Author: buildbot
Date: Thu May  1 18:47:00 2014
New Revision: 907677

Production update by buildbot for cxf


Modified: websites/production/cxf/content/cache/docs.pageCache
Binary files - no diff available.

Modified: websites/production/cxf/content/docs/30-migration-guide.html
--- websites/production/cxf/content/docs/30-migration-guide.html (original)
+++ websites/production/cxf/content/docs/30-migration-guide.html Thu May  1 
18:47:00 2014
@@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ Apache CXF -- 3.0 Migration Guide
          <td height="100%">
            <!-- Content -->
            <div class="wiki-content">
-<div id="ConfluenceContent"><h2 
id="id-3.0MigrationGuide-3.0MigrationGuide">3.0 Migration Guide</h2><h4 
id="id-3.0MigrationGuide-JAX-RS">JAX-RS</h4><ul><li>JAX-RS 2.0 has been 
completely implemented.</li></ul><ul><li>JAX-RS WADL auto-generation code has 
been moved to a new cxf-rt-rs-service-description 
module.</li></ul><ul><li>JAX-RS 2.0 Client API and CXF specific WebClient and 
Proxy client code is now available in a new cxf-rt-rs-client module. Important: 
the namespace for jaxrs:client elements has changed from 
""; to 
"";</li></ul><ul><li>CXF RequestHandler and 
ResponseHandler filters have been removed, please use JAX-RS 2.0 
ContainerRequestFilter and ContainerResponseFilter and also WriterInterceptor 
and ReaderInterceptor when needed.</li></ul><ul><li>CXF JAX-RS Form extension 
has been dropped, please use JAX-RS 2.0 Form.</li></ul><ul><li>CXF JAX-RS 
ParameterHandler has been dropped, please use JAX-RS 2.0 ParamConverterPr
id="id-3.0MigrationGuide-JAX-WS/Soap">JAX-WS/Soap</h4><ul><li>Add new code 
generator frontend to add CXF specific constructors and methods. (pass "-fe 
cxf" to wsdl2java)</li></ul><ul><li>Make AbstractFeature subclass 
WebServiceFeature and update the JAX-WS frontend to look for 
them.</li></ul><ul><li>"jaxb-validation-event-handler"s now apply for both 
Reading and Writing. (previously only applied to Reading). There are separate 
jaxb-(reader|writer)-validation-event-handler properties if you need it set for 
only one direction.</li><li>If the WSDL location that is passed into CXF is not 
valid, previous versions of CXF *MAY* ignore the error and proceed as if "null" 
was passed for the WSDL. &#160; 3.0 will now throw an 
exception.</li><li>ClientProxy.getClient(proxy) is no longer needed for most 
use cases. &#160;The client proxy instances now implement the Client API 
directly. &#160; A direct cast to Client should work.</li></ul><h4 
 s">Transports</h4><ul><li>Support for the older JMS 1.0.2 API's has been 
removed. &#160; Your JMS provider must support the 1.1 
API's.&#160;</li></ul><h4 id="id-3.0MigrationGuide-BeanValidation">Bean 
Validation</h4><p>Bean Validation 1.1 interceptors and features have been 
introduced for JAX-RS and JAX-WS frontends.</p><h4 
DefaultCryptoCoverageChecker now contains boolean properties to easily check if 
a WSS UsernameToken was signed and/or encrypted. The default is now that a 
UsernameToken must be encrypted.</li></ul><h4 
 id="id-3.0MigrationGuide-Majordependencychanges">Major dependency 
changes</h4><ul><li>Spring 3.2 or newer is required. &#160; The calls to the 
API's that were deprecated in Spring 3.x have been removed. &#160;This allows 
CXF 3.0 to work with Spring 4, but means it can no longer with with Spring 
2.5.</li></ul><h4 id
 ="id-3.0MigrationGuide-CXFModule/JarChanges">CXF Module/Jar 
Changes</h4><ul><li>Combined api/core into just a cxf-core. All "wsdl" related 
stuff has been moved to a new cxf-wsdl bundle to remove the wsdl4j requirement 
for JAX-RS applications.</li></ul><ul><li>Dropped support for Karaf 2.2.x. 
Karaf 2.3.x is now required.</li></ul><ul><li>The direct dependency on a 
javax.mail implementation has been removed and the CXF maven poms will not pull 
one in transitively anymore. For MOST users, this is not a problem. However, if 
your application uses MTOM or Soap w/Attachments or similar that requires some 
of the DataContentHandlers that are part of the mail implementations, you may 
need to re-add this to your classpath.</li></ul><ul><li>DynamicClientFactory 
was moved from the JAXB databinding to the Simple frontend. However, users are 
strongly encouraged to use the JaxWsDynamicClientFactory subclass.</li></ul><h4 
id="id-3.0MigrationGuide-Removed/ChangedAPI's">Removed/Changed API's</h4><ul><
 li>CXFBusImpl has been removed. The only subclass was the ExtensionMangerBus 
(SpringBus and Blueprint/osgi stuff subclassed that) so the functionality was 
pushed up into ExtensionMangerBus. Some of the "common" methods were put 
directly on the Bus interface to make using the Bus cleaner (no casts to the 
impl).</li></ul><ul><li>The unused "run()" method on Bus was 
removed.</li></ul><ul><li>Merge BaseDataReader/DataReader and the same for the 
writer getting rid of the "Base" versions that are 
unreferenced.</li></ul><ul><li>The 2 unused params on 
Destination.getBackChannel were removed. They were unused and normally passed 
in as null.</li></ul><ul><li>Remove QueryHandlers -&gt; these were originally 
used for the ?wsdl processing (and is still used for ?js). However, that stuff 
is better done directly on the interceptor chains as interceptors to allow user 
supplied interceptors to also handle them. I'd like to just remove these. 
(obviously update the ?js stuff) Would simplify the CXFSer
 vlet a bit.</li></ul><ul><li>Removed all the 
/META-INF/cxf/cxf-extension-XYZ.xml files. They have been deprecated an not 
needed for a long time.</li></ul><ul><li>Updated ConduitInitiator and 
DestinationFactory to pass Bus as parameter to the various 
methods.</li></ul><ul><li>Removed support for the old bus-extensions.xml file 
(in favor of the current and much faster 
bus-extensions.txt)</li></ul><ul><li>Move ALL XML parsing and writing to 
StaxUtils and DOM based utilities to DOMUtils. The XMLUtils class that used SAX 
based parsing and Transformer based writing has been eliminated. This 
simplifies the code as well as increases security as we can provide better 
limits and have more control with the StAX based 
IO.</li></ul><ul><li>AddressingProperties has been turned from an interface to 
a concrete class that can be created directly with "new". 
AddressingPropertiesImpl has been removed.</li></ul><ul><li>Many of our 
interfaces/classes that held onto constants were either removed or moved
 . In particular XmlSchemaConstants was removed (use the Constants from the 
XmlSchema library directly), WSDLConstants was moved from api to rt-wsdl, 
SOAPConstants was removed (most are available in WSDLConstants). Goal is to 
reduce some memory usage and help startup time and reduce a lot of 
duplication.</li></ul><ul><li>AlternativeSelector and the PolicyEngine and 
other PolicyRelated classes have been updated to pass the current Message in 
(when appropriate) to allow using message contextual information to select the 
alternative. HOWEVER, keep in mind that the selected alternative is likely 
cached and thus if contextual information changes, the alternatively may not be 
recalculated.</li></ul><ul><li>FailoverTargetSelector will not activate the 
fail-over in cases when HTTP client errors are returned, only HTTP 404 and 503 
statuses will be recognized. Set FailoverTargetSelector 
supportNotAvailableErrorsOnly property to false if the support for all HTTP 
errors is required.</li></ul><ul
 ><li>ServletController will not override the endpoint addresses by default as 
 >it has side-effects when a given endpoint is accessed via multiple paths. Set 
 >CXFServlet "disable-address-updates" parameter to 'false' if 
 >required.</li><li>The long since 
 >deprecated&#160;org.apache.cxf.frontend.MethodDispatcher has been removed. 
 >&#160;(It was replaced 
 >with&#160;org.apache.cxf.service.invoker.MethodDispatcher in 2.6)</li><li>The 
 >deprecated&#160;JAXBToStringBuilder and&#160;JAXBToStringStyle classes that 
 >were in cxf-rt-databindind-jaxb have been removed. &#160;The functionality 
 >has been provided by cxf-xjc-runtime for a while now.</li><li>The 
 >deprecated&#160;URIMappingInterceptor has been removed. &#160;This hasn't 
 >been on the default chain for some time due to a bunch of security related 
 >issues.</li><li>SchemaValidation annotation has had its deprecated "enabled" 
 >property removed. Please use its "type" property to control the 
+<div id="ConfluenceContent"><h2 
id="id-3.0MigrationGuide-3.0MigrationGuide">3.0 Migration Guide</h2><h4 
id="id-3.0MigrationGuide-JAX-RS">JAX-RS</h4><ul><li>JAX-RS 2.0 has been 
completely implemented.</li></ul><ul><li>JAX-RS WADL auto-generation code has 
been moved to a new cxf-rt-rs-service-description 
module.</li></ul><ul><li>JAX-RS 2.0 Client API and CXF specific WebClient and 
Proxy client code is now available in a new cxf-rt-rs-client module. Important: 
the namespace for jaxrs:client elements has changed from 
""; to 
"";</li></ul><ul><li>CXF RequestHandler and 
ResponseHandler filters have been removed, please use JAX-RS 2.0 
ContainerRequestFilter and ContainerResponseFilter and also WriterInterceptor 
and ReaderInterceptor when needed.</li></ul><ul><li>CXF JAX-RS Form extension 
has been dropped, please use JAX-RS 2.0 Form.</li></ul><ul><li>CXF JAX-RS 
ParameterHandler has been dropped, please use JAX-RS 2.0 ParamConverterPr
id="id-3.0MigrationGuide-JAX-WS/Soap">JAX-WS/Soap</h4><ul><li>Add new code 
generator frontend to add CXF specific constructors and methods. (pass "-fe 
cxf" to wsdl2java)</li></ul><ul><li>Make AbstractFeature subclass 
WebServiceFeature and update the JAX-WS frontend to look for 
them.</li></ul><ul><li>"jaxb-validation-event-handler"s now apply for both 
Reading and Writing. (previously only applied to Reading). There are separate 
jaxb-(reader|writer)-validation-event-handler properties if you need it set for 
only one direction.</li><li>If the WSDL location that is passed into CXF is not 
valid, previous versions of CXF *MAY* ignore the error and proceed as if "null" 
was passed for the WSDL. &#160; 3.0 will now throw an 
exception.</li><li>ClientProxy.getClient(proxy) is no longer needed for most 
use cases. &#160;The client proxy instances now implement the Client API 
directly. &#160; A direct cast to Client should work.</li></ul><h4 
 s">Transports</h4><ul><li>Support for the older JMS 1.0.2 API's has been 
removed. &#160; Your JMS provider must support the 1.1 
API's.&#160;</li></ul><h4 id="id-3.0MigrationGuide-BeanValidation">Bean 
Validation</h4><p>Bean Validation 1.1 interceptors and features have been 
introduced for JAX-RS and JAX-WS frontends.</p><h4 
DefaultCryptoCoverageChecker now contains boolean properties to easily check if 
a WSS UsernameToken was signed and/or encrypted. The default is now that a 
UsernameToken must be encrypted.</li></ul><h4 
 id="id-3.0MigrationGuide-Majordependencychanges">Major dependency 
changes</h4><ul><li>Spring 3.2 or newer is required. &#160; The calls to the 
API's that were deprecated in Spring 3.x have been removed. &#160;This allows 
CXF 3.0 to work with Spring 4, but means it can no longer with with Spring 
2.5.</li></ul><h4 id
 ="id-3.0MigrationGuide-CXFModule/JarChanges">CXF Module/Jar 
Changes</h4><ul><li>Combined api/core into just a cxf-core. All "wsdl" related 
stuff has been moved to a new cxf-wsdl bundle to remove the wsdl4j requirement 
for JAX-RS applications.</li></ul><ul><li>Dropped support for Karaf 2.2.x. 
Karaf 2.3.x is now required.</li></ul><ul><li>The direct dependency on a 
javax.mail implementation has been removed and the CXF maven poms will not pull 
one in transitively anymore. For MOST users, this is not a problem. However, if 
your application uses MTOM or Soap w/Attachments or similar that requires some 
of the DataContentHandlers that are part of the mail implementations, you may 
need to re-add this to your classpath.</li></ul><ul><li>DynamicClientFactory 
was moved from the JAXB databinding to the Simple frontend. However, users are 
strongly encouraged to use the JaxWsDynamicClientFactory subclass.</li></ul><h4 
id="id-3.0MigrationGuide-Removed/ChangedAPI's">Removed/Changed API's</h4><ul><
 li>CXFBusImpl has been removed. The only subclass was the ExtensionMangerBus 
(SpringBus and Blueprint/osgi stuff subclassed that) so the functionality was 
pushed up into ExtensionMangerBus. Some of the "common" methods were put 
directly on the Bus interface to make using the Bus cleaner (no casts to the 
impl).</li></ul><ul><li>The unused "run()" method on Bus was 
removed.</li></ul><ul><li>Merge BaseDataReader/DataReader and the same for the 
writer getting rid of the "Base" versions that are 
unreferenced.</li></ul><ul><li>The 2 unused params on 
Destination.getBackChannel were removed. They were unused and normally passed 
in as null.</li></ul><ul><li>Remove QueryHandlers -&gt; these were originally 
used for the ?wsdl processing (and is still used for ?js). However, that stuff 
is better done directly on the interceptor chains as interceptors to allow user 
supplied interceptors to also handle them. I'd like to just remove these. 
(obviously update the ?js stuff) Would simplify the CXFSer
 vlet a bit.</li></ul><ul><li>Removed all the 
/META-INF/cxf/cxf-extension-XYZ.xml files. They have been deprecated an not 
needed for a long time.</li></ul><ul><li>Updated ConduitInitiator and 
DestinationFactory to pass Bus as parameter to the various 
methods.</li></ul><ul><li>Removed support for the old bus-extensions.xml file 
(in favor of the current and much faster 
bus-extensions.txt)</li></ul><ul><li>Move ALL XML parsing and writing to 
StaxUtils and DOM based utilities to DOMUtils. The XMLUtils class that used SAX 
based parsing and Transformer based writing has been eliminated. This 
simplifies the code as well as increases security as we can provide better 
limits and have more control with the StAX based 
IO.</li></ul><ul><li>AddressingProperties has been turned from an interface to 
a concrete class that can be created directly with "new". 
AddressingPropertiesImpl has been removed.</li></ul><ul><li>Many of our 
interfaces/classes that held onto constants were either removed or moved
 . In particular XmlSchemaConstants was removed (use the Constants from the 
XmlSchema library directly), WSDLConstants was moved from api to rt-wsdl, 
SOAPConstants was removed (most are available in WSDLConstants). Goal is to 
reduce some memory usage and help startup time and reduce a lot of 
duplication.</li></ul><ul><li>AlternativeSelector and the PolicyEngine and 
other PolicyRelated classes have been updated to pass the current Message in 
(when appropriate) to allow using message contextual information to select the 
alternative. HOWEVER, keep in mind that the selected alternative is likely 
cached and thus if contextual information changes, the alternatively may not be 
recalculated.</li></ul><ul><li>FailoverTargetSelector will not activate the 
fail-over in cases when HTTP client errors are returned, only HTTP 404 and 503 
statuses will be recognized. Set FailoverTargetSelector 
supportNotAvailableErrorsOnly property to false if the support for all HTTP 
errors is required.</li></ul><ul
 ><li>ServletController will not override the endpoint addresses by default as 
 >it has side-effects when a given endpoint is accessed via multiple paths. Set 
 >CXFServlet "disable-address-updates" parameter to 'false' if 
 >required.</li><li>The long since 
 >deprecated&#160;org.apache.cxf.frontend.MethodDispatcher has been removed. 
 >&#160;(It was replaced 
 >with&#160;org.apache.cxf.service.invoker.MethodDispatcher in 2.6)</li><li>The 
 >deprecated&#160;JAXBToStringBuilder and&#160;JAXBToStringStyle classes that 
 >were in cxf-rt-databindind-jaxb have been removed. &#160;The functionality 
 >has been provided by cxf-xjc-runtime for a while now.</li><li>The 
 >deprecated&#160;URIMappingInterceptor has been removed. &#160;This hasn't 
 >been on the default chain for some time due to a bunch of security related 
 >issues.</li><li>SchemaValidation annotation has had its deprecated "enabled" 
 >property removed. Please use its "type" property to control the 
 >validation.</li><li>The "Spring" type was removed from the Facto
 ryType annotation. &#160;Instead, use factoryClass=<span style="line-height: 
            <!-- Content -->

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