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HBASE-16568 Remove Cygwin-oriented instructions (for installing HBase in 
Windows OS) from official reference materials


Branch: refs/heads/master
Commit: eb424ac5f458c47a29a91f1d093baa9232c105ba
Parents: d871399
Author: Daniel Vimont <>
Authored: Tue Oct 11 16:00:31 2016 +0900
Committer: Michael Stack <>
Committed: Tue Mar 27 16:38:27 2018 -0700

 src/main/asciidoc/_chapters/unit_testing.adoc |   2 -
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 src/site/site.xml                             |   1 -
 src/site/xdoc/cygwin.xml                      | 245 ---------------------
 4 files changed, 445 deletions(-)
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+++ b/src/main/asciidoc/_chapters/unit_testing.adoc
@@ -327,7 +327,5 @@ A record is inserted, a Get is performed from the same 
table, and the insertion
 NOTE: Starting the mini-cluster takes about 20-30 seconds, but that should be 
appropriate for integration testing.
-To use an HBase mini-cluster on Microsoft Windows, you need to use a Cygwin 
 See the paper at 
 Case-Study: Using HBaseTestingUtility for Local Testing and
                 Development] (2010) for more information about 
diff --git a/src/site/asciidoc/cygwin.adoc b/src/site/asciidoc/cygwin.adoc
deleted file mode 100644
index 1056dec..0000000
--- a/src/site/asciidoc/cygwin.adoc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,197 +0,0 @@
-Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-distributed with this work for additional information
-regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-specific language governing permissions and limitations
-under the License.
-== Installing Apache HBase (TM) on Windows using Cygwin
-== Introduction
-link:[Apache HBase (TM)] is a distributed, 
column-oriented store, modeled after Google's 
link:[BigTable]. Apache HBase 
is built on top of link:[Hadoop] for its 
link:[distributed file system] implementations. 
All these projects are open-source and part of the 
link:[Apache Software Foundation].
-== Purpose
-This document explains the *intricacies* of running Apache HBase on Windows 
using Cygwin* as an all-in-one single-node installation for testing and 
development. The HBase 
 and link:book.html#getting_started[QuickStart] guides on the other hand go a 
long way in explaning how to setup link:[HBase] 
in more complex deployment scenarios.
-== Installation
-For running Apache HBase on Windows, 3 technologies are required: 
-* Java
-* Cygwin
-* SSH 
-The following paragraphs detail the installation of each of the aforementioned 
-=== Java
-HBase depends on the link:[Java Platform, 
Standard Edition, 6 Release]. So the target system has to be provided with at 
least the Java Runtime Environment (JRE); however if the system will also be 
used for development, the Jave Development Kit (JDK) is preferred. You can 
download the latest versions for both from 
link:[Sun's download page]. 
Installation is a simple GUI wizard that guides you through the process.
-=== Cygwin
-Cygwin is probably the oddest technology in this solution stack. It provides a 
dynamic link library that emulates most of a *nix environment on Windows. On 
top of that a whole bunch of the most common *nix tools are supplied. Combined, 
the DLL with the tools form a very *nix-alike environment on Windows.
-For installation, Cygwin provides the 
link:[`setup.exe` utility] that tracks the versions 
of all installed components on the target system and provides the mechanism for 
installing or updating everything from the mirror sites of Cygwin.
-To support installation, the `setup.exe` utility uses 2 directories on the 
target system. The *Root* directory for Cygwin (defaults to _C:\cygwin)_ which 
will become _/_ within the eventual Cygwin installation; and the *Local 
Package* directory (e.g. _C:\cygsetup_ that is the cache where 
`setup.exe`stores the packages before they are installed. The cache must not be 
the same folder as the Cygwin root.
-Perform following steps to install Cygwin, which are elaboratly detailed in 
the link:[2nd chapter] of the 
link:[Cygwin User's Guide].
-. Make sure you have `Administrator` privileges on the target system.
-. Choose and create you Root and *Local Package* directories. A good 
suggestion is to use `C:\cygwin\root` and `C:\cygwin\setup` folders.
-. Download the `setup.exe` utility and save it to the *Local Package* 
directory. Run the `setup.exe` utility.
-.. Choose  the `Install from Internet` option.
-.. Choose your *Root* and *Local Package* folders.
-.. Select an appropriate mirror.
-.. Don't select any additional packages yet, as we only want to install Cygwin 
for now.
-.. Wait for download and install.
-.. Finish the installation.
-. Optionally, you can now also add a shortcut to your Start menu pointing to 
the `setup.exe` utility in the *Local Package *folder.
-. Add `CYGWIN_HOME` system-wide environment variable that points to your 
*Root* directory.
-. Add `%CYGWIN_HOME%\bin` to the end of your `PATH` environment variable.
-. Reboot the sytem after making changes to the environment variables otherwise 
the OS will not be able to find the Cygwin utilities.
-. Test your installation by running your freshly created shortcuts or the 
`Cygwin.bat` command in the *Root* folder. You should end up in a terminal 
window that is running a 
link:[Bash shell]. Test the 
shell by issuing following commands:
-.. `cd /` should take you to thr *Root* directory in Cygwin.
-.. The `LS` commands that should list all files and folders in the current 
-.. Use the `exit` command to end the terminal.
-. When needed, to *uninstall* Cygwin you can simply delete the *Root* and 
*Local Package* directory, and the *shortcuts* that were created during 
-=== SSH
-HBase (and Hadoop) rely on 
link:[*SSH*] for interprocess/-node 
*communication* and launching* remote commands*. SSH will be provisioned on the 
target system via Cygwin, which supports running Cygwin programs as *Windows 
-. Rerun the `*setup.exe*`* utility*.
-. Leave all parameters as is, skipping through the wizard using the `Next` 
button until the `Select Packages` panel is shown.
-. Maximize the window and click the `View` button to toggle to the list view, 
which is ordered alfabetically on `Package`, making it easier to find the 
packages we'll need.
-. Select the following packages by clicking the status word (normally `Skip`) 
so it's marked for installation. Use the `Next `button to download and install 
the packages.
-.. `OpenSSH`
-.. `tcp_wrappers`
-.. `diffutils`
-.. `zlib`
-. Wait for the install to complete and finish the installation.
-=== HBase
-Download the *latest release* of Apache HBase from 
link: As the Apache HBase 
distributable is just a zipped archive, installation is as simple as unpacking 
the archive so it ends up in its final *installation* directory. Notice that 
HBase has to be installed in Cygwin and a good directory suggestion is to use 
`/usr/local/` (or [`*Root* directory]\usr\local` in Windows slang). You should 
end up with a `/usr/local/hbase-_versi` installation in Cygwin.
-This finishes installation. We go on with the configuration.
-== Configuration
-There are 3 parts left to configure: *Java, SSH and HBase* itself. Following 
paragraphs explain eacht topic in detail.
-=== Java
-One important thing to remember in shell scripting in general (i.e. *nix and 
Windows) is that managing, manipulating and assembling path names that contains 
spaces can be very hard, due to the need to escape and quote those characters 
and strings. So we try to stay away from spaces in path names. *nix 
environments can help us out here very easily by using *symbolic links*.
-. Create a link in `/usr/local` to the Java home directory by using the 
following command and substituting the name of your chosen Java environment: +
-LN -s /cygdrive/c/Program\ Files/Java/*_jre name_*/usr/local/*_jre name_*
-. Test your java installation by changing directories to your Java folder `CD 
/usr/local/_jre name_` and issueing the command `./bin/java -version`. This 
should output your version of the chosen JRE.
-=== SSH 
-Configuring *SSH *is quite elaborate, but primarily a question of launching it 
by default as a* Windows service*.
-. On Windows Vista and above make sure you run the Cygwin shell with *elevated 
privileges*, by right-clicking on the shortcut an using `Run as Administrator`.
-. First of all, we have to make sure the *rights on some crucial files* are 
correct. Use the commands underneath. You can verify all rights by using the 
`LS -L` command on the different files. Also, notice the auto-completion 
feature in the shell using `TAB` is extremely handy in these situations.
-.. `chmod +r /etc/passwd` to make the passwords file readable for all
-.. `chmod u+w /etc/passwd` to make the passwords file writable for the owner
-.. `chmod +r /etc/group` to make the groups file readable for all
-.. `chmod u+w /etc/group` to make the groups file writable for the owner
-.. `chmod 755 /var` to make the var folder writable to owner and readable and 
executable to all
-. Edit the */etc/hosts.allow* file using your favorite editor (why not VI in 
the shell!) and make sure the following two lines are in there before the 
`PARANOID` line: +
-ALL : localhost : allow
-ALL : [::1]/128 : allow
-. Next we have to *configure SSH* by using the script `ssh-host-config`.
-.. If this script asks to overwrite an existing `/etc/ssh_config`, answer 
-.. If this script asks to overwrite an existing `/etc/sshd_config`, answer 
-.. If this script asks to use privilege separation, answer `yes`.
-.. If this script asks to install `sshd` as a service, answer `yes`. Make sure 
you started your shell as Adminstrator!
-.. If this script asks for the CYGWIN value, just `enter` as the default is 
-.. If this script asks to create the `sshd` account, answer `yes`.
-.. If this script asks to use a different user name as service account, answer 
`no` as the default will suffice.
-.. If this script asks to create the `cyg_server` account, answer `yes`. Enter 
a password for the account.
-. *Start the SSH service* using `net start sshd` or `cygrunsrv  --start  
sshd`. Notice that `cygrunsrv` is the utility that make the process run as a 
Windows service. Confirm that you see a message stating that `the CYGWIN sshd 
service  was started succesfully.`
-. Harmonize Windows and Cygwin* user account* by using the commands: +
-mkpasswd -cl > /etc/passwd
-mkgroup --local > /etc/group
-. Test *the installation of SSH:
-.. Open a new Cygwin terminal.
-.. Use the command `whoami` to verify your userID.
-.. Issue an `ssh localhost` to connect to the system itself.
-.. Answer `yes` when presented with the server's fingerprint.
-.. Issue your password when prompted.
-.. Test a few commands in the remote session
-.. The `exit` command should take you back to your first shell in Cygwin.
-. `Exit` should terminate the Cygwin shell.
-=== HBase
-If all previous configurations are working properly, we just need some 
tinkering at the *HBase config* files to properly resolve on Windows/Cygwin. 
All files and paths referenced here start from the HBase `[*installation* 
directory]` as working directory.
-. HBase uses the `./conf/**` to configure its dependencies on the 
runtime environment. Copy and uncomment following lines just underneath their 
original, change them to fit your environemnt. They should read something like: 
-export JAVA_HOME=/usr/local/_jre name_
-. HBase uses the _./conf/`*hbase-default.xml*`_ file for configuration. Some 
properties do not resolve to existing directories because the JVM runs on 
Windows. This is the major issue to keep in mind when working with Cygwin: 
within the shell all paths are *nix-alike, hence relative to the root `/`. 
However, every parameter that is to be consumed within the windows processes 
themself, need to be Windows settings, hence `C:\`-alike. Change following 
propeties in the configuration file, adjusting paths where necessary to conform 
with your own installation:
-.. `hbase.rootdir` must read e.g. `file:///C:/cygwin/root/tmp/hbase/data`
-.. `hbase.tmp.dir` must read `C:/cygwin/root/tmp/hbase/tmp`
-.. `hbase.zookeeper.quorum` must read `` because for some reason 
`localhost` doesn't seem to resolve properly on Cygwin.
-. Make sure the configured `hbase.rootdir` and `hbase.tmp.dir` *directories 
exist* and have the proper* rights* set up e.g. by issuing a `chmod 777` on 
-== Testing
-This should conclude the installation and configuration of Apache HBase on 
Windows using Cygwin. So it's time *to test it*.
-. Start a Cygwin* terminal*, if you haven't already.
-. Change directory to HBase *installation* using `CD 
/usr/local/hbase-_version_`, preferably using auto-completion.
-. *Start HBase* using the command `./bin/`
-.. When prompted to accept the SSH fingerprint, answer `yes`.
-.. When prompted, provide your password. Maybe multiple times.
-.. When the command completes, the HBase server should have started.
-.. However, to be absolutely certain, check the logs in the `./logs` directory 
for any exceptions.
-. Next we *start the HBase shell* using the command `./bin/hbase shell`
-. We run some simple *test commands*
-.. Create a simple table using command `create 'test', 'data'`
-.. Verify the table exists using the command `list`
-.. Insert data into the table using e.g. +
-put 'test', 'row1', 'data:1', 'value1'
-put 'test', 'row2', 'data:2', 'value2'
-put 'test', 'row3', 'data:3', 'value3'
-.. List all rows in the table using the command `scan 'test'` that should list 
all the rows previously inserted. Notice how 3 new columns where added without 
changing the schema!
-.. Finally we get rid of the table by issuing `disable 'test'` followed by 
`drop 'test'` and verified by `list` which should give an empty listing.
-. *Leave the shell* by `exit`
-. To *stop the HBase server* issue the `./bin/` command. And wait 
for it to complete!!! Killing the process might corrupt your data on disk.
-. In case of *problems*,
-.. Verify the HBase logs in the `./logs` directory.
-.. Try to fix the problem
-.. Get help on the forums or IRC (``). People are very 
active and keen to help out!
-.. Stop and retest the server.
-== Conclusion
-Now your *HBase *server is running, *start coding* and build that next killer 
app on this particular, but scalable datastore!
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       <item name="ACID Semantics" href="acid-semantics.html" target="_blank" />
       <item name="Bulk Loads" href="book.html#arch.bulk.load" target="_blank" 
       <item name="Metrics" href="metrics.html" target="_blank" />
-      <item name="HBase on Windows" href="cygwin.html" target="_blank" />
       <item name="Cluster replication" href="book.html#replication" 
target="_blank" />
       <item name="1.2 Documentation">
         <item name="API" href="1.2/apidocs/index.html" target="_blank" />
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deleted file mode 100644
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,245 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-distributed with this work for additional information
-regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-specific language governing permissions and limitations
-under the License.
-<document xmlns="";
-  xmlns:xsi="";
-  xsi:schemaLocation="";>
-  <properties>
-    <title>Installing Apache HBase (TM) on Windows using Cygwin</title>
-  </properties>
-<section name="Introduction">
-<p><a title="HBase project" href=""; 
target="_blank">Apache HBase (TM)</a> is a distributed, column-oriented store, 
modeled after Google's <a title="Google's BigTable" 
target="_blank">BigTable</a>. Apache HBase is built on top of <a title="Hadoop 
project" href="";>Hadoop</a> for its <a title="Hadoop 
MapReduce project" href=""; 
target="_blank">MapReduce </a>and <a title="Hadoop DFS project" 
href="";>distributed file system</a> 
implementation. All these projects are open-source and part of the <a 
title="The Apache Software Foundation" href=""; 
target="_blank">Apache Software Foundation</a>.</p>
-<p style="text-align: justify; ">As being distributed, large scale platforms, 
the Hadoop and HBase projects mainly focus on 
<em><strong>*nix</strong></em><strong> environments</strong> for production 
installations. However, being developed in <strong>Java</strong>, both projects 
are fully <strong>portable</strong> across platforms and, hence, also to the 
<strong>Windows operating system</strong>. For ease of development the projects 
rely on <a title="Cygwin site" href=""; 
target="_blank">Cygwin</a> to have a *nix-like environment on Windows to run 
the shell scripts.</p>
-<section name="Purpose">
-<p style="text-align: justify; ">This document explains the 
<strong>intricacies of running Apache HBase on Windows using Cygwin</strong> as 
an all-in-one single-node installation for testing and development. The HBase 
<a title="HBase Overview" 
 target="_blank">Overview</a> and <a title="HBase QuickStart" 
target="_blank">QuickStart</a> guides on the other hand go a long way in 
explaning how to setup <a title="HBase project" 
href=""; target="_blank">HBase</a> in more complex 
deployment scenario's.</p>
-<section name="Installation">
-<p style="text-align: justify; ">For running Apache HBase on Windows, 3 
technologies are required: <strong>Java, Cygwin and SSH</strong>. The following 
paragraphs detail the installation of each of the aforementioned 
-<section name="Java">
-<p style="text-align: justify; ">HBase depends on the <a title="Java Platform, 
Standard Edition, 6 Release" href=""; 
target="_blank">Java Platform, Standard Edition, 6 Release</a>. So the target 
system has to be provided with at least the Java Runtime Environment (JRE); 
however if the system will also be used for development, the Jave Development 
Kit (JDK) is preferred. You can download the latest versions for both from <a 
title="Java SE Downloads" href=""; 
target="_blank">Sun's download page</a>. Installation is a simple GUI wizard 
that guides you through the process.</p>
-<section name="Cygwin">
-<p style="text-align: justify; ">Cygwin is probably the oddest technology in 
this solution stack. It provides a dynamic link library that emulates most of a 
*nix environment on Windows. On top of that a whole bunch of the most common 
*nix tools are supplied. Combined, the DLL with the tools form a very 
*nix-alike environment on Windows.</p>
-<p style="text-align: justify; ">For installation, Cygwin provides the <a 
title="Cygwin Setup Utility" href=""; 
target="_blank"><strong><code>setup.exe</code> utility</strong></a> that tracks 
the versions of all installed components on the target system and provides the 
mechanism for <strong>installing</strong> or <strong>updating 
</strong>everything from the mirror sites of Cygwin.</p>
-<p style="text-align: justify; ">To support installation, the 
<code>setup.exe</code> utility uses 2 directories on the target system. The 
<strong>Root</strong> directory for Cygwin (defaults to <code>C:\cygwin)</code> 
which will become <code>/</code> within the eventual Cygwin installation; and 
the <strong>Local Package </strong>directory (e.g. <code>C:\cygsetup</code> 
that is the cache where <code>setup.exe</code> stores the packages before they 
are installed. The cache must not be the same folder as the Cygwin root.</p>
-<p style="text-align: justify; ">Perform following steps to install Cygwin, 
which are elaboratly detailed in the <a title="Setting Up Cygwin" 
href=""; target="_self">2nd 
chapter</a> of the <a title="Cygwin User's Guide" 
target="_blank">Cygwin User's Guide</a>:</p>
-<ol style="text-align: justify; ">
-       <li>Make sure you have <code>Administrator</code> privileges on the 
target system.</li>
-       <li>Choose and create you <strong>Root</strong> and <strong>Local 
Package</strong> directories. A good suggestion is to use 
<code>C:\cygwin\root</code> and <code>C:\cygwin\setup</code> folders.</li>
-       <li>Download the <code>setup.exe</code> utility and save it to the 
<strong>Local Package</strong> directory.</li>
-       <li>Run the <code>setup.exe</code> utility,
-       <li>Choose  the <code>Install from Internet</code> option,</li>
-       <li>Choose your <strong>Root</strong> and <strong>Local 
Package</strong> folders</li>
-       <li>and select an appropriate mirror.</li>
-       <li>Don't select any additional packages yet, as we only want to 
install Cygwin for now.</li>
-       <li>Wait for download and install</li>
-       <li>Finish the installation</li>
-       <li>Optionally, you can now also add a shortcut to your Start menu 
pointing to the <code>setup.exe</code> utility in the <strong>Local Package 
-       <li>Add <code>CYGWIN_HOME</code> system-wide environment variable that 
points to your <strong>Root </strong>directory.</li>
-       <li>Add <code>%CYGWIN_HOME%\bin</code> to the end of your 
<code>PATH</code> environment variable.</li>
-       <li>Reboot the sytem after making changes to the environment variables 
otherwise the OS will not be able to find the Cygwin utilities.</li>
-       <li>Test your installation by running your freshly created shortcuts or 
the <code>Cygwin.bat</code> command in the <strong>Root</strong> folder. You 
should end up in a terminal window that is running a <a title="Bash Reference 
Manual" href=""; 
target="_blank">Bash shell</a>. Test the shell by issuing following commands:
-       <li><code>cd /</code> should take you to thr <strong>Root</strong> 
directory in Cygwin;</li>
-       <li>the <code>LS</code> commands that should list all files and folders 
in the current directory.</li>
-       <li>Use the <code>exit</code> command to end the terminal.</li>
-       <li>When needed, to <strong>uninstall</strong> Cygwin you can simply 
delete the <strong>Root</strong> and <strong>Local Package</strong> directory, 
and the <strong>shortcuts</strong> that were created during installation.</li>
-<section name="SSH">
-<p style="text-align: justify; ">HBase (and Hadoop) rely on <a title="Secure 
Shell" href=""; 
target="_blank"><strong>SSH</strong></a> for interprocess/-node 
<strong>communication</strong> and launching<strong> remote commands</strong>. 
SSH will be provisioned on the target system via Cygwin, which supports running 
Cygwin programs as <strong>Windows services</strong>!</p>
-<ol style="text-align: justify; ">
-       <li>Rerun the <code><strong>setup.exe</strong></code><strong> 
-       <li>Leave all parameters as is, skipping through the wizard using the 
<code>Next</code> button until the <code>Select Packages</code> panel is 
-       <li>Maximize the window and click the <code>View</code> button to 
toggle to the list view, which is ordered alfabetically on 
<code>Package</code>, making it easier to find the packages we'll need.</li>
-       <li>Select the following packages by clicking the status word (normally 
<code>Skip</code>) so it's marked for installation. Use the <code>Next 
</code>button to download and install the packages.
-       <li>OpenSSH</li>
-       <li>tcp_wrappers</li>
-       <li>diffutils</li>
-       <li>zlib</li>
-       <li>Wait for the install to complete and finish the installation.</li>
-<section name="HBase">
-<p style="text-align: justify; ">Download the <strong>latest release 
</strong>of Apache HBase from the <a title="HBase Releases" 
href=""; target="_blank">website</a>. 
As the Apache HBase distributable is just a zipped archive, installation is as 
simple as unpacking the archive so it ends up in its final 
<strong>installation</strong> directory. Notice that HBase has to be installed 
in Cygwin and a good directory suggestion is to use <code>/usr/local/</code> 
(or [<code><strong>Root</strong> directory]\usr\local</code> in Windows slang). 
You should end up with a <code>/usr/local/hbase-<em>&lt;version&gt;</em></code> 
installation in Cygwin.</p>
-This finishes installation. We go on with the configuration.
-<section name="Configuration">
-<p style="text-align: justify; ">There are 3 parts left to configure: 
<strong>Java, SSH and HBase</strong> itself. Following paragraphs explain eacht 
topic in detail.</p>
-<section name="Java">
-<p style="text-align: justify; ">One important thing to remember in shell 
scripting in general (i.e. *nix and Windows) is that managing, manipulating and 
assembling path names that contains spaces can be very hard, due to the need to 
escape and quote those characters and strings. So we try to stay away from 
spaces in path names. *nix environments can help us out here very easily by 
using <strong>symbolic links</strong>.</p>
-<ol style="text-align: justify; ">
-       <li style="text-align: justify; ">Create a link in 
<code>/usr/local</code> to the Java home directory by using the following 
command and substituting the name of your chosen Java environment:
-<pre>LN -s /cygdrive/c/Program\ Files/Java/<em>&lt;jre name&gt; 
</em>/usr/local/<em>&lt;jre name&gt;</em></pre>
-       <li>Test your java installation by changing directories to your Java 
folder <code>CD /usr/local/<em>&lt;jre name&gt;</em></code> and issueing the 
command <code>./bin/java -version</code>. This should output your version of 
the chosen JRE.</li>
-<p style="text-align: justify; ">Configuring <strong>SSH </strong>is quite 
elaborate, but primarily a question of launching it by default as a<strong> 
Windows service</strong>.</p>
-<ol style="text-align: justify; ">
-       <li style="text-align: justify; ">On Windows Vista and above make sure 
you run the Cygwin shell with <strong>elevated privileges</strong>, by 
right-clicking on the shortcut an using <code>Run as Administrator</code>.</li>
-       <li style="text-align: justify; ">First of all, we have to make sure 
the <strong>rights on some crucial files</strong> are correct. Use the commands 
underneath. You can verify all rights by using the <code>LS -L</code> command 
on the different files. Also, notice the auto-completion feature in the shell 
using <code>&lt;TAB&gt;</code> is extremely handy in these situations.
-       <li><code>chmod +r /etc/passwd</code> to make the passwords file 
readable for all</li>
-       <li><code>chmod u+w /etc/passwd</code> to make the passwords file 
writable for the owner</li>
-       <li><code>chmod +r /etc/group</code> to make the groups file readable 
for all</li>
-       <li><code>chmod u+w /etc/group</code> to make the groups file writable 
for the owner</li>
-       <li><code>chmod 755 /var</code> to make the var folder writable to 
owner and readable and executable to all</li>
-       <li>Edit the <strong>/etc/hosts.allow</strong> file using your favorite 
editor (why not VI in the shell!) and make sure the following two lines are in 
there before the <code>PARANOID</code> line:
-       <li><code>ALL : localhost : allow</code></li>
-       <li><code>ALL : [::1]/128 : allow</code></li>
-       <li>Next we have to <strong>configure SSH</strong> by using the script 
-       <li>If this script asks to overwrite an existing 
<code>/etc/ssh_config</code>, answer <code>yes</code>.</li>
-       <li>If this script asks to overwrite an existing 
<code>/etc/sshd_config</code>, answer <code>yes</code>.</li>
-       <li>If this script asks to use privilege separation, answer 
-       <li>If this script asks to install <code>sshd</code> as a service, 
answer <code>yes</code>. Make sure you started your shell as Adminstrator!</li>
-       <li>If this script asks for the CYGWIN value, just 
<code>&lt;enter&gt;</code> as the default is <code>ntsec</code>.</li>
-       <li>If this script asks to create the <code>sshd</code> account, answer 
-       <li>If this script asks to use a different user name as service 
account, answer <code>no</code> as the default will suffice.</li>
-       <li>If this script asks to create the <code>cyg_server</code> account, 
answer <code>yes</code>. Enter a password for the account.</li>
-       <li><strong>Start the SSH service</strong> using <code>net start 
sshd</code> or <code>cygrunsrv  --start  sshd</code>. Notice that 
<code>cygrunsrv</code> is the utility that make the process run as a Windows 
service. Confirm that you see a message stating that <code>the CYGWIN sshd 
service  was started succesfully.</code></li>
-       <li>Harmonize Windows and Cygwin<strong> user account</strong> by using 
the commands:
-       <li><code>mkpasswd -cl &gt; /etc/passwd</code></li>
-       <li><code>mkgroup --local &gt; /etc/group</code></li>
-       <li><strong>Test </strong>the installation of SSH:
-       <li>Open a new Cygwin terminal</li>
-       <li>Use the command <code>whoami</code> to verify your userID</li>
-       <li>Issue an <code>ssh localhost</code> to connect to the system itself
-       <li>Answer <code>yes</code> when presented with the server's 
-       <li>Issue your password when prompted</li>
-       <li>test a few commands in the remote session</li>
-       <li>The <code>exit</code> command should take you back to your first 
shell in Cygwin</li>
-       <li><code>Exit</code> should terminate the Cygwin shell.</li>
-<section name="HBase">
-If all previous configurations are working properly, we just need some 
tinkering at the <strong>HBase config</strong> files to properly resolve on 
Windows/Cygwin. All files and paths referenced here start from the HBase 
<code>[<strong>installation</strong> directory]</code> as working directory.
-       <li>HBase uses the <code>./conf/<strong></strong></code> to 
configure its dependencies on the runtime environment. Copy and uncomment 
following lines just underneath their original, change them to fit your 
environemnt. They should read something like:
-       <li><code>export JAVA_HOME=/usr/local/<em>&lt;jre 
-       <li><code>export HBASE_IDENT_STRING=$HOSTNAME</code> as this most 
likely does not inlcude spaces.</li>
-       <li>HBase uses the 
./conf/<code><strong>hbase-default.xml</strong></code> file for configuration. 
Some properties do not resolve to existing directories because the JVM runs on 
Windows. This is the major issue to keep in mind when working with Cygwin: 
within the shell all paths are *nix-alike, hence relative to the root 
<code>/</code>. However, every parameter that is to be consumed within the 
windows processes themself, need to be Windows settings, hence 
<code>C:\</code>-alike. Change following propeties in the configuration file, 
adjusting paths where necessary to conform with your own installation:
-       <li><code>hbase.rootdir</code> must read e.g. 
-       <li><code>hbase.tmp.dir</code> must read 
-       <li><code>hbase.zookeeper.quorum</code> must read 
<code></code> because for some reason <code>localhost</code> doesn't 
seem to resolve properly on Cygwin.</li>
-       <li>Make sure the configured <code>hbase.rootdir</code> and 
<code>hbase.tmp.dir</code> <strong>directories exist</strong> and have the 
proper<strong> rights</strong> set up e.g. by issuing a <code>chmod 777</code> 
on them.</li>
-This should conclude the installation and configuration of Apache HBase on 
Windows using Cygwin. So it's time <strong>to test it</strong>.
-       <li>Start a Cygwin<strong> terminal</strong>, if you haven't 
-       <li>Change directory to HBase <strong>installation</strong> using 
<code>CD /usr/local/hbase-<em>&lt;version&gt;</em></code>, preferably using 
-       <li><strong>Start HBase</strong> using the command 
-       <li>When prompted to accept the SSH fingerprint, answer 
-       <li>When prompted, provide your password. Maybe multiple times.</li>
-       <li>When the command completes, the HBase server should have 
-       <li>However, to be absolutely certain, check the logs in the 
<code>./logs</code> directory for any exceptions.</li>
-       <li>Next we <strong>start the HBase shell</strong> using the command 
<code>./bin/hbase shell</code></li>
-       <li>We run some simple <strong>test commands</strong>
-       <li>Create a simple table using command <code>create 'test', 
-       <li>Verify the table exists using the command <code>list</code></li>
-       <li>Insert data into the table using e.g.
-<pre>put 'test', 'row1', 'data:1', 'value1'
-put 'test', 'row2', 'data:2', 'value2'
-put 'test', 'row3', 'data:3', 'value3'</pre>
-       <li>List all rows in the table using the command <code>scan 
'test'</code> that should list all the rows previously inserted. Notice how 3 
new columns where added without changing the schema!</li>
-       <li>Finally we get rid of the table by issuing <code>disable 
'test'</code> followed by <code>drop 'test'</code> and verified by 
<code>list</code> which should give an empty listing.</li>
-       <li><strong>Leave the shell</strong> by <code>exit</code></li>
-       <li>To <strong>stop the HBase server</strong> issue the 
<code>./bin/</code> command. And wait for it to complete!!! 
Killing the process might corrupt your data on disk.</li>
-       <li>In case of <strong>problems</strong>,
-       <li>verify the HBase logs in the <code>./logs</code> directory.</li>
-       <li>Try to fix the problem</li>
-       <li>Get help on the forums or IRC (<code></code>). 
People are very active and keen to help out!</li>
-       <li>Stopr, restart and retest the server.</li>
-<section name="Conclusion">
-Now your <strong>HBase </strong>server is running, <strong>start 
coding</strong> and build that next killer app on this particular, but scalable 

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