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The page "How_to_enable_SSL" has been deleted by JoanTouzet:

Outdated; see

- <<Include(EditTheWiki)>>
- CouchDB now natively supports SSL from version 1.1.0 and onwards, assuming 
your underlying Erlang/OTP install supports it.
- To enable it;
- 1) Enable the httpsd daemon by adding the following line to your local.ini or 
local_dev.ini (newly generated files include this setting but commented out);
- {{{
- [daemons]
- httpsd = {couch_httpd, start_link, [https]}
- }}}
- 2) tell CouchDB about your SSL server keys (PEM encoded);
- {{{
- [ssl]
- cert_file = /full/path/to/server_cert.pem
- key_file = /full/path/to/server_key.pem
- ;port = 6984
- }}}
- On windows, the path format needs to be one of the following:
-  * fully specified windows path with slashes inverted, and spaces escaped: 
c:/program\ files/couchdb/etc/config/couchdb/<your.pem>
-  * unix-style path, assuming that the root / will be the root of the drive 
that couchdb is installed to: /program\ 
-  * relative path, to the %COUCH%/bin folder: ../etc/couchdb/<your.pem>
- 3) Restart CouchDB.
- CouchDB should now accept SSL connections on, by default, port 6984.
- == Troubleshooting ==
- To ensure that the issue is not with your certificates, use the test ones 
from [[|MochiWeb]], 
and test from the command line using
- {{{
- curl -k -v
- }}}
- You can test your certificates separately using:
- {{{
- openssl s_server -key <keyfile> -cert <certfile> -www
- curl -k -v https://localhost:4433/
- }}}
- == Notes ==
- Current Erlang/OTP releases at R15B02 or earlier have a variety of minor 
issues cropping up with SSL. If your usage is expected to be heavy, you may 
wish to consider using an SSL wrapper, e.g. 
[[|stunnel]] or [[|haproxy]] or 
reverse / front-end proxies such as nginx or apache2 in place.

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