[29/50] [abbrv] incubator-geode git commit: Performance enhancements ported from GemFire 8.2.0.x

2016-08-22 Thread abaker
Performance enhancements ported from GemFire 8.2.0.x This increases throughput in GMSMembershipManager by avoiding write-locks on the view in some places. I also found GMSHealthMonitor was mistakenly referencing a CORBA class's "debug" static variable and found an out-of-date comment in AnalyzeS

incubator-geode git commit: Performance enhancements ported from GemFire 8.2.0.x

2016-07-19 Thread bschuchardt
Repository: incubator-geode Updated Branches: refs/heads/develop 3e20193ce -> 3f6acdc70 Performance enhancements ported from GemFire 8.2.0.x This increases throughput in GMSMembershipManager by avoiding write-locks on the view in some places. I also found GMSHealthMonitor was mistakenly refer