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Add Stream SQL blog post


Branch: refs/heads/asf-site
Commit: c671a4e89422d23a8feceef355be51279ba91224
Parents: c6712eb
Author: Fabian Hueske <>
Authored: Tue May 24 11:32:31 2016 +0200
Committer: Fabian Hueske <>
Committed: Tue May 24 11:32:31 2016 +0200

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 3 files changed, 141 insertions(+)
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new file mode 100644
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@@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
+layout: post
+title:  "Stream Processing for Everyone with SQL and Apache Flink"
+date:   2016-05-24 10:00:00
+author: "Fabian Hueske"
+author-twitter: "fhueske"
+excerpt: "<p>About six months ago, the Apache Flink community started an 
effort to add a SQL interface for stream data analysis. SQL is <i>the</i> 
standard language to access and process data. Everybody who occasionally 
analyzes data is familiar with SQL. Consequently, a SQL interface for stream 
data processing will make this technology accessible to a much wider audience. 
Moreover, SQL support for streaming data will also enable new use cases such as 
interactive and ad-hoc stream analysis and significantly simplify many 
applications including stream ingestion and simple transformations.</p>
+<p>In this blog post, we report on the current status, architectural design, 
and future plans of the Apache Flink community to implement support for SQL as 
a language for analyzing data streams.</p>"
+categories: news
+The capabilities of open source systems for distributed stream processing have 
evolved significantly over the last years. Initially, the first systems in the 
field (notably [Apache Storm]( provided low latency 
processing, but were limited to at-least-once guarantees, processing-time 
semantics, and rather low-level APIs. Since then, several new systems emerged 
and pushed the state of the art of open source stream processing in several 
dimensions. Today, users of Apache Flink or [Apache 
Beam]( can use fluent Scala and Java APIs to 
implement stream processing jobs that operate in event-time with exactly-once 
semantics at high throughput and low latency. 
+In the meantime, stream processing has taken off in the industry. We are 
witnessing a rapidly growing interest in stream processing which is reflected 
by prevalent deployments of streaming processing infrastructure such as [Apache 
Kafka]( and Apache Flink. The increasing number of 
available data streams results in a demand for people that can analyze 
streaming data and turn it into real-time insights. However, stream data 
analysis requires a special skill set including knowledge of streaming concepts 
such as the characteristics of unbounded streams, windows, time, and state as 
well as the skills to implement stream analysis jobs usually against Java or 
Scala APIs. People with this skill set are rare and hard to find.
+About six months ago, the Apache Flink community started an effort to add a 
SQL interface for stream data analysis. SQL is *the* standard language to 
access and process data. Everybody who occasionally analyzes data is familiar 
with SQL. Consequently, a SQL interface for stream data processing will make 
this technology accessible to a much wider audience. Moreover, SQL support for 
streaming data will also enable new use cases such as interactive and ad-hoc 
stream analysis and significantly simplify many applications including stream 
ingestion and simple transformations. In this blog post, we report on the 
current status, architectural design, and future plans of the Apache Flink 
community to implement support for SQL as a language for analyzing data streams.
+## Where did we come from?
+With the 
 release, Apache Flink added an API to process relational data with SQL-like 
expressions called the Table API. The central concept of this API is a Table, a 
structured data set or stream on which relational operations can be applied. 
The Table API is tightly integrated with the DataSet and DataStream API. A 
Table can be easily created from a DataSet or DataStream and can also be 
converted back into a DataSet or DataStream as the following example shows
+val execEnv = ExecutionEnvironment.getExecutionEnvironment
+val tableEnv = TableEnvironment.getTableEnvironment(execEnv)
+// obtain a DataSet from somewhere
+val tempData: DataSet[(String, Long, Double)] =
+// convert the DataSet to a Table
+val tempTable: Table = tempData.toTable(tableEnv, 'location, 'time, 'tempF)
+// compute your result
+val avgTempCTable: Table = tempTable
+ .where('"room%"))
+ .select(
+   ('time / (3600 * 24)) as 'day, 
+   'Location as 'room, 
+   (('tempF - 32) * 0.556) as 'tempC
+  )
+ .groupBy('day, 'room)
+ .select('day, 'room, 'tempC.avg as 'avgTempC)
+// convert result Table back into a DataSet and print it
+Although the example shows Scala code, there is also an equivalent Java 
version of the Table API. The following picture depicts the original 
architecture of the Table API.
+<img src="{{ site.baseurl }}/img/blog/stream-sql/old-table-api.png" 
+A Table is created from a DataSet or DataStream and transformed into a new 
Table by applying relational transformations such as `filter`, `join`, or 
`select` on them. Internally, a logical table operator tree is constructed from 
the applied Table transformations. When a Table is translated back into a 
DataSet or DataStream, the respective translator translates the logical 
operator tree into DataSet or DataStream operators. Expressions like 
`'"room%")` are compiled into Flink functions via code generation.
+However, the original Table API had a few limitations. First of all, it could 
not stand alone. Table API queries had to be always embedded into a DataSet or 
DataStream program. Queries against batch Tables did not support outer joins, 
sorting, and many scalar functions which are commonly used in SQL queries. 
Queries against streaming tables only supported filters, union, and projections 
and no aggregations or joins. Also, the translation process did not leverage 
query optimization techniques except for the physical optimization that is 
applied to all DataSet programs.
+## Table API joining forces with SQL
+The discussion about adding support for SQL came up a few times in the Flink 
community. With Flink 0.9 and the availability of the Table API, code 
generation for relational expressions, and runtime operators, the foundation 
for such an extension seemed to be there and SQL support the next logical step. 
On the other hand, the community was also well aware of the multitude of 
dedicated "SQL-on-Hadoop" solutions in the open source landscape ([Apache 
Hive](, [Apache Drill](, 
[Apache Impala](, [Apache Tajo](, just 
to name a few). Given these alternatives, we figured that time would be better 
spent improving Flink in other ways than implementing yet another SQL-on-Hadoop 
+However, with the growing popularity of stream processing and the increasing 
adoption of Flink in this area, the Flink community saw the need for a simpler 
API to enable more users to analyze streaming data. About half a year ago, we 
decided to take the Table API to the next level, extend the stream processing 
capabilities of the Table API, and add support for SQL on streaming data. What 
we came up with was a revised architecture for a Table API that supports SQL 
(and Table API) queries on streaming and static data sources. We did not want 
to reinvent the wheel and decided to build the new Table API on top of [Apache 
Calcite](, a popular SQL parser and optimizer 
framework. Apache Calcite is used by many projects including Apache Hive, 
Apache Drill, Cascading, and many 
[more]( Moreover, the Calcite 
community put [SQL on streams]( on 
their roadmap which makes it a pe
 rfect fit for Flink's SQL interface.
+Calcite is central in the new design as the following architecture sketch 
+<img src="{{ site.baseurl }}/img/blog/stream-sql/new-table-api.png" 
+The new architecture features two integrated APIs to specify relational 
queries, the Table API and SQL. Queries of both APIs are validated against a 
catalog of registered tables and converted into Calcite's representation for 
logical plans. In this representation, stream and batch queries look exactly 
the same. Next, Calcite's cost-based optimizer applies transformation rules and 
optimizes the logical plans. Depending on the nature of the sources (streaming 
or static) we use different rule sets. Finally, the optimized plan is 
translated into a regular Flink DataStream or DataSet program. This step 
involves again code generation to compile relational expressions into Flink 
+The new architecture of the Table API maintains the basic principles of the 
original Table API and improves it. It keeps a uniform interface for relational 
queries on streaming and static data. In addition, we take advantage of 
Calcite's query optimization framework and SQL parser. The design builds upon 
Flink's established APIs, i.e., the DataStream API that offers low-latency, 
high-throughput stream processing with exactly-once semantics and consistent 
results due to event-time processing, and the DataSet API with robust and 
efficient in-memory operators and pipelined data exchange. Any improvements to 
Flink's core APIs and engine will automatically improve the execution of Table 
API and SQL queries.
+With this effort, we are adding SQL support for both streaming and static data 
to Flink. However, we do not want to see this as a competing solution to 
dedicated, high-performance SQL-on-Hadoop solutions, such as Impala, Drill, and 
Hive. Instead, we see the sweet spot of Flink's SQL integration primarily in 
providing access to streaming analytics to a wider audience. In addition, it 
will facilitate integrated applications that use Flink's API's as well as SQL 
while being executed on a single runtime engine.
+## How will Flink's SQL on streams look like?
+So far we discussed the motivation for and architecture of Flink's stream SQL 
interface, but how will it actually look like? The new SQL interface is 
integrated into the Table API. DataStreams, DataSets, and external data sources 
can be registered as tables at the `TableEnvironment` in order to make them 
queryable with SQL. The `TableEnvironment.sql()` method states a SQL query and 
returns its result as a Table. The following example shows a complete program 
that reads a streaming table from a JSON encoded Kafka topic, processes it with 
a SQL query and writes the resulting stream into another Kafka topic. Please 
note that the KafkaJsonSource and KafkaJsonSink are under development and not 
available yet. In the future, TableSources and TableSinks can be persisted to 
and loaded from files to ease reuse of source and sink definitions and to 
reduce boilerplate code.
+// get environments
+val execEnv = StreamExecutionEnvironment.getExecutionEnvironment
+val tableEnv = TableEnvironment.getTableEnvironment(execEnv)
+// configure Kafka connection
+val kafkaProps = ...
+// define a JSON encoded Kafka topic as external table
+val sensorSource = new KafkaJsonSource[(String, Long, Double)](
+    "sensorTopic",
+    kafkaProps,
+    ("location", "time", "tempF"))
+// register external table
+tableEnv.registerTableSource("sensorData", sensorSource)
+// define query in external table
+val roomSensors: Table = tableEnv.sql(
+    "SELECT STREAM time, location AS room, (tempF - 32) * 0.556 AS tempC " +
+    "FROM sensorData " +
+    "WHERE location LIKE 'room%'"
+  )
+// define a JSON encoded Kafka topic as external sink
+val roomSensorSink = new KafkaJsonSink(...)
+// define sink for room sensor data and execute query
+You might have noticed that this example left out the most interesting aspects 
of stream data processing: window aggregates and joins. How will these 
operations be expressed in SQL? Well, that is a very good question. The Apache 
Calcite community put out an excellent proposal that discusses the syntax and 
semantics of [SQL on streams]( It 
describes Calcite’s stream SQL as *"an extension to standard SQL, not another 
‘SQL-like’ language"*. This has several benefits. First, people who are 
familiar with standard SQL will be able to analyze data streams without 
learning a new syntax. Queries on static tables and streams are (almost) 
identical and can be easily ported. Moreover it is possible to specify queries 
that reference static and streaming tables at the same time which goes well 
together with Flink’s vision to handle batch processing as a special case of 
stream processing, i.e., as processing finite streams. Finally, using standa
 rd SQL for stream data analysis means following a well established standard 
that is supported by many tools.
+Although we haven’t completely fleshed out the details of how windows will 
be defined in Flink’s SQL syntax and Table API, the following examples show 
how a tumbling window query could look like in SQL and the Table API.
+### SQL (following the syntax proposal of Calcite’s streaming SQL document)
+  TUMBLE_END(time, INTERVAL '1' DAY) AS day, 
+  location AS room, 
+  AVG((tempF - 32) * 0.556) AS avgTempC
+FROM sensorData
+WHERE location LIKE 'room%'
+GROUP BY TUMBLE(time, INTERVAL '1' DAY), location
+### Table API
+val avgRoomTemp: Table = tableEnv.ingest("sensorData")
+  .where('"room%"))
+  .partitionBy('location)
+  .window(Tumbling every Days(1) on 'time as 'w)
+  .select('w.end, 'location, , (('tempF - 32) * 0.556).avg as 'avgTempCs)
+## What's up next?
+The Flink community is actively working on SQL support for the next minor 
version Flink 1.1.0. In the first version, SQL (and Table API) queries on 
streams will be limited to selection, filter, and union operators. Compared to 
Flink 1.0.0, the revised Table API will support many more scalar functions and 
be able to read tables from external sources and write them back to external 
sinks. A lot of work went into reworking the architecture of the Table API and 
integrating Apache Calcite. 
+In Flink 1.2.0, the feature set of SQL on streams will be significantly 
extended. Among other things, we plan to support different types of window 
aggregates and maybe also streaming joins. For this effort, we want to closely 
collaborate with the Apache Calcite community and help extending Calcite's 
support for relational operations on streaming data when necessary.
+If this post made you curious and you want to try out Flink’s SQL interface 
and the new Table API, we encourage you to do so! Simply clone the SNAPSHOT 
[master branch]( and check out the 
[Table API documentation for the SNAPSHOT 
 Please note that the branch is under heavy development, and hence some code 
examples in this blog post might not work. We are looking forward to your 
feedback and welcome contributions.
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