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- This example is making use of the 
[[|CouchDB Python Library]] by 
[[|Christopher Lenz]] and is derived from his 
[[|example blog application]].
- You´ll have to create a database named `tagging_example` and a design 
document named `_design/posts` with the CouchDB Views below.
- == CouchDB Views ==
- === all_tags ===
- ''map''
- {{{
- function(doc) {
-   if (doc.type == 'post' && doc.tags) {
-     doc.tags.forEach(function(tag) {
-       emit(tag, 1);
-     });
-   }
- }
- }}}
- ''reduce''
- {{{
- function(keys, values) {
-   return sum(values);
- }
- }}}
- === by_tag ===
- ''map''
- {{{
- function(doc) {
-   if (doc.type == 'post' && doc.tags) {
-     doc.tags.forEach(function(tag) {
-       emit(tag.slug, doc);
-     });
-   }
- }
- }}}
- == Create a Post model ==
- Tags are entered as comma separated strings in a `TextField` called 
`tagstring` and will be generated from it on storing a post. As this is just a 
simple example, splitting the tagstring and making slugs in a sensible way is 
up to you.
- {{{#!python
- from couchdb.client import Server
- from couchdb.schema import Document, Schema, DictField, ListField, TextField
- server = Server('')
- db = server['tagging_example']
- class Post(Document):
-     type = TextField(default='post')
-     title = TextField(default='')
-     # ... rest of your post model: slug, body, created, etc.
-     tagstring = TextField(default='')
-     tags = ListField(DictField(
-                     title = TextField(),
-                     slug  = TextField()
-                     )))
-     def store(self, db):
-         self.tags = self._make_tags()
-, db)
-     @classmethod
-     def all_tags(cls):
-         return make_cloud([(row.key, row.value) for row in
-                 db.view('_view/posts/all_tags', group=True)])
-     @classmethod
-     def by_tag(cls, **options):
-         return cls.view(db, '_view/posts/by_tag', **options)
-     def _make_tags(self):
-         taglist = set([tag.strip() for tag in self.tagstring.split(',')])
-         tags = [
-                 dict(
-                     title = tag,
-                     slug  = tag.lower()
-                     ) for tag in taglist
-                 ]
-         return tags
- def make_cloud(tags):
-     """
-     Calculation taken from Zine blogging engine.
-     """
-     import math
-     cloud = []
-     for tag in tags:
-         tag[0][u'size'] = 100 + math.log(tag[1] or 1) * 20
-         cloud.append(tag[0])
-     return cloud
- }}}
- === Add some posts with tagstrings: ===
- {{{#!python
- >>> p1 = Post(title=u"My first Post", tagstring=u"CouchDB, tagging, example")
- >>>
- >>> p2 = Post(title=u"My second Post", tagstring=u"CouchDB, RESTful, HTTP, 
- >>>
- >>> p3 = Post(title=u"My third Post", tagstring=u"CouchDB, Erlang, HTTP")
- >>>
- }}}
- == Output ==
- Looking at the `all_tags` design document in 
[[GettingStartedWithFuton|Futon]] you´ll see this table:
- ||<50% #A7AFB6> key ||<50% #A7AFB6> value ||
- ||<#FEFFEA> {"slug": "api", "title": "API"} ||<#FEFFEA> 1 ||
- || {"slug": "couchdb", "title": "CouchDB"} || 3 ||
- ||<#FEFFEA> {"slug": "erlang", "title": "Erlang"} ||<#FEFFEA> 1 ||
- || {"slug": "example", "title": "example"} || 1 ||
- ||<#FEFFEA> {"slug": "http", "title": "HTTP"} ||<#FEFFEA> 2 ||
- || {"slug": "json", "title": "JSON"} || 1 ||
- ||<#FEFFEA> {"slug": "restful", "title": "RESTful"} ||<#FEFFEA> 1 ||
- || {"slug": "tagging", "title": "tagging"} || 1 ||
- The method of the Post model that calls the `all_tags` design document 
- {{{#!python
- >>> list(Post.all_tags())
- [{u'size': 100.0, u'slug': u'api', u'title': u'API'},
-  {u'size': 121.9722457733622, u'slug': u'couchdb', u'title': u'CouchDB'},
-  {u'size': 100.0, u'slug': u'erlang', u'title': u'Erlang'},
-  {u'size': 100.0, u'slug': u'example', u'title': u'example'},
-  {u'size': 113.8629436111989, u'slug': u'http', u'title': u'HTTP'},
-  {u'size': 100.0, u'slug': u'json', u'title': u'JSON'},
-  {u'size': 100.0, u'slug': u'restful', u'title': u'RESTful'},
-  {u'size': 100.0, u'slug': u'tagging', u'title': u'tagging'}]
- }}}
- Getting posts by a specific tag:
- {{{#!python
- >>> list(Post.by_tag()["example"])
- [<Post u'7d2894971759039454ef29be57cc1b81'@u'1141652034' {u'tagstring': 
u'CouchDB, tagging, example', u'tags': [{u'slug': u'couchdb', u'title': 
u'CouchDB'}, {u'slug': u'example', u'title': u'example'}, {u'slug': u'tagging', 
u'title': u'tagging'}], u'type': u'post', u'title': u'My first Post'}>]
- }}}
- {{{#!python
- >>> list(Post.by_tag()["couchdb"])
- [<Post u'13b107ad3e14e06352b2476e015cf72f'@u'686077196' {u'tagstring': 
u'CouchDB, RESTful, HTTP, JSON, API', u'tags': [{u'slug': u'api', u'title': 
u'API'}, {u'slug': u'http', u'title': u'HTTP'}, {u'slug': u'json', u'title': 
u'JSON'}, {u'slug': u'couchdb', u'title': u'CouchDB'}, {u'slug': u'restful', 
u'title': u'RESTful'}], u'type': u'post', u'title': u'My second Post'}>,
-  <Post u'7d2894971759039454ef29be57cc1b81'@u'1141652034' {u'tagstring': 
u'CouchDB, tagging, example', u'tags': [{u'slug': u'couchdb', u'title': 
u'CouchDB'}, {u'slug': u'example', u'title': u'example'}, {u'slug': u'tagging', 
u'title': u'tagging'}], u'type': u'post', u'title': u'My first Post'}>,
-  <Post u'd71d7d8233a318745124b82f1f8a99d2'@u'667119109' {u'tagstring': 
u'CouchDB, Erlang, HTTP', u'tags': [{u'slug': u'http', u'title': u'HTTP'}, 
{u'slug': u'couchdb', u'title': u'CouchDB'}, {u'slug': u'erlang', u'title': 
u'Erlang'}], u'type': u'post', u'title': u'My third Post'}>]
- }}}
- == ToDo ==
-  * Examples for retrieving Posts by multiple tags, e.g. Posts that are tagged 
with `CouchDB` ''and'' `HTTP`
-  * Related tags, e.g. find all tags across posts that are used along with a 
particular tag. 
-   * For `HTTP` this would be `CouchDB, Erlang, RESTful, JSON, API` as they 
are used in p2 and p3 along with `HTTP`.

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