[04/50] [abbrv] incubator-geode git commit: GEODE-1129: DistributionManagerDUnitTest.testAckSevereAlertThreshold is disabled

2016-03-28 Thread sai_boorlagadda
GEODE-1129: DistributionManagerDUnitTest.testAckSevereAlertThreshold is disabled Reenabling the test and altering the beSick test-hook to no longer disable accepting of TCP/IP connections but, instead, buffer cache operations in the membership manager to cause severe-alerts to be issued.

incubator-geode git commit: GEODE-1129: DistributionManagerDUnitTest.testAckSevereAlertThreshold is disabled

2016-03-25 Thread bschuchardt
Repository: incubator-geode Updated Branches: refs/heads/develop d655d27f4 -> bcff8428a GEODE-1129: DistributionManagerDUnitTest.testAckSevereAlertThreshold is disabled Reenabling the test and altering the beSick test-hook to no longer disable accepting of TCP/IP connections but, instead,