Author: djkevincr
Date: Sun Nov 11 18:47:34 2018
New Revision: 1846356

Fix GORA-540 - adding doc for Ignite datastore


Added: gora/site/trunk/content/current/
--- gora/site/trunk/content/current/ (added)
+++ gora/site/trunk/content/current/ Sun Nov 11 18:47:34 2018
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+Title: Gora Ignite Module
+This is the main documentation for the gora-ignite module. <b>gora-ignite</b> 
module enables [Apache Ignite]( backend support for 
+##Gora Ignite Properties - 
+* <code></code> 
- Implementation of the persistent Java storage class for Ignite
+* <code>gora.datastore.ignite.schema=PUBLIC</code> - Property pointing to the 
Schema of the Ignite instance 
+* <code></code> -  Property pointing to 
the host where the server is running
+* <code>gora.datastore.ignite.port=10800</code> -  Property pointing to the 
port where the server is running
+* <code>gora.datastore.ignite.user=username</code> - An optional property 
defining the username of the server if available
+* <code>gora.datastore.ignite.password=password</code> - An optional property 
defining the password of the server if available
+* <code>gora.datastore.ignite.additionalConfigurations=</code> - An optional 
property defining additional configurations for the Ignite connection, format 
and available parameters: [Ignite JDBC 
+##Gora Ignite mappings - gora-ignite-mapping.xml
+You should then create a gora-ignite-mapping.xml which will describe how you 
want to store each of your Gora persistent objects and which primary keys you 
want to use:
+    <gora-otd>
+      <class name="org.apache.gora.examples.generated.Employee" 
keyClass="java.lang.String" table="Employee">
+        <primarykey column="pkssn" type="VARCHAR" />
+        <field name="ssn" column="ssn" type="VARCHAR"/>
+        <field name="name" column="name" type="VARCHAR"/>
+        <field name="dateOfBirth" column="dateOfBirth" type="BIGINT"/>
+        <field name="salary" column="salary" type="INT"/>
+        <field name="boss" column="boss" type="BINARY"/>
+        <field name="webpage" column="webpage" type="BINARY"/>
+      </class>
+    </gora-otd>
+Here you can see that we require the definition of child elements within the 
<code>gora-otd</code> mapping configuration.
+Each <b>class</b> element should contain the following elements; 
+1. a parameter defining the Persistent class name e.g. 
+2. a parameter defining the keyClass e.g. <b>java.lang.String</b> which 
specifies the key which maps to the field values, 
+3. a parameter defining the table e.g. <b>Employee</b> which will be used to 
persist each Gora object
+In addition, within the class element we should define two type of child 
elements: a primary key (<b>primarykey</b> tag) and some fields (<b>field</b> 
+The primary key element defines which column is used by Ignite to identify the 
records stored in the DataStore. It has two costumizable parameters: 
<b>column</b> which defines the column's name of the table to be used as 
identifier for the records. And <b>type</b> which defines the data type of the 
aforementioned column.
+The fields elements define the actual mapping between persistent object's 
attributes and the table's columns. These mapping have three customizable 
parameters: <b>name</b> which correspond to the object attribute's name. 
<b>column</b> which defines the column's name of the table to be assosiated 
with the attribute. And <b>type</b> which defines the data type of that column.
+Notice that complex structures such 3-union fields are mapped using Binary 
fields through [Avro]( serialization.
+##Supported Data types
+Description of supported <b>type</b> values:
+| Type value | Description                     |
+| BINARY     | Store as Byte[]                 |
+| BOOLEAN    | Store as Boolean                |
+| INT        | Store as Integer                |
+| TINYINT    | Store as Byte                   |
+| SMALLINT   | Store as Short                  |
+| BIGINT     | Store as Long                   |
+| DECIMAL    | Store as BigDecimal             |
+| DOUBLE     | Store as Double                 |
+| REAL       | Store as Float                  |
+| VARCHAR    | Store as Unicode string         |
+A more detailed list of data types supported by Ignite and its equivalents in 
Java refer to [Ignite JDBC Data 

Modified: gora/site/trunk/content/current/
--- gora/site/trunk/content/current/ (original)
+++ gora/site/trunk/content/current/ Sun Nov 11 18:47:34 2018
@@ -39,6 +39,7 @@ following modules are currently implemen
 * [gora-mongodb](./gora-mongodb.html): Module for 
[MongoDB]( backend and MongoStore implementation;
 * [gora-solr](./gora-solr.html): Module for [Apache 
Solr]( backend and SolrStore implementation;
 * [gora-aerospike](./gora-aerospike.html): Module for 
[Aerospike]( backend and Aerospike implementation;
+* [gora-ignite](./gora-ignite.html): Module for [Apache 
Ignite]( backend and IgniteStore implementation;
 * [gora-tutorial](./tutorial.html): The Gora LogManager tutorial;
 * gora-sources-dist: Packaging module used to build and distribute Gora 
sources during project releases;

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