JSON and NUnit as 
its only external dependencies. Divan is actively maintained and in use at 
Foretagsplatsen (a swedish company using it in their core system). Being the 
author of Divan I claim it to be much more complete than !SharpCouch :)
- For more information see the 
- {{{
- git clone git://
- }}}
- == SharpCouch ==
- The project at contains a simple wrapper 
library for CouchDB, called !SharpCouch, and a GUI client which makes use of 
the library. The GUI client code should serve as a good usage example, although 
the wrapper class is documented and fairly self-explanatory anyway.
- You can get the source by issuing the following SVN command:
- {{{
- svn checkout couchbrowse
- }}}
- The project was built with !SharpDevelop 2.2, but should work out of the box 
with Visual Studio 2005. Getting it to work with !MonoDevelop should be 
reasonably easy, but has not been tried yet.
- == DreamSeat ==
- !DreamSeat is a CouchDB client for the .NET plateform. It is based on 
[[|LoveSeat]] from Martin Murphy.
- Thanks to [[|Mindtouch Dream]], all the API 
calls can be executed asychronously or sychronously.
- === Main Features ===
-  * Asynchronous or synchronous API
-  * JSON serialisation powered by [[|Newtonsoft.Json]]
-  * Continuous Update Support
-  * Replication Management (using _replicator database for CouchDB 1.1)
-  * Tested with Mono on Linux
-  * ...
- [[|Download here]] or 
clone it
- {{{
- git clone git://
- }}}
- == MyCouch ==
- [[|MyCouch]] asynchronous !CouchDb 
client for .Net - builds on top of the asynchronous HTTP client and uses 
JSON.Net to provide flexible serialization behaviour. It tries to keep the 
domain language of CouchDb instead of bringing in generic repositories and 
other confusing stuff. MyCouch lets you work with raw JSON and/or 
entities/POCOS without requiring any implementation of interfaces, base classes 
etc. MyCouch provides you with some model conventions like injection of 
$doctype to the document. It is pluggable. If you don't like some piece, then 
hook in your implementation instead.
- MyCouch is distributed via NuGet. You can find the CouchDb package 
- === Main Features ===
-  * Supports Net4.0, .Net4.5, Windows Store
-  * Asynchronous API (using C# 5 async / await) 
-  * Pluggable JSON serialisation (default is 
-  * Changes feed listener
-  * An [[ ASP.NET 
Identity Provider]]

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