diff --git a/ql/src/test/results/clientpositive/perf/spark/query5.q.out 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..14e0bdb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ql/src/test/results/clientpositive/perf/spark/query5.q.out
@@ -0,0 +1,740 @@
+PREHOOK: query: explain
+with ssr as
+ (select s_store_id,
+        sum(sales_price) as sales,
+        sum(profit) as profit,
+        sum(return_amt) as returns,
+        sum(net_loss) as profit_loss
+ from
+  ( select  ss_store_sk as store_sk,
+            ss_sold_date_sk  as date_sk,
+            ss_ext_sales_price as sales_price,
+            ss_net_profit as profit,
+            cast(0 as decimal(7,2)) as return_amt,
+            cast(0 as decimal(7,2)) as net_loss
+    from store_sales
+    union all
+    select sr_store_sk as store_sk,
+           sr_returned_date_sk as date_sk,
+           cast(0 as decimal(7,2)) as sales_price,
+           cast(0 as decimal(7,2)) as profit,
+           sr_return_amt as return_amt,
+           sr_net_loss as net_loss
+    from store_returns
+   ) salesreturns,
+     date_dim,
+     store
+ where date_sk = d_date_sk
+       and d_date between cast('1998-08-04' as date) 
+                  and (cast('1998-08-04' as date) +  14 days)
+       and store_sk = s_store_sk
+ group by s_store_id)
+ ,
+ csr as
+ (select cp_catalog_page_id,
+        sum(sales_price) as sales,
+        sum(profit) as profit,
+        sum(return_amt) as returns,
+        sum(net_loss) as profit_loss
+ from
+  ( select  cs_catalog_page_sk as page_sk,
+            cs_sold_date_sk  as date_sk,
+            cs_ext_sales_price as sales_price,
+            cs_net_profit as profit,
+            cast(0 as decimal(7,2)) as return_amt,
+            cast(0 as decimal(7,2)) as net_loss
+    from catalog_sales
+    union all
+    select cr_catalog_page_sk as page_sk,
+           cr_returned_date_sk as date_sk,
+           cast(0 as decimal(7,2)) as sales_price,
+           cast(0 as decimal(7,2)) as profit,
+           cr_return_amount as return_amt,
+           cr_net_loss as net_loss
+    from catalog_returns
+   ) salesreturns,
+     date_dim,
+     catalog_page
+ where date_sk = d_date_sk
+       and d_date between cast('1998-08-04' as date)
+                  and (cast('1998-08-04' as date) +  14 days)
+       and page_sk = cp_catalog_page_sk
+ group by cp_catalog_page_id)
+ ,
+ wsr as
+ (select web_site_id,
+        sum(sales_price) as sales,
+        sum(profit) as profit,
+        sum(return_amt) as returns,
+        sum(net_loss) as profit_loss
+ from
+  ( select  ws_web_site_sk as wsr_web_site_sk,
+            ws_sold_date_sk  as date_sk,
+            ws_ext_sales_price as sales_price,
+            ws_net_profit as profit,
+            cast(0 as decimal(7,2)) as return_amt,
+            cast(0 as decimal(7,2)) as net_loss
+    from web_sales
+    union all
+    select ws_web_site_sk as wsr_web_site_sk,
+           wr_returned_date_sk as date_sk,
+           cast(0 as decimal(7,2)) as sales_price,
+           cast(0 as decimal(7,2)) as profit,
+           wr_return_amt as return_amt,
+           wr_net_loss as net_loss
+    from web_returns left outer join web_sales on
+         ( wr_item_sk = ws_item_sk
+           and wr_order_number = ws_order_number)
+   ) salesreturns,
+     date_dim,
+     web_site
+ where date_sk = d_date_sk
+       and d_date between cast('1998-08-04' as date)
+                  and (cast('1998-08-04' as date) +  14 days)
+       and wsr_web_site_sk = web_site_sk
+ group by web_site_id)
+  select  channel
+        , id
+        , sum(sales) as sales
+        , sum(returns) as returns
+        , sum(profit) as profit
+ from 
+ (select 'store channel' as channel
+        , 'store' || s_store_id as id
+        , sales
+        , returns
+        , (profit - profit_loss) as profit
+ from   ssr
+ union all
+ select 'catalog channel' as channel
+        , 'catalog_page' || cp_catalog_page_id as id
+        , sales
+        , returns
+        , (profit - profit_loss) as profit
+ from  csr
+ union all
+ select 'web channel' as channel
+        , 'web_site' || web_site_id as id
+        , sales
+        , returns
+        , (profit - profit_loss) as profit
+ from   wsr
+ ) x
+ group by rollup (channel, id)
+ order by channel
+         ,id
+ limit 100
+POSTHOOK: query: explain
+with ssr as
+ (select s_store_id,
+        sum(sales_price) as sales,
+        sum(profit) as profit,
+        sum(return_amt) as returns,
+        sum(net_loss) as profit_loss
+ from
+  ( select  ss_store_sk as store_sk,
+            ss_sold_date_sk  as date_sk,
+            ss_ext_sales_price as sales_price,
+            ss_net_profit as profit,
+            cast(0 as decimal(7,2)) as return_amt,
+            cast(0 as decimal(7,2)) as net_loss
+    from store_sales
+    union all
+    select sr_store_sk as store_sk,
+           sr_returned_date_sk as date_sk,
+           cast(0 as decimal(7,2)) as sales_price,
+           cast(0 as decimal(7,2)) as profit,
+           sr_return_amt as return_amt,
+           sr_net_loss as net_loss
+    from store_returns
+   ) salesreturns,
+     date_dim,
+     store
+ where date_sk = d_date_sk
+       and d_date between cast('1998-08-04' as date) 
+                  and (cast('1998-08-04' as date) +  14 days)
+       and store_sk = s_store_sk
+ group by s_store_id)
+ ,
+ csr as
+ (select cp_catalog_page_id,
+        sum(sales_price) as sales,
+        sum(profit) as profit,
+        sum(return_amt) as returns,
+        sum(net_loss) as profit_loss
+ from
+  ( select  cs_catalog_page_sk as page_sk,
+            cs_sold_date_sk  as date_sk,
+            cs_ext_sales_price as sales_price,
+            cs_net_profit as profit,
+            cast(0 as decimal(7,2)) as return_amt,
+            cast(0 as decimal(7,2)) as net_loss
+    from catalog_sales
+    union all
+    select cr_catalog_page_sk as page_sk,
+           cr_returned_date_sk as date_sk,
+           cast(0 as decimal(7,2)) as sales_price,
+           cast(0 as decimal(7,2)) as profit,
+           cr_return_amount as return_amt,
+           cr_net_loss as net_loss
+    from catalog_returns
+   ) salesreturns,
+     date_dim,
+     catalog_page
+ where date_sk = d_date_sk
+       and d_date between cast('1998-08-04' as date)
+                  and (cast('1998-08-04' as date) +  14 days)
+       and page_sk = cp_catalog_page_sk
+ group by cp_catalog_page_id)
+ ,
+ wsr as
+ (select web_site_id,
+        sum(sales_price) as sales,
+        sum(profit) as profit,
+        sum(return_amt) as returns,
+        sum(net_loss) as profit_loss
+ from
+  ( select  ws_web_site_sk as wsr_web_site_sk,
+            ws_sold_date_sk  as date_sk,
+            ws_ext_sales_price as sales_price,
+            ws_net_profit as profit,
+            cast(0 as decimal(7,2)) as return_amt,
+            cast(0 as decimal(7,2)) as net_loss
+    from web_sales
+    union all
+    select ws_web_site_sk as wsr_web_site_sk,
+           wr_returned_date_sk as date_sk,
+           cast(0 as decimal(7,2)) as sales_price,
+           cast(0 as decimal(7,2)) as profit,
+           wr_return_amt as return_amt,
+           wr_net_loss as net_loss
+    from web_returns left outer join web_sales on
+         ( wr_item_sk = ws_item_sk
+           and wr_order_number = ws_order_number)
+   ) salesreturns,
+     date_dim,
+     web_site
+ where date_sk = d_date_sk
+       and d_date between cast('1998-08-04' as date)
+                  and (cast('1998-08-04' as date) +  14 days)
+       and wsr_web_site_sk = web_site_sk
+ group by web_site_id)
+  select  channel
+        , id
+        , sum(sales) as sales
+        , sum(returns) as returns
+        , sum(profit) as profit
+ from 
+ (select 'store channel' as channel
+        , 'store' || s_store_id as id
+        , sales
+        , returns
+        , (profit - profit_loss) as profit
+ from   ssr
+ union all
+ select 'catalog channel' as channel
+        , 'catalog_page' || cp_catalog_page_id as id
+        , sales
+        , returns
+        , (profit - profit_loss) as profit
+ from  csr
+ union all
+ select 'web channel' as channel
+        , 'web_site' || web_site_id as id
+        , sales
+        , returns
+        , (profit - profit_loss) as profit
+ from   wsr
+ ) x
+ group by rollup (channel, id)
+ order by channel
+         ,id
+ limit 100
+  Stage-2 is a root stage
+  Stage-3 depends on stages: Stage-2
+  Stage-1 depends on stages: Stage-3
+  Stage-0 depends on stages: Stage-1
+  Stage: Stage-2
+    Spark
+#### A masked pattern was here ####
+      Vertices:
+        Map 8 
+            Map Operator Tree:
+                TableScan
+                  alias: store
+                  Statistics: Num rows: 1704 Data size: 3256276 Basic stats: 
COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                  Filter Operator
+                    predicate: s_store_sk is not null (type: boolean)
+                    Statistics: Num rows: 1704 Data size: 3256276 Basic stats: 
COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                    Select Operator
+                      expressions: s_store_sk (type: int), s_store_id (type: 
+                      outputColumnNames: _col0, _col1
+                      Statistics: Num rows: 1704 Data size: 3256276 Basic 
stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                      Spark HashTable Sink Operator
+                        keys:
+                          0 _col0 (type: int)
+                          1 _col0 (type: int)
+            Local Work:
+              Map Reduce Local Work
+  Stage: Stage-3
+    Spark
+#### A masked pattern was here ####
+      Vertices:
+        Map 23 
+            Map Operator Tree:
+                TableScan
+                  alias: web_site
+                  Statistics: Num rows: 84 Data size: 155408 Basic stats: 
COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                  Filter Operator
+                    predicate: web_site_sk is not null (type: boolean)
+                    Statistics: Num rows: 84 Data size: 155408 Basic stats: 
COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                    Select Operator
+                      expressions: web_site_sk (type: int), web_site_id (type: 
+                      outputColumnNames: _col0, _col1
+                      Statistics: Num rows: 84 Data size: 155408 Basic stats: 
COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                      Spark HashTable Sink Operator
+                        keys:
+                          0 _col0 (type: int)
+                          1 _col0 (type: int)
+            Local Work:
+              Map Reduce Local Work
+  Stage: Stage-1
+    Spark
+      Edges:
+        Reducer 10 <- Map 13 (PARTITION-LEVEL SORT, 329), Map 14 
+        Reducer 11 <- Map 15 (PARTITION-LEVEL SORT, 362), Reducer 10 
+        Reducer 12 <- Reducer 11 (GROUP, 398)
+        Reducer 17 <- Map 14 (PARTITION-LEVEL SORT, 322), Map 16 
+        Reducer 18 <- Reducer 17 (GROUP, 389)
+        Reducer 2 <- Map 1 (PARTITION-LEVEL SORT, 432), Map 6 (PARTITION-LEVEL 
+        Reducer 20 <- Map 19 (PARTITION-LEVEL SORT, 164), Map 21 
+        Reducer 3 <- Reducer 2 (GROUP, 523)
+        Reducer 4 <- Reducer 12 (GROUP, 1009), Reducer 18 (GROUP, 1009), 
Reducer 3 (GROUP, 1009)
+        Reducer 5 <- Reducer 4 (SORT, 1)
+#### A masked pattern was here ####
+      Vertices:
+        Map 1 
+            Map Operator Tree:
+                TableScan
+                  alias: store_sales
+                  Statistics: Num rows: 575995635 Data size: 50814502088 Basic 
stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                  Filter Operator
+                    predicate: (ss_sold_date_sk is not null and ss_store_sk is 
not null) (type: boolean)
+                    Statistics: Num rows: 575995635 Data size: 50814502088 
Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                    Select Operator
+                      expressions: ss_store_sk (type: int), ss_sold_date_sk 
(type: int), ss_ext_sales_price (type: decimal(7,2)), ss_net_profit (type: 
decimal(7,2)), 0 (type: decimal(7,2)), 0 (type: decimal(7,2))
+                      outputColumnNames: _col0, _col1, _col2, _col3, _col4, 
+                      Statistics: Num rows: 575995635 Data size: 50814502088 
Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                      Reduce Output Operator
+                        key expressions: _col1 (type: int)
+                        sort order: +
+                        Map-reduce partition columns: _col1 (type: int)
+                        Statistics: Num rows: 633586785 Data size: 55276696920 
Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                        value expressions: _col0 (type: int), _col2 (type: 
decimal(7,2)), _col3 (type: decimal(7,2)), _col4 (type: decimal(7,2)), _col5 
(type: decimal(7,2))
+        Map 13 
+            Map Operator Tree:
+                TableScan
+                  alias: catalog_returns
+                  Statistics: Num rows: 28798881 Data size: 3057234680 Basic 
stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                  Filter Operator
+                    predicate: (cr_catalog_page_sk is not null and 
cr_returned_date_sk is not null) (type: boolean)
+                    Statistics: Num rows: 28798881 Data size: 3057234680 Basic 
stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                    Select Operator
+                      expressions: cr_catalog_page_sk (type: int), 
cr_returned_date_sk (type: int), 0 (type: decimal(7,2)), 0 (type: 
decimal(7,2)), cr_return_amount (type: decimal(7,2)), cr_net_loss (type: 
+                      outputColumnNames: _col0, _col1, _col2, _col3, _col4, 
+                      Statistics: Num rows: 28798881 Data size: 3057234680 
Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                      Reduce Output Operator
+                        key expressions: _col1 (type: int)
+                        sort order: +
+                        Map-reduce partition columns: _col1 (type: int)
+                        Statistics: Num rows: 316788717 Data size: 42056843632 
Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                        value expressions: _col0 (type: int), _col2 (type: 
decimal(7,2)), _col3 (type: decimal(7,2)), _col4 (type: decimal(7,2)), _col5 
(type: decimal(7,2))
+        Map 14 
+            Map Operator Tree:
+                TableScan
+                  alias: date_dim
+                  Statistics: Num rows: 73049 Data size: 81741831 Basic stats: 
COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                  Filter Operator
+                    predicate: (CAST( d_date AS TIMESTAMP) BETWEEN 1998-08-04 
00:00:00.0 AND 1998-08-18 00:00:00.0 and d_date_sk is not null) (type: boolean)
+                    Statistics: Num rows: 8116 Data size: 9081804 Basic stats: 
COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                    Select Operator
+                      expressions: d_date_sk (type: int)
+                      outputColumnNames: _col0
+                      Statistics: Num rows: 8116 Data size: 9081804 Basic 
stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                      Reduce Output Operator
+                        key expressions: _col0 (type: int)
+                        sort order: +
+                        Map-reduce partition columns: _col0 (type: int)
+                        Statistics: Num rows: 8116 Data size: 9081804 Basic 
stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+        Map 15 
+            Map Operator Tree:
+                TableScan
+                  alias: catalog_page
+                  Statistics: Num rows: 46000 Data size: 21198808 Basic stats: 
COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                  Filter Operator
+                    predicate: cp_catalog_page_sk is not null (type: boolean)
+                    Statistics: Num rows: 46000 Data size: 21198808 Basic 
stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                    Select Operator
+                      expressions: cp_catalog_page_sk (type: int), 
cp_catalog_page_id (type: string)
+                      outputColumnNames: _col0, _col1
+                      Statistics: Num rows: 46000 Data size: 21198808 Basic 
stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                      Reduce Output Operator
+                        key expressions: _col0 (type: int)
+                        sort order: +
+                        Map-reduce partition columns: _col0 (type: int)
+                        Statistics: Num rows: 46000 Data size: 21198808 Basic 
stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                        value expressions: _col1 (type: string)
+        Map 16 
+            Map Operator Tree:
+                TableScan
+                  alias: web_sales
+                  Statistics: Num rows: 144002668 Data size: 19580198212 Basic 
stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                  Filter Operator
+                    predicate: (ws_sold_date_sk is not null and ws_web_site_sk 
is not null) (type: boolean)
+                    Statistics: Num rows: 144002668 Data size: 19580198212 
Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                    Select Operator
+                      expressions: ws_web_site_sk (type: int), ws_sold_date_sk 
(type: int), ws_ext_sales_price (type: decimal(7,2)), ws_net_profit (type: 
decimal(7,2)), 0 (type: decimal(7,2)), 0 (type: decimal(7,2))
+                      outputColumnNames: _col0, _col1, _col2, _col3, _col4, 
+                      Statistics: Num rows: 144002668 Data size: 19580198212 
Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                      Reduce Output Operator
+                        key expressions: _col1 (type: int)
+                        sort order: +
+                        Map-reduce partition columns: _col1 (type: int)
+                        Statistics: Num rows: 302405606 Data size: 41118416712 
Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                        value expressions: _col0 (type: int), _col2 (type: 
decimal(7,2)), _col3 (type: decimal(7,2)), _col4 (type: decimal(7,2)), _col5 
(type: decimal(7,2))
+        Map 19 
+            Map Operator Tree:
+                TableScan
+                  alias: web_sales
+                  Statistics: Num rows: 144002668 Data size: 19580198212 Basic 
stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                  Filter Operator
+                    predicate: (ws_item_sk is not null and ws_order_number is 
not null and ws_web_site_sk is not null) (type: boolean)
+                    Statistics: Num rows: 144002668 Data size: 19580198212 
Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                    Select Operator
+                      expressions: ws_item_sk (type: int), ws_web_site_sk 
(type: int), ws_order_number (type: int)
+                      outputColumnNames: _col0, _col1, _col2
+                      Statistics: Num rows: 144002668 Data size: 19580198212 
Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                      Reduce Output Operator
+                        key expressions: _col0 (type: int), _col2 (type: int)
+                        sort order: ++
+                        Map-reduce partition columns: _col0 (type: int), _col2 
(type: int)
+                        Statistics: Num rows: 144002668 Data size: 19580198212 
Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                        value expressions: _col1 (type: int)
+        Map 21 
+            Map Operator Tree:
+                TableScan
+                  alias: web_returns
+                  Statistics: Num rows: 14398467 Data size: 1325194184 Basic 
stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                  Filter Operator
+                    predicate: (wr_item_sk is not null and wr_order_number is 
not null and wr_returned_date_sk is not null) (type: boolean)
+                    Statistics: Num rows: 14398467 Data size: 1325194184 Basic 
stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                    Select Operator
+                      expressions: wr_returned_date_sk (type: int), wr_item_sk 
(type: int), wr_order_number (type: int), wr_return_amt (type: decimal(7,2)), 
wr_net_loss (type: decimal(7,2))
+                      outputColumnNames: _col0, _col1, _col2, _col3, _col4
+                      Statistics: Num rows: 14398467 Data size: 1325194184 
Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                      Reduce Output Operator
+                        key expressions: _col1 (type: int), _col2 (type: int)
+                        sort order: ++
+                        Map-reduce partition columns: _col1 (type: int), _col2 
(type: int)
+                        Statistics: Num rows: 14398467 Data size: 1325194184 
Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                        value expressions: _col0 (type: int), _col3 (type: 
decimal(7,2)), _col4 (type: decimal(7,2))
+        Map 6 
+            Map Operator Tree:
+                TableScan
+                  alias: store_returns
+                  Statistics: Num rows: 57591150 Data size: 4462194832 Basic 
stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                  Filter Operator
+                    predicate: (sr_returned_date_sk is not null and 
sr_store_sk is not null) (type: boolean)
+                    Statistics: Num rows: 57591150 Data size: 4462194832 Basic 
stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                    Select Operator
+                      expressions: sr_store_sk (type: int), 
sr_returned_date_sk (type: int), 0 (type: decimal(7,2)), 0 (type: 
decimal(7,2)), sr_return_amt (type: decimal(7,2)), sr_net_loss (type: 
+                      outputColumnNames: _col0, _col1, _col2, _col3, _col4, 
+                      Statistics: Num rows: 57591150 Data size: 4462194832 
Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                      Reduce Output Operator
+                        key expressions: _col1 (type: int)
+                        sort order: +
+                        Map-reduce partition columns: _col1 (type: int)
+                        Statistics: Num rows: 633586785 Data size: 55276696920 
Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                        value expressions: _col0 (type: int), _col2 (type: 
decimal(7,2)), _col3 (type: decimal(7,2)), _col4 (type: decimal(7,2)), _col5 
(type: decimal(7,2))
+        Map 7 
+            Map Operator Tree:
+                TableScan
+                  alias: date_dim
+                  Statistics: Num rows: 73049 Data size: 81741831 Basic stats: 
COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                  Filter Operator
+                    predicate: (CAST( d_date AS TIMESTAMP) BETWEEN 1998-08-04 
00:00:00.0 AND 1998-08-18 00:00:00.0 and d_date_sk is not null) (type: boolean)
+                    Statistics: Num rows: 8116 Data size: 9081804 Basic stats: 
COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                    Select Operator
+                      expressions: d_date_sk (type: int)
+                      outputColumnNames: _col0
+                      Statistics: Num rows: 8116 Data size: 9081804 Basic 
stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                      Reduce Output Operator
+                        key expressions: _col0 (type: int)
+                        sort order: +
+                        Map-reduce partition columns: _col0 (type: int)
+                        Statistics: Num rows: 8116 Data size: 9081804 Basic 
stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+        Map 9 
+            Map Operator Tree:
+                TableScan
+                  alias: catalog_sales
+                  Statistics: Num rows: 287989836 Data size: 38999608952 Basic 
stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                  Filter Operator
+                    predicate: (cs_catalog_page_sk is not null and 
cs_sold_date_sk is not null) (type: boolean)
+                    Statistics: Num rows: 287989836 Data size: 38999608952 
Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                    Select Operator
+                      expressions: cs_catalog_page_sk (type: int), 
cs_sold_date_sk (type: int), cs_ext_sales_price (type: decimal(7,2)), 
cs_net_profit (type: decimal(7,2)), 0 (type: decimal(7,2)), 0 (type: 
+                      outputColumnNames: _col0, _col1, _col2, _col3, _col4, 
+                      Statistics: Num rows: 287989836 Data size: 38999608952 
Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                      Reduce Output Operator
+                        key expressions: _col1 (type: int)
+                        sort order: +
+                        Map-reduce partition columns: _col1 (type: int)
+                        Statistics: Num rows: 316788717 Data size: 42056843632 
Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                        value expressions: _col0 (type: int), _col2 (type: 
decimal(7,2)), _col3 (type: decimal(7,2)), _col4 (type: decimal(7,2)), _col5 
(type: decimal(7,2))
+        Reducer 10 
+            Reduce Operator Tree:
+              Join Operator
+                condition map:
+                     Inner Join 0 to 1
+                keys:
+                  0 _col1 (type: int)
+                  1 _col0 (type: int)
+                outputColumnNames: _col0, _col2, _col3, _col4, _col5
+                Statistics: Num rows: 348467596 Data size: 46262528997 Basic 
stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                Reduce Output Operator
+                  key expressions: _col0 (type: int)
+                  sort order: +
+                  Map-reduce partition columns: _col0 (type: int)
+                  Statistics: Num rows: 348467596 Data size: 46262528997 Basic 
stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                  value expressions: _col2 (type: decimal(7,2)), _col3 (type: 
decimal(7,2)), _col4 (type: decimal(7,2)), _col5 (type: decimal(7,2))
+        Reducer 11 
+            Reduce Operator Tree:
+              Join Operator
+                condition map:
+                     Inner Join 0 to 1
+                keys:
+                  0 _col0 (type: int)
+                  1 _col0 (type: int)
+                outputColumnNames: _col2, _col3, _col4, _col5, _col9
+                Statistics: Num rows: 383314363 Data size: 50888782999 Basic 
stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                Group By Operator
+                  aggregations: sum(_col2), sum(_col4), sum(_col3), sum(_col5)
+                  keys: _col9 (type: string)
+                  mode: hash
+                  outputColumnNames: _col0, _col1, _col2, _col3, _col4
+                  Statistics: Num rows: 383314363 Data size: 50888782999 Basic 
stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                  Reduce Output Operator
+                    key expressions: _col0 (type: string)
+                    sort order: +
+                    Map-reduce partition columns: _col0 (type: string)
+                    Statistics: Num rows: 383314363 Data size: 50888782999 
Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                    value expressions: _col1 (type: decimal(17,2)), _col2 
(type: decimal(17,2)), _col3 (type: decimal(17,2)), _col4 (type: decimal(17,2))
+        Reducer 12 
+            Reduce Operator Tree:
+              Group By Operator
+                aggregations: sum(VALUE._col0), sum(VALUE._col1), 
sum(VALUE._col2), sum(VALUE._col3)
+                keys: KEY._col0 (type: string)
+                mode: mergepartial
+                outputColumnNames: _col0, _col1, _col2, _col3, _col4
+                Statistics: Num rows: 191657181 Data size: 25444391433 Basic 
stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                Select Operator
+                  expressions: 'catalog channel' (type: string), 
concat('catalog_page', _col0) (type: string), _col1 (type: decimal(17,2)), 
_col2 (type: decimal(17,2)), (_col3 - _col4) (type: decimal(18,2))
+                  outputColumnNames: _col0, _col1, _col2, _col3, _col4
+                  Statistics: Num rows: 191657181 Data size: 25444391433 Basic 
stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                  Group By Operator
+                    aggregations: sum(_col2), sum(_col3), sum(_col4)
+                    keys: _col0 (type: string), _col1 (type: string), 0 (type: 
+                    mode: hash
+                    outputColumnNames: _col0, _col1, _col2, _col3, _col4, _col5
+                    Statistics: Num rows: 2273797803 Data size: 251290313118 
Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                    Reduce Output Operator
+                      key expressions: _col0 (type: string), _col1 (type: 
string), _col2 (type: int)
+                      sort order: +++
+                      Map-reduce partition columns: _col0 (type: string), 
_col1 (type: string), _col2 (type: int)
+                      Statistics: Num rows: 2273797803 Data size: 251290313118 
Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                      TopN Hash Memory Usage: 0.1
+                      value expressions: _col3 (type: decimal(27,2)), _col4 
(type: decimal(27,2)), _col5 (type: decimal(28,2))
+        Reducer 17 
+            Local Work:
+              Map Reduce Local Work
+            Reduce Operator Tree:
+              Join Operator
+                condition map:
+                     Inner Join 0 to 1
+                keys:
+                  0 _col1 (type: int)
+                  1 _col0 (type: int)
+                outputColumnNames: _col0, _col2, _col3, _col4, _col5
+                Statistics: Num rows: 332646173 Data size: 45230259363 Basic 
stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                Map Join Operator
+                  condition map:
+                       Inner Join 0 to 1
+                  keys:
+                    0 _col0 (type: int)
+                    1 _col0 (type: int)
+                  outputColumnNames: _col2, _col3, _col4, _col5, _col9
+                  input vertices:
+                    1 Map 23
+                  Statistics: Num rows: 365910798 Data size: 49753286377 Basic 
stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                  Group By Operator
+                    aggregations: sum(_col2), sum(_col4), sum(_col3), 
+                    keys: _col9 (type: string)
+                    mode: hash
+                    outputColumnNames: _col0, _col1, _col2, _col3, _col4
+                    Statistics: Num rows: 365910798 Data size: 49753286377 
Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                    Reduce Output Operator
+                      key expressions: _col0 (type: string)
+                      sort order: +
+                      Map-reduce partition columns: _col0 (type: string)
+                      Statistics: Num rows: 365910798 Data size: 49753286377 
Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                      value expressions: _col1 (type: decimal(17,2)), _col2 
(type: decimal(17,2)), _col3 (type: decimal(17,2)), _col4 (type: decimal(17,2))
+        Reducer 18 
+            Reduce Operator Tree:
+              Group By Operator
+                aggregations: sum(VALUE._col0), sum(VALUE._col1), 
sum(VALUE._col2), sum(VALUE._col3)
+                keys: KEY._col0 (type: string)
+                mode: mergepartial
+                outputColumnNames: _col0, _col1, _col2, _col3, _col4
+                Statistics: Num rows: 182955399 Data size: 24876643188 Basic 
stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                Select Operator
+                  expressions: 'web channel' (type: string), 
concat('web_site', _col0) (type: string), _col1 (type: decimal(17,2)), _col2 
(type: decimal(17,2)), (_col3 - _col4) (type: decimal(18,2))
+                  outputColumnNames: _col0, _col1, _col2, _col3, _col4
+                  Statistics: Num rows: 182955399 Data size: 24876643188 Basic 
stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                  Group By Operator
+                    aggregations: sum(_col2), sum(_col3), sum(_col4)
+                    keys: _col0 (type: string), _col1 (type: string), 0 (type: 
+                    mode: hash
+                    outputColumnNames: _col0, _col1, _col2, _col3, _col4, _col5
+                    Statistics: Num rows: 2273797803 Data size: 251290313118 
Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                    Reduce Output Operator
+                      key expressions: _col0 (type: string), _col1 (type: 
string), _col2 (type: int)
+                      sort order: +++
+                      Map-reduce partition columns: _col0 (type: string), 
_col1 (type: string), _col2 (type: int)
+                      Statistics: Num rows: 2273797803 Data size: 251290313118 
Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                      TopN Hash Memory Usage: 0.1
+                      value expressions: _col3 (type: decimal(27,2)), _col4 
(type: decimal(27,2)), _col5 (type: decimal(28,2))
+        Reducer 2 
+            Local Work:
+              Map Reduce Local Work
+            Reduce Operator Tree:
+              Join Operator
+                condition map:
+                     Inner Join 0 to 1
+                keys:
+                  0 _col1 (type: int)
+                  1 _col0 (type: int)
+                outputColumnNames: _col0, _col2, _col3, _col4, _col5
+                Statistics: Num rows: 696945478 Data size: 60804367929 Basic 
stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                Map Join Operator
+                  condition map:
+                       Inner Join 0 to 1
+                  keys:
+                    0 _col0 (type: int)
+                    1 _col0 (type: int)
+                  outputColumnNames: _col2, _col3, _col4, _col5, _col9
+                  input vertices:
+                    1 Map 8
+                  Statistics: Num rows: 766640042 Data size: 66884806171 Basic 
stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                  Group By Operator
+                    aggregations: sum(_col2), sum(_col4), sum(_col3), 
+                    keys: _col9 (type: string)
+                    mode: hash
+                    outputColumnNames: _col0, _col1, _col2, _col3, _col4
+                    Statistics: Num rows: 766640042 Data size: 66884806171 
Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                    Reduce Output Operator
+                      key expressions: _col0 (type: string)
+                      sort order: +
+                      Map-reduce partition columns: _col0 (type: string)
+                      Statistics: Num rows: 766640042 Data size: 66884806171 
Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                      value expressions: _col1 (type: decimal(17,2)), _col2 
(type: decimal(17,2)), _col3 (type: decimal(17,2)), _col4 (type: decimal(17,2))
+        Reducer 20 
+            Reduce Operator Tree:
+              Join Operator
+                condition map:
+                     Inner Join 0 to 1
+                outputColumnNames: _col1, _col3, _col6, _col7
+                Statistics: Num rows: 158402938 Data size: 21538218500 Basic 
stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                Select Operator
+                  expressions: _col1 (type: int), _col3 (type: int), 0 (type: 
decimal(7,2)), 0 (type: decimal(7,2)), _col6 (type: decimal(7,2)), _col7 (type: 
+                  outputColumnNames: _col0, _col1, _col2, _col3, _col4, _col5
+                  Statistics: Num rows: 158402938 Data size: 21538218500 Basic 
stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                  Reduce Output Operator
+                    key expressions: _col1 (type: int)
+                    sort order: +
+                    Map-reduce partition columns: _col1 (type: int)
+                    Statistics: Num rows: 302405606 Data size: 41118416712 
Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                    value expressions: _col0 (type: int), _col2 (type: 
decimal(7,2)), _col3 (type: decimal(7,2)), _col4 (type: decimal(7,2)), _col5 
(type: decimal(7,2))
+        Reducer 3 
+            Reduce Operator Tree:
+              Group By Operator
+                aggregations: sum(VALUE._col0), sum(VALUE._col1), 
sum(VALUE._col2), sum(VALUE._col3)
+                keys: KEY._col0 (type: string)
+                mode: mergepartial
+                outputColumnNames: _col0, _col1, _col2, _col3, _col4
+                Statistics: Num rows: 383320021 Data size: 33442403085 Basic 
stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                Select Operator
+                  expressions: 'store channel' (type: string), concat('store', 
_col0) (type: string), _col1 (type: decimal(17,2)), _col2 (type: 
decimal(17,2)), (_col3 - _col4) (type: decimal(18,2))
+                  outputColumnNames: _col0, _col1, _col2, _col3, _col4
+                  Statistics: Num rows: 383320021 Data size: 33442403085 Basic 
stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                  Group By Operator
+                    aggregations: sum(_col2), sum(_col3), sum(_col4)
+                    keys: _col0 (type: string), _col1 (type: string), 0 (type: 
+                    mode: hash
+                    outputColumnNames: _col0, _col1, _col2, _col3, _col4, _col5
+                    Statistics: Num rows: 2273797803 Data size: 251290313118 
Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                    Reduce Output Operator
+                      key expressions: _col0 (type: string), _col1 (type: 
string), _col2 (type: int)
+                      sort order: +++
+                      Map-reduce partition columns: _col0 (type: string), 
_col1 (type: string), _col2 (type: int)
+                      Statistics: Num rows: 2273797803 Data size: 251290313118 
Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                      TopN Hash Memory Usage: 0.1
+                      value expressions: _col3 (type: decimal(27,2)), _col4 
(type: decimal(27,2)), _col5 (type: decimal(28,2))
+        Reducer 4 
+            Reduce Operator Tree:
+              Group By Operator
+                aggregations: sum(VALUE._col0), sum(VALUE._col1), 
+                keys: KEY._col0 (type: string), KEY._col1 (type: string), 
KEY._col2 (type: int)
+                mode: mergepartial
+                outputColumnNames: _col0, _col1, _col3, _col4, _col5
+                Statistics: Num rows: 1136898901 Data size: 125645156503 Basic 
stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                pruneGroupingSetId: true
+                Select Operator
+                  expressions: _col0 (type: string), _col1 (type: string), 
_col3 (type: decimal(27,2)), _col4 (type: decimal(27,2)), _col5 (type: 
+                  outputColumnNames: _col0, _col1, _col2, _col3, _col4
+                  Statistics: Num rows: 1136898901 Data size: 125645156503 
Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                  Reduce Output Operator
+                    key expressions: _col0 (type: string), _col1 (type: string)
+                    sort order: ++
+                    Statistics: Num rows: 1136898901 Data size: 125645156503 
Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                    TopN Hash Memory Usage: 0.1
+                    value expressions: _col2 (type: decimal(27,2)), _col3 
(type: decimal(27,2)), _col4 (type: decimal(28,2))
+        Reducer 5 
+            Reduce Operator Tree:
+              Select Operator
+                expressions: KEY.reducesinkkey0 (type: string), 
KEY.reducesinkkey1 (type: string), VALUE._col0 (type: decimal(27,2)), 
VALUE._col1 (type: decimal(27,2)), VALUE._col2 (type: decimal(28,2))
+                outputColumnNames: _col0, _col1, _col2, _col3, _col4
+                Statistics: Num rows: 1136898901 Data size: 125645156503 Basic 
stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                Limit
+                  Number of rows: 100
+                  Statistics: Num rows: 100 Data size: 11000 Basic stats: 
COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                  File Output Operator
+                    compressed: false
+                    Statistics: Num rows: 100 Data size: 11000 Basic stats: 
COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                    table:
+                        input format: 
+                        output format:
+                        serde: 
+  Stage: Stage-0
+    Fetch Operator
+      limit: 100
+      Processor Tree:
+        ListSink
diff --git a/ql/src/test/results/clientpositive/perf/spark/query50.q.out 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fde0c4e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ql/src/test/results/clientpositive/perf/spark/query50.q.out
@@ -0,0 +1,333 @@
+PREHOOK: query: explain
+   s_store_name
+  ,s_company_id
+  ,s_street_number
+  ,s_street_name
+  ,s_street_type
+  ,s_suite_number
+  ,s_city
+  ,s_county
+  ,s_state
+  ,s_zip
+  ,sum(case when (sr_returned_date_sk - ss_sold_date_sk <= 30 ) then 1 else 0 
end)  as `30 days` 
+  ,sum(case when (sr_returned_date_sk - ss_sold_date_sk > 30) and 
+                 (sr_returned_date_sk - ss_sold_date_sk <= 60) then 1 else 0 
end )  as `31-60 days` 
+  ,sum(case when (sr_returned_date_sk - ss_sold_date_sk > 60) and 
+                 (sr_returned_date_sk - ss_sold_date_sk <= 90) then 1 else 0 
end)  as `61-90 days` 
+  ,sum(case when (sr_returned_date_sk - ss_sold_date_sk > 90) and
+                 (sr_returned_date_sk - ss_sold_date_sk <= 120) then 1 else 0 
end)  as `91-120 days` 
+  ,sum(case when (sr_returned_date_sk - ss_sold_date_sk  > 120) then 1 else 0 
end)  as `>120 days` 
+   store_sales
+  ,store_returns
+  ,store
+  ,date_dim d1
+  ,date_dim d2
+    d2.d_year = 2000
+and d2.d_moy  = 9
+and ss_ticket_number = sr_ticket_number
+and ss_item_sk = sr_item_sk
+and ss_sold_date_sk   = d1.d_date_sk
+and sr_returned_date_sk   = d2.d_date_sk
+and ss_customer_sk = sr_customer_sk
+and ss_store_sk = s_store_sk
+group by
+   s_store_name
+  ,s_company_id
+  ,s_street_number
+  ,s_street_name
+  ,s_street_type
+  ,s_suite_number
+  ,s_city
+  ,s_county
+  ,s_state
+  ,s_zip
+order by s_store_name
+        ,s_company_id
+        ,s_street_number
+        ,s_street_name
+        ,s_street_type
+        ,s_suite_number
+        ,s_city
+        ,s_county
+        ,s_state
+        ,s_zip
+limit 100
+POSTHOOK: query: explain
+   s_store_name
+  ,s_company_id
+  ,s_street_number
+  ,s_street_name
+  ,s_street_type
+  ,s_suite_number
+  ,s_city
+  ,s_county
+  ,s_state
+  ,s_zip
+  ,sum(case when (sr_returned_date_sk - ss_sold_date_sk <= 30 ) then 1 else 0 
end)  as `30 days` 
+  ,sum(case when (sr_returned_date_sk - ss_sold_date_sk > 30) and 
+                 (sr_returned_date_sk - ss_sold_date_sk <= 60) then 1 else 0 
end )  as `31-60 days` 
+  ,sum(case when (sr_returned_date_sk - ss_sold_date_sk > 60) and 
+                 (sr_returned_date_sk - ss_sold_date_sk <= 90) then 1 else 0 
end)  as `61-90 days` 
+  ,sum(case when (sr_returned_date_sk - ss_sold_date_sk > 90) and
+                 (sr_returned_date_sk - ss_sold_date_sk <= 120) then 1 else 0 
end)  as `91-120 days` 
+  ,sum(case when (sr_returned_date_sk - ss_sold_date_sk  > 120) then 1 else 0 
end)  as `>120 days` 
+   store_sales
+  ,store_returns
+  ,store
+  ,date_dim d1
+  ,date_dim d2
+    d2.d_year = 2000
+and d2.d_moy  = 9
+and ss_ticket_number = sr_ticket_number
+and ss_item_sk = sr_item_sk
+and ss_sold_date_sk   = d1.d_date_sk
+and sr_returned_date_sk   = d2.d_date_sk
+and ss_customer_sk = sr_customer_sk
+and ss_store_sk = s_store_sk
+group by
+   s_store_name
+  ,s_company_id
+  ,s_street_number
+  ,s_street_name
+  ,s_street_type
+  ,s_suite_number
+  ,s_city
+  ,s_county
+  ,s_state
+  ,s_zip
+order by s_store_name
+        ,s_company_id
+        ,s_street_number
+        ,s_street_name
+        ,s_street_type
+        ,s_suite_number
+        ,s_city
+        ,s_county
+        ,s_state
+        ,s_zip
+limit 100
+  Stage-2 is a root stage
+  Stage-1 depends on stages: Stage-2
+  Stage-0 depends on stages: Stage-1
+  Stage: Stage-2
+    Spark
+#### A masked pattern was here ####
+      Vertices:
+        Map 10 
+            Map Operator Tree:
+                TableScan
+                  alias: store
+                  Statistics: Num rows: 1704 Data size: 3256276 Basic stats: 
COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                  Filter Operator
+                    predicate: s_store_sk is not null (type: boolean)
+                    Statistics: Num rows: 1704 Data size: 3256276 Basic stats: 
COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                    Select Operator
+                      expressions: s_store_sk (type: int), s_store_name (type: 
string), s_company_id (type: int), s_street_number (type: string), 
s_street_name (type: string), s_street_type (type: string), s_suite_number 
(type: string), s_city (type: string), s_county (type: string), s_state (type: 
string), s_zip (type: string)
+                      outputColumnNames: _col0, _col1, _col2, _col3, _col4, 
_col5, _col6, _col7, _col8, _col9, _col10
+                      Statistics: Num rows: 1704 Data size: 3256276 Basic 
stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                      Spark HashTable Sink Operator
+                        keys:
+                          0 _col10 (type: int)
+                          1 _col0 (type: int)
+            Local Work:
+              Map Reduce Local Work
+  Stage: Stage-1
+    Spark
+      Edges:
+        Reducer 2 <- Map 1 (PARTITION-LEVEL SORT, 36), Map 7 (PARTITION-LEVEL 
SORT, 36)
+        Reducer 3 <- Map 8 (PARTITION-LEVEL SORT, 436), Reducer 2 
+        Reducer 4 <- Map 9 (PARTITION-LEVEL SORT, 438), Reducer 3 
+        Reducer 5 <- Reducer 4 (GROUP, 529)
+        Reducer 6 <- Reducer 5 (SORT, 1)
+#### A masked pattern was here ####
+      Vertices:
+        Map 1 
+            Map Operator Tree:
+                TableScan
+                  alias: store_returns
+                  Statistics: Num rows: 57591150 Data size: 4462194832 Basic 
stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                  Filter Operator
+                    predicate: (sr_customer_sk is not null and sr_item_sk is 
not null and sr_returned_date_sk is not null and sr_ticket_number is not null) 
(type: boolean)
+                    Statistics: Num rows: 57591150 Data size: 4462194832 Basic 
stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                    Select Operator
+                      expressions: sr_returned_date_sk (type: int), sr_item_sk 
(type: int), sr_customer_sk (type: int), sr_ticket_number (type: int)
+                      outputColumnNames: _col0, _col1, _col2, _col3
+                      Statistics: Num rows: 57591150 Data size: 4462194832 
Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                      Reduce Output Operator
+                        key expressions: _col0 (type: int)
+                        sort order: +
+                        Map-reduce partition columns: _col0 (type: int)
+                        Statistics: Num rows: 57591150 Data size: 4462194832 
Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                        value expressions: _col1 (type: int), _col2 (type: 
int), _col3 (type: int)
+        Map 7 
+            Map Operator Tree:
+                TableScan
+                  alias: d2
+                  Statistics: Num rows: 73049 Data size: 81741831 Basic stats: 
COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                  Filter Operator
+                    predicate: ((d_moy = 9) and (d_year = 2000) and d_date_sk 
is not null) (type: boolean)
+                    Statistics: Num rows: 18262 Data size: 20435178 Basic 
stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                    Select Operator
+                      expressions: d_date_sk (type: int)
+                      outputColumnNames: _col0
+                      Statistics: Num rows: 18262 Data size: 20435178 Basic 
stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                      Reduce Output Operator
+                        key expressions: _col0 (type: int)
+                        sort order: +
+                        Map-reduce partition columns: _col0 (type: int)
+                        Statistics: Num rows: 18262 Data size: 20435178 Basic 
stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+        Map 8 
+            Map Operator Tree:
+                TableScan
+                  alias: store_sales
+                  Statistics: Num rows: 575995635 Data size: 50814502088 Basic 
stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                  Filter Operator
+                    predicate: (ss_customer_sk is not null and ss_item_sk is 
not null and ss_sold_date_sk is not null and ss_store_sk is not null and 
ss_ticket_number is not null) (type: boolean)
+                    Statistics: Num rows: 575995635 Data size: 50814502088 
Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                    Select Operator
+                      expressions: ss_sold_date_sk (type: int), ss_item_sk 
(type: int), ss_customer_sk (type: int), ss_store_sk (type: int), 
ss_ticket_number (type: int)
+                      outputColumnNames: _col0, _col1, _col2, _col3, _col4
+                      Statistics: Num rows: 575995635 Data size: 50814502088 
Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                      Reduce Output Operator
+                        key expressions: _col1 (type: int), _col2 (type: int), 
_col4 (type: int)
+                        sort order: +++
+                        Map-reduce partition columns: _col1 (type: int), _col2 
(type: int), _col4 (type: int)
+                        Statistics: Num rows: 575995635 Data size: 50814502088 
Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                        value expressions: _col0 (type: int), _col3 (type: int)
+        Map 9 
+            Map Operator Tree:
+                TableScan
+                  alias: d1
+                  Statistics: Num rows: 73049 Data size: 81741831 Basic stats: 
COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                  Filter Operator
+                    predicate: d_date_sk is not null (type: boolean)
+                    Statistics: Num rows: 73049 Data size: 81741831 Basic 
stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                    Select Operator
+                      expressions: d_date_sk (type: int)
+                      outputColumnNames: _col0
+                      Statistics: Num rows: 73049 Data size: 81741831 Basic 
stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                      Reduce Output Operator
+                        key expressions: _col0 (type: int)
+                        sort order: +
+                        Map-reduce partition columns: _col0 (type: int)
+                        Statistics: Num rows: 73049 Data size: 81741831 Basic 
stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+        Reducer 2 
+            Reduce Operator Tree:
+              Join Operator
+                condition map:
+                     Inner Join 0 to 1
+                keys:
+                  0 _col0 (type: int)
+                  1 _col0 (type: int)
+                outputColumnNames: _col0, _col1, _col2, _col3
+                Statistics: Num rows: 63350266 Data size: 4908414421 Basic 
stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                Reduce Output Operator
+                  key expressions: _col1 (type: int), _col2 (type: int), _col3 
(type: int)
+                  sort order: +++
+                  Map-reduce partition columns: _col1 (type: int), _col2 
(type: int), _col3 (type: int)
+                  Statistics: Num rows: 63350266 Data size: 4908414421 Basic 
stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                  value expressions: _col0 (type: int)
+        Reducer 3 
+            Reduce Operator Tree:
+              Join Operator
+                condition map:
+                     Inner Join 0 to 1
+                keys:
+                  0 _col1 (type: int), _col2 (type: int), _col3 (type: int)
+                  1 _col1 (type: int), _col2 (type: int), _col4 (type: int)
+                outputColumnNames: _col0, _col7, _col10
+                Statistics: Num rows: 633595212 Data size: 55895953508 Basic 
stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                Reduce Output Operator
+                  key expressions: _col7 (type: int)
+                  sort order: +
+                  Map-reduce partition columns: _col7 (type: int)
+                  Statistics: Num rows: 633595212 Data size: 55895953508 Basic 
stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                  value expressions: _col0 (type: int), _col10 (type: int)
+        Reducer 4 
+            Local Work:
+              Map Reduce Local Work
+            Reduce Operator Tree:
+              Join Operator
+                condition map:
+                     Inner Join 0 to 1
+                keys:
+                  0 _col7 (type: int)
+                  1 _col0 (type: int)
+                outputColumnNames: _col0, _col7, _col10
+                Statistics: Num rows: 696954748 Data size: 61485550191 Basic 
stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                Map Join Operator
+                  condition map:
+                       Inner Join 0 to 1
+                  keys:
+                    0 _col10 (type: int)
+                    1 _col0 (type: int)
+                  outputColumnNames: _col0, _col7, _col14, _col15, _col16, 
_col17, _col18, _col19, _col20, _col21, _col22, _col23
+                  input vertices:
+                    1 Map 10
+                  Statistics: Num rows: 766650239 Data size: 67634106676 Basic 
stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                  Select Operator
+                    expressions: _col14 (type: string), _col15 (type: int), 
_col16 (type: string), _col17 (type: string), _col18 (type: string), _col19 
(type: string), _col20 (type: string), _col21 (type: string), _col22 (type: 
string), _col23 (type: string), CASE WHEN (((_col0 - _col7) <= 30)) THEN (1) 
ELSE (0) END (type: int), CASE WHEN ((((_col0 - _col7) > 30) and ((_col0 - 
_col7) <= 60))) THEN (1) ELSE (0) END (type: int), CASE WHEN ((((_col0 - _col7) 
> 60) and ((_col0 - _col7) <= 90))) THEN (1) ELSE (0) END (type: int), CASE 
WHEN ((((_col0 - _col7) > 90) and ((_col0 - _col7) <= 120))) THEN (1) ELSE (0) 
END (type: int), CASE WHEN (((_col0 - _col7) > 120)) THEN (1) ELSE (0) END 
(type: int)
+                    outputColumnNames: _col0, _col1, _col2, _col3, _col4, 
_col5, _col6, _col7, _col8, _col9, _col10, _col11, _col12, _col13, _col14
+                    Statistics: Num rows: 766650239 Data size: 67634106676 
Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                    Group By Operator
+                      aggregations: sum(_col10), sum(_col11), sum(_col12), 
sum(_col13), sum(_col14)
+                      keys: _col0 (type: string), _col1 (type: int), _col2 
(type: string), _col3 (type: string), _col4 (type: string), _col5 (type: 
string), _col6 (type: string), _col7 (type: string), _col8 (type: string), 
_col9 (type: string)
+                      mode: hash
+                      outputColumnNames: _col0, _col1, _col2, _col3, _col4, 
_col5, _col6, _col7, _col8, _col9, _col10, _col11, _col12, _col13, _col14
+                      Statistics: Num rows: 766650239 Data size: 67634106676 
Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                      Reduce Output Operator
+                        key expressions: _col0 (type: string), _col1 (type: 
int), _col2 (type: string), _col3 (type: string), _col4 (type: string), _col5 
(type: string), _col6 (type: string), _col7 (type: string), _col8 (type: 
string), _col9 (type: string)
+                        sort order: ++++++++++
+                        Map-reduce partition columns: _col0 (type: string), 
_col1 (type: int), _col2 (type: string), _col3 (type: string), _col4 (type: 
string), _col5 (type: string), _col6 (type: string), _col7 (type: string), 
_col8 (type: string), _col9 (type: string)
+                        Statistics: Num rows: 766650239 Data size: 67634106676 
Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                        TopN Hash Memory Usage: 0.1
+                        value expressions: _col10 (type: bigint), _col11 
(type: bigint), _col12 (type: bigint), _col13 (type: bigint), _col14 (type: 
+        Reducer 5 
+            Reduce Operator Tree:
+              Group By Operator
+                aggregations: sum(VALUE._col0), sum(VALUE._col1), 
sum(VALUE._col2), sum(VALUE._col3), sum(VALUE._col4)
+                keys: KEY._col0 (type: string), KEY._col1 (type: int), 
KEY._col2 (type: string), KEY._col3 (type: string), KEY._col4 (type: string), 
KEY._col5 (type: string), KEY._col6 (type: string), KEY._col7 (type: string), 
KEY._col8 (type: string), KEY._col9 (type: string)
+                mode: mergepartial
+                outputColumnNames: _col0, _col1, _col2, _col3, _col4, _col5, 
_col6, _col7, _col8, _col9, _col10, _col11, _col12, _col13, _col14
+                Statistics: Num rows: 383325119 Data size: 33817053293 Basic 
stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                Reduce Output Operator
+                  key expressions: _col0 (type: string), _col1 (type: int), 
_col2 (type: string), _col3 (type: string), _col4 (type: string), _col5 (type: 
string), _col6 (type: string), _col7 (type: string), _col8 (type: string), 
_col9 (type: string)
+                  sort order: ++++++++++
+                  Statistics: Num rows: 383325119 Data size: 33817053293 Basic 
stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                  TopN Hash Memory Usage: 0.1
+                  value expressions: _col10 (type: bigint), _col11 (type: 
bigint), _col12 (type: bigint), _col13 (type: bigint), _col14 (type: bigint)
+        Reducer 6 
+            Reduce Operator Tree:
+              Select Operator
+                expressions: KEY.reducesinkkey0 (type: string), 
KEY.reducesinkkey1 (type: int), KEY.reducesinkkey2 (type: string), 
KEY.reducesinkkey3 (type: string), KEY.reducesinkkey4 (type: string), 
KEY.reducesinkkey5 (type: string), KEY.reducesinkkey6 (type: string), 
KEY.reducesinkkey7 (type: string), KEY.reducesinkkey8 (type: string), 
KEY.reducesinkkey9 (type: string), VALUE._col0 (type: bigint), VALUE._col1 
(type: bigint), VALUE._col2 (type: bigint), VALUE._col3 (type: bigint), 
VALUE._col4 (type: bigint)
+                outputColumnNames: _col0, _col1, _col2, _col3, _col4, _col5, 
_col6, _col7, _col8, _col9, _col10, _col11, _col12, _col13, _col14
+                Statistics: Num rows: 383325119 Data size: 33817053293 Basic 
stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                Limit
+                  Number of rows: 100
+                  Statistics: Num rows: 100 Data size: 8800 Basic stats: 
COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                  File Output Operator
+                    compressed: false
+                    Statistics: Num rows: 100 Data size: 8800 Basic stats: 
COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                    table:
+                        input format: 
+                        output format:
+                        serde: 
+  Stage: Stage-0
+    Fetch Operator
+      limit: 100
+      Processor Tree:
+        ListSink
diff --git a/ql/src/test/results/clientpositive/perf/spark/query51.q.out 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4a13589
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ql/src/test/results/clientpositive/perf/spark/query51.q.out
@@ -0,0 +1,383 @@
+PREHOOK: query: explain
+WITH web_v1 as (
+  ws_item_sk item_sk, d_date,
+  sum(sum(ws_sales_price))
+      over (partition by ws_item_sk order by d_date rows between unbounded 
preceding and current row) cume_sales
+from web_sales
+    ,date_dim
+where ws_sold_date_sk=d_date_sk
+  and d_month_seq between 1212 and 1212+11
+  and ws_item_sk is not NULL
+group by ws_item_sk, d_date),
+store_v1 as (
+  ss_item_sk item_sk, d_date,
+  sum(sum(ss_sales_price))
+      over (partition by ss_item_sk order by d_date rows between unbounded 
preceding and current row) cume_sales
+from store_sales
+    ,date_dim
+where ss_sold_date_sk=d_date_sk
+  and d_month_seq between 1212 and 1212+11
+  and ss_item_sk is not NULL
+group by ss_item_sk, d_date)
+ select  *
+from (select item_sk
+     ,d_date
+     ,web_sales
+     ,store_sales
+     ,max(web_sales)
+         over (partition by item_sk order by d_date rows between unbounded 
preceding and current row) web_cumulative
+     ,max(store_sales)
+         over (partition by item_sk order by d_date rows between unbounded 
preceding and current row) store_cumulative
+     from (select case when web.item_sk is not null then web.item_sk else 
store.item_sk end item_sk
+                 ,case when web.d_date is not null then web.d_date else 
store.d_date end d_date
+                 ,web.cume_sales web_sales
+                 ,store.cume_sales store_sales
+           from web_v1 web full outer join store_v1 store on (web.item_sk = 
+                                                          and web.d_date = 
+          )x )y
+where web_cumulative > store_cumulative
+order by item_sk
+        ,d_date
+limit 100
+POSTHOOK: query: explain
+WITH web_v1 as (
+  ws_item_sk item_sk, d_date,
+  sum(sum(ws_sales_price))
+      over (partition by ws_item_sk order by d_date rows between unbounded 
preceding and current row) cume_sales
+from web_sales
+    ,date_dim
+where ws_sold_date_sk=d_date_sk
+  and d_month_seq between 1212 and 1212+11
+  and ws_item_sk is not NULL
+group by ws_item_sk, d_date),
+store_v1 as (
+  ss_item_sk item_sk, d_date,
+  sum(sum(ss_sales_price))
+      over (partition by ss_item_sk order by d_date rows between unbounded 
preceding and current row) cume_sales
+from store_sales
+    ,date_dim
+where ss_sold_date_sk=d_date_sk
+  and d_month_seq between 1212 and 1212+11
+  and ss_item_sk is not NULL
+group by ss_item_sk, d_date)
+ select  *
+from (select item_sk
+     ,d_date
+     ,web_sales
+     ,store_sales
+     ,max(web_sales)
+         over (partition by item_sk order by d_date rows between unbounded 
preceding and current row) web_cumulative
+     ,max(store_sales)
+         over (partition by item_sk order by d_date rows between unbounded 
preceding and current row) store_cumulative
+     from (select case when web.item_sk is not null then web.item_sk else 
store.item_sk end item_sk
+                 ,case when web.d_date is not null then web.d_date else 
store.d_date end d_date
+                 ,web.cume_sales web_sales
+                 ,store.cume_sales store_sales
+           from web_v1 web full outer join store_v1 store on (web.item_sk = 
+                                                          and web.d_date = 
+          )x )y
+where web_cumulative > store_cumulative
+order by item_sk
+        ,d_date
+limit 100
+  Stage-2 is a root stage
+  Stage-3 depends on stages: Stage-2
+  Stage-1 depends on stages: Stage-3
+  Stage-0 depends on stages: Stage-1
+  Stage: Stage-2
+    Spark
+#### A masked pattern was here ####
+      Vertices:
+        Map 6 
+            Map Operator Tree:
+                TableScan
+                  alias: date_dim
+                  Statistics: Num rows: 73049 Data size: 81741831 Basic stats: 
COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                  Filter Operator
+                    predicate: (d_date_sk is not null and d_month_seq BETWEEN 
1212 AND 1223) (type: boolean)
+                    Statistics: Num rows: 8116 Data size: 9081804 Basic stats: 
COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                    Select Operator
+                      expressions: d_date_sk (type: int), d_date (type: string)
+                      outputColumnNames: _col0, _col1
+                      Statistics: Num rows: 8116 Data size: 9081804 Basic 
stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                      Spark HashTable Sink Operator
+                        keys:
+                          0 _col0 (type: int)
+                          1 _col0 (type: int)
+            Local Work:
+              Map Reduce Local Work
+  Stage: Stage-3
+    Spark
+#### A masked pattern was here ####
+      Vertices:
+        Map 9 
+            Map Operator Tree:
+                TableScan
+                  alias: date_dim
+                  Statistics: Num rows: 73049 Data size: 81741831 Basic stats: 
COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                  Filter Operator
+                    predicate: (d_date_sk is not null and d_month_seq BETWEEN 
1212 AND 1223) (type: boolean)
+                    Statistics: Num rows: 8116 Data size: 9081804 Basic stats: 
COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                    Select Operator
+                      expressions: d_date_sk (type: int), d_date (type: string)
+                      outputColumnNames: _col0, _col1
+                      Statistics: Num rows: 8116 Data size: 9081804 Basic 
stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                      Spark HashTable Sink Operator
+                        keys:
+                          0 _col0 (type: int)
+                          1 _col0 (type: int)
+            Local Work:
+              Map Reduce Local Work
+  Stage: Stage-1
+    Spark
+      Edges:
+        Reducer 2 <- Map 1 (GROUP PARTITION-LEVEL SORT, 437)
+        Reducer 3 <- Reducer 2 (PARTITION-LEVEL SORT, 303), Reducer 8 
+        Reducer 4 <- Reducer 3 (PARTITION-LEVEL SORT, 241)
+        Reducer 5 <- Reducer 4 (SORT, 1)
+        Reducer 8 <- Map 7 (GROUP PARTITION-LEVEL SORT, 169)
+#### A masked pattern was here ####
+      Vertices:
+        Map 1 
+            Map Operator Tree:
+                TableScan
+                  alias: store_sales
+                  Statistics: Num rows: 575995635 Data size: 50814502088 Basic 
stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                  Filter Operator
+                    predicate: (ss_item_sk is not null and ss_sold_date_sk is 
not null) (type: boolean)
+                    Statistics: Num rows: 575995635 Data size: 50814502088 
Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                    Select Operator
+                      expressions: ss_sold_date_sk (type: int), ss_item_sk 
(type: int), ss_sales_price (type: decimal(7,2))
+                      outputColumnNames: _col0, _col1, _col2
+                      Statistics: Num rows: 575995635 Data size: 50814502088 
Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                      Map Join Operator
+                        condition map:
+                             Inner Join 0 to 1
+                        keys:
+                          0 _col0 (type: int)
+                          1 _col0 (type: int)
+                        outputColumnNames: _col1, _col2, _col4
+                        input vertices:
+                          1 Map 6
+                        Statistics: Num rows: 633595212 Data size: 55895953508 
Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                        Group By Operator
+                          aggregations: sum(_col2)
+                          keys: _col1 (type: int), _col4 (type: string)
+                          mode: hash
+                          outputColumnNames: _col0, _col1, _col2
+                          Statistics: Num rows: 633595212 Data size: 
55895953508 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                          Reduce Output Operator
+                            key expressions: _col0 (type: int), _col1 (type: 
+                            sort order: ++
+                            Map-reduce partition columns: _col0 (type: int)
+                            Statistics: Num rows: 633595212 Data size: 
55895953508 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                            value expressions: _col2 (type: decimal(17,2))
+            Local Work:
+              Map Reduce Local Work
+        Map 7 
+            Map Operator Tree:
+                TableScan
+                  alias: web_sales
+                  Statistics: Num rows: 144002668 Data size: 19580198212 Basic 
stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                  Filter Operator
+                    predicate: (ws_item_sk is not null and ws_sold_date_sk is 
not null) (type: boolean)
+                    Statistics: Num rows: 144002668 Data size: 19580198212 
Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                    Select Operator
+                      expressions: ws_sold_date_sk (type: int), ws_item_sk 
(type: int), ws_sales_price (type: decimal(7,2))
+                      outputColumnNames: _col0, _col1, _col2
+                      Statistics: Num rows: 144002668 Data size: 19580198212 
Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                      Map Join Operator
+                        condition map:
+                             Inner Join 0 to 1
+                        keys:
+                          0 _col0 (type: int)
+                          1 _col0 (type: int)
+                        outputColumnNames: _col1, _col2, _col4
+                        input vertices:
+                          1 Map 9
+                        Statistics: Num rows: 158402938 Data size: 21538218500 
Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                        Group By Operator
+                          aggregations: sum(_col2)
+                          keys: _col1 (type: int), _col4 (type: string)
+                          mode: hash
+                          outputColumnNames: _col0, _col1, _col2
+                          Statistics: Num rows: 158402938 Data size: 
21538218500 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                          Reduce Output Operator
+                            key expressions: _col0 (type: int), _col1 (type: 
+                            sort order: ++
+                            Map-reduce partition columns: _col0 (type: int)
+                            Statistics: Num rows: 158402938 Data size: 
21538218500 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                            value expressions: _col2 (type: decimal(17,2))
+            Local Work:
+              Map Reduce Local Work
+        Reducer 2 
+            Reduce Operator Tree:
+              Group By Operator
+                aggregations: sum(VALUE._col0)
+                keys: KEY._col0 (type: int), KEY._col1 (type: string)
+                mode: mergepartial
+                outputColumnNames: _col0, _col1, _col2
+                Statistics: Num rows: 316797606 Data size: 27947976754 Basic 
stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                PTF Operator
+                  Function definitions:
+                      Input definition
+                        input alias: ptf_0
+                        output shape: _col0: int, _col1: string, _col2: 
+                        type: WINDOWING
+                      Windowing table definition
+                        input alias: ptf_1
+                        name: windowingtablefunction
+                        order by: _col1 ASC NULLS FIRST
+                        partition by: _col0
+                        raw input shape:
+                        window functions:
+                            window function definition
+                              alias: sum_window_0
+                              arguments: _col2
+                              name: sum
+                              window function: GenericUDAFSumHiveDecimal
+                              window frame: ROWS PRECEDING(MAX)~CURRENT
+                  Statistics: Num rows: 316797606 Data size: 27947976754 Basic 
stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                  Select Operator
+                    expressions: _col0 (type: int), _col1 (type: string), 
sum_window_0 (type: decimal(27,2))
+                    outputColumnNames: _col0, _col1, _col2
+                    Statistics: Num rows: 316797606 Data size: 27947976754 
Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                    Reduce Output Operator
+                      key expressions: _col0 (type: int), _col1 (type: string)
+                      sort order: ++
+                      Map-reduce partition columns: _col0 (type: int), _col1 
(type: string)
+                      Statistics: Num rows: 316797606 Data size: 27947976754 
Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                      value expressions: _col2 (type: decimal(27,2))
+        Reducer 3 
+            Reduce Operator Tree:
+              Join Operator
+                condition map:
+                     Outer Join 0 to 1
+                keys:
+                  0 _col0 (type: int), _col1 (type: string)
+                  1 _col0 (type: int), _col1 (type: string)
+                outputColumnNames: _col0, _col1, _col2, _col3, _col4, _col5
+                Statistics: Num rows: 348477374 Data size: 30742775095 Basic 
stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                Reduce Output Operator
+                  key expressions: CASE WHEN (_col3 is not null) THEN (_col3) 
ELSE (_col0) END (type: int), CASE WHEN (_col4 is not null) THEN (_col4) ELSE 
(_col1) END (type: string)
+                  sort order: ++
+                  Map-reduce partition columns: CASE WHEN (_col3 is not null) 
THEN (_col3) ELSE (_col0) END (type: int)
+                  Statistics: Num rows: 348477374 Data size: 30742775095 Basic 
stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                  value expressions: _col0 (type: int), _col1 (type: string), 
_col2 (type: decimal(27,2)), _col3 (type: int), _col4 (type: string), _col5 
(type: decimal(27,2))
+        Reducer 4 
+            Reduce Operator Tree:
+              Select Operator
+                expressions: VALUE._col0 (type: int), VALUE._col1 (type: 
string), VALUE._col2 (type: decimal(27,2)), VALUE._col3 (type: int), 
VALUE._col4 (type: string), VALUE._col5 (type: decimal(27,2))
+                outputColumnNames: _col0, _col1, _col2, _col3, _col4, _col5
+                Statistics: Num rows: 348477374 Data size: 30742775095 Basic 
stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                PTF Operator
+                  Function definitions:
+                      Input definition
+                        input alias: ptf_0
+                        output shape: _col0: int, _col1: string, _col2: 
decimal(27,2), _col3: int, _col4: string, _col5: decimal(27,2)
+                        type: WINDOWING
+                      Windowing table definition
+                        input alias: ptf_1
+                        name: windowingtablefunction
+                        order by: CASE WHEN (_col4 is not null) THEN (_col4) 
+                        partition by: CASE WHEN (_col3 is not null) THEN 
(_col3) ELSE (_col0) END
+                        raw input shape:
+                        window functions:
+                            window function definition
+                              alias: max_window_0
+                              arguments: _col5
+                              name: max
+                              window function: GenericUDAFMaxEvaluator
+                              window frame: ROWS PRECEDING(MAX)~CURRENT
+                            window function definition
+                              alias: max_window_1
+                              arguments: _col2
+                              name: max
+                              window function: GenericUDAFMaxEvaluator
+                              window frame: ROWS PRECEDING(MAX)~CURRENT
+                  Statistics: Num rows: 348477374 Data size: 30742775095 Basic 
stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                  Filter Operator
+                    predicate: (max_window_0 > max_window_1) (type: boolean)
+                    Statistics: Num rows: 116159124 Data size: 10247591639 
Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                    Select Operator
+                      expressions: CASE WHEN (_col3 is not null) THEN (_col3) 
ELSE (_col0) END (type: int), CASE WHEN (_col4 is not null) THEN (_col4) ELSE 
(_col1) END (type: string), _col5 (type: decimal(27,2)), _col2 (type: 
decimal(27,2)), max_window_0 (type: decimal(27,2)), max_window_1 (type: 
+                      outputColumnNames: _col0, _col1, _col2, _col3, _col4, 
+                      Statistics: Num rows: 116159124 Data size: 10247591639 
Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                      Reduce Output Operator
+                        key expressions: _col0 (type: int), _col1 (type: 
+                        sort order: ++
+                        Statistics: Num rows: 116159124 Data size: 10247591639 
Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                        TopN Hash Memory Usage: 0.1
+                        value expressions: _col2 (type: decimal(27,2)), _col3 
(type: decimal(27,2)), _col4 (type: decimal(27,2)), _col5 (type: decimal(27,2))
+        Reducer 5 
+            Reduce Operator Tree:
+              Select Operator
+                expressions: KEY.reducesinkkey0 (type: int), 
KEY.reducesinkkey1 (type: string), VALUE._col0 (type: decimal(27,2)), 
VALUE._col1 (type: decimal(27,2)), VALUE._col2 (type: decimal(27,2)), 
VALUE._col3 (type: decimal(27,2))
+                outputColumnNames: _col0, _col1, _col2, _col3, _col4, _col5
+                Statistics: Num rows: 116159124 Data size: 10247591639 Basic 
stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                Limit
+                  Number of rows: 100
+                  Statistics: Num rows: 100 Data size: 8800 Basic stats: 
COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                  File Output Operator
+                    compressed: false
+                    Statistics: Num rows: 100 Data size: 8800 Basic stats: 
COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                    table:
+                        input format: 
+                        output format:
+                        serde: 
+        Reducer 8 
+            Reduce Operator Tree:
+              Group By Operator
+                aggregations: sum(VALUE._col0)
+                keys: KEY._col0 (type: int), KEY._col1 (type: string)
+                mode: mergepartial
+                outputColumnNames: _col0, _col1, _col2
+                Statistics: Num rows: 79201469 Data size: 10769109250 Basic 
stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                PTF Operator
+                  Function definitions:
+                      Input definition
+                        input alias: ptf_0
+                        output shape: _col0: int, _col1: string, _col2: 
+                        type: WINDOWING
+                      Windowing table definition
+                        input alias: ptf_1
+                        name: windowingtablefunction
+                        order by: _col1 ASC NULLS FIRST
+                        partition by: _col0
+                        raw input shape:
+                        window functions:
+                            window function definition
+                              alias: sum_window_0
+                              arguments: _col2
+                              name: sum
+                              window function: GenericUDAFSumHiveDecimal
+                              window frame: ROWS PRECEDING(MAX)~CURRENT
+                  Statistics: Num rows: 79201469 Data size: 10769109250 Basic 
stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                  Select Operator
+                    expressions: _col0 (type: int), _col1 (type: string), 
sum_window_0 (type: decimal(27,2))
+                    outputColumnNames: _col0, _col1, _col2
+                    Statistics: Num rows: 79201469 Data size: 10769109250 
Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                    Reduce Output Operator
+                      key expressions: _col0 (type: int), _col1 (type: string)
+                      sort order: ++
+                      Map-reduce partition columns: _col0 (type: int), _col1 
(type: string)
+                      Statistics: Num rows: 79201469 Data size: 10769109250 
Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                      value expressions: _col2 (type: decimal(27,2))
+  Stage: Stage-0
+    Fetch Operator
+      limit: 100
+      Processor Tree:
+        ListSink

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