[GitHub] [incubator-druid] leventov commented on issue #7243: stringFirst/stringLast crashes at aggregation time

2019-03-25 Thread GitBox
leventov commented on issue #7243: stringFirst/stringLast crashes at aggregation time URL: https://github.com/apache/incubator-druid/issues/7243#issuecomment-476417234 I cannot think of a better place than `StringFirstFoldingAggregatoryFactoryTest`, and calling methods like `makeAggregat

[GitHub] [incubator-druid] leventov commented on issue #7243: stringFirst/stringLast crashes at aggregation time

2019-03-25 Thread GitBox
leventov commented on issue #7243: stringFirst/stringLast crashes at aggregation time URL: https://github.com/apache/incubator-druid/issues/7243#issuecomment-476387901 > For a short term fix (to fix the bug, without the refactors you're suggesting), is the suggestion that StringFirstFold

[GitHub] [incubator-druid] leventov commented on issue #7243: stringFirst/stringLast crashes at aggregation time

2019-03-18 Thread GitBox
leventov commented on issue #7243: stringFirst/stringLast crashes at aggregation time URL: https://github.com/apache/incubator-druid/issues/7243#issuecomment-474093212 The problem is that `StringFirstFoldingAggregatorFactory` and `StringLastFoldingAggregatorFactory` have improper `makeAgg