Author: dkulp
Date: Mon Sep 11 19:56:29 2017
New Revision: 1018013

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+<div id="ConfluenceContent"><h1 
id="CXF3.0.15ReleaseNotes-CXF3.0.15ReleaseNotes">CXF 3.0.15 Release 
Notes</h1><h2 id="CXF3.0.15ReleaseNotes-Overview">Overview</h2><p>Apache CXF 
3.0.15 delivers the latest set of patches and bug fixes for Apache CXF 3.0.x. 
This release fixes 15 JIRA issues that have been reported by users.</p><h2 
id="CXF3.0.15ReleaseNotes-Download">Download</h2><div class="table-wrap"><table 
class="confluenceTable"><tbody><tr><th colspan="1" rowspan="1" 
class="confluenceTh"><p>Description</p></th><th colspan="1" rowspan="1" 
class="confluenceTh"><p>File</p></th><th colspan="1" rowspan="1" 
class="confluenceTh"><p>MD5</p></th></tr><tr><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" 
class="confluenceTd"><p>Source distribution</p></td><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" 
class="confluenceTd"><p><a shape="rect" class="external-link" 
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 enceTd"><p><a shape="rect" class="external-link" 
 colspan="1" rowspan="1" class="confluenceTd"><p>&#160;</p></td><td colspan="1" 
rowspan="1" class="confluenceTd"><p><a shape="rect" class="external-link" 
 colspan="1" rowspan="1" class="confluenceTd"><p><a shape="rect" 
 colspan="1" rowspan="1" class="confluenceTd"><p>Binary 
distribution</p></td><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" class="confluenceTd"><p><a 
shape="rect" class="external-link" 
 colspan="1" rowspan="
 1" class="confluenceTd"><p><a shape="rect" class="external-link" 
 colspan="1" rowspan="1" class="confluenceTd"><p>&#160;</p></td><td colspan="1" 
rowspan="1" class="confluenceTd"><p><a shape="rect" class="external-link" 
 colspan="1" rowspan="1" class="confluenceTd"><p><a shape="rect" 
Prerequisites</h2><p>Before installing Apache CXF, make sure the following 
products,<br clear="none"> with the specified versions, are installed on your 
system:</p><ul><li>Java 6 Development Kit</li><li>Maven 3.0.6 or 
later</li></ul><h3 i
 d="CXF3.0.15ReleaseNotes-Java6DevelopmentKit">Java 6 Development 
Kit</h3><p>You must install the J2SE Development Kit (JDK) 6.0, which can be 
downloaded<br clear="none"> from:</p><p><a shape="rect" class="external-link" 
 installing the JDK, set or modify the following environment 
variables:</p><ul><li>JAVA_HOME &#8211; set this environment variable<br 
clear="none"> to point at the root directory of the JDK 6.0 
installation.</li></ul><ul><li>PATH &#8211; make sure that your PATH 
includes:<br clear="none"> %JAVA_HOME%\bin (Windows) <br clear="none"> 
$JAVA_HOME/bin (UNIX)</li></ul><h2 
id="CXF3.0.15ReleaseNotes-BuildingtheSamples">Building the 
Samples</h2><p>Building the samples included in the binary distribution is 
easy. Change to<br clea
 r="none"> the samples directory and follow the build instructions in the 
README.txt file <br clear="none"> included with each sample.</p><h2 
id="CXF3.0.15ReleaseNotes-ReportingProblems">Reporting Problems</h2><p>If you 
have any problems or want to send feedback of any kind, please e-mail the<br 
clear="none"> cxf dev list, You can also file issues in 
JIRA at:</p><p><a shape="rect" class="external-link" 
 id="CXF3.0.15ReleaseNotes-Changelog">Changelog</h2><p>For a more detailed view 
of new features and bug fixes, see the <a shape="rect" class="external-link" 
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+<div id="ConfluenceContent"><h1 
id="CXF3.1.13ReleaseNotes-CXF3.1.13ReleaseNotes">CXF 3.1.13 Release 
Notes</h1><h2 id="CXF3.1.13ReleaseNotes-Overview">Overview</h2><p>Apache CXF 
3.1.13 delivers the latest set of patches and bug fixes for Apache CXF 3.1.x. 
This release fixes over 35 JIRA issues that have been reported by users.</p><h2 
id="CXF3.1.13ReleaseNotes-Download">Download</h2><div class="table-wrap"><table 
class="confluenceTable"><tbody><tr><th colspan="1" rowspan="1" 
class="confluenceTh"><p>Description</p></th><th colspan="1" rowspan="1" 
class="confluenceTh"><p>File</p></th><th colspan="1" rowspan="1" 
class="confluenceTh"><p>MD5</p></th></tr><tr><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" 
class="confluenceTd"><p>Source distribution</p></td><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" 
class="confluenceTd"><p><a shape="rect" class="external-link" 
 colspan="1" rowspan="1" class="c
 onfluenceTd"><p><a shape="rect" class="external-link" 
 colspan="1" rowspan="1" class="confluenceTd"><p>&#160;</p></td><td colspan="1" 
rowspan="1" class="confluenceTd"><p><a shape="rect" class="external-link" 
 colspan="1" rowspan="1" class="confluenceTd"><p><a shape="rect" 
 colspan="1" rowspan="1" class="confluenceTd"><p>Binary 
distribution</p></td><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" class="confluenceTd"><p><a 
shape="rect" class="external-link" 
 colspan="1" rows
 pan="1" class="confluenceTd"><p><a shape="rect" class="external-link" 
 colspan="1" rowspan="1" class="confluenceTd"><p>&#160;</p></td><td colspan="1" 
rowspan="1" class="confluenceTd"><p><a shape="rect" class="external-link" 
 colspan="1" rowspan="1" class="confluenceTd"><p><a shape="rect" 
Prerequisites</h2><p>Before installing Apache CXF, make sure the following 
products,<br clear="none"> with the specified versions, are installed on your 
system:</p><ul><li>Java 7 or 8 Development Kit</li><li>Maven 3.1 or later</li></
 ul><h3 id="CXF3.1.13ReleaseNotes-JavaDevelopmentKit">Java Development 
Kit</h3><p>You must install the J2SE Development Kit (JDK) 7.0 or 8.0, which 
can be downloaded<br clear="none"> from:</p><p><a shape="rect" 
 installing the JDK, set or modify the following environment 
variables:</p><ul><li>JAVA_HOME &#8211; set this environment variable<br 
clear="none"> to point at the root directory of the Java 
installation.</li></ul><ul><li>PATH &#8211; make sure that your PATH 
includes:<br clear="none"> %JAVA_HOME%\bin (Windows) <br clear="none"> 
$JAVA_HOME/bin (UNIX)</li></ul><h2 
id="CXF3.1.13ReleaseNotes-BuildingtheSamples">Building the 
Samples</h2><p>Building the samples included in the binary distribution is 
easy. Change to<br clear="none"> the samples directory and follow the build 
instructions in th
 e README.txt file <br clear="none"> included with each sample.</p><h2 
id="CXF3.1.13ReleaseNotes-ReportingProblems">Reporting Problems</h2><p>If you 
have any problems or want to send feedback of any kind, please e-mail the<br 
clear="none"> cxf dev list, You can also file issues in 
JIRA at:</p><p><a shape="rect" class="external-link" 
 id="CXF3.1.13ReleaseNotes-Changelog">Changelog</h2><p>For a more detailed view 
of new features and bug fixes, see the <a shape="rect" class="external-link" 
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"' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));
+<script type="text/javascript">
+try {
+var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-4458903-1");
+} catch(err) {}</script>

Modified: websites/production/cxf/content/docs/32-migration-guide.html
--- websites/production/cxf/content/docs/32-migration-guide.html (original)
+++ websites/production/cxf/content/docs/32-migration-guide.html Mon Sep 11 
19:56:29 2017
@@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ Apache CXF -- 3.2 Migration Guide
          <td height="100%">
            <!-- Content -->
            <div class="wiki-content">
-<div id="ConfluenceContent"><h3 id="id-3.2MigrationGuide-MajorChanges:">Major 
Changes:</h3><ul><li>CXF 3.2.x now requires Java 8. &#160;Support for previous 
versions of Java has been dropped.</li><li>Jetty has been upgraded to 
9.3.x.</li><li>Woodstox has been updated to 5.0.x which is in a different group 
id and has a different artifactId. &#160;It's possible that you may pull in 
multiple versions of woodstox via other dependencies.</li><li>Swagger 1.x 
(package com.wordnik) is no longer supported, please update to Swagger 2 
(package io.swagger).<br clear="none">&#160;</li></ul><p>&#160;</p></div>
+<div id="ConfluenceContent"><h3 id="id-3.2MigrationGuide-MajorChanges:">Major 
Changes:</h3><ul><li>CXF 3.2.x now requires Java 8. &#160;Support for previous 
versions of Java has been dropped.</li><li>Jetty has been upgraded to 
9.4.x.</li><li>Woodstox has been updated to 5.0.x which is in a different group 
id and has a different artifactId. &#160;It's possible that you may pull in 
multiple versions of woodstox via other dependencies.</li><li>Swagger 1.x 
(package com.wordnik) is no longer supported, please update to Swagger 2 
(package io.swagger).</li><li>New java2swagger Maven plugin</li><li>JAX-RS 
support updated to latest 2.1 spec</li><li>New WS-Transfer 
implementation</li><li>Old management-web module removed</li><li>jibx, sdo, and 
xmlbeans databindings removed</li><li>"object binding" removed (coloc binding 
handles most of these use cases)</li><li>Enhanced tracing support<br 
            <!-- Content -->

Modified: websites/production/cxf/content/docs/cxf-architecture.html
--- websites/production/cxf/content/docs/cxf-architecture.html (original)
+++ websites/production/cxf/content/docs/cxf-architecture.html Mon Sep 11 
19:56:29 2017
@@ -117,11 +117,11 @@ Apache CXF -- CXF Architecture
            <!-- Content -->
            <div class="wiki-content">
 <div id="ConfluenceContent"><h1 
id="CXFArchitecture-ApacheCXFSoftwareArchitectureGuide">Apache CXF Software 
Architecture Guide</h1><p>This document provides an architectural overview of 
the Apache CXF services framework.</p><h2 
id="CXFArchitecture-TableofContents">Table of Contents</h2><p><style 
-div.rbtoc1490636832619 {padding: 0px;}
-div.rbtoc1490636832619 ul {list-style: outline;margin-left: 0px;}
-div.rbtoc1490636832619 li {margin-left: 0px;padding-left: 0px;}
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+div.rbtoc1505159700292 ul {list-style: outline;margin-left: 0px;}
+div.rbtoc1505159700292 li {margin-left: 0px;padding-left: 0px;}
-/*]]>*/</style></p><div class="toc-macro rbtoc1490636832619">
+/*]]>*/</style></p><div class="toc-macro rbtoc1505159700292">
 <ul class="toc-indentation"><li><a shape="rect" 
href="#CXFArchitecture-ApacheCXFSoftwareArchitectureGuide">Apache CXF Software 
Architecture Guide</a>
 <ul class="toc-indentation"><li><a shape="rect" 
href="#CXFArchitecture-TableofContents">Table of Contents</a></li><li><a 
href="#CXFArchitecture-ArchitecturalGoalsandConstraints">Architectural Goals 
and Constraints</a></li><li><a shape="rect" 
 <ul class="toc-indentation"><li><a shape="rect" 
href="#CXFArchitecture-Bus">Bus</a></li><li><a shape="rect" 
href="#CXFArchitecture-Howservicecallsareprocessed">How service calls are 
processed</a></li><li><a shape="rect" 
href="#CXFArchitecture-Front-ends">Front-ends</a></li><li><a shape="rect" 
href="#CXFArchitecture-Messaging&amp;Interceptors">Messaging &amp; 
Interceptors</a></li><li><a shape="rect" 
href="#CXFArchitecture-TheServiceModel">The Service Model</a></li><li><a 
shape="rect" href="#CXFArchitecture-DataBindings">Data Bindings</a></li><li><a 
shape="rect" href="#CXFArchitecture-ProtocolBindings">Protocol 
Bindings</a></li><li><a shape="rect" 
href="#CXFArchitecture-Transports">Transports</a></li><li><a shape="rect" 
href="#CXFArchitecture-AJAX-WSexample">A JAX-WS example</a></li></ul>
@@ -129,18 +129,18 @@ div.rbtoc1490636832619 li {margin-left:
 <ul class="toc-indentation"><li><a shape="rect" 
-</div><h2 id="CXFArchitecture-ArchitecturalGoalsandConstraints">Architectural 
Goals and Constraints</h2><p>The Apache CXF services framework seeks to build 
the necessary infrastructure components for services. Goals for CXF are many 
and include:</p><ul><li>Embeddable</li><li>High performance</li><li>Easy 
configuration</li><li>Intuitive and easy to use</li><li>Clean separation of 
front-ends from the core code</li><li>Data formats support</li><li>Data 
bindings support</li><li>Protocol bindings support</li><li>Multiple transports 
support</li><li>Multiple Programming Languages Support</li><li>WS-* and related 
specifications support</li><li>Tools for code generation and WSDL 
validation</li><li>Flexible deployment</li></ul><h2 
id="CXFArchitecture-CXF-API">CXF-API</h2><p>The overall CXF architecture is 
primarily made up of the following parts:</p><ol><li>Bus: Contains a registry 
of extensions, interceptors and Properties</li><li>Front-end: Front-ends 
provide a programming model to create s
 ervices.</li><li>Messaging &amp; Interceptors: These provide the low level 
message and pipeline layer upon which most functionality is 
built.</li><li>Service Model: Services host a Service model which is a 
WSDL-like model that describes the service.</li><li>Pluggable Data Bindings: 
...</li><li>Protocol Bindings: Bindings provide the functionality to interpret 
the protocol.</li><li>Transports: Transportfactory creates Destinations 
(Receiving) and Conduits (Sending)</li></ol><p>In the upcoming sections, we'll 
take a look at each layer in turn and examine how they work 
together.</p><p><span class="confluence-embedded-file-wrapper"><img 
class="confluence-embedded-image confluence-thumbnail" 
id="CXFArchitecture-Bus">Bus</h3><p>The bus, being CXF's backbone, is a 
provider of shared resources to the CXF runtime. Examples for such shared 
resources include WSDL managers and binding factory managers. The bus can 
easily be extende
 d to include your own custom resources or services, or you can replace default 
resources like the HTTP destination factory (based on Jetty) with your own 
(possibly based on another web container such as Apache Tomcat).</p><p>This 
extensibility is made possible by dependency injection; the default bus 
implemenation is based on <a shape="rect" class="external-link" 
href=""; rel="nofollow">Spring 
Framework</a>, which wires the runtime components together for you.</p><p>The 
<code>SpringBusFactory</code> searches for all bean configuration files in the 
<code>META-INF/cxf</code> directories on your classpath, and builds an 
application context from them. The bean configuration files included in the 
application context construction 
are:</p><ul><li><code>META-INF/cxf/cxf.xml</code> (e.g., in 
only)</li><li><code>META-INF/cxf/cxf-extension.xml</code> (e.g. in 
 operty-editors.xml</code> (e.g. in 
<code>cxf-rt-transports-http</code>)</li></ul><p>See <a shape="rect" 
href="configuration-of-the-bus.html">Configuration of the Bus</a> for an 
example of how to customize the bus by supplying your own bean configuration 
file and <a shape="rect" 
href="configuration-of-runtime-constructed-objects.html">Configuration of 
Runtime Constructed Objects</a> for more information on the special case of 
injecting into objects created by the runtime (as opposed to objects created by 
the IoC container itself).</p><h3 
id="CXFArchitecture-Howservicecallsareprocessed">How service calls are 
+</div><h2 id="CXFArchitecture-ArchitecturalGoalsandConstraints">Architectural 
Goals and Constraints</h2><p>The Apache CXF services framework seeks to build 
the necessary infrastructure components for services. Goals for CXF are many 
and include:</p><ul><li>Embeddable</li><li>High performance</li><li>Easy 
configuration</li><li>Intuitive and easy to use</li><li>Clean separation of 
front-ends from the core code</li><li>Data formats support</li><li>Data 
bindings support</li><li>Protocol bindings support</li><li>Multiple transports 
support</li><li>Multiple Programming Languages Support</li><li>WS-* and related 
specifications support</li><li>Tools for code generation and WSDL 
validation</li><li>Flexible deployment</li></ul><h2 
id="CXFArchitecture-CXF-API">CXF-API</h2><p>The overall CXF architecture is 
primarily made up of the following parts:</p><ol><li>Bus: Contains a registry 
of extensions, interceptors and Properties</li><li>Front-end: Front-ends 
provide a programming model to create s
 ervices.</li><li>Messaging &amp; Interceptors: These provide the low level 
message and pipeline layer upon which most functionality is 
built.</li><li>Service Model: Services host a Service model which is a 
WSDL-like model that describes the service.</li><li>Pluggable Data Bindings: 
...</li><li>Protocol Bindings: Bindings provide the functionality to interpret 
the protocol.</li><li>Transports: Transportfactory creates Destinations 
(Receiving) and Conduits (Sending)</li></ol><p>In the upcoming sections, we'll 
take a look at each layer in turn and examine how they work 
together.</p><p><span class="confluence-embedded-file-wrapper"><img 
class="confluence-embedded-image confluence-thumbnail" 
id="CXFArchitecture-Bus">Bus</h3><p>The bus, being CXF's backbone, is a 
provider of shared resources to the CXF runtime. Examples for such shared 
resources include WSDL managers and binding factory managers. The bus can 
easily be extende
 d to include your own custom resources or services, or you can replace default 
resources like the HTTP destination factory (based on Jetty) with your own 
(possibly based on another web container such as Apache Tomcat).</p><p>This 
extensibility is made possible by dependency injection; the default bus 
implementation is based on <a shape="rect" class="external-link" 
href=""; rel="nofollow">Spring 
Framework</a>, which wires the runtime components together for you.</p><p>The 
<code>SpringBusFactory</code> searches for all bean configuration files in the 
<code>META-INF/cxf</code> directories on your classpath, and builds an 
application context from them. The bean configuration files included in the 
application context construction 
are:</p><ul><li><code>META-INF/cxf/cxf.xml</code> (e.g., in 
only)</li><li><code>META-INF/cxf/cxf-extension.xml</code> (e.g. in 
 roperty-editors.xml</code> (e.g. in 
<code>cxf-rt-transports-http</code>)</li></ul><p>See <a shape="rect" 
href="configuration-of-the-bus.html">Configuration of the Bus</a> for an 
example of how to customize the bus by supplying your own bean configuration 
file and <a shape="rect" 
href="configuration-of-runtime-constructed-objects.html">Configuration of 
Runtime Constructed Objects</a> for more information on the special case of 
injecting into objects created by the runtime (as opposed to objects created by 
the IoC container itself).</p><h3 
id="CXFArchitecture-Howservicecallsareprocessed">How service calls are 
-<span class="gliffy-container" id="gliffy-container-25591945-3414" 
data-fullwidth="1269" data-ceoid="44806" 
+<span class="gliffy-container" id="gliffy-container-25591945-3015" 
data-fullwidth="1269" data-ceoid="44806" 
-    <map id="gliffy-map-25591945-9767" name="gliffy-map-25591945-9767"></map>
+    <map id="gliffy-map-25591945-4382" name="gliffy-map-25591945-4382"></map>
-    <img class="gliffy-image" id="gliffy-image-25591945-3414" width="600" 
height="274" data-full-width="1269" data-full-height="580" 
 alt="MessageFlowOnClientSide" usemap="#gliffy-map-25591945-9767">
+    <img class="gliffy-image" id="gliffy-image-25591945-3015" width="600" 
height="274" data-full-width="1269" data-full-height="580" 
 alt="MessageFlowOnClientSide" usemap="#gliffy-map-25591945-4382">
-    <map class="gliffy-dynamic" id="gliffy-dynamic-map-25591945-3414" 
+    <map class="gliffy-dynamic" id="gliffy-dynamic-map-25591945-3015" 
@@ -149,18 +149,18 @@ div.rbtoc1490636832619 li {margin-left:
-<span class="gliffy-container" id="gliffy-container-25591953-5605" 
data-fullwidth="1222" data-ceoid="44806" 
+<span class="gliffy-container" id="gliffy-container-25591953-4543" 
data-fullwidth="1222" data-ceoid="44806" 
-    <map id="gliffy-map-25591953-8767" name="gliffy-map-25591953-8767"></map>
+    <map id="gliffy-map-25591953-4386" name="gliffy-map-25591953-4386"></map>
-    <img class="gliffy-image" id="gliffy-image-25591953-5605" width="600" 
height="295" data-full-width="1222" data-full-height="600" 
 alt="MessageFlowOnServerSide" usemap="#gliffy-map-25591953-8767">
+    <img class="gliffy-image" id="gliffy-image-25591953-4543" width="600" 
height="295" data-full-width="1222" data-full-height="600" 
 alt="MessageFlowOnServerSide" usemap="#gliffy-map-25591953-4386">
-    <map class="gliffy-dynamic" id="gliffy-dynamic-map-25591953-5605" 
+    <map class="gliffy-dynamic" id="gliffy-dynamic-map-25591953-4543" 
 </p><p>Server Side</p><h3 
id="CXFArchitecture-Front-ends">Front-ends</h3><p>Front-ends provide a 
programming model to interact with CXF. JAX-WS, JAX-RS, Simple and Javascript 
front-end APIs are provided by CXF . Each implementation is cleanly separated 
from the rest of CXF, just like the bindings and the core. Front-ends provide 
functionality through interceptors that are added to Services and Endpoints. 
See also <a shape="rect" href="frontends.html">Front-ends</a></p><h3 
id="CXFArchitecture-Messaging&amp;Interceptors">Messaging &amp; 
Interceptors</h3><p>CXF is built on a generic messaging layer comprised of 
Messages, Interceptors, and InterceptorChains. Interceptors are the fundamental 
unit of functionality. By dividing up how messages are processed and sent, this 
gives CXF a very flexible architecture. It can be reconfigured at any point in 
the processing. This also gives CXF the ability to pause &amp; resume 
interceptor chains.</p><p>Interceptors have a method, <code>handleMessag
 e</code>, which allows them to act on the Message.These Interceptors can then 
be built up into chains of interceptors, straightforwardly called 
InterceptorChains. Some examples include:</p><ul><li>An interceptor which 
parses just the headers of a SOAP message into DOM elements</li><li>A 
WS-Security interceptor which decrypts or authenticates an incoming 
message.</li><li>An outgoing data binding interceptor which serializes the 
result</li></ul><p>Interceptors are uni-directional and are inherently unaware 
of whether they are dealing with a request, response, or fault.</p><h4 
id="CXFArchitecture-PhaseInterceptors">Phase Interceptors</h4><p>CXF provides 
an <code>InterceptorChain</code> implementation called the 
<code>PhaseInterceptorChain</code>. When Interceptors are added to the chain, 
they are grouped into ordered phases.&#160; A <code>PhaseInterceptor</code> may 
provide guidance as to how it is to be ordered within the phase.</p><p>Let us 
take a hypothetical simplified example (NOT
 E: these phases and interceptors don't necessarily exist in CXF). Let us say 
we are parsing a SOAP message. We may want to have two phases. First, a 
dispatch phase which parses the soap headers and determines which service to 
route the Message to. Second, an unmarshal phase which binds the SOAP body to 
JAXB objects. In the first dispatch phase we could implement this via two 
interceptors, first a ReadHeadersInterceptor which parses the headers and 
second a WS-AddressingInInterceptor which determines which service we're 
invoking from the WS-Addressing header. In the second unmarshal phase, we have 
just a single JAXBUnmarshallerIntercptor. Both the 
<code>ReadHeadersInterceptor</code> and <code>AddressingInInterceptor</code> 
would tell the <code>PhaseInterceptorChain</code> they are in the "dispatch" 
phase by returning "dispatch" when <code>getPhase()</code> is called. 
Additionally, the <code>ReadHeadersInterceptor</code> could specify that it 
wants to run before the <code>AddressingIn
 Interceptor</code> by returning the interceptor id when 
<code>Interceptor.getBefore()</code> is called.</p><p>Before it was mentioned 
how chains were very dynamic and flexible. In our above example, we could add 
interceptors specific to that service once it is resolved. Or we could pause 
the chain once while we wait for some external chain, like an asynchronous 
service response.</p><h4 id="CXFArchitecture-FaultHandling">Fault 
Handling</h4><p>At any point during processing, an interceptor may throw a 
Fault, or a derivative of a Fault like the <code>SoapFault</code>. This will 
cause the chain to stop invoking and unwind it. Unwinding consists of calling 
handleFault on each interceptor that was invoked in reverse 
order.</p><p>InterceptorChains have the concept of a fault observer. Once the 
chain is unwound, the fault interceptor is invoked with the message that caused 
the fault. The fault observer may trigger a new chain which then invokes a 
specified set of interceptors meant to handl
 e faults.</p><h4 id="CXFArchitecture-Exchanges">Exchanges</h4><p>In addition 
to the concept of a Message, there is the concept of the <code>Exchange</code>. 
The exchange class holds a references to the in, out and fault messages for the 
current message exchange.</p><p>It also holds properties specific to the 
exchange, and not just the message. For instance the <code>Exchange</code> 
holds the <code>Service</code> that is current being invoked in it.</p><h4 
InterceptorChains</h4><p>An interesting feature of the 
<code>PhaseInterceptorChain</code> is that it is reentrant. This can be 
powerful and slightly dangerous. This feature is only used in CXF during the 
sending of an outgoing message, The <code>SoapOutInterceptor</code> is the best 
example:</p><div class="code panel pdl" style="border-width: 1px;"><div 
class="codeContent panelContent pdl">
-<pre class="brush: java; gutter: false; theme: Default" 
style="font-size:12px;">public void handleMessage(Message m) {
+<pre class="brush: bash; gutter: false; theme: Confluence" 
style="font-size:12px;">public void handleMessage(Message m) {
@@ -172,11 +172,11 @@ div.rbtoc1490636832619 li {margin-left:
 </div></div><h3 id="CXFArchitecture-TheServiceModel">The Service 
Model</h3><p>The Service model is the representation of a service within CXF. 
It is made up of two parts. First there is the <code>ServiceInfo</code> which 
contains a WSDL-like model of the service and its operations, bindings, 
endpoints and schema. Second, there is the Service itself, which contains the 
<code>ServiceInfo</code>, data-binding information, service interceptors, 
service properties and more.</p><p>A service can be constructed from many 
different sources including classes and WSDLs (1.1 or 2.0). Typically 
front-ends are responsible for creating a service via service factories. 
Factory components such as <code>ServerFactoryBean</code> and 
<code>ClientProxyFactoryBean</code> can used with the front-end to create, 
publish and consume web services. The factory classes build up the service 
model and configure the service interceptors, data bindings and more.</p><p>The 
Service model itself is contained in the <c
 ode>ServiceInfo</code> class. The following image depicts a subset of the 
Service Model's packaged API:</p><p><span 
class="confluence-embedded-file-wrapper"><img class="confluence-embedded-image 
id="CXFArchitecture-DataBindings">Data Bindings</h3><p>Data bindings implement 
the mapping between XML elements and Java objects. Data bindings convert data 
to and from XML, produce XML schema, and provide support for wsdl2java code 
generation. Not all data bindings support all of this functionality. At very 
least, a data binding must provide the data conversion. See <a shape="rect" 
href="data-binding-architecture.html">Data Binding Architecture</a> for 
details. Currently supported data bindings include JAXB 2.x (default), Aegis, 
Apache XMLBeans, Service Data Objects (SDO) and JiBX (under 
development).</p><h3 id="CXFArchitecture-ProtocolBindings">Protocol 
Bindings</h3><p>Bindings provide ways to map concrete f
 ormats and protocols on top of transports. A binding contains two main parts, 
a <code>BindingFactory</code> and a <code>Binding</code>. A 
<code>BindingFactory</code> builds a <code>Binding</code> from the service 
model's <code>BindingInfo</code>. The binding contains interceptors specific to 
the binding and also implements the <code>createMessage()</code> method, which 
creates a <code>Message</code> implementation specific for that 
binding.</p><p>CXF currently supported the following bindings protocols: SOAP 
1.1, SOAP 1.2, REST/HTTP, pure XML and CORBA.</p><h4 
id="CXFArchitecture-TheSoapBinding">The Soap Binding</h4><p>The prototypical 
binding is SOAP. It has its own <code>Message</code> class called the 
<code>SoapMessage</code>. It adds the ability to hold the current 
<code>SoapVersion</code> and the headers for the message.</p><p>The 
<code>Soap</code> binding also adds a special type of interceptor called the 
<code>SoapInterceptor</code>. The <code>SoapInterceptor</code> adds two 
 methods to the <code>Interceptor</code> class:</p><div class="code panel pdl" 
style="border-width: 1px;"><div class="codeContent panelContent pdl">
-<pre class="brush: java; gutter: false; theme: Default" 
style="font-size:12px;">Set&lt;URI&gt; getRoles();
+<pre class="brush: bash; gutter: false; theme: Confluence" 
style="font-size:12px;">Set&lt;URI&gt; getRoles();
 Set&lt;QName&gt; getUnderstoodHeaders();
 </div></div><p>These inform the SOAP interceptors as to what headers and roles 
the particular SOAP interceptor understands.</p><p>It has many interceptors 
designed to handle SOAP messages:</p><ol><li><code>StaxInInterceptor</code>: 
Creates an <code>XMLStreamReader</code> from an incoming 
<code>InputStream</code></li><li><code>ReadHeadersInterceptor</code>: Reads the 
headers into the 
<code>SoapMessage</code></li><li><code>MustUnderstandInterceptor</code>: Checks 
the <code>MustUnderstand</code> attributes of all the headers against all the 
<code>SoapInterceptor</code>'s <code>getUnderstoodHeaders</code> 
id="CXFArchitecture-AdditionalBindings">Additional Bindings</h4><p>Other 
bindings include REST/HTTP binding, pure XML binding, and the CORBA 
binding.</p><h3 id="CXFArchitecture-Transports">Transports</h3><p>CXF includes 
its own transport abstraction layer to hide transport specific details from the 
binding and front end laye
 rs. Currently supported transports include: HTTP, HTTPs, HTTP-Jetty, 
HTTP-OSGI, Servlet, local, JMS, In-VM and many others via the Camel transport 
for CXF such as SMTP/POP3, TCP and Jabber. Learn more about transports <a 
shape="rect" href="";>here</a>.</p><h4 
id="CXFArchitecture-Conduits">Conduits</h4><p>Conduits provide the basis for 
outgoing message sending. A <code>Conduit</code> is created from a 
<code>ConduitInitiator</code>. Sending a message is a multistep 
pocess:</p><ol><li>Call conduit.prepare(message): this starts the message 
sending. At this point a <code>Conduit</code> may initiate a connection and set 
the OutputStream for the outgoing message.</li><li>Writing of the actual 
message to the <code>OutputStream</code></li><li>Call to 
<code>conduit.close(message)</code>: this closes and disposes of any existing 
resources for the message sending.<br clear="none"> A message sender may also 
register a <code>MessageObserver</code> with the
  Conduit. If the <code>Conduit</code> is synchronous, the 
<code>MessageObserver</code> will be notified once a response has been 
id="CXFArchitecture-Destinations">Destinations</h4><p>Destinations are the 
basis for receiving incoming messages. A destination is created from a 
<code>DestinationFactory</code>:</p><div class="code panel pdl" 
style="border-width: 1px;"><div class="codeContent panelContent pdl">
-<pre class="brush: java; gutter: false; theme: Default" 
style="font-size:12px;">DestinationFactoryManager dfManager = 
+<pre class="brush: bash; gutter: false; theme: Confluence" 
style="font-size:12px;">DestinationFactoryManager dfManager = 
 // Find a DestinationFactory for the SOAP HTTP transport
 DestinationFactory df = 
@@ -186,7 +186,7 @@ EndpointInfo endpointInfo = ...;
 Destination destination = df.getDestination(endpointInfo);
 </div></div><p>MessageObservers can then be registered with Destinations. 
These listen for incoming messages:</p><div class="code panel pdl" 
style="border-width: 1px;"><div class="codeContent panelContent pdl">
-<pre class="brush: java; gutter: false; theme: Default" 
style="font-size:12px;">MessageObserver myObserver = ...;
+<pre class="brush: bash; gutter: false; theme: Confluence" 
style="font-size:12px;">MessageObserver myObserver = ...;
 </div></div><p>The most common <code>MessageObserver</code> used in CXF is the 
<code>ChainInitiationObserver</code>. This takes the incoming message, creates 
a message Exchange &amp; <code>PhaseInterceptorChain</code>, then starts the 
chain.</p><h3 id="CXFArchitecture-AJAX-WSexample">A JAX-WS 
example</h3><p>Here's a small example of what might happen when we publish a 
service via the JAX-WS <code>Endpoint.publish()</code> method.</p><ol><li>Call 
to <code>Endpoint.publish("http://localhost/service";, 
myService)</code></li><li>The <code>EndpointImpl</code> creates a Service from 
the <code>myService</code> object using the 
<code>JaxWsServiceFactoryBean</code> using the class and/or WSDL</li><li>An 
<code>EndpointInfo</code> is created for the <code>Endpoint.publish</code> 
URL</li><li>A <code>JaxWsEndpointImpl</code> is created from the 
<code>EndpointInfo</code>. This contains the JAX-WS endpoint specific 
interceptors</li><li>The <code>JaxWsEndpointImpl</code> creates a 
 e> and <code>Destination</code> to listen on.</li></ol><h2 
id="CXFArchitecture-Dependencies">Dependencies</h2><p><a shape="rect" 
dependencies</a></p><h2 id="CXFArchitecture-Quality">Quality</h2><p>CXF's 
Software Quality approach is detailed <a shape="rect" 
id="CXFArchitecture-References">References</h3><ul><li><a shape="rect" 
class="external-link" href=""; 
rel="nofollow">Software Architecture</a>, <em>Wikipedia</em></li><li><a 
shape="rect" class="external-link" 
 rel="nofollow">Sample S/W Architecture Document</a>, <em>Rational Software 
Corporation</em></li><li><a shape="rect" class="external-link" 
 rel="nofollow">Documenting your Softw
 are Architecture</a>, <em>by Jim Alateras</em> (March 2006)</li></ul></div>

Modified: websites/production/cxf/content/docs/distributed-tracing.html
--- websites/production/cxf/content/docs/distributed-tracing.html (original)
+++ websites/production/cxf/content/docs/distributed-tracing.html Mon Sep 11 
19:56:29 2017
@@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ Apache CXF -- Distributed Tracing
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            <div class="wiki-content">
-<div id="ConfluenceContent"><h1 
id="DistributedTracing-DistributedTracing">Distributed Tracing</h1><p>Since the 
adoption of SOA/microservice architectures (with REST services taking a central 
place in them), systems become more and more distributed. The importance of 
having the visibility of how each request travels from the client to the 
service and from service to service till the eventual response is being 
constructed is hard to overestimate. Distributed tracing systems are designed 
to solve that. The most widely used and known ones are <a shape="rect" 
class="external-link" href=""; rel="nofollow">Twitter 
Zipkin</a> and <a shape="rect" class="external-link" 
href="";>Apache HTrace</a> (currently in 
incubation), both built on top of Google's paper <a shape="rect" 
class="external-link" href=""; 
rel="nofollow">Dapper, a Large-Scale Distributed Systems Tracing 
Infrastructure</a></p><p><a shap
 e="rect" href="using-apache-htrace.html">Using Apache HTrace</a></p><p><a 
shape="rect" href="using-openzipkin-brave.html">Using OpenZipkin 
+<div id="ConfluenceContent"><h1 
id="DistributedTracing-DistributedTracing">Distributed Tracing</h1><p>Since the 
adoption of SOA/microservice architectures (with REST services taking a central 
place in them), systems become more and more distributed. The importance of 
having the visibility of how each request travels from the client to the 
service and from service to service till the eventual response is being 
constructed is hard to overestimate. Distributed tracing systems are designed 
to solve that. The most widely used and known ones are <a shape="rect" 
class="external-link" href=""; rel="nofollow">Twitter 
Zipkin</a> and <a shape="rect" class="external-link" 
href="";>Apache HTrace</a> (currently in 
incubation), both built on top of Google's paper <a shape="rect" 
class="external-link" href=""; 
rel="nofollow">Dapper, a Large-Scale Distributed Systems Tracing 
Infrastructure</a></p><p><a shap
 e="rect" href="using-apache-htrace.html">Using Apache HTrace</a></p><p><a 
shape="rect" href="using-openzipkin-brave.html">Using OpenZipkin 
Brave</a></p><p><a shape="rect" 
 title="Using OpenTracing"><span class="label">Using 
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