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index 5af9f53..0000000
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@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
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293.75)" fill="black"><tspan font-family="Helvetica" font-size="9" 
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531.5)" fill="black"><tspan font-family="Helvetica" font-s
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index 916d301..0000000
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-title:  Handling Forced Cache Disconnection Using Autoreconnect
-Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
-contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
-this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
-The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
-(the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
-the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-limitations under the License.
-A Geode member may be forcibly disconnected from a Geode distributed system if 
the member is unresponsive for a period of time, or if a network partition 
separates one or more members into a group that is too small to act as the 
distributed system.
-## How the Autoreconnection Process Works
-After being disconnected from a distributed system a Geode member shuts down 
and then automatically restarts into a "reconnecting" state, while periodically 
attempting to rejoin the distributed system by contacting a list of known 
locators. If the member succeeds in reconnecting to a known locator, the member 
rebuilds its view of the distributed system from existing members and receives 
a new distributed system ID.
-If the member cannot connect to a known locator, the member will then check to 
see if it itself is a locator (or hosting an embedded locator process). If the 
member is a locator, then the member does a quorum-based reconnect; it will 
attempt to contact a quorum of the members that were in the membership view 
just before it became disconnected. If a quorum of members can be contacted, 
then startup of the distributed system is allowed to begin. Since the 
reconnecting member does not know which members survived the network partition 
event, all members that are in a reconnecting state will keep their UDP unicast 
ports open and respond to ping requests.
-Membership quorum is determined using the same member weighting system used in 
network partition detection. See [Membership Coordinators, Lead Members and 
-Note that when a locator is in the reconnecting state, it provides no 
discovery services for the distributed system.
-After the cache has reconnected, applications must fetch a reference to the 
new Cache, Regions, DistributedSystem and other artifacts. Old references will 
continue to throw cancellation exceptions like 
-See the Geode `DistributedSystem` and `Cache` Java API documentation for more 
-## Managing the Autoreconnection Process
-By default a Geode member will try to reconnect until it is told to stop by 
using the `DistributedSystem.stopReconnecting()` or `Cache.stopReconnecting()` 
method. You can disable automatic reconnection entirely by setting 
`disable-auto-reconnect` Geode property to "true."
-You can use `DistributedSystem` and `Cache` callback methods to perform 
actions during the reconnect process, or to cancel the reconnect process if 
-The `DistributedSystem` and `Cache` API provide several methods you can use to 
take actions while a member is reconnecting to the distributed system:
--   `DistributedSystem.isReconnecting()` returns true if the member is in the 
process of reconnecting and recreating the cache after having been removed from 
the system by other members.
--   `DistributedSystem.waitUntilReconnected(long, TimeUnit)` waits for a 
period of time, and then returns a boolean value to indicate whether the member 
has reconnected to the DistributedSystem. Use a value of -1 seconds to wait 
indefinitely until the reconnect completes or the member shuts down. Use a 
value of 0 seconds as a quick probe to determine if the member has reconnected.
--   `DistributedSystem.getReconnectedSystem()` returns the reconnected 
--   `DistributedSystem.stopReconnecting()` stops the reconnection process and 
ensures that the DistributedSystem stays in a disconnected state.
--   `Cache.isReconnecting()` returns true if the cache is attempting to 
reconnect to a distributed system.
--   `Cache.waitForReconnect(long, TimeUnit)` waits for a period of time, and 
then returns a boolean value to indicate whether the DistributedSystem has 
reconnected. Use a value of -1 seconds to wait indefinitely until the reconnect 
completes or the cache shuts down. Use a value of 0 seconds as a quick probe to 
determine if the member has reconnected.
--   `Cache.getReconnectedCache()` returns the reconnected Cache.
--   `Cache.stopReconnecting()` stops the reconnection process and ensures that 
the DistributedSystem stays in a disconnected state.
-## Operator Intervention
-You may need to intervene in the autoreconnection process if processes or 
hardware have crashed or are otherwise shut down before the network connection 
is healed. In this case the members in a "reconnecting" state will not be able 
to find the lost processes through UDP probes and will not rejoin the system 
until they are able to contact a locator.
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index d7929f2..0000000
--- a/geode-docs/managing/
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-title:  Managing Apache Geode
-Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
-contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
-this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
-The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
-(the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
-the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-limitations under the License.
-*Managing Apache Geode* describes how to plan and implement tasks associated 
with managing, monitoring, and troubleshooting Apache Geode.
--   **[Apache Geode Management and 
-    Apache Geode provides APIs and tools for managing your distributed system 
and monitoring the health of your distributed system members.
--   **[Managing Heap and Off-heap 
-    By default, Apache Geode uses the JVM heap. Apache Geode also offers an 
option to store data off heap. This section describes how to manage heap and 
off-heap memory to best support your application.
--   **[Disk Storage](../managing/disk_storage/chapter_overview.html)**
-    With Apache Geode disk stores, you can persist data to disk as a backup to 
your in-memory copy and overflow data to disk when memory use gets too high.
--   **[Cache and Region 
-    Snapshots allow you to save region data and reload it later. A typical use 
case is loading data from one environment into another, such as capturing data 
from a production system and moving it into a smaller QA or development system.
--   **[Region 
-    This section describes region compression, its benefits and usage.
--   **[Network 
-    Apache Geode architecture and management features help detect and resolve 
network partition problems.
--   **[Security](../managing/security/chapter_overview.html)**
-    The security framework establishes trust by authenticating components 
-    and members upon connection. It facilitates the authorization of 
--   **[Performance Tuning and 
-    A collection of tools and controls allow you to monitor and adjust Apache 
Geode performance.
--   **[Logging](../managing/logging/logging.html)**
-    Comprehensive logging messages help you confirm system configuration and 
debug problems in configuration and code.
--   **[Statistics](../managing/statistics/chapter_overview.html)**
-    Every application and server in a distributed system can access 
statistical data about Apache Geode operations. You can configure the gathering 
of statistics by using the `alter runtime` command of `gfsh` or in the 
`` file to facilitate system analysis and troubleshooting.
--   **[Troubleshooting and System 
-    This section provides strategies for handling common errors and failure 
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index 1439348..0000000
--- a/geode-docs/managing/cache_snapshots/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
-title:  Cache and Region Snapshots
-Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
-contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
-this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
-The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
-(the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
-the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-limitations under the License.
-Snapshots allow you to save region data and reload it later. A typical use 
case is loading data from one environment into another, such as capturing data 
from a production system and moving it into a smaller QA or development system.
-In effect, you can load data from one distributed system into another 
distributed system. Administrators export a snapshot of a region or an entire 
cache (multiple regions) and later import the snapshot into another region or 
distributed system by using the `RegionSnapshotService` or 
`CacheSnapshotService` interface and the `Region.getSnapshotService` or 
`Cache.getSnapshotService` method.
-The snapshot file is a binary file that contains all data from a particular 
region. The binary format contains serialized key/value pairs and supports PDX 
type registry to allow the deserialization of PDX data. The snapshot can be 
directly imported into a region or read entry-by-entry for further processing 
or transformation into other formats.
-The previous `Region.loadSnapshot` and `Region.saveSnapshot` APIs have been 
deprecated. Data written in this format is not compatible with the new APIs.
--   **[Usage and Performance 
-    Optimize the cache and region snapshot feature by understanding how it 
--   **[Exporting Cache and Region 
-    To save Geode cache or region data to a snapshot that you can later load 
into another distributed system or region, use the 
`` API, `` API, or 
the `gfsh` command-line interface (`export data`).
--   **[Importing Cache and Region 
-    To import a Geode cache or region data snapshot that you previously 
exported into another distributed system or region, use the 
`cache.getSnapshotService.load` API, `region.getSnapshotService.load` API, or 
the `gfsh` command-line interface (`import data`).
--   **[Filtering Entries During Import or 
-    You can customize your snapshot by filtering entries during the import or 
export of a region or a cache.
--   **[Reading Snapshots 
-    You can read a snapshot entry-by-entry for further processing or 
transformation into other formats.
diff --git 
deleted file mode 100644
index eaddd41..0000000
--- a/geode-docs/managing/cache_snapshots/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
-title:  Exporting Cache and Region Snapshots
-Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
-contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
-this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
-The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
-(the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
-the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-limitations under the License.
-To save Geode cache or region data to a snapshot that you can later load into 
another distributed system or region, use the `` 
API, `` API, or the `gfsh` command-line interface 
(`export data`).
-If an error occurs during export, the export halts and the snapshot operation 
is canceled. Typical errors that halt an export include scenarios such as full 
disk, problems with file permissions, and network partitioning.
-## <a 
 class="no-quick-link"></a>Exporting Cache Snapshots
-When you export an entire cache, it exports all regions in the cache as 
individual snapshot files into a directory. If no directory is specified, the 
default is the current directory. A snapshot file is created for each region, 
and the export operation automatically names each snapshot filename using the 
following convention:
-When the export operation writes the snapshot filename, it replaces each 
forward slash ('/') in the region path with a dash ('-').
-**Using Java API:**
-``` pre
-File mySnapshotDir = ...
-Cache cache = ...
-cache.getSnapshotService().save(mySnapshotDir, SnapshotFormat.GEMFIRE);
-Optionally, you can set a filter on the snapshot entries during the export. 
See [Filtering Entries During Import or 
 for an example.
-## <a 
 class="no-quick-link"></a>Exporting a Region Snapshot
-You can also export a specific region using the following API or gfsh command:
-**Java API:**
-``` pre
-File mySnapshot = ...
-Region<String, MyObject> region = ... 
-region.getSnapshotService().save(mySnapshot, SnapshotFormat.GEMFIRE);
-Open a gfsh prompt. After connecting to a Geode distributed system, at the 
prompt type:
-``` pre
-gfsh>export data --region=Region --file=filename.gfd 
-where *Region* corresponds to the name of the region that you want to export, 
*filename* (must end in .gfd) corresponds to the name of the export file and 
*membername* corresponds to a member where the region to export is hosted. For 
-``` pre
-gfsh>export data --region=region1 --file=region1_2012_10_10.gfd 
-The snapshot file will be written on the remote member at the location 
specified by the `--file` argument. For example, in the example command above, 
the `region1_2012_10_10.gfd` file will be written in the working directory of 
`server1`. For more information on this command, see [export 
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deleted file mode 100644
index 0acbaf3..0000000
--- a/geode-docs/managing/cache_snapshots/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-title:  Filtering Entries During Import or Export
-Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
-contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
-this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
-The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
-(the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
-the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-limitations under the License.
-You can customize your snapshot by filtering entries during the import or 
export of a region or a cache.
-For example, use filters to limit the export of data to a certain date range. 
If you set up a filter on the import or export of a cache, the filter is 
applied to every single region in the cache.
-The following example filters snapshot data by even numbered keys.
-``` pre
-File mySnapshot = ...
-Region<Integer, MyObject> region = ...
-SnapshotFilter<Integer, MyObject> even = new SnapshotFilter<Integer, 
MyObject>() {
-  @Override
-  public boolean accept(Entry<Integer, MyObject> entry) {
-    return entry.getKey() % 2 == 0;
-  }
-RegionSnapshotService<Integer, MyObject> snapsrv = region.getSnapshotService();
-SnapshotOptions<Integer, MyObject> options = 
-// only save cache entries with an even key, SnapshotFormat.GEMFIRE, options);
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index f8296a8..0000000
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-title:  Importing Cache and Region Snapshots
-Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
-contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
-this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
-The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
-(the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
-the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-limitations under the License.
-To import a Geode cache or region data snapshot that you previously exported 
into another distributed system or region, use the 
`cache.getSnapshotService.load` API, `region.getSnapshotService.load` API, or 
the `gfsh` command-line interface (`import data`).
-## <a 
 class="no-quick-link"></a>Import Requirements
-Before you import a region snapshot:
--   Make sure the cache is configured correctly. Configure all registered 
PdxSerializers, DataSerializers, and Instantiators; create regions; and ensure 
the classpath contains any required classes.
--   When you import a snapshot containing PDX types, you must wait until the 
exported type definitions are imported into the cache before inserting data 
that causes type conflicts. It is recommended that you wait for the import to 
complete before inserting data.
-## <a 
 class="no-quick-link"></a>Import Limitations
-During an import, the `CacheWriter` and `CacheListener` callbacks are not 
-If an error occurs during import, the import is halted and the region will 
contain some but not all snapshot data.
-The state of a cache client is indeterminate after an import. It is likely 
that the data in the client's cache is inconsistent with the imported data. 
Take the client offline during the import and restart it after the import 
-## <a 
 class="no-quick-link"></a>Importing Cache Snapshots
-When you import a cache snapshot, the snapshot file is imported into the same 
region (match determined by name) that was used during snapshot export. When 
you import a cache, you import all snapshot files located within a directory 
into the cache. The API attempts to load all files in the specified directory.
-**Java API:**
-``` pre
-File mySnapshotDir = ...
-Cache cache = ...
-cache.getSnapshotService().load(mySnapshotDir, SnapshotFormat.GEMFIRE);
-## <a 
 class="no-quick-link"></a>Importing a Region Snapshot
-**Java API:**
-``` pre
-File mySnapshot = ...
-Region<String, MyObject> region = ...
-region.getSnapshotService().load(mySnapshot, SnapshotFormat.GEMFIRE);
-Open a gfsh prompt. After connecting to a Geode distributed system, at the 
prompt type:
-``` pre
-gfsh>import data --region=Region --file=filename.gfd 
-where *Region* corresponds to the name of the region that you want to import 
data into; *filename* (must end in .gfd) corresponds to the name of the file to 
be imported; and *membername* corresponds to the member where the region to be 
imported is hosted. For example:
-``` pre
-gfsh>import data --region=region1 --file=region1_2012_10_10.gfd 
-The snapshot file must already reside on the specified member at the location 
specified in the `--file` argument before import.
-For more information on this command, see [import 
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index da455a5..0000000
+++ /dev/null
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-title:  Reading Snapshots Programmatically
-Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
-contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
-this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
-The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
-(the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
-the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-limitations under the License.
-You can read a snapshot entry-by-entry for further processing or 
transformation into other formats.
-The following is an example of a snapshot reader that processes entries from a 
previously generated snapshot file.
-``` pre
-File mySnapshot = ...
-SnapshotIterator<String, MyObject> iter =;
-try {
-  while (iter.hasNext()) {
-    Entry<String, MyObject> entry =;
-    String key = entry.getKey();
-    MyObject value = entry.getValue();
-    System.out.println(key + " = " + value);
-  }
-} finally {
-  iter.close();
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-title:  Usage and Performance Notes
-Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
-contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
-this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
-The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
-(the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
-the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-limitations under the License.
-Optimize the cache and region snapshot feature by understanding how it 
-## <a 
 class="no-quick-link"></a>Cache Consistency and Concurrent Operations
-Importing and exporting region data is an administrative operation, and 
certain simultaneous runtime conditions can cause the import or export 
operation to fail such as when you are rebalancing partitioned region buckets 
or experience a network partition event. This behavior is expected, and you 
should retry the operation. Redoing an export overwrites an incomplete snapshot 
file, and redoing an import updates partially imported data.
-The snapshot feature does not guarantee consistency. Concurrent cache 
operations during a snapshot import or export can cause data consistency 
issues. If snapshot consistency is important, we recommend that you take your 
application offline before export and import, to provide a quiet period ensures 
data consistency in your snapshot.
-For example, modifications to region entries during an export can result in a 
snapshot that contains some but not all updates. If entries { A, B } are 
updated to { A', B'} during the export, the snapshot can contain { A, B' } 
depending on the write order. Also, modifications to region entries during an 
import can cause lost updates in the cache. If the region contains entries { A, 
B } and the snapshot contains { A', B' }, concurrent updates { A\*, B\* } can 
result in the region containing { A\*, B' } after the import completes.
-The default behavior is to perform all I/O operations on the node where the 
snapshot operations are invoked. This will involve either collecting or 
dispersing data over the network if the region is a partitioned region.
-## <a 
 class="no-quick-link"></a>Performance Considerations
-When using the data snapshot feature, be aware of the following performance 
--   Importing and exporting cache or region snapshots causes additional CPU 
and network load. You may need to increase CPU capacity or network bandwidth 
depending on your applications and infrastructure. In addition, if you export 
regions that have been configured to overflow to disk, you may require 
additional disk I/O to perform the export.
--   When exporting partitioned region data, allocate additional heap memory so 
the member performing the export can buffer data gathered from other cache 
members. Allocate at least 10MB per member to your heap in addition to whatever 
configuration is necessary to support your application or cache.
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-title:  Creating Backups for System Recovery and Operational Management
-Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
-contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
-this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
-The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
-(the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
-the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-limitations under the License.
-A backup is a copy of persisted data from a disk store. A backup is used to 
restore the disk store to the state it was in when the backup was made. The 
appropriate back up and restore procedures differ based upon whether the 
distributed system is online or offline. An online system has currently running 
members. An offline system does not have any running members.
--   [Making a Backup While the System Is 
--   [What a Full Online Backup 
--   [What an Incremental Online Backup 
--   [Disk Store Backup Directory Structure and 
--   [Offline Members—Manual Catch-Up to an Online 
--   [Restore Using a Backup Made While the System Was 
-## <a id="backup_restore_disk_store__section_63AB5917BF24432898A79DBE8E4071FF" 
class="no-quick-link"></a>Making a Backup While the System Is Online
-The gfsh command `backup disk-store` creates a backup of the disk stores for 
all members running in the distributed system. The backup works by passing 
commands to the running system members; therefore, the members need to be 
online for this operation to succeed. Each member with persistent data creates 
a backup of its own configuration and disk stores. The backup does not block 
any activities within the distributed system, but it does use resources.
-Do not try to create backup files from a running system by using your 
operating system's file copy commands. This would create incomplete and 
unusable copies.
-**Preparing to Make a Backup**
--   Consider compacting your disk store before making a backup. If 
auto-compaction is turned off, you may want to do a manual compaction to save 
on the quantity of data copied over the network by the backup. For more 
information on configuring a manual compaction, see [Manual 
--   Run the backup during a period of low activity in your system. The backup 
does not block system activities, but it uses file system resources on all 
hosts in your distributed system, and it can affect performance.
--   Configure each member with any additional files or directories to be 
backed up by modifying the member's `cache.xml` file. Additional items that 
ought to be included in the backup:
-    -   application jar files
-    -   other files that the application needs when starting, such as a file 
that sets the classpath
-    For example, to include file `myExtraBackupStuff` in the backup, the 
`cache.xml` file specification of the data store would include:
-    ``` pre
-    <backup>./myExtraBackupStuff</backup>
-    ```
-    Directories are recursively copied, with any disk stores that are found 
excluded from this user-specified backup.
--   Back up to a SAN (recommended) or to a directory that all members can 
access. Make sure the directory exists and has the proper permissions for all 
members to write to the directory and create subdirectories.
-    The directory specified for the backup can be used multiple times. Each 
time a backup is made, a new subdirectory is created within the specified 
directory, and that new subdirectory's name represents the date and time.
-    You can use one of two locations for the backup:
-    -   a single physical location, such as a network file server, for example:
-        ``` pre
-        /export/fileServerDirectory/gemfireBackupLocation
-        ```
-    -   a directory that is local to all host machines in the system, for 
-        ``` pre
-        ./gemfireBackupLocation
-        ```
--   Make sure all members with persistent data are running in the system, 
because offline members cannot back up their disk stores. Output from the 
backup command will not identify members hosting replicated regions that are 
-**How to Do a Full Online Backup**
-1.  If auto-compaction is disabled, and manual compaction is needed:
-    ``` pre
-    gfsh>compact disk-store --name=Disk1
-    ```
-2.  Run the `gfsh backup                             disk-store` command, 
specifying the backup directory location. For example:
-    ``` pre
-    gfsh>backup disk-store 
-    ```
-    The output will list information for each member that has successfully 
backed up disk stores. The tabular information will contain the member's name, 
its UUID, the directory backed up, and the host name of the member.
-    Any online member that fails to complete its backup will leave a file 
named `INCOMPLETE_BACKUP` in its highest level backup directory. The existence 
of this file identifies that the backup file contains only a partial backup, 
and it cannot be used in a restore operation.
-3.  Validate the backup for later recovery use. On the command line, each 
backup can be checked with commands such as
-    ``` pre
-    cd 2010-04-10-11-35/straw_14871_53406_34322/diskstores/ds1
-    gfsh validate offline-disk-store --name=ds1 --disk-dirs=/home/dsmith/dir1
-    ```
-**How to Do an Incremental Backup**
-An incremental backup contains items that have changed since a previous backup 
was made.
-To do an incremental backup, specify the backup directory that the incremental 
backup will be based upon with the `--baseline-dir` argument. For example:
-``` pre
-gfsh>backup disk-store --dir=/export/fileServerDirectory/gemfireBackupLocation
-The output will appear the same as the output for a full online backup.
-Any online member that fails to complete its incremental backup will leave a 
file named `INCOMPLETE_BACKUP` in its highest level backup directory. The 
existence of this file identifies that the backup file contains only a partial 
backup, and it cannot be used in a restore operation. The next time a backup is 
made, a full backup will be made.
-## <a id="backup_restore_disk_store__section_C08E52E65DAD4CD5AE076BBDCF1DB340" 
class="no-quick-link"></a>What a Full Online Backup Saves
-For each member with persistent data, a full backup includes the following:
--   Disk store files for all members containing persistent region data.
--   Files and directories specified in the `cache.xml` configuration file as 
`<backup>` elements. For example:
-    ``` pre
-    <backup>./systemConfig/gf.jar</backup>
-    <backup>/users/user/gfSystemInfo/myCustomerConfig.doc</backup>
-    ```
--   Deployed JAR files that were deployed using the gfsh 
[deploy](../../tools_modules/gfsh/command-pages/deploy.html) command.
--   Configuration files from the member startup.
-    -   ``, including the properties with which the member 
was started.
-    -   `cache.xml`, if used.
-    These configuration files are not automatically restored, to avoid 
interfering with more recent configurations. In particular, if these are 
extracted from a master `jar` file, copying the separate files into your 
working area can override the files in the `jar`. If you want to back up and 
restore these files, add them as custom `<backup>` elements.
--   A restore script, called `restore.bat` on Windows, and called `` 
on Linux. This script may later be used to do a restore. The script copies 
files back to their original locations.
-## <a id="backup_restore_disk_store__section_59E23EEA4AB24374A45B99A8B44FD49B" 
class="no-quick-link"></a>What an Incremental Online Backup Saves
-An incremental backup saves the difference between the last backup and the 
current data. An incremental backup copies only operations logs that are not 
already present in the baseline directories for each member. For incremental 
backups, the restore script contains explicit references to operation logs in 
one or more previously chained incremental backups. When the restore script is 
run from an incremental backup, it also restores the operation logs from 
previous incremental backups that are part of the backup chain.
-If members are missing from the baseline directory because they were offline 
or did not exist at the time of the baseline backup, those members place full 
backups of all their files into the incremental backup directory.
-## <a id="backup_restore_disk_store__section_22809A237A344015B40C962B704D8F34" 
class="no-quick-link"></a>Disk Store Backup Directory Structure and Contents
-``` pre
-$ cd thebackupdir
-$ ls -R
-dasmith_e6410_server1_8623_v1_33892 dasmith_e6410_server2_8940_v2_45565
-config diskstores README.txt user
-## <a id="backup_restore_disk_store__section_6F998080AF7640D1A9E951D155A75E3A" 
class="no-quick-link"></a>Offline Members—Manual Catch-Up to an Online Backup
-If you must have a member offline during an online backup, you can manually 
back up its disk stores. Bring this member’s files into the online backup 
framework manually, and create a restore script by hand starting with a copy of 
another member’s script:
-1.  Duplicate the directory structure of a backed up member for this member.
-2.  Rename directories as needed to reflect this member’s particular backup, 
including disk store names.
-3.  Clear out all files other than the restore script.
-4.  Copy in this member’s files.
-5.  Modify the restore script to work for this member.
-## <a id="backup_restore_disk_store__section_D08DC489B9D947DE97B8F96261E4A977" 
class="no-quick-link"></a>Restore Using a Backup Made While the System Was 
-The `` or `restore.bat` script copies files back to their original 
-1.  Restore your disk stores while cache members are offline and the system is 
-2.  Look at each of the restore scripts to see where they will place the files 
and make sure the destination locations are ready. A restore script will refuse 
to copy over files with the same names.
-3.  Run each restore script on the host where the backup originated.
-The restore copies these files back to their original location:
--   Disk store files for all stores containing persistent region data.
--   Any files or directories you have configured to be backed up in the 
`cache.xml` `<backup>` elements.
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deleted file mode 100644
index 68e089f..0000000
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-title:  Disk Storage
-Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
-contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
-this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
-The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
-(the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
-the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-limitations under the License.
-With Apache Geode disk stores, you can persist data to disk as a backup to 
your in-memory copy and overflow data to disk when memory use gets too high.
--   **[How Disk Stores 
-    Overflow and persistence use disk stores individually or together to store 
--   **[Disk Store File Names and 
-    Disk store files include store management files, access control files, and 
the operation log, or oplog, files, consisting of one file for deletions and 
another for all other operations.
--   **[Disk Store Operation 
-    At creation, each operation log is initialized at the disk store's 
`max-oplog-size`, with the size divided between the `crf` and `drf` files. When 
the oplog is closed, Apache Geode shrinks the files to the space used in each 
--   **[Configuring Disk 
-    In addition to the disk stores you specify, Apache Geode has a default 
disk store that it uses when disk use is configured with no disk store name 
specified. You can modify default disk store behavior.
--   **[Optimizing a System with Disk 
-    Optimize availability and performance by following the guidelines in this 
--   **[Start Up and Shut Down with Disk 
-    This section describes what happens during startup and shutdown and 
provides procedures for those operations.
--   **[Disk Store 
-    The `gfsh` command-line tool has a number of options for examining and 
managing your disk stores. The `gfsh` tool, the `cache.xml` file and the 
DiskStore APIs are your management tools for online and offline disk stores.
--   **[Creating Backups for System Recovery and Operational 
-    A backup is a copy of persisted data from a disk store. A backup is used 
to restore the disk store to the state it was in when the backup was made. The 
appropriate back up and restore procedures differ based upon whether the 
distributed system is online or offline. An online system has currently running 
members. An offline system does not have any running members.
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index 0a88811..0000000
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-title:  Running Compaction on Disk Store Log Files
-Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
-contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
-this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
-The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
-(the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
-the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-limitations under the License.
-<a id="compacting_disk_stores__section_64BA304595364E38A28098EB09494531"></a>
-When a cache operation is added to a disk store, any preexisting operation 
record for the same entry becomes obsolete, and Apache Geode marks it as 
garbage. For example, when you create an entry, the create operation is added 
to the store. If you update the entry later, the update operation is added and 
the create operation becomes garbage. Geode does not remove garbage records as 
it goes, but it tracks the percentage of garbage in each operation log, and 
provides mechanisms for removing garbage to compact your log files.
-Geode compacts an old operation log by copying all non-garbage records into 
the current log and discarding the old files. As with logging, oplogs are 
rolled as needed during compaction to stay within the max oplog setting.
-You can configure the system to automatically compact any closed operation log 
when its garbage content reaches a certain percentage. You can also manually 
request compaction for online and offline disk stores. For the online disk 
store, the current operation log is not available for compaction, no matter how 
much garbage it contains.
-## <a id="compacting_disk_stores__section_98C6B6F48E4F4F0CB7749E426AF4D647" 
class="no-quick-link"></a>Log File Compaction for the Online Disk Store
-<img src="../../images/diskStores-3.gif" 
class="image" />
-Offline compaction runs essentially in the same way, but without the incoming 
cache operations. Also, because there is no current open log, the compaction 
creates a new one to get started.
-## <a id="compacting_disk_stores__section_96E774B5502648458E7742B37CA235FF" 
class="no-quick-link"></a>Run Online Compaction
-Old log files become eligible for online compaction when their garbage content 
surpasses a configured percentage of the total file. A record is garbage when 
its operation is superseded by a more recent operation for the same object. 
During compaction, the non-garbage records are added to the current log along 
with new cache operations. Online compaction does not block current system 
--   **Automatic compaction**. When `auto-compact` is true, Geode automatically 
compacts each oplog when its garbage content surpasses the 
`compaction-threshold`. This takes cycles from your other operations, so you 
may want to disable this and only do manual compaction, to control the timing.
--   **Manual compaction**. To run manual compaction:
-    -   Set the disk store attribute `allow-force-compaction` to true. This 
causes Geode to maintain extra data about the files so it can compact on 
demand. This is disabled by default to save space. You can run manual online 
compaction at any time while the system is running. Oplogs eligible for 
compaction based on the `compaction-threshold` are compacted into the current 
-    -   Run manual compaction as needed. Geode has two types of manual 
-        -   Compact the logs for a single online disk store through the API, 
with the `forceCompaction` method. This method first rolls the oplogs and then 
compacts them. Example:
-            ``` pre
-            myCache.getDiskStore("myDiskStore").forceCompaction();
-            ```
-        -   Using `gfsh`, compact a disk store in a distributed system with 
the [compact 
 command. Examples:
-            ``` pre
-            gfsh>compact disk-store --name=Disk1
-            gfsh>compact disk-store --name=Disk1 
-            ```
-            **Note:**
-            You need to be connected to a JMX Manager in `gfsh` to run this 
-## <a id="compacting_disk_stores__section_25BDB098E9584EAA9BC6582597544726" 
class="no-quick-link"></a>Run Offline Compaction
-Offline compaction is a manual process. All log files are compacted as much as 
possible, regardless of how much garbage they hold. Offline compaction creates 
new log files for the compacted log records.
-Using `gfsh`, compact individual offline disk stores with the [compact 
-``` pre
-gfsh>compact offline-disk-store --name=Disk2 --disk-dirs=/Disks/Disk2
-gfsh>compact offline-disk-store --name=Disk2 --disk-dirs=/Disks/Disk2 
---max-oplog-size=512 -J=-Xmx1024m
-Do not perform offline compaction on the baseline directory of an incremental 
-You must provide all of the directories in the disk store. If no oplog max 
size is specified, Geode uses the system default.
-Offline compaction can take a lot of memory. If you get a 
`java.lang.OutOfMemory` error while running this, you may need to increase your 
heap size with the `-J=-Xmx` parameter.
-## <a id="compacting_disk_stores__section_D2374039480947C5AE4CC64167E60978" 
class="no-quick-link"></a>Performance Benefits of Manual Compaction
-You can improve performance during busy times if you disable automatic 
compaction and run your own manual compaction during lighter system load or 
during downtimes. You could run the API call after your application performs a 
large set of data operations. You could run `compact disk-store` command every 
night when system use is very low.
-To follow a strategy like this, you need to set aside enough disk space to 
accommodate all non-compacted disk data. You might need to increase system 
monitoring to make sure you do not overrun your disk space. You may be able to 
run only offline compaction. If so, you can set `allow-force-compaction` to 
false and avoid storing the information required for manual online compaction.
-## <a id="compacting_disk_stores__section_A9EE86F662EE4D46A327C336E901A0F2" 
class="no-quick-link"></a>Directory Size Limits
-Reaching directory size limits during has different results depending on 
whether you are running an automatic or manual compaction:
--   For automatic compaction, the system logs a warning, but does not stop.
--   For manual compaction, the operation stops and returns a 
`DiskAccessException` to the calling process, reporting that the system has run 
out of disk space.
-## <a id="compacting_disk_stores__section_7A311038408440D49097B8FA4E2BCED9" 
class="no-quick-link"></a>Example Compaction Run
-In this example offline compaction run listing, the disk store compaction had 
nothing to do in the `*_3.*` files, so they were left alone. The `*_4.*` files 
had garbage records, so the oplog from them was compacted into the new `*_5.*` 
-``` pre
-bash-2.05$ ls -ltra backupDirectory
-total 28
--rw-rw-r--   1 user users          3 Apr  7 14:56 BACKUPds1_3.drf
--rw-rw-r--   1 user users         25 Apr  7 14:56 BACKUPds1_3.crf
-drwxrwxr-x   3 user users       1024 Apr  7 15:02 ..
--rw-rw-r--   1 user users       7085 Apr  7 15:06 BACKUPds1.if
--rw-rw-r--   1 user users         18 Apr  7 15:07 BACKUPds1_4.drf
--rw-rw-r--   1 user users       1070 Apr  7 15:07 BACKUPds1_4.crf
-drwxrwxr-x   2 user users        512 Apr  7 15:07 .
-bash-2.05$ gfsh
-gfsh>validate offline-disk-store --name=ds1 --disk-dirs=backupDirectory
-/root: entryCount=6
-/partitioned_region entryCount=1 bucketCount=10
-Disk store contains 12 compactable records.
-Total number of region entries in this disk store is: 7
-gfsh>compact offline-disk-store --name=ds1 --disk-dirs=backupDirectory
-Offline compaction removed 12 records.
-Total number of region entries in this disk store is: 7
-bash-2.05$ ls -ltra backupDirectory
-total 16
--rw-rw-r--   1 user users          3 Apr  7 14:56 BACKUPds1_3.drf
--rw-rw-r--   1 user users         25 Apr  7 14:56 BACKUPds1_3.crf
-drwxrwxr-x   3 user users       1024 Apr  7 15:02 ..
--rw-rw-r--   1 user users          0 Apr  7 15:08 BACKUPds1_5.drf
--rw-rw-r--   1 user users        638 Apr  7 15:08 BACKUPds1_5.crf
--rw-rw-r--   1 user users       2788 Apr  7 15:08 BACKUPds1.if
-drwxrwxr-x   2 user users        512 Apr  7 15:09 .

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